-(+)- Faction 13: House Guard -(+)-


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Faction 13.png


Faction 13 exists as the thirteenth division of the Rainbow Company, a collective of varying sizes of mercenary factions owned and maintained by House dei Termini. The idea behind Rainbow Company began as the dei Termini influence and banking clan grew, resulting in a need to protect varying investments and physical institutions. As time passed, the dei Termini saw that having several mercenary factions only proved to cause financial strain as home defense was not entirely imperative, as such they leased several factions to their business partners and allies to serve their varying interests. At the height of their power, Rainbow Company possessed fourteen different mercenary factions with a member total close to seventy-seven across all factions. In current times this number has dropped to twelve factions and roughly forty-two members, until recently.

With the previous twelve factions of Rainbow Company on different assignments, there exists a need for a dedicated branch within the capital of the Regalian Empire. This branch is simply known as Faction 13, making them the thirteenth division of the Rainbow Company. It's purpose is to carry out the tasks the House dei Termini requires them, including but not limited to guard work and other, more private affairs that allow Faction 13 members to carry out odd tasks at the request of discretion and efficiency.

Faction 13 differs from the other twelve factions of Rainbow Company in that it is a House Guard and adheres to the House Guard rules, not mercenary rules. These rules are as follows:

  • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armor of any kind. (arms/neck/head may not be armored)
  • Rights to wear a chain-mail skirt/hip-guard, no further armor above cured leather. (legs/feet/neck may not be armored)
  • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade.
  • The right to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression.
  • The right to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles.
  • The right to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities.
An extension of this is that Faction 13 also follows the same doctrine as the rest of Rainbow Company, in that they are capable of being leased out to others for private usage. This usage can apply to event guarding, personal guarding, or possible other tasks that may be discussed should Faction 13 be leased. Faction 13 is limited in that aspect in that only other nobility are capable of hiring them, as to adhere to the rules of being a House Guard.

Primary weapon usage of Faction 13 is the Drixon Spear. Membership does not require it as being trained in using the spear effectively is a simple process. Use of other weaponry is permitted as the dei Termini believe that trained fighters are more efficient than standing pawns.

Faction 13 is presently lead by Deo dei Termini @Mortisian as he maintains all operations for the functioning of Rainbow Company as a whole. Any questions regarding leasing Faction 13 or for an application into the House Guard are to be submitted to him or the patriarch, Giovanni dei Termini @Wumpatron

The application process for joining Faction 13 is simple. Below will be the format, however starting a forum conversation with either @Mortisian or @Wumpatron is acceptable, as well as IG communication between characters.

Fac 13 App.png

Character Name:
Previous Jails IC/OOC:
Skype Access: Yes/No
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:
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IGN: Jovee
Character Name: Jaren Landvik
Previous Jails IC/OOC: "Fort Loyalty" happened, but other than that, no.
References: @Pauleen @Viktar @Rinus @Honeyrnoon
Skype Access: Yes [ izlekkian ]
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

[The handiwork in the letter is rather exquisite and likely not scribed by a brutish mercenary.]


I'm writing this in regards to your Faction XIII recruitment. You and I have never met formally, but I would appreciate it if you and I could sit down sometime and discuss your organization; perhaps even discuss where I may fit amongst your group. Regardless, I tend to let my skill do the talking. Have you the need for a reliable sword-arm, I assure you, I won't disappoint.
Jaren Landvik
IGN: Jovee
Character Name: Jaren Landvik
Previous Jails IC/OOC: "Fort Loyalty" happened, but other than that, no.
References: @Pauleen @Viktar @Rinus @Honeyrnoon
Skype Access: Yes [ izlekkian ]
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

[The handiwork in the letter is rather exquisite and likely not scribed by a brutish mercenary.]


I'm writing this in regards to your Faction XIII recruitment. You and I have never met formally, but I would appreciate it if you and I could sit down sometime and discuss your organization; perhaps even discuss where I may fit amongst your group. Regardless, I tend to let my skill do the talking. Have you the need for a reliable sword-arm, I assure you, I won't disappoint.
Jaren Landvik

To the Mr Landvik,
A pleasure truly to have you requesting entry. Let us meet as soon as capable and let my decision be made final at that time and place.
Colonel Deo dei Termini

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IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name:Tiberius Celyreos
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None.
References: @Mortisian @BeashSlap
Skype Access: Yes/No Yep
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini: Dear Lord Deo, I am interested in joining your faction, for I have spoke to you about this and we have already agreed on my service.
Spirit Guide.
Tiberius Celyreos.​
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name:Tiberius Celyreos
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None.
References: @Mortisian @BeashSlap
Skype Access: Yes/No Yep
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini: Dear Lord Deo, I am interested in joining your faction, for I have spoke to you about this and we have already agreed on my service.
Spirit Guide.
Tiberius Celyreos.​

May your training and Rehabilitation spur a positive drive forward, Welcome to Faction 13.
Colonel Deo dei Termini

Two questions
1. What defines "Military grade" weaponry
2. Is Discord an acceptable substitute for Skype?
Two questions
1. What defines "Military grade" weaponry
2. Is Discord an acceptable substitute for Skype?

