Archived Ender Pearls

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Dec 23, 2012
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This is a simple pole and discussion thread around the topic of ender pearls and if they should be removed from the server. If you vote in the pole please say why you voted how you did or if it has already been said put and agree rating on the post that has the reason in it.

I believe they should be removed because it makes walls ineffective and forces defenders to build roofs or hide in their houses if they want to be safe from raiders. A lone raider, with no siege equipment, should not be able to scale a 100 m wall and land on the other side with no more then a minor injury then proceed to attack the people that built the wall to protect them selves.
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I agree with your remark on ender pearls.

They shouldn't be around, they ruin the point of defences and let players glitch with them. Let say we had a fort of stone brick and there was normal fences or iron fences, players can easily glitchy through it and also tp over the walls. RP isn't RP if we keep these items.
At the same time, couldn't those being raided use ender pearls to escape? Also, I don't want vanilla parts of the game to be taken away.
They do take away point of walls. But some players may not agree on this.
In my opinion ender pearls act as the vanilla grappling hooks of minecraft.
You say you want them removed because it would make walls ineffective? Removing them would make raids, and therefore a big part of the medieval time, impossible. How do you think the soldiers in the medievel time got over a wall? They used ladders, grappling hooks, siege towers... But here on massivecraft you can't put a ladder at your enemies wall, you can't build a siege tower next to it, and real grappling hooks are not in minecraft. What stays is the ender pearl.

And therefore I think ender pearls shouldn't be removed.
In my opinion ender pearls act as the vanilla grappling hooks of minecraft.
You say you want them removed because it would make walls ineffective? Removing them would make raids, and therefore a big part of the medieval time, impossible. How do you think the soldiers in the medievel time got over a wall? They used ladders, grappling hooks, siege towers... But here on massivecraft you can't put a ladder at your enemies wall, you can't build a siege tower next to it, and real grappling hooks are not in minecraft. What stays is the ender pearl.

And therefore I think ender pearls shouldn't be removed.
Agreed then.
Actually, you can't enderpearl over anything higher than 12 blocks, as far as I know.

You can by throwing the pearl as high as you can then throwing it again when you are teleported to what ever it hits.

At the same time, couldn't those being raided use ender pearls to escape? Also, I don't want vanilla parts of the game to be taken away.

People should not have to escape from their own castle, unless it is via a secret tunnel or something. And that would only be after the castle is lost not when one guy has killed you while you were not ready and is walking around the court yard.

In my opinion ender pearls act as the vanilla grappling hooks of minecraft.
You say you want them removed because it would make walls ineffective? Removing them would make raids, and therefore a big part of the medieval time, impossible. How do you think the soldiers in the medievel time got over a wall? They used ladders, grappling hooks, siege towers... But here on massivecraft you can't put a ladder at your enemies wall, you can't build a siege tower next to it, and real grappling hooks are not in minecraft. What stays is the ender pearl.
And therefore I think ender pearls shouldn't be removed.

that is true, but if you are a defender on a wall you can quite easily stop a lone attacker from climbing it with a rope and grappling hook/ladder. Siege towers are a different matter. However, bandits and the like did not have them very often. Most of the time they did not even have ladders. If grappling hooks were added to minecraft then that would be great. But the ender pearl is just so much easier to use then a grappling hook or ladder would have been in medieval times.

