Archived Ender Pearls

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Dec 23, 2012
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This is a simple pole and discussion thread around the topic of ender pearls and if they should be removed from the server. If you vote in the pole please say why you voted how you did or if it has already been said put and agree rating on the post that has the reason in it.

I believe they should be removed because it makes walls ineffective and forces defenders to build roofs or hide in their houses if they want to be safe from raiders. A lone raider, with no siege equipment, should not be able to scale a 100 m wall and land on the other side with no more then a minor injury then proceed to attack the people that built the wall to protect them selves.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is just like one of those prems are OP arguments, face it, ender pearls are probably not going to leave, and this is hardly a majority vote, its only based on who actually uses the forums and who actually read this post, this is just one of those things where people need to agree to disagree.
A lot of people are saying that enderpearls are like ropes, allowing the scaling of walls. Enderpearls not only go over walls, but they can go right into the middle of a base. That isn't medieval at all, is it?
This is a simple pole and discussion thread around the topic of ender pearls and if they should be removed from the server. If you vote in the pole please say why you voted how you did or if it has already been said put and agree rating on the post that has the reason in it.

I believe they should be removed because it makes walls ineffective and forces defenders to build roofs or hide in their houses if they want to be safe from raiders. A lone raider, with no siege equipment, should not be able to scale a 100 m wall and land on the other side with no more then a minor injury then proceed to attack the people that built the wall to protect them selves.
they are part of rp and pvp for reasons. That is why i say no
If ender pearls are removed, ladders that could be placed in enemy faction land would need to be added as compensation. Surely a scaling ladder is more medieval then a magic rock that teleports the thrower where ever they throw it.
And its not a rock, its a magical pearl with the standard power of a daemon
The thing is Ender pearls give the thrower thought about what they need to do. That definitely spices up the PVP aspect of the server. Also, People in medieval times destroyed or scaled walls. There is obviously neither at the moment. You can only throw ender pearls in, which actually gives raiders a POINT to enter the base, or even a way to. Also, if this turns into a premium only feature, I would find the person who thought of that, and massively question their opinions on it. It would just remove yet one more perk from the non-premiums, and give the premiums one more perk. People already think premiums are overpowered, and I do too, but others are on that fine line if they are or not. If they get ender pearls where we can't, it is basically overpowered, and majorly unbalance the non-premiums who manage to kick-butt.
True that
I think the only thing that could reasonably replace ender pearls is the grapple hook plugin. Having the ability to break other people's walls would defeat the purpose of building them
My issue with ender pearls is simply this: They make walls obsolete. It's been said before it will be said again. Hisoka has a dome for the sole purpose of defeating enderpearls. I vote yes, disable them.

Then I suggest to you is to be at that wall and defend from there so they won't have that easy target to ender pearl on.
If the enderpearls is removed, some kind of siege plugin has to be implemented. Temporarely Wall destroyal, siege ladder/tower could replace it. However, as many of you already stated, I do not want vanilla features to be removed as I dislike that non prems can't enjoy the diamond armor feature.

I agree with that ^.
XSacrificeXzb - Standing on your wall 24/7 is easier said then done, and it's not a small wall. It would take like 80 people (aka, my entire faction) to cover the whole thing haha. I do like the idea of a siege plugin.
Grapple hooks? fine. Block editing? not cool
Oh goodness, no way do i think that enderpearls should be removed.

I do not think they ruin the point of defences, if anything they give defences a reason to be! If one can not get over a high wall, then why build it? why make elaborate, grand structures? Do you see what i am trying to say?

Not only that but everyone would simply sit in their bases, raids would become pointless, thus destroying half of the fun when it comes to being in a faction.
if enderpearls aren't allowed what should we do? wait outside your walls for weeks on end and have not the ability to build a siege tower due to your claimed land. if enderpearls are going to be disabled the server would have to give us the ability to break down walls or build siege towers in claimed land. then again that conclusion is irrational due to the fact that if that was to occur griefing will occur all over the server...
This is a simple pole and discussion thread around the topic of ender pearls and if they should be removed from the server. If you vote in the pole please say why you voted how you did or if it has already been said put and agree rating on the post that has the reason in it.

I believe they should be removed because it makes walls ineffective and forces defenders to build roofs or hide in their houses if they want to be safe from raiders. A lone raider, with no siege equipment, should not be able to scale a 100 m wall and land on the other side with no more then a minor injury then proceed to attack the people that built the wall to protect them selves.