1: Military Grade is anything not readily available for purchase from a common blacksmith store. I'll find the link in a short moment.(Update) No direct link was found so I will suffice to say the uniform and issued armaments are within Imperial Regulations.

2:Discord is an acceptable Alternative.
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1: Military Grade is anything not readily available for purchase from a common blacksmith store. I'll find the link in a short moment.

2:Discord is an acceptable Alternative.
Aye. Once I get that link, I might join up.
Thank you very much for being so prompt and helpful.
Aye. Once I get that link, I might join up.
Thank you very much for being so prompt and helpful.

My pleasure, I updated the previous post with the answer, I will do more digging as I get home to provide you with a more solid answer.
Faction Thirteen shall be deployed to ensure the safety of the Termini Auction! All be praised!!
IGN: TheRedSentinel
Character Name: Gideon Andre Hackett
Previous Jails IC/OOC: Nay, just that one time the Ravenstad guard was interrogated, ah good ole crime of association
References:@AtticCat @GoldWolfGaming @Daekon
Skype Access: Yes
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

My fair and loving Lord, Upon our previous conversation I submit to thee myself for my service as your personal guard.

Gideon Andre Hackett
IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Anna Caladwen
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None so far
References: @XPONCEFTWX
Skype Access: Yes
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Deo Dei Termini,

We spoke only momentarily, but I was informed you'd like to speak with me privately, I look forward to this meeting with you once again.

Best Regards,
Anna Simone Caladwen
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IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Cipactli Coyotl
Previous Jails IC/OOC: Nope, not with this char
References: @Mortisian @Ringo0310 @NightLight12 @ArtisticPlanet & more!
Skype Access: Yes/No
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:
We spoke IC

To the Mr. Coyotl,
Due to the fact that I hardly know of you and your capabilities. I will put you on a trial run period of 3 Weeks. Within these three weeks you will do your best to show to me that you are capable of displaying the following traits, in honor of good service.
  1. Honor
  2. Duty
  3. Respect
  4. Loyalty
  5. Civility
  6. Humility
Once you showcase these things to me you will become a full fledged member of the House Guard.

Lord Deo dei Termini
Commandante dei Faction XIII
(Pending IC interaction)
IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Anna Caladwen
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None so far
References: @XPONCEFTWX
Skype Access: Yes
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Deo Dei Termini,

We spoke only momentarily, but I was informed you'd like to speak with me privately, I look forward to this meeting with you once again.

Best Regards,
Anna Simone Caladwen

To the spirited Ms. Caladwen,

Of course, sometime tomorrow or throughout the week should I be available and you be free simply find me and we shall discuss. I will likely be in the Golden Willow, The Carwell Joust, and various other effects to that nature throughout the week.

Lord Deo dei Termini
Commandante dei Faction XIII
(Pending Finalized IC interaction)
IGN: Jehkobas
Character Name: Bjarke Haugfra
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None.
References: @Mortisian
Skype Access: Yes/No
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

[The script in the letter would be crude common.]

Hail, Lord Deo dei Termini,

I'm marking this letter in regards to your recruitment offerings for Faction XIII. I've since returned from long travels and have returned to Regalia to seek honest and fair work. I've history with work as a house guard. If possible I'd like to meet over a drink and discuss a possible position among your ranks.

Bjarke Haugfra

To the mighty Mr. Haugfra,

Of course, sometime tomorrow or throughout the week should I be available and you be free simply find me and we shall discuss. I will likely be in the Golden Willow, The Carwell Joust, and various other effects to that nature throughout the week.

Lord Deo dei Termini
Commandante dei Faction XIII
(Pending Finalized IC interaction)
1: Military Grade is anything not readily available for purchase from a common blacksmith store. I'll find the link in a short moment.(Update) No direct link was found so I will suffice to say the uniform and issued armaments are within Imperial Regulations.

2:Discord is an acceptable Alternative.
I believe military grade weapons are weapons such as crossbows and pikes, which are limited to the regalian military. There used to be a list on the regalian law page but it seems they removed it. I don't believe most weapons are included, so in general you should be fine.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name:Tiberius Celyreos
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None.
References: @Mortisian @BeashSlap
Skype Access: Yes/No Yep
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini: Dear Lord Deo, I am interested in joining your faction, for I have spoke to you about this and we have already agreed on my service.
Spirit Guide.
Tiberius Celyreos.​

(Removed) For lack of interest
IGN: RustyTrumbone
Character Name: Fritz Brennan
Previous Jails IC/OOC: N/A
References: Mortisian, UprisingCactus
Skype Access: Yes
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Deo dei Termini,

Your house is growing, sir. Guards, servants, et cetera...
You are, however, missing something... You cannot have a
magnificent guard like you aspire to achieve without a man such as myself.
I may be coming off a bit forward, m'lord. However, I do believe my
handy work may become of use to you. I can become a great use to you and
your house. The Deo dei Termini house is going to prosper and become a
corner-stone of this world, but you do need a man of my technical ability alongside
your combatants. I will be able to supply your guards with the greatest and latest
the field of engineering has to offer.