Talking about ladders. Maybe they can add a feature that allows you to place ladders in enemy territory. These ladders could disappear again after a minute or so and drop on the ground.
I agree, I cannot defend against intruders if they enderpearl right behind me and then attack me from behind. I vote that they should be removed.
Removed or Not removed... They should be removed if enemies where allowed to place Ladders during war. Also... If you dislike your enemy having walls, build a TNT cannon and take them down. End of discussion! 8-)
Removed or Not removed... They should be removed if enemies where allowed to place Ladders during war. Also... If you dislike your enemy having walls, build a TNT cannon and take them down. End of discussion! 8-)
I actually like this idea. A lot. Well, the first bit that is, about placing ladders on walls of your enemies. It should be allowed... someone, quick, make a new suggestion!
I DO NOT want ender pearls to be removed, It is just one less combat changer. Lets face it, you can say, "They are only going to glitch with it!" or "It makes the combat unfair..." But lets face it, just because people have ender pearls, does not specifically mean they will just glitch with them. It can make your enemy just look like a slimy coward when they throw an ender pearl to run, but, lets face it, if you were face to face with someone who had better weapons, potions, and was premium, you would most likely choose your flight option. It can make a quick get-away for those who need it, and are prepared, and it makes the combat more interesting, knowing you have to follow someone after they throw the pearl, and since it is delayed, if you beat them in running to the spot, you can sit there with your sword drawn ready to eat someone.
The server dose not allow you to break in others land, like in the real world if you are raiding person A you would break down their walls, but in massive craft you can't do that. So people need a way to get into a base without breaking the walls, that is why ender pearls are here because without them there would be no way for you to be raided with walls which would not very realistic or role play, because in the real medieval world people would siege a person base with catapults to gain entry, if ender pearls would be removed a good substitute would be the ability to break an enemies door/wall and depending on there power level it would re-spawn fast or slow.
I dislike enderpearls on the basis that they make walls almost completely obsolete, except as decorations. What is the point of making a wall when the enemy can simply throw an enderpearl over it and go "LOL!" as they slaughter the townsfolk. Walls are supposed to deter all but the most determined raiders, yet on Massive almost anyone can easily get pass a wall. Implement ladders, make it so tnt cannons can temporarily destroy blocks, get another system, because at this point, almost anything's better than the current system of raiding where one side enderpearls another's walls while the other side hides in a small room insulting the raiders.
My issue with ender pearls is simply this: They make walls obsolete. It's been said before it will be said again. Hisoka has a dome for the sole purpose of defeating enderpearls. I vote yes, disable them.
Walls were meant to hold off attackers, not completely stop them from advancing. You can't break blocks with cannons on an enemies' base to get inside, and like others have said you can't place ladders on an enemy wall. Ender pearls are a key part of pvp. Raids wouldn't work without ender pearls. And you'd end up seeing a lot more terrible looking siege towers around people's bases. And siege towers would be impratical as well. Since the claim of a faction is often reached out farther than the wall so you can't even jump from the siege tower to the wall. Raids would be impossible if it were removed. There would be absolutely no way to get over a wall. I vote no.
If the enderpearls is removed, some kind of siege plugin has to be implemented. Temporarely Wall destroyal, siege ladder/tower could replace it. However, as many of you already stated, I do not want vanilla features to be removed as I dislike that non prems can't enjoy the diamond armor feature.
I suggest that a different siege plugin be implemented when enderpearls are disabled, because yes, I recognize Austin's point. Seige fighting would be even worse without enderpearls, which is why we should disable enderpearls and get something else. I'm in favor of tnt cannons being allowed to temporarily destroy blocks, maybe for 5-10 minutes before they regenerate. This would make it so siege battles are more fun, where the attackers would build fortifications and cannons to break through the defender's walls, and the defenders would try to fortify their walls and destroy/capture the attacker's cannons.
I would enjoy a plugin or tweak that allows you to place ladders on walls that last for 5 IRL minutes (plenty of time for raiders to rush in and do their raid). Would keep walls as a defensive entity (you can kill people as they come up the ladder) without making it impossible. Perhaps also a cannon plugin that destroys blocks for 30 minutes as well.
I agree with your remark on ender pearls.

They shouldn't be around, they ruin the point of defences and let players glitch with them. Let say we had a fort of stone brick and there was normal fences or iron fences, players can easily glitchy through it and also tp over the walls. RP isn't RP if we keep these items.

I know you already changed your mind, but this past point is pure proof. Even though this is mainly pvp based, I'd like to bring up people using them to glitch into places. I have noted at some point a person had glitched into my house, but quickly spooked out when I had pulled out a Flint and Tinder. And yes, it does make it so walls are needed to be made large. I suppose I'm more focusing on the glitching part, as a lot of people do it, but it's hard to gain evidence of them because screenshots don't work to well with these things, and some people just can't even record because of the video programs.
I suggest that a different siege plugin be implemented when enderpearls are disabled, because yes, I recognize Austin's point. Seige fighting would be even worse without enderpearls, which is why we should disable enderpearls and get something else. I'm in favor of tnt cannons being allowed to temporarily destroy blocks, maybe for 5-10 minutes before they regenerate. This would make it so siege battles are more fun, where the attackers would build fortifications and cannons to break through the defender's walls, and the defenders would try to fortify their walls and destroy/capture the attacker's cannons.
And I like this idea, sure, but all it takes are a cobble of lava pits or a couple hundred silver to buy a giant layer of obsidian to go all around.
Yes, but the faction would have to somehow make the obsidian look good and rp :)
Yes, but the faction would have to somehow make the obsidian look good and rp :)
No problem, wall 3+ thick with obsidian core. You wouldn't even see the obsidian. Then save some blocks by having it show in artistic places. Same thing with water or lava in an Agni or Maiar themed structure.

