Essalonian Region Names


Is beans the problem, Doctor?
May 23, 2014
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Now that there's been a renewed interest in the road system thanks to Mokeduck and Jalepeno, more and more factions are requesting to be linked to the network. This is fantastic and I'm having lots of fun planning out routes with other contributors, but an unusual problem has started to surface.

When describing certain geographical regions to one another, we find ourselves struggling to understand what place the other person is talking about unless the region is sitting directly under an existing faction or notable landmark. Using directions such as "West of such and such" and "Northeast of that one place" work to a certain degree, but they lack a certain sophistication. To add to the problem, this lack of regional names makes roadsigns an absolute chore. It's much easier to make a sign pointing to a place that refers to a larger grouping of factions rather than to list them all, esspecially if they're fairly far off down the road.

So this is my plan! The regions of Essalonia need names, and who better to do that than the people who live there? Essentially all I'm asking for is for you lovely people to decide amongst yourselves and your neighbors what you would like your geographical region to be referred to as. For example, my own faction (Armaschleit), Kinwrey, Brightshore, and Dracovia were nick-named the "Roleplay River" when Essalonia first launched, and from that, we agreed to refer to ourselves as the Riverlands. Keep in mind, we all agreed upon this name, so I would greatly advise anyone who wishes to participate in this naming process to make sure all their neighbors are ok with a name before they propose it here. If you're interested, please post a screenshot of a rough outline of your region like so:
There aren't any rules restricting how many factions can be included in one region, just keep in mind that this is for defining geographical regions, not political regions. For example, there might be people within your region who you don' know or aren't on good terms with, and an allied faction on the other side of the map obviously isn't going to be part of your region. Also keep in mind that the borders of these regions should remain extremely loose, and a heavy amount of overlap is to be expected.

I also really want to stress that this is in no way official, I simply thought this would be much easier/meaninful than asking the staff to make up official regional names (which is honestly a terrible idea, they're busy and have better things to do).

Also, if you know anyone who might be interested in this, please tag them!

Thank you for your time!
In the early days of the road the last major river before the snow biome, @MokeDuck and I christiened it the "great wyvern river" simply because wyvern was based on it at the time
In the early days of the road the last major river before the snow biome, @MokeDuck and I christiened it the "great wyvern river" simply because wyvern was based on it at the time

Considering they don't live there anymore, I'm not sure how well that name fits anymore, but ok. Something I am curious about though is if you and Moke have a name for the Celetil-Bridgeport area, any ideas?
Considering they don't live there anymore, I'm not sure how well that name fits anymore, but ok. Something I am curious about though is if you and Moke have a name for the Celetil-Bridgeport area, any ideas?
Our area is known as "the vale", I'd advise you to travel to oak to ended section, there are old statues on it built by insani raiders, quite interesting tbf
Red: "Serine Valley"
Blue: "Lake of the Sun"
Green: "Lake of the Moon"
The name "Serine Valley" has only been decided upon by me, as no one else is within this region. The lake's names were decided back months ago, and agreed upon by the factions located there at the time. Currently, a few of the factions remain and no new ones have arrived.
Our area is known as "the vale", I'd advise you to travel to oak to ended section, there are old statues on it built by insani raiders, quite interesting tbf

Excellent! would you mind making a sort of crude map with MSpaint to outline the rough boundaries or the Vale? Just for knowledge's sake.
Red: "Serine Valley"
Blue: "Lake of the Sun"
Green: "Lake of the Moon"
The name "Serine Valley" has only been decided upon by me, as no one else is within this region. The lake's names were decided back months ago, and agreed upon by the factions located there at the time. Currently, a few of the factions remain and no new ones have arrived.