I do hope you consider this, lord.

Fritz Brennan.
IGN: RustyTrumbone
Character Name: Fritz Brennan
Previous Jails IC/OOC: N/A
References: Mortisian, UprisingCactus
Skype Access: Yes
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Deo dei Termini,

Your house is growing, sir. Guards, servants, et cetera...
You are, however, missing something... You cannot have a
magnificent guard like you aspire to achieve without a man such as myself.
I may be coming off a bit forward, m'lord. However, I do believe my
handy work may become of use to you. I can become a great use to you and
your house. The Deo dei Termini house is going to prosper and become a
corner-stone of this world, but you do need a man of my technical ability alongside
your combatants. I will be able to supply your guards with the greatest and latest
the field of engineering has to offer.

I do hope you consider this, lord.

Fritz Brennan.

To the Well Intentioned Mr. Brennan,

Your words flatter me and mine, come to the Golden Willow for proper introductions and to finish the process.

Imperial ser Deo dei Termini
Colonel of the Owls Talon
Commandante dei Faction XIII

IGN: Anarchizm
Character Name: Julius Cormac
References: @Ailethi
Skype Access: Yes (Discord As well.)
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Dei Termini,

I have been informed that you would like to employ me, but needed to write a letter of acceptance. I would be honored to Serve and protect the mighty house of Dei Termini.

Best Regards,
Julius Cormac
IGN: Anarchizm
Character Name: Julius Cormac
References: @Ailethi
Skype Access: Yes (Discord As well.)
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

Dear Lord Dei Termini,

I have been informed that you would like to employ me, but needed to write a letter of acceptance. I would be honored to Serve and protect the mighty house of Dei Termini.

Best Regards,
Julius Cormac

Handed in person, accepted, and already begun his training!
IGN: Blitz_Miner
Character Name: Deacon Ironfoot
Previous Jails IC/OOC: N/A
References: Angelus_Sai
Skype Access: No

Dear Lord Dei Termini,
Word has it you have been looking for guardsmen for an expanding house, I am willing to prove myself worthy to be guardsmen. I fear not death and cower to none. I covet no spite, nor regret. I wish to serve valiantly in brightest light and in darkest of blight.

With Upmost Sincerity,
Deacon Ironfoot

Attached are many detailed sketches of the dwarf's trophies; animal skulls, hides, broken axe handles, etc.
The Lord looked over to his sister and gave it to her to file;

"Tell him he is in."

Character Name: Deacon Ironfoot
Previous Jails IC/OOC: N/A
References: Angelus_Sai
Skype Access: No

Dear Lord Dei Termini,

Word has it you have been looking for guardsmen for an expanding house, I am willing to prove myself worthy to be guardsmen. I fear not death and cower to none. I covet no spite, nor regret. I wish to serve valiantly in brightest light and in darkest of blight.

With Upmost Sincerity,
Deacon Ironfoot
Attached are many detailed sketches of the dwarf's trophies; animal skulls, hides, broken axe handles, etc.

IGN: Fallen_Relic
Character Name: Sebastian Juarez
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None
References: RustyTrumbone
Skype Access: No
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

To The Honorable Lord Deo dei Termini,

This Varran has heard tale of your need for guardsmen from one Fritz Brennen. My Lord needs protection? Sebastian will do this. My Lord needs loyalty? Sebastian will give this. My Lord needs a drinking buddy? Sebastian will drink, for the good of House Termini. This, Sebastian swears.

Warmest Regards,
Sebastian Juarez
IGN: Fallen_Relic
Character Name: Sebastian Juarez
Previous Jails IC/OOC: None
References: RustyTrumbone
Skype Access: No
IC Letter to Deo dei Termini:

To The Honorable Lord Deo dei Termini,

This Varran has heard tale of your need for guardsmen from one Fritz Brennen. My Lord needs protection? Sebastian will do this. My Lord needs loyalty? Sebastian will give this. My Lord needs a drinking buddy? Sebastian will drink, for the good of House Termini. This, Sebastian swears.

Warmest Regards,
Sebastian Juarez

To Mr. Juarez,

I hope you surpass expectations. I will meet you tomorrow to designate you your uniform and equipment, I will have one of the Veterans indoctrinate you into the Mountain.

Lord Deo dei Termini
