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Dr. Fong shook his head as he drank a fruity mixed drink on the deck of his pleasure barge. It looked like his impeccable good timing had, once again, saved his life and the lives of those close to him. Bethany sunned herself on the deck, though curiously, was not drinking any alcohol.
"Are you ready for a bit of a vacation, dear?", Dr. Fong asked Bethany not expecting any response. "We are headed for my holdings in the land of Flo'rida until things calm down enough that we will be welcomed back as the heroes of Regalia we are."
Siding with the the imperial family had never let Dr. Fong down before. Before his dealings with them, he was the owner of a penniless circus and not much else. They would trust in Regalia and hope the tides would turn.
The Fongs would do what they do best, wait patiently until the storm blows over and then show up and pretend they had been helping the whole time. At least it was better than those cowards who would help to legitimize the Qadir invasion by giving in to the savages.
Screw those goat-herders!
Regalia Forever!
Rim Islands Forever!
..He did hope Chen Fong would make it out alright without embarrassing him. ((good luck Chen!)