Alright, good stuff! Thank you Lyee!
All, I have started a discord group about this project, /msg me on discord to get an invite
Our plan has always been to expand northward towards the coast. Those islands are ours and will continue to be ours.
Bridgeport have mining operations in that area and historically have historic links to the northern wilds, enigma will not be tolerated to expand its dieing influence into this region
Ooo, a war over territory? My only question is if you've discussed this with Razgriz (though, as they're a one-man faction, I'm not sure how much that would matter).
Either way, I think it's important to remember that while someone can call a region by a name, others don't have to (though it'd be in their best interest). For example, Enigma and some of their allies could call this the Enigman bay, but people of Bridgeport would refuse to acknowledge it as such. This is probably redundant/obvious to either of you, but I figured I'd put it here anyway.
I call it the duckfather's

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In all seriousness though, heres an overview of my thoughts:

Area Celetil and Bridgeport are based in: "The Vale"
Area in general, around the river's loop, that Verdandil, old Wyvern, and The Vale are all in: I don't remember... I made a sign outside of Wyvern and Brightshore. Something like "The Sprucewoods" or "Sprucelund"
Area closer to Wyvern and Argost, with the mountains and still lots of spruce but not around the river loop: "The Wilderlands"
High altitude snow mini-biome: "Land of Ended Road" @EternallyDarkX
@CnocBride That's not a bay, you spud. It's a mountain region. The bay is the water just north of us.

The area we have settled into actually had a dried up lake bed. The difficult thing with naming our corner of the mountain region is that the entire mountainy region is so vast....
@CnocBride That's not a bay, you spud. It's a mountain region. The bay is the water just north of us.

The area we have settled into actually had a dried up lake bed. The difficult thing with naming our corner of the mountain region is that the entire mountainy region is so vast....
I think the word bay is appropriate...
In all seriousness though, heres an overview of my thoughts:

Area Celetil and Bridgeport are based in: "The Vale"
Area in general, around the river's loop, that Verdandil, old Wyvern, and The Vale are all in: I don't remember... I made a sign outside of Wyvern and Brightshore. Something like "The Sprucewoods" or "Sprucelund"
Area closer to Wyvern and Argost, with the mountains and still lots of spruce but not around the river loop: "The Wilderlands"
High altitude snow mini-biome: "Land of Ended Road" @EternallyDarkX

Eanverness is the IC name of our city Ended is just the faction name.
I see her point though. It'd be more appropriate to consider the actual bay north of them the Enigma bay, not the surrounding landmass.
Also just naming stuff after a nearby faction feels like it misses the point of the whole geographical regions thing. The Riverlands or the Lakes of the Sun and Moon are fitting and neutral.
In all seriousness though, heres an overview of my thoughts:

Area Celetil and Bridgeport are based in: "The Vale"
Area in general, around the river's loop, that Verdandil, old Wyvern, and The Vale are all in: I don't remember... I made a sign outside of Wyvern and Brightshore. Something like "The Sprucewoods" or "Sprucelund"
Area closer to Wyvern and Argost, with the mountains and still lots of spruce but not around the river loop: "The Wilderlands"
High altitude snow mini-biome: "Land of Ended Road" @EternallyDarkX

We've already decided on a name for our region as I stated in the OP, it's called the Riverlands, but if you wanna call the forest between the Vale and the Riverlands the "Sprucewood", I guess I'm alright with that. And I'm not trying to roast you or anything, but it'd be best if we don't name regions we don't live in as a courtesy to the people who live there.
We've already decided on a name for our region as I stated in the OP, it's called the Riverlands, but if you wanna call the forest between the Vale and the Riverlands the "Sprucewood", I guess I'm alright with that. And I'm not trying to roast you or anything, but it'd be best if we don't name regions we don't live in as a courtesy to the people who live there.
Oh, yea no ur good. Its just the section of my brain responsible for having IQ seems to be absent. Also reading is something I don't do on a regular basis...
We've already decided on a name for our region as I stated in the OP, it's called the Riverlands, but if you wanna call the forest between the Vale and the Riverlands the "Sprucewood", I guess I'm alright with that. And I'm not trying to roast you or anything, but it'd be best if we don't name regions we don't live in as a courtesy to the people who live there.
OH I looked at your post. When I called the place the Sprucewoods or something, I meant the entire biome in general, cause it's spruce. I kinda separated the mountain-y parts that Wyvern and Argost are in in my head from the Sprucewoods cause it seemed to have unique worldgen settings for the mountains. I'm also just randomly naming things while I waddle around in MC so I don't really mind of people dislike the names and come up with replacements.

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