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Enough Is Enough, A Denouncement Of The Isldar Refuge By The Head Of The Shainvrel Family.


e girl extraordinaire
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida



[A letter was posted throughout Old town and New town, the new parchment would be placed on top of the Isldarin notes, nailed down against the multitude of letters, and beside it.]


To those Isldar whom I spent decades of time with, perfecting my level and skill, whom I called kin. You have waged war in a land you do not own power in and made foolish decisions that have affected us all. You've created a scene within Regalia, and I wish to no longer be part of this act. I have had my life threatened by assassins, beaten mercilessly, and put me within the prison countless times in effort to protect the Refuge. I no longer will stand by and be beaten for crimes and actions made by the Refuge. I'm done protecting those who started out in peace and now only make us suffer through an unwanted war.

I will do everything within my power to make sure the Refuge of Isldar will be sent back to Ellador and dealt with accordingly. I hereby declare you denounced by the Shainvrel household, and those who have followed me away from your refuge. You sign my name without my consent, hurt those close to me, and cause me to be part of the war I want no part in.

I hereby denounce Siora Lellvyone, Priestess to the Isldar Refuge until she decides that she can keep her kin in line, and make proper decisions for her people. Along with this, I'm unsure what path I will take next. I have done as many asked me, and left my placement as a cultist in hope for a better life for myself. There has been a calling to me far away from the Isldar that I have been drawn too. I pray that I find my way in these dark times and that people will forgive any actions that have reflected upon me from the refuge for it was not with full intent that I took them.

Taendross Mairthair Shainvrel.
oldest child, and Matriarch to the Shainvrel Family.

OOC Tags: @Nixces @____OwO_____ @Aurelian30k @Vivamente @SnashuuPomaymay

OOC Notes, for responses:
Siora's reply was written onto one board, most likely somewhere deep within old town. Keep that in mind <3 (Got confirmation from Nixces.)​
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Siora sighed gently, her eyes narrowing as she looked over the letter. "An act of power, my friends. A rough patch for us but my sacrifice has granted us a new path outside of her own. Signed her name? I can barely protect my own. I highly doubt I forced her hand to the paper." She shook her head once more as she read out the words she would imprint for all to see. "I highly doubt those infatuated and romanced by gang leaders have any sort of of place to say who is making a mistake. Especially those being so neglectful as to call themselves a devout follower to their religion whilst willfully being sexualized by abberants."
And with those words, she wrote that right underneath for all to see. A glowing gaze waved gently towards the followers at her side as she pressed her hand into her cheek. "I do say. Captain Siora.. that title brings a whole new ring to my ears."
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Tiray came to a halt in her nightly lurking to stare at the new page on one of the more secluded boards across old town, her steely gaze flicking across the parchment. The dark-elf exhaled a soft huff, muttering beneath her breath with her departure.

"Y'just had to do it to em', beauty."
A tall individual stared at the piece of paper, a small tilt of her head as she shifted her gaze over the notice. Arbane would finally pull her gaze from it to continue moving along as she spoke with a thoughtful hum as she made her way home.
"It seems like one of my kin have become well aware of the peril they have been put into here from their own actions. Perhaps she will listen." The Isldar muttered whistfully as she walked away.
Aubrey's eyes would be scanning over the letter without much to tell what she was thinking at all, before the fluffy white dog on her leash started pulling her along.
"All these Isldar fighting Socks, it's almost like being back in the old family dinners" she exhaled as she walked off towards the park.
Jagers eyes acted like a beakon in the dimly lit room. The only source of light being a small candle at the desk. He'd keep a raised brow as he read his lovers words. With a chaotic grin plastered on his face.
"My soul, I fear for you in these trying times and what retribution others may seek for the past. I will protect you, always and faithfully."
The crying of a baby girl began to echo through the room. He would let out a sigh as he got up from the desk.
"Great, wonder what she needs this time."
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Joycie Caladwen read the whole thing over, and just frowned, "Well then.."

