Archived Encouraging Pvpers To Rp And Vice Versa

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Lets get straight and to the point folks -

PvPers have no incentive to be involved in the Roleplay community, which in my opinion is a real missed opportunity to create both a more interesting and more immersive experience.

I believe that it would be beneficial to the server if survival worlds were able to somehow alter the lore of the server. What I mean by this is that things such as wars between lore-compliant factions and the battles between them would actually change something in the lore, even if it is just like a drop of water in the ocean (like it would usually be), it would at least give the player the feeling that they are somehow making and changing the server in meaningful ways instead of just pointlessly killing other players. The reason why I, and so many others in the PvP community, do not get involved in Roleplay is because it feels a) like its pointless, as it seems players have no weight in the grand scheme of things, and b) there is no incentive for us to get involved if our passion and interest for PvP is not incorporated. I believe that if the server somehow incorporated lore-compliant factions in survival worlds into the actual lore, you would find players who previously never RP'd would at least give it a try and invest some time into learning about the other half of the server.

Not only would things like battles between different groups of players that effect the lore encourage PvPers to become more involved in RP and vice versa, it would also have adverse effects of improving the economy because previous non-survival players would now have a reason to get involved in survival (to participate in survival / pvp fights that effect the lore). Overall, I think it would make both communities more active, and also introduce PvPers to RP and vice versa without actually forcing them into any experiences that they do not want to be apart of. I've always wanted to become part of the RP community to some degree, but when I feel like I will have no effect on what happens in the lore it really discourages me (and I am sure many others feel the same way I do).

Just to make it clear, I believe that only 100% lore-compliant factions should be able to effect lore in survival worlds, which would also be a positive to RPers as they would be able to have more real RP experiences all across each continent instead of only (logically) staying in Regalia where they know that most / all builds/players/events will be lore compliant. This would also make it so PvPers would most likely reshape their factions to fit the lore, in order to change it.

Sorry if some of the things I said are inaccurate about RP or even PvP (or if they wouldn't even be possible because it would require too much work). This is just an idea I wanted to suggest to possibly improve the server, and would also like to acknowledge that this idea is naturally biased towards PvPers because that is really the only side of the server that I have experienced thus far.

I also didn't proofread this too much and I'm tired as hell, so sorry if it's hard to understand any of the things that I've said.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea. Pretty smart. It'd be nice if PvPers tried out the other side. I understand some do, but not all. It's not like RPers don't just stay secluded to their half though.
I was honestly really scared when I saw the title of this post. Thought you turned to the dark side bb.

But in all sincerity, I really like this idea. I would love having wars and such that actually affected something. I mean we're not surrendering to Deld any time soon, and they're not surrendering to us, so may as well have our fights affect each other in some way (pretty sure we're beyond caring about god weapons that this point). I'd really like to see something along the lines of a large lore compliant battle type event somewhere, where factions could choose between joining either SunKiss' or Deldrimor's side in a large fight. I think events like that would add something to play for to certain players, and would certainly boost popularity in PvP and in roleplay.
Ben, we've had our differences in the past, but I can not agree more. I've been wanting a "lore compliant application" for the factions of the survival world for TWO years now, and maybe if enough people see this, that could become a reality. This is a pretty damn solid post, and you have my full support :)
I am Genecide65, and I approve Benrekts Message. ((But in All seriousness, This Idea is Great, This Can Help Revive the PVP community bringing in more people and Also can Benifit the RP community. There really is no loss in this Idea and i feel the staff should consider it! Hint hint!))
Oh look, another idea post by BenRekt (TRIGGER WARNING)

Lets get straight and to the point folks -

PvPers have no incentive to be involved in the Roleplay community, which in my opinion is a real missed opportunity to create both a more interesting and more immersive experience.

I believe that it would be beneficial to the server if survival worlds were able to somehow alter the lore of the server. What I mean by this is that things such as wars between lore-compliant factions and the battles between them would actually change something in the lore, even if it is just like a drop of water in the ocean (like it would usually be), it would at least give the player the feeling that they are somehow making and changing the server in meaningful ways instead of just pointlessly killing other players. The reason why I, and so many others in the PvP community, do not get involved in Roleplay is because it feels a) like its pointless, as it seems players have no weight in the grand scheme of things, and b) there is no incentive for us to get involved if our passion and interest for PvP is not incorporated. I believe that if the server somehow incorporated lore-compliant factions in survival worlds into the actual lore, you would find players who previously never RP'd would at least give it a try and invest some time into learning about the other half of the server.