The doors and over the walls will always be the weak points. I would rather have someone enderpearl over the wall than build a 1x1 tower to jump over. The mods have talked about a plugin to allow breaking doors, for now glitching through with an enderpearl is the next best thing.
If there were no ended pearls people would be building ugly 1x1 dirt block towers to jump over the wall. Personally I don't want people doing that to my base. :P
How about you scale enderpearl damage with distance. so pearling a small distance would be fine, but more than 10-20 blocks would kill you.
How about you scale enderpearl damage with distance. so pearling a small distance would be fine, but more than 10-20 blocks would kill you.
So you can only use enderpearls to glitch through doors, not to escape, get over walls, or any of the other uses for which they are in the game. This also doesn't work because enderpearl damage is considered fall damage wrt vampire resistance and mcmmo damage reduction.
It would give builds a reason, it should not be removed, but it would be smart to make them rare/restrict them to premiums/limit the amount of enderperls you can use (the magic lore states that bad stuff can happen to you if you use too much magic, so it would fit in with the lore)
Idea on Enderpearls: Make it so that Endermen drop them less often (aka, 1 pearl for like 50 endermen)
Why not just disable enderpearls for truce factions and lower in claimed land? If an enderpearl lands in faction land, a message could come up saying: You don't have permission to use enderpearls in "Faction name here". This would allow people to use enderpearls inside their own factions and allied factions. This would still allow people to use them in the wilderness., for getting away from mobs, covering distances faster, etc.
I like your idea Aaron! If the staff could couple that idea with a good siege plugin, it would be pretty neat.
This has come up in discussion recently. We're (Currently) opposed to removing pearls because it is a Vanilla mechanic and without pearls there is no way to get over a relatively low wall. It'd dramatically "kill" raiding.

Note however, this was concluded from a "brief" discussion and we've not yet fully explored siege alternative. Your suggestions and idea are of course, welcome.
Ender pearls shoudn't be removed. I'd elaborate, but Kapry has already made all the points that should be made.
The only situation where I can see id would be a good idea to remove ender pearls, is if a grapplehook plugin was added (some of which are very good indeed).

I agree, I cannot defend against intruders if they enderpearl right behind me and then attack me from behind. I vote that they should be removed.

That's just called tactics...
The thing is Ender pearls give the thrower thought about what they need to do. That definitely spices up the PVP aspect of the server. Also, People in medieval times destroyed or scaled walls. There is obviously neither at the moment. You can only throw ender pearls in, which actually gives raiders a POINT to enter the base, or even a way to. Also, if this turns into a premium only feature, I would find the person who thought of that, and massively question their opinions on it. It would just remove yet one more perk from the non-premiums, and give the premiums one more perk. People already think premiums are overpowered, and I do too, but others are on that fine line if they are or not. If they get ender pearls where we can't, it is basically overpowered, and majorly unbalance the non-premiums who manage to kick-butt.
No, its those who are tired of walls being little more than very big decorations.
Ender pearls are a bitch, but they're better than not being able to get over an enemy's walls. War is already as fair as it could reasonably be
The server dose not allow you to break in others land, like in the real world if you are raiding person A you would break down their walls, but in massive craft you can't do that. So people need a way to get into a base without breaking the walls, that is why ender pearls are here because without them there would be no way for you to be raided with walls which would not very realistic or role play, because in the real medieval world people would siege a person base with catapults to gain entry, if ender pearls would be removed a good substitute would be the ability to break an enemies door/wall and depending on there power level it would re-spawn fast or slow.

I agree with this, and in fact I think regardless of the ender pearl debate some level of breaching castle walls to penetrate defenses should be allowed. Perhaps limit the area which a tunnel can be dug through a wall or to a base under ground and require users to replace the blocks broken. This way it reduces the whole idea of impenetrable bases which is not very good role play and not good game play in general. There should be risks and rewards on a factions server, for those that want to have no possibility of death I would think a creative server or just plain old survival would make more sense, but in our case we should be striving towards medieval game play as much as possible and not restricting players to not even be able to get in bases at all, it makes no sense.
I think ender pearls should be kept in game. Like what kapry said about medieval time raids. Enderpearls make the server more medieval since they act like a so called "rope" or "grappling hook" when climbing into an enemy base. If ender pearl were actually removed than I would imagine bases to have ugly 1 block dirt tower around their base. Dirt towers may be a way to enter a base in raids but its not very medieval.
I think ender pearls should be kept in game. Like what kapry said about medieval time raids. Enderpearls make the server more medieval since they act like a so called "rope" or "grappling hook" when climbing into an enemy base. If ender pearl were actually removed than I would imagine bases to have ugly 1 block dirt tower around their base. Dirt towers may be a way to enter a base in raids but its not very medieval.

If ender pearls are removed, ladders that could be placed in enemy faction land would need to be added as compensation. Surely a scaling ladder is more medieval then a magic rock that teleports the thrower where ever they throw it.
If the enderpearls is removed, some kind of siege plugin has to be implemented. Temporarely Wall destroyal, siege ladder/tower could replace it. However, as many of you already stated, I do not want vanilla features to be removed as I dislike that non prems can't enjoy the diamond armor feature.

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