Drakthulium, the masked man, bursted out laughing at this, "Do Dragon priestesses always get denounced by other Isldar?"
Faust, though illiterate, hears word of the many denouncements from the Isldar's Refuge. Slapping his own job advertisement besides one, might as well take advantage of the attention it's sure to generate.

He should ask someone what the poster says, though.
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"I can't help but agree, though you're a terrible writer. And. I really don't want to work with you in the future- I guess you're a second priority." Lathai said, mostly agreeing with the fellow isldar, though also disagreeing because gross, it's Taendross.
Isolde Arnaris looked at the post, she raised a brow to it and wandered away to do her work. She didn't quite understand why we need to post papers everywhere all day, what a waste.

Huang Zhao looked at it, after just arriving to the city he was confuses by the ruckus.

Eliza Rote completely ignored this.
Camilla eyed the denouncement with a disappointed sigh. "One has come to their senses it seems. When will the others?"
Yathanae would see this notice while wandering New Town, and she had a bored passerby read it off for her out of her own sheer curiosity. Her face fell as she heard what it said, and she quietly thanked the reader as her face was turned to the ground. "I wonder if I could ... maybe help Taendross."



[A letter was posted throughout Old town and New town, the new parchment would be placed on top of the Isldarin notes, nailed down against the multitude of letters, and beside it.]


To those Isldar whom I spent decades of time with, perfecting my level and skill, whom I called kin. You have waged war in a land you do not own power in and made foolish decisions that have affected us all. You've created a scene within Regalia, and I wish to no longer be part of this act. I have had my life threatened by assassins, beaten mercilessly, and put me within the prison countless times in effort to protect the Refuge. I no longer will stand by and be beaten for crimes and actions made by the Refuge. I'm done protecting those who started out in peace and now only make us suffer through an unwanted war.

I will do everything within my power to make sure the Refuge of Isldar will be sent back to Ellador and dealt with accordingly. I hereby declare you denounced by the Shainvrel household, and those who have followed me away from your refuge. You sign my name without my consent, hurt those close to me, and cause me to be part of the war I want no part in.

I hereby denounce Siora Lellvyone, Priestess to the Isldar Refuge until she decides that she can keep her kin in line, and make proper decisions for her people. Along with this, I'm unsure what path I will take next. I have done as many asked me, and left my placement as a cultist in hope for a better life for myself. There has been a calling to me far away from the Isldar that I have been drawn too. I pray that I find my way in these dark times and that people will forgive any actions that have reflected upon me from the refuge for it was not with full intent that I took them.

Taendross Mairthair Shainvrel.
oldest child, and Matriarch to the Shainvrel Family.

OOC Tags: @Nixces @____OwO_____ @Aurelian30k @Vivamente @SnashuuPomaymay

OOC Notes, for responses:
Siora's reply was written onto one board, most likely somewhere deep within old town. Keep that in mind <3 (Got confirmation from Nixces.)​
"Finally, some of my half-kin see sense" Florian said, breathing out a breath of fresh air "Though even so...if my theory is right and the attack yesterday was done by the people I think it was, and not by the Isldar as it appeared to be...perhaps this might not be the best move. There is safety in numbers after all."
Svante Viduggla looked over the document, fiddling with a quill in his right hand before speaking out "She won't survive a weak being a lone-wolf." He huffed out, and put quill to paper and began to write.
"Nothing you should be worried about, little one. Just stay out of trouble.." Camilla hummed softly, moving to lift the Allar into her arms and wander off!

Phaendar held the notice in front of him his thumbs broken and cuts ran down his hands and arms, reading it carefully before releasing a sigh."It seems that we have come to our separate ways, though. You say we will be dealt with in Ellador. I will make sure that the elders know of your betrayal before you can speak your traitorous words. You will be tried before Frisit and punished for your crimes."The Isldar tosses the notice to the ground, stomping on it before looking up to the Soul River that flowed around him."Remember to keep your tongue in check, Taendross. I am keeping your secrets for the little respect I have of you."