Not only would things like battles between different groups of players that effect the lore encourage PvPers to become more involved in RP and vice versa, it would also have adverse effects of improving the economy because previous non-survival players would now have a reason to get involved in survival (to participate in survival / pvp fights that effect the lore). Overall, I think it would make both communities more active, and also introduce PvPers to RP and vice versa without actually forcing them into any experiences that they do not want to be apart of. I've always wanted to become part of the RP community to some degree, but when I feel like I will have no effect on what happens in the lore it really discourages me (and I am sure many others feel the same way I do).

Just to make it clear, I believe that only 100% lore-compliant factions should be able to effect lore in survival worlds, which would also be a positive to RPers as they would be able to have more real RP experiences all across each continent instead of only (logically) staying in Regalia where they know that most / all builds/players/events will be lore compliant. This would also make it so PvPers would most likely reshape their factions to fit the lore, in order to change it.

Sorry if some of the things I said are inaccurate about RP or even PvP (or if they wouldn't even be possible because it would require too much work). This is just an idea I wanted to suggest to possibly improve the server, and would also like to acknowledge that this idea is naturally biased towards PvPers because that is really the only side of the server that I have experienced thus far.

I also didn't proofread this too much and I'm tired as hell, so sorry if it's hard to understand any of the things that I've said.
I like this a lot. I've always enjoyed the medieval side of Massive and faction related lore always seemed pretty interesting. That's why waminer and I have written up a few posts about the Dominion. Incorporating lore in the factions will give wars more meaning so people will more incentive to fight.
@RazeII cause I know you have opinions on this
Thought you turned to the dark side bb.
Please we're not terrible ; n; I actually respect a bunch of PvP'ers.

This is a really creative idea and I fully support it. It can add a bit more depth to minecraft PvP, more than smacking people around for loot. (Is that offensive? I'm sorry if it is, I don't really understand it.)
Agree entirely!
I would truly love for a lore complaint faction application and following faction world effects it would have, I honestly think this could mend the gaps in the pvp community and bring the massive community as a whole together more.
With the return of the optional war decs also this fits in perfectly.
Back in the uhh "Glory Days" one of the thing I loved most about MassiveCraft was the faction Osai, and factions like it. They participated in rp and pvp. Back rp was in the survival world, and each individual faction had their own lore. It was one of the things that made MassiveCraft so unique, it was how the rp and pvp and survival were all kneaded together. It would be cool for people who play to experience that. Ah, The nostalgia is overwhelming.
Back in the uhh "Glory Days" one of the thing I loved most about MassiveCraft was the faction Osai, and factions like it. They participated in rp and pvp. Back rp was in the survival world, and each individual faction had their own lore. It was one of the things that made MassiveCraft so unique, it was how the rp and pvp and survival were all kneaded together. It would be cool for people who play to experience that. Ah, The nostalgia is overwhelming.
I really wish I had gotten to experience that
I like this idea. Would be nice for factions to actually have an influence on world events, no matter how small, rather than everything being decided in staff meetings.

And Sevak, you really did miss some great stuff. Stuff like this xD
Anyone else remember this? :P
I think this is a really great idea.
I like this idea. Would be nice for factions to actually have an influence on world events, no matter how small, rather than everything being decided in staff meetings.

And Sevak, you really did miss some great stuff. Stuff like this xD
View attachment 74742
Anyone else remember this? :P
Hell yes xD
Back in the uhh "Glory Days" one of the thing I loved most about MassiveCraft was the faction Osai, and factions like it. They participated in rp and pvp. Back rp was in the survival world, and each individual faction had their own lore. It was one of the things that made MassiveCraft so unique, it was how the rp and pvp and survival were all kneaded together. It would be cool for people who play to experience that. Ah, The nostalgia is overwhelming.

We may be remembering two different universes because I'm here looking at old poll data where roleplayers complained they were constantly getting killed by survivalists and wanted a centralized server lore in a safe roleplay environment.
We may be remembering two different universes because I'm here looking at old poll data where roleplayers complained they were constantly getting killed by survivalists and wanted a centralized server lore in a safe roleplay environment.
I think what he meant was that he wants the faction wars to have an affect on the lore while still keeping the roleplay world as a safe haven for Roleplayers who don't want to get involved in PVP at all. This would give those people a chance to affect the lore if they were to PVP, but still make it an optional opportunity.
We may be remembering two different universes because I'm here looking at old poll data where roleplayers complained they were constantly getting killed by survivalists and wanted a centralized server lore in a safe roleplay environment.
That's understandable. I remember defending Mithril a lot a while back from Raptum/Crypt/Damorn/Original Deldrimor. Was good fun for all the pvpers, good set of raids but I remember all of the Mithril officers getting very stressed about it. But I don't think Ben wants Regalia to be deleted and it to go back to exactly what it was before. He just wants the two different sections of the server to blend together a bit.
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We may be remembering two different universes because I'm here looking at old poll data where roleplayers complained they were constantly getting killed by survivalists and wanted a centralized server lore in a safe roleplay environment.
I do however, remember a universe in which not everyone but SunKiss and Deldrimor just hid inside when they got raided. Like legit. At this point pretty much all the pvp on the server is between SunKiss and Deldrimor because everyone else pretty much refuses to fight us, and so they just make it a proxy war. Sure, roleplayers don't need to be killed while they're rping and all that jazz, but that doesn't mean they have to sit around in Regalia and roleplay 24/7. I'm pretty sure that, given the chance to participate in a large server-run PvP war/battle thing, a large number of roleplayers would be more than interested in it.
I'm pretty sure that, given the chance to participate in a large server-run PvP war/battle thing, a large number of roleplayers would be more than interested in it.
Yes, they would. However, Regalia should NOT be deleted and replaced with this entirely. Personally, I like the fact that there is a world entirely dedicated to roleplay where Roleplayers have already established a vast number of businesses and other things. I think it should be like @Sevak said:
I don't think Ben wants Regalia to be deleted and it to go back to exactly what it was before. He just wants the two different sections of the server to blend together a bit.
This would make a balanced roleplay universe good for both PVPers and 100% Roleplayers alike.
Yes, they would. However, Regalia should NOT be deleted and replaced with this entirely. Personally, I like the fact that there is a world entirely dedicated to roleplay where Roleplayers have already established a vast number of businesses and other things. I think it should be like @Sevak said:

This would make a balanced roleplay universe good for both PVPers and 100% Roleplayers alike.
Course not. I don't think anyone even suggested that lol.
That's understandable. I remember defending Mithril a lot a while back from Raptum/Crypt/Damorn/Original Deldrimor. Was good fun for all the pvpers, good set of raids but I remember all of the Mithril officers getting very stressed about it. But I don't think Ben wants Regalia to be deleted and it to go back to exactly what it was before. He just wants the two different sections of the server to blend together a bit.

I was mostly replying to thor's imaginative fantasies, not the actual content of the thread as I hadn't given myself enough time to think about the content yet. Which I have now. And I wrote a really long post but then deleted it all because I don't think anyone actually cares about those opinions. It can effectively be summarized as such: Nobody on staff (from what I can tell) is inherently opposed to the idea. Many of them are willing to put some effort in to make it work. But.

It's not as easy as OP means to or accidentally implied. We can't just snap our fingers and the system is there and everything is sunshine and rainbows from there on out. The problem extends beyond disinterest from both communities, rooted in the fact that the PVP community is incredibly conflict oriented where roleplayers roleplay specifically to avoid that, roleplayers outright suck at PVP and staff members don't want to participate because people will shit on them for being staff members.

