Archived Ender Pearls

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Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
This is a simple pole and discussion thread around the topic of ender pearls and if they should be removed from the server. If you vote in the pole please say why you voted how you did or if it has already been said put and agree rating on the post that has the reason in it.

I believe they should be removed because it makes walls ineffective and forces defenders to build roofs or hide in their houses if they want to be safe from raiders. A lone raider, with no siege equipment, should not be able to scale a 100 m wall and land on the other side with no more then a minor injury then proceed to attack the people that built the wall to protect them selves.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If you make a wall high enough for one ender pearl to not be enough, then the raider can throw one high up on the wall then quickly throw another to get higher up on the wall or even over it. However, if you make a one or two block overhang on the front side of the wall, it makes it impossible to scale with enderpearls. You just have to build it high enough.
Most people I see scale tall walls build a 1x1 tower as close as they can to the wall and use an enderpearl to cover the horizontal distance to clear the wall, having already cleared the height with the tower. This would argue that there is no "high enough" except to the build limit, which is not allowed.
Neither does a real defense.

Many raids by powerful factions (in pvp skill not in faction size) on weak ones (again, skills not size) don't have more then 3 people in them. These raiders jump the wall with pearls and kill everyone. If they had to climb the wall the defenders could use their numbers to keep the attackers back. Sure the attackers may eventually get over the wall but the defenders would have a chance.

Actually it does, most factions ive seen like to attack other factions when there are very little members on so they are weaker. Yes for the big wars they dont do this but for a simple raid for stealing items, its usually one person.
Actually it does, most factions ive seen like to attack other factions when there are very little members on so they are weaker. Yes for the big wars they dont do this but for a simple raid for stealing items, its usually one person.

you keep responding to small sentences or statements I have made and avoiding the main point of my posts.

And can you imagine the big battles with ladders been placeable. 10+ attackers 10+ defenders all fighting for control of the wall. The attackers could use cannons to force people off part of the wall then send an advance party up it to secure it so the rest of the attackers can follow. The defenders can shoot at the cannons with their own cannons or bows, or they could go out of the faction a secret way and attack the cannon from behind. Castle battles would be won with coordination and tactics rather then teleportation and skull spliter.

Most people I see scale tall walls build a 1x1 tower as close as they can to the wall and use an enderpearl to cover the horizontal distance to clear the wall, having already cleared the height with the tower. This would argue that there is no "high enough" except to the build limit, which is not allowed.

unless the defending faction claims 3-5 (not sure on the exact number) chunks outside of their wall the whole way around their faction so the pearl cannot reach the needed horizontal distance.
you keep responding to small sentences or statements I have made and avoiding the main point of my posts.

And can you imagine the big battles with ladders been placeable. 10+ attackers 10+ defenders all fighting for control of the wall. The attackers could use cannons to force people off part of the wall then send an advance party up it to secure it so the rest of the attackers can follow. The defenders can shoot at the cannons with their own cannons or bows, or they could go out of the faction a secret way and attack the cannon from behind. Castle battles would be won with coordination and tactics rather then teleportation and skull spliter.

No i am not? I am merely providing counter points to the points you have made? Thats how debating works? You make it sound like im attacking you or something when I just simply disagree with this idea and plan to fight against it.
No i am not? I am merely providing counter points to the points you have made? Thats how debating works? You make it sound like im attacking you or something when I just simply disagree with this idea and plan to fight against it.

its that part, im not sure what happend.
No i am not? I am merely providing counter points to the points you have made? Thats how debating works? You make it sound like im attacking you or something when I just simply disagree with this idea and plan to fight against it.

its that part, im not sure what happend.

k, thanks, but in all honesty, you did it again. And I'm not saying you are making personal attacks on me. Just that you are looking at 1 sentence in my posts and ignoring the rest. That's not how a debate works (except for in politics, they go on an on about 1 little unimportant thing)
k, thanks, but in all honesty, you did it again.

Did you even pay attention to what i said? If you did you would see what I am doing -_- Im stating my points why Im against it. Dont keep saying Im doing the same thing over and over when Im countering the points you are making with ones of my own, thats how debating on forums works, im doing nothing wrong. Dont accuse me of directing it not at the main point when my responses are not even directed at the main point in the first place, im not avoiding it, im just notswayed by it and have nothing to say about it.
So your opinion will not be changed by my points and you have nothing to say about them? In that case we should just stop the discussion because it can go no where.

No ive spoken about your points, they may not be the ones you are mainly focused on, but they are still your points.
Overlord and Tech, can you guys quit arguing? It takes up almost an entire page.
I would post some witty picture, but that would take up even moar space.
So you can only use enderpearls to glitch through doors, not to escape, get over walls, or any of the other uses for which they are in the game. This also doesn't work because enderpearl damage is considered fall damage wrt vampire resistance and mcmmo damage reduction.

Lets combine our points together, They are OP for both short and long range.
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