I kinda like to get rid of pearls because how they hurt when they raid us, but if you have seen Insurgo then some people do have a want to raid. Some people don't like the big cobble wall they have, and that only way in is either a pearl or finding a tunnel of theirs they got running around their base. The TNT siege would use up so much gunpowder and sand, there wouldn't be any left in the deserts to throw at them. Though I was against having pearls at first, I so kinda hope they keep them to have this game still Vanilla in some way. When they added races and factions and all that the original minecraft was kinda lost. Plus, Enderpearls are expensive in a ton of shops anyways.
Guys, we aren't saying that you should get rid of ender pearls and leave it at that, we want another siege plugin to be implemented.
Walls shouldn't be considered as an absolute defense against any attack, they have always in reality been meant to be a way to slow a siege not to prevent sieges all together. I think defenses in general should be thought of in terms of deterrents, not complete immunity for defenders, this reduces any risk for factions not making a medieval pvp world very fun. I think breaking through walls wouldn't be as bad, even if there isn't someone there at the time to stop the breach if the attackers either take damage for breaching or perhaps have a debuff that last say an hour, two or more that would make them take more damage then usual etc. There is always creative approaches to making sieges more realistic that wouldn't necessarily force either attackers or defenders to sit next to a wall 24/7 but at the same time making it fun in a medieval themed world.
With enderpearls, walls don't even slow down attackers. They don't do anything. That's not medieval, having a wall that does nothing. It's not role play friendly either
The only way to provide a true deter rant to raiders right now is to make a dome, which will usually look ugly. Even when Hisoka made a tree dome, it still didn't stop all raiders due to griefers poking holes in it and has attracted raiders who want Hisoka to tear it down due to its.... less than graceful look.
Remove ender pearls and add grappling hook or temporary ladder placement.
Vanilla minecraft wasn't built to be medieval, it was supposed to be a survival game of blocks. Ender pearls made that survival easier, but we are roleplaying medieval times here and ender pearls ruin the point of walls. For the time it takes to build a wall to the time it takes to throw an ender pearl, you aren't really slowing down the siege.
i keep coming back to an old post where it was suggested that fishing rods became grapples, but i think that with the introduction of leads (ropes) they could be used as a grapple or something. But I don't actually want ender pearls to be removed
Don't. Remove. Ender Pearls. :|
I agree with the idea of allowing ladders to be placed on walls in faction land, but temporarily. This would allow sieges to be medieval, aswell as giving the attacker a way to break into a fort. I do see the flaw in this, due to an overhang wall, so I am also suggesting that ladders should be able to be place on top of each other, or at least to a certain height.
There seems to be one thing everyone is missing on this topic, if ender pearls are taken away, another wall breaching pluggin will be placed, so regardless if they took away ender pearls, your walls are still going to be useless, this is one of those things where you will just have to get over it :/
There seems to be one thing everyone is missing on this topic, if ender pearls are taken away, another wall breaching pluggin will be placed, so regardless if they took away ender pearls, your walls are still going to be useless, this is one of those things where you will just have to get over it :/

There seems to be one thing you are missing on this topic. If ender pearls are removed whatever wall breeching thing is added will be easier to defend from (such as ladders you can fight people on the wall rather then them just skipping it). That is the reason I suggested this in the first place. If you had to climb the wall to get into a faction, or even break through the gate, the defenders would still have a chance to stop you before you got into their town.
There seems to be one thing you are missing on this topic. If ender pearls are removed whatever wall breeching thing is added will be easier to defend from (such as ladders you can fight people on the wall rather then them just skipping it). That is the reason I suggested this in the first place. If you had to climb the wall to get into a faction, or even break through the gate, the defenders would still have a chance to stop you before you got into their town.

Peronsally i find that harder to defend from then ender pearls, most people when they came to raid me when i had a wall, forgot or could never afford ender pearls so they were no threat, the only ones who do seem to use them effectively are the pvp heavies, which i highly doubt them having to climb up a ladder is going to make much of a difference, they will still over power you. And you will still end up having to hide in your own home.
Dwarfs should be launched with catapults over the walls and open the doors from inside. Practical and fun.
Peronsally i find that harder to defend from then ender pearls, most people when they came to raid me when i had a wall, forgot or could never afford ender pearls so they were no threat, the only ones who do seem to use them effectively are the pvp heavies, which i highly doubt them having to climb up a ladder is going to make much of a difference, they will still over power you. And you will still end up having to hide in your own home.

You do have a point. But what if you have bows and there are 3 of you defending, all relatively low mcmmo, and 1 attacker, very high mcmmo axes. With ender pearls the 1 attacker jumps the wall and kills everyone. If they needed to climb it they could be shot off. This would mean to attack a heavily fortified castle you would need at least 2 people. 1 on 1 side and 1 on the other so the defenders are split. That would be far more realistic then a lone raider taking over a castle.
You do have a point. But what if you have bows and there are 3 of you defending, all relatively low mcmmo, and 1 attacker, very high mcmmo axes. With ender pearls the 1 attacker jumps the wall and kills everyone. If they needed to climb it they could be shot off. This would mean to attack a heavily fortified castle you would need at least 2 people. 1 on 1 side and 1 on the other so the defenders are split. That would be far more realistic then a lone raider taking over a castle.

Not all factions have multiple people online at a time.
My issue with ender pearls is simply this: They make walls obsolete. It's been said before it will be said again. Hisoka has a dome for the sole purpose of defeating enderpearls. I vote yes, disable them.
If you make a wall high enough for one ender pearl to not be enough, then the raider can throw one high up on the wall then quickly throw another to get higher up on the wall or even over it. However, if you make a one or two block overhang on the front side of the wall, it makes it impossible to scale with enderpearls. You just have to build it high enough.
yea ONE guy, a raid hardly consists of one guy

Neither does a real defense.

Many raids by powerful factions (in pvp skill not in faction size) on weak ones (again, skills not size) don't have more then 3 people in them. These raiders jump the wall with pearls and kill everyone. If they had to climb the wall the defenders could use their numbers to keep the attackers back. Sure the attackers may eventually get over the wall but the defenders would have a chance.
If you make a wall high enough for one ender pearl to not be enough, then the raider can throw one high up on the wall then quickly throw another to get higher up on the wall or even over it. However, if you make a one or two block overhang on the front side of the wall, it makes it impossible to scale with enderpearls. You just have to build it high enough.

thanks for the advise
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