It probably requires a bit more work from staff to figure out what the possibilities are and then a heap of dedication from players to make some tangible improvements to prevent it from falling flat on its face.
i have not read any of the comments, but i like this and have been wanting somtin like this but havent sucked up the courage to do dat.
in my experience on massive ive been like this: i dont wanna RP cause its pointless; unless i do tons of stuff on the forums i dont effect the lore or RP community. i dont wanna pvp cause premiums have tons of buffs and i cant be online enough to actually practice it and get good at it. 1.9 is coming out and i think that will be my chance to (kinda) learn at the same level and rate of other pvpers. i would love for roleplay to be "fixed" too. i think one of the bad things about the cheaper fac prices (besides the fact that i @&#^ bought a fac literaly a week before the prices where lowered) is that most anyone can be a "king."

if this (or somtin like it) isnt implemented i will continue my work to join together pvp and rp by inventing, leading, ect. i have already invented an ender-prearl proof wall thats only like 25 blocks high and is historically acurate and i have plans for a medieval themed empire/government that will produce rp and pvp strength. i plan to continue to exploit plugin and vanilla features to make pvp factions more lore compliant.

i also think theloneshep has the same attitude but idk
We may be remembering two different universes because I'm here looking at old poll data where roleplayers complained they were constantly getting killed by survivalists and wanted a centralized server lore in a safe roleplay environment.
Two different perspectives I suppose, that of an rper and that of pvper. All pvper's loved it, some rpers didn't mind it, others did not like it.
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staff members don't want to participate because people will shit on them for being staff members.

I'm sure it's been suggested before, but what if there was a mechanic/feature/something that allowed Staff to 'hide' , that is, to take on a username that isn't their own which would be orange as a premium account? It would retain their stats, but would simply replace the name with something that people wouldn't get all indignant at. Sorry if the idea seems half-baked, it just sorta popped out xD

EDIT: By 'take on a name that isn't their own' I just mean having an alternate name they come up with which gets plastered over their current name, so they can operate in PvP/Roleplay/Ext anonymously.
i have not read any of the comments, but i like this and have been wanting somtin like this but havent sucked up the courage to do dat.
in my experience on massive ive been like this: i dont wanna RP cause its pointless; unless i do tons of stuff on the forums i dont effect the lore or RP community. i dont wanna pvp cause premiums have tons of buffs and i cant be online enough to actually practice it and get good at it. 1.9 is coming out and i think that will be my chance to (kinda) learn at the same level and rate of other pvpers. i would love for roleplay to be "fixed" too. i think one of the bad things about the cheaper fac prices (besides the fact that i @&#^ bought a fac literaly a week before the prices where lowered) is that most anyone can be a "king."

if this (or somtin like it) isnt implemented i will continue my work to join together pvp and rp by inventing, leading, ect. i have already invented an ender-prearl proof wall thats only like 25 blocks high and is historically acurate and i have plans for a medieval themed empire/government that will produce rp and pvp strength. i plan to continue to exploit plugin and vanilla features to make pvp factions more lore compliant.

i also think theloneshep has the same attitude but idk

Trust me, 1.9=bad for PvP.
I'm sure it's been suggested before, but what if there was a mechanic/feature/something that allowed Staff to 'hide' , that is, to take on a username that isn't their own which would be orange as a premium account? It would retain their stats, but would simply replace the name with something that people wouldn't get all indignant at. Sorry if the idea seems half-baked, it just sorta popped out xD

EDIT: By 'take on a name that isn't their own' I just mean having an alternate name they come up with which gets plastered over their current name, so they can operate in PvP/Roleplay/Ext anonymously.
As depressing as it sounds, Cayorion often classifies "staff related plugins" as "luxury plugins" which effectively means "They are at the bottom of the priority list". Generally speaking plugins benefiting players are infinitely more important and always receive priority for coding, so such a plugin will likely never be made. And I tend to agree with him. As a staff member you just have to sacrifice your own entertainment, otherwise you're not a good staff member.
I'm sure it's been suggested before, but what if there was a mechanic/feature/something that allowed Staff to 'hide' , that is, to take on a username that isn't their own which would be orange as a premium account? It would retain their stats, but would simply replace the name with something that people wouldn't get all indignant at. Sorry if the idea seems half-baked, it just sorta popped out xD

EDIT: By 'take on a name that isn't their own' I just mean having an alternate name they come up with which gets plastered over their current name, so they can operate in PvP/Roleplay/Ext anonymously.
About that first part, the PvP community is pretty small and tight knit, we all know each other whether we like or dislike each other. We'd automatