Preserved Sheet Evelyn Gale

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Jun 16, 2016
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image.jpg Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Evelyn Rayner Gale
  • Nickname: Eve (EH-VV)
  • Age: 26, born on August 1st 279 AC.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor of Alt-Regalian decent
  • Languages: Common-Tongue(Ceardian) and Alt-Regalian
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Main Ambition: Evelyn's Main Ambition is to seek stability in her life which involves a longing for affection and a wealthy family.
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Evelyn is just a commoner amongst the other Regalians. She lives in a small house in the poor district, and she doesn't have a certain job at the moment. But, she does go hunting and sells to meat that she collects afterwards.
  • Evelyn was born in Regalia to Her mother and father, Alice and Henry Gale. Evelyn is the only child in her family, because if her parents where to have another child they wouldn't have been able to afford the home they lived in.
  • Evelyn's side ambition is to become a flute player. She has always admired the beautiful sounds that the flute can make.


Visual Information (Required)

Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Evelyn's facial features are pretty simple. Her eyes are an oval shape. Her upper lip is thicker than her bottom lip but overall her mouth is pretty small. Her ears are a normal except for the fact that she has detached earlobes. Evelyns forehead is 1 1/2 inches long. She usually has a straight face wherever she goes. On Evelyn's forehead she has a few freckles as well as on her left cheek. Evelyn has a small scar on her right hand. She got this scar from falling down in an ally way while exploring it.
  • Evelyn is skinny from her lack of eating but she does have a decent amount of muscle from using her bow. Most of her muscle is in her arms. Most of her weight comes from her muscles. She's not super buff but she's not super weak either. Evelyn's skin color is a very pale white color. On her left calve she has a small birthmark that is a light brown color in the shape of a strawberry. Evelyn's height comes from her long legs. Evelyn's legs are abnormally long which gives her and extra 3 inches to her height. Her muscles are a good size for her age. They're not to big, but they're and average size. She builds her muscle from practicing with her bow. Evelyn doesn't have a lot of fat on her body from a lack of eating. When she was younger she would go a few days without eating because her mom and dad couldn't afford food to feed the family. Evelyn has an eating disorder from when she was younger. This disorder can make Evelyn go days upon days without eating.
  • Evelyn's fashion sense isn't that colorful. Evelyn usually likes to stick with bland solid colors because she hates being the center of attention. Her accessories that she usually wears is just a silver necklace that her father gave her when she was 13. Evelyn usually wears mid sleeved a dress no matter what season it is. Evelyn prefers colors such as greys, light blues, and navy blues. Evelyn wears a silver necklace upon her neck, it was a gift given to her by her father. Evelyn usually carrys a bow and a few arows with her at all times incase someone try's to assault/violate her. She uses her bow for defense only.
  • Evelyn's voice tone is high pitched feminine type tone. She speaks in a really low volume upon meeting new people. When she talks to someone she knows she usually speaks at a normal volume. Her speaking speed is a medium paced type speed, although when she gets excited her speed will pick up and she'll start to talk faster and louder. She has a heavy British accent due to her being raised in Regalia.


Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • (+)Helpful - Evelyn is very helpful when it comes to helping out someone who is in more need than her. When she was a child she would see other citizens in the poor district sleeping in ally ways and on piles of hay. When she first experienced seeing the state the other citizens in her district, she vowed to help out anyone who was in more of a need than she was. She is helpful because she is perceptive of others feelings.
  • (+)Dependable - Evelyn is trusted by many of her friends. If one of her friends asked her to help them or hold something for them she will always be there to help them. If a friend is in need of a shoulder to cry on she'll be there. If someone needs to vent to her she'll listen. Evelyn is a very dependable person by heart. She acquired this trait from being depended on to get jobs done when she turned 16. When her parents needed her to get a job done she had to do it and now she just got used to doing thing for people and lending them a hand in their time of need.
  • (+)Honest - In Evelyn's family lies haven't gotten them far in the past. Before Evelyn was born her mother would lie to get jobs thus getting her fired after her employers figured out the truth. When Evelyn was 7 she saw her mom go through a depression phase because of her loss in jobs. After Evelyn saw her mom that way she didn't want to go through the same thing as she did so she only tells the truth, even if it's harsh.
  • (-)Reckless - Sometimes Evelyn does things without thinking about it before she does it. When Evelyn was a teenager she decided to be rebellious sneak out one day not thinking about the consequences. She is also reckless because she doesn't pay attention a lot leading her to doing thinks without thinking beforehand.
  • (-)Insecure - Evelyn is very insecure because when she was younger she was mad fun of for being poor. This led to her being homeschooled by her father. Evelyn hated when people made fun of her because she thought that those bullies where correct about her being ugly or fat.
  • (-)Dependent - Dispite all the tasks she had to do alone during her childhood, she still depends on someone to be there for her. She depends on someone weather they're a lover, family member, or a friend to be there to support her. Without this she'll feel like no one cares about her, and she'll develop this feeling of worthlessness.


Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Physical Endurance - Since Evelyn had to do some manual work to help her parents make money she developed physical endurance. This mean that she can go a long working or helping someone without getting exhausted.
  • Kind hearted - Dispite Evelyn's dislike for socializing she will still be kind to anyone who try's to talk to her. If someone asks her for help, she won't hesitate to help them.
  • Gratitude - Because Evelyn was born in a poor family she has learned to be greatful about everything she receives. When she was little she would rarely get anything on her birthdays but when she did she would thank her mother and father and cherish that item that she would recive.
  • Over Working - Evelyn had to do a lot of work in her childhood. Because of all the work she had to do she could be over working. She is always trying to do her best when it comes to doing work for regals. Since she likes to do work she'll try anything to get work. Let it be working for a butcher, blacksmith, tailor, everything.
  • Weak - While Evelyn isn't that unfit, she has trouble gathering explosive strength naturally as she has weak muscles. She certainly trains with her bow to counteract this, but naturally is unable to reach the potential that other people can reach. Leaving her out of breath earlier than others.
  • Stubborn - Since Evelyn was the only child she is so used to getting her way most of the time. If Evelyn wants to go and do something she'll usually go and do it. If someone try's to stop her she'll tell them how they're wrong and she's right.

Likes & dislikes

  • Music - When Evelyn was little her mother would play her flute for her before she went to sleep. Listening to music brings Evelyn back to when she was younger and life didn't seem so harsh. Whenever Evelyn hears music she gets very happy and wants to dance to it.
  • Tea - Evelyn loves tea. When she got sick she would drink tea, when she was sad she drank tea. Tea has always been her favorite drink. When she's at the tavern she will always order a cup of honey tea.
  • Reading - On Evelyn's 6th birthday her dad bought her a book and tought her how to read. Ever since Evelyn learned to read she became hooked. Evelyn saw reading as an escape from the real world into a better one. When Evelyn is feeling sad or if she is in a bad mood she will get a book out and read.
  • Attention - Evelyn has always been afraid to be put on the spot. She thinks being the center of attention is embarrassing. This makes her afraid to go to big events or gatherings.
  • Arguments - When Evelyn was little her parents would argue and fight about the most ridiculous stuff. Evelyn doesn't see the point in arguing because in the end everyone has their own opinion and no one can change that.
  • Engaging in conversations - Evelyn hates conversating with people she doesn't know. She finds it awkward and annoying. When Evelyn meets someone new she is usually stuttering or looking down to avoid eye contact.



  • Henry Gale (Father/NPC/deceased/ Ailor) Evelyn and her father have always been really close. They would talk to eachother and her father would help her when she was in a difficult situation. Evelyn would always be there to help him when he needed it.
  • Alice Gale (Mother/NPC/deceased/ Ailor) Evelyn and her mother have been very distant ever since her mother went threw her depression phase. When Evelyn saw her mother drinking and yelling at her father she would get mad at her. Evelyn hasn't talked to her mom since then unless it was to help her with something.
  • Godwin Ailemer (Fiancé/ @TheOldPanda /27 / Ailor) Evelyn bumped into Godwin at the summer festival while walking around and not paying attention. When she fell in his arms she was embarrassed but glad. After that he offered to take her to the tavern and she accepted. Then, after spending a whole day at the summer festival with Godwin he asked her if she would be interested in him. Evelyn happily said yes, after hearing that Godwin decided that he should as Jeffery Ailemer for his blessing. Godwin recently got accepted into the Vigilant Shield which is now his current occupation, Evelyn fully supports his decision but she is stressed half the time because she doesn't know when it will be the last time she'll see her future husband. On July 22, 304 AC Godwin proposed to Evelyn. Evelyn happily accepted and now Godwin is busy planning the wedding for him and Evelyn.
  • Jeffery Ailemer (Acquaintance/ @galyushi /20 / Ailor) Jeffery and Evelyn met briefly when Godwin took her to ask Jeffery for his blessing.
  • Old gods monk (Disliked / N/A / N/A) Evelyn ran into this monk while exploring the summer festival grounds. He offered her to buy a book of the Old gods but she declined because she didn't follow that religion. In return he called her human scum and ran away before she could call the guards.
  • Mavis Vermilion (friend/ @SenpaiStich626 /4 / Ailor) Evelyn met this little girl on her way to the tavern. Right away Mavis said hi and showed off her fairy doll named "Lucy" to Evelyn. Evelyn made conversation with the little girl and she kept talking about how she loved fairys and she even sang about them. The next day Evelyn found a magic toy fairy wand in her attic which was an old gift from her mother when she was young. Right away Evelyn thought about the little girl and decided to give it to her.
  • Cassidy Kirigaya (Acquaintance/ @ChaoticWaffle / N/A / Ailor) Cassidy is Mavis' adoptive mother. Evelyn and Cassidy met briefly when Evelyn went to go see how Mavis was doing.
  • Lotus Spruse ( Friend / @EmzySloth / N/A / Yanar ) Lotus and Evelyn met at the tavern while Evelyn was drinking tea and watching all the commotion around her. Lotus introduced herself to Evelyn and talked about where they grew up and what jobs they had. Evelyn said she didn't have one, but Lotus on the other hand owned a shop with her sister Peony. Evelyn visited the shop an bought some mint leaves. Shortly after they went to the tavern at the summer festival.
  • Myla Ailemer ( Acquaintance / @_PanBear_ / N/A / Ailor) Myla is Godwin's cousin and Evelyn's teacher. Currently Myla is teaching Evelyn how to be a proper noble since Evelyn has no experience being one.


Life Story

Born-10 (279-289 AC)

Evelyn Gale was born on August 1st, 279 AC in Regalia to her mother and father Alice and Henry Gale. At the time the family was happy with their new bundle of joy but things took a sharp turn on Evelyn's 3rd birthday. The week after Evelyn's 3rd birthday her mom lost her job as a bartender at the local tavern. That is when Evelyn's mother became desperate. Evelyn's father on the other hand kept his job as a coal miner but he didn't make enough to support the family. After Evelyn's mom lost her job she became so desperate that she started lying to get jobs. After going through 3 jobs within 4 years Evelyn's mother found a job at a local inn. The employer sadly fell for her lies. At this time Evelyn was 7, and her mother lost her job at the inn after the owner had found out the truth about her lies. This is when she went through her depression phase, this phase went on for 8 months. Evelyn's mother would go to the tavern everyday and drink, then come home and yell at her and her father. This made Evelyn grow apart from her mother. After failing to get hired at 2 more jobs her mother decided to give up and become a stay at home mother. Shortly after this happened Evelyn was taken out of her public school because of bullies, they would torment her about how she would never become a noble and be successful at anything. So, her dad took it upon himself to teach her how to read, write, and spell. It is now Evelyn's 10th birthday and she is excited because her mother and father said that they had presents for her. Her father gave her a silver necklace that he bought with some left over regals he had after paying the taxes. Her mother gave her a magic toy fairy wand, which Evelyn would play with everyday until she turned 13.

11-17 (290-296 AC)

On Evelyn's 11th birthday she decided to sneak out at night and be rebellious. When she snuck out she decided to go to the tavern and see what it was like going places alone. When she entered the tavern most of the men at the bar stopped and stared at the young girl. This frightened her a bit but she wasn't giving up now. She decided to go sip up at the bar and order some tea, this is when a young man in his twenties decided to buy her drink for her. She was confused at first but she didn't think much of it. Later on as the time passed buy he started getting flirty with her. This made Evelyn very uncomfortable. When she announced that she was under of age she got shoved out of the tavern making her fall down the stairs which left a permanent scar on her left hand. After that night she decided that it was best if she waited till she was a little older until she started doing things on her own. Not much else happened until she turned 15. After Evelyn's 15th birthday her dad tought her how to hunt. This became her favorite hobby to do while she was bored. She also found a way to help support her family by selling the meat she collected to butchers or merchants. Through Evelyn's teen years she wasn't very talkative. She would usually seclude herself in her room and read or go to the tavern and order tea with the regals she could manage to save up or find. When Evelyn turned 17 her mother said that she needed to get out more and try to socialize. Evelyn hates the thought of going out and talking to random people unless they needed help. So instead she would take daily walks around the park and read books on the bridge.

18-Present (297-304 AC)
As usual Evelyn's life wasn't all exciting since she was born into a poor family. But, 4 days before her 19th birthday her mother died of natural causes. Her mothers death didn't really make a huge impact because Evelyn and her mom didn't really have a good relationship. After her mom died her dad had to retire from his job due to his old age. This led to Evelyn overworking to try and help her father pay tax and support him. When Evelyn turned 21 her father had come down with a terrible sickness. She didn't know what it was and she couldn't take him to the clinic because she couldn't afford the bills so she had to help him herself as much as possible. Five months after Evelyn turned 21 her father had passed. When her father passed she had a mix of emotions, she felt sad but she was scared more than anything. The reason why she was scared is because she was on her own for the first time in her life. When she grew up her father was always there to help her but now she was alone. When Evelyn turned 22 she took possession of her parents house and that is where she currently lives. After Evelyn turned 24 she decided to get back into hunting and start selling meats to merchants and butcher again to support herself. Now she is 25 and she is maintaining a healthy life style. After meeting Godwin she will be experiencing new things upon being married into a noble family.
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The likes and dislikes should be in a Spoiler as they are expanded info.

The strengths and weaknesses operate under this format
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
If you add one more then the basic three you have to also add one to the other side to remain balanced
The likes and dislikes should be in a Spoiler as they are expanded info.

The strengths and weaknesses operate under this format
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
If you add one more then the basic three you have to also add one to the other side to remain balanced

The likes and dislikes go in the spoiler. Strengths and weaknesses go on the main post. You probs just misread it so no big deal :)

As for a small peer review:
  • For her main ambition, I feel like she seeks stability in her life which involves both a longing for affection and a wealthy family. Developing the main ambition is important for character development and I strongly suggest fleshing out the ideas you have here.
  • For the trait "helpful," I challenge you to delve deeper into your character's personality. Is she helpful because she believes in being selfless? Is she perceptive of others' feelings (empathy)? Does she act out of pity? Again, this is merely a way to further develop your character but is not necessary to change.
  • I suggest combining "clumsy" and "disorganized" and changing it to "careless" (for a character that lacks attention to detail) or "reckless" (for a character that acts before thinking) as they are more weaknesses than personality traits.
  • Careful with choosing the trait "shy" as it is hard to instigate roleplay with a character that doesn't start conversations. Perhaps "guarded" is a better word if she keeps to herself or "independent" which goes well with her stubbornness.
  • "While she was in the ally way she saw a horrifying picture of a woman in all white floating towards an open portal that lead to the void. After seeing this Evelyn was frightened and she tried to run out of there, of course her being her clumsy self she fell thus putting a permanent scar upon her right hand." I find this somewhat out of place in the entire life story. I would suggest removing it and replacing it with a risky childhood adventure (or something of the sort) that resulted in the scarring of her hand.
  • For further character development, what sort of education did she receive (if she received any at all)? How did she learn to read? Who taught her?
  • As for her weapon of choice, why would she choose a bow if she never had any affiliation with it to start? Perhaps she was taught by her father which resulted in their strong relationship?
Overall, you have some really great ideas with this character. If you just delve a little deeper and look behind the motivations of your character, I feel that you'll better be able to instigate roleplay interactions and create unique development plots. Again, this is a peer-review and all of the above are suggestions but you aren't obligated to take the advice if you do not feel it is necessary.
The likes and dislikes go in the spoiler. Strengths and weaknesses go on the main post. You probs just misread it so no big deal :)

As for a small peer review:
  • For her main ambition, I feel like she seeks stability in her life which involves both a longing for affection and a wealthy family. Developing the main ambition is important for character development and I strongly suggest fleshing out the ideas you have here.
  • For the trait "helpful," I challenge you to delve deeper into your character's personality. Is she helpful because she believes in being selfless? Is she perceptive of others' feelings (empathy)? Does she act out of pity? Again, this is merely a way to further develop your character but is not necessary to change.
  • I suggest combining "clumsy" and "disorganized" and changing it to "careless" (for a character that lacks attention to detail) or "reckless" (for a character that acts before thinking) as they are more weaknesses than personality traits.
  • Careful with choosing the trait "shy" as it is hard to instigate roleplay with a character that doesn't start conversations. Perhaps "guarded" is a better word if she keeps to herself or "independent" which goes well with her stubbornness.
  • "While she was in the ally way she saw a horrifying picture of a woman in all white floating towards an open portal that lead to the void. After seeing this Evelyn was frightened and she tried to run out of there, of course her being her clumsy self she fell thus putting a permanent scar upon her right hand." I find this somewhat out of place in the entire life story. I would suggest removing it and replacing it with a risky childhood adventure (or something of the sort) that resulted in the scarring of her hand.
  • For further character development, what sort of education did she receive (if she received any at all)? How did she learn to read? Who taught her?
  • As for her weapon of choice, why would she choose a bow if she never had any affiliation with it to start? Perhaps she was taught by her father which resulted in their strong relationship?
Overall, you have some really great ideas with this character. If you just delve a little deeper and look behind the motivations of your character, I feel that you'll better be able to instigate roleplay interactions and create unique development plots. Again, this is a peer-review and all of the above are suggestions but you aren't obligated to take the advice if you do not feel it is necessary.
I did misread that XD sorry! And I'll work on the edits right away. Thanks!
The likes and dislikes should be in a Spoiler as they are expanded info.

The strengths and weaknesses operate under this format
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Personality
  • Mental
If you add one more then the basic three you have to also add one to the other side to remain balanced
Hm? From what i know it is this




I am reviewing this sheet!

I don't quite see how independent is a negative trait. I feel like adding one or two sentences about the mental traps she sets for herself, due to this trait, would be a welcome addition.

"easily manipulated" is a cop out weakness. Are you really going to let her fall into damning rp situations due to that trait? I've rarely seen that actually played on. So remove it and replace it with a physical weakness of some sort.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done

Review In-Progress!
I am reviewing this sheet!

I don't quite see how independent is a negative trait. I feel like adding one or two sentences about the mental traps she sets for herself, due to this trait, would be a welcome addition.

"easily manipulated" is a cop out weakness. Are you really going to let her fall into damning rp situations due to that trait? I've rarely seen that actually played on. So remove it and replace it with a physical weakness of some sort.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done

Review In-Progress!
I have made the edits and I completely changed out independent with dependent. :D @LumosJared
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"Running?" It's not even like she can't run for more than a few seconds, she just chooses not to run for a very practical reason. This is not a weakness
(This was updated on 8/1/2016)
  • Appearance - Evelyn is now pregnant, don't be surprised if she looks a little bloated to you. Now that Evelyn is 3 months pregnant, this means that she looks a little bit big and her baby is 6 months away from being born.
  • Attitude - Since Evelyn is letting Godwin do the wedding planning, it relieves some stress. But being pregnant isn't a pleasant thing. Evelyn can be snappy from time to time when she feels nauseous, otherwise she is laid back and happy.
  • Main focus/goal at the moment - Right now Evelyn main focus is to take care of herself and her future child. She also focuses on trying not to work herself to hard at the current tavern that she works at.
  • Jobs - Evelyn now works at the Golden Willow tavern on Main Street. She has also landed a job at the Die Höhle Des Drachen Alt-Regalian restaurant.
  • Housing - Evelyn now lives in a three story house with Godwin near the Crimson inquisition's castle.
  • Visual - More concept art :P

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(This was updated on 8/1/2016)
  • Appearance - Evelyn is now pregnant, don't be surprised if she looks a little bloated to you. Now that Evelyn is 3 months pregnant, this means that she looks a little bit big and her baby is 6 months away from being born.
  • Attitude - Since Evelyn is letting Godwin do the wedding planning, it relieves some stress. But being pregnant isn't a pleasant thing. Evelyn can be snappy from time to time when she feels nauseous, otherwise she is laid back and happy.
  • Main focus/goal at the moment - Right now Evelyn main focus is to take care of herself and her future child. She also focuses on trying not to work herself to hard at the current tavern that she works at.
  • Jobs - Evelyn now works at the Golden Willow tavern on Main Street. She has also landed a job at the Die Höhle Des Drachen Alt-Regalian restaurant.
  • Housing - Evelyn now lives in a three story house with Godwin near the Crimson inquisition's castle.
  • Visual - More concept art :P

Added new concept art and added more to her appearance desc.
I'm sad to say that Evelyn Gale had died.
RIP Aug. 1st 279 AC - Aug. 28th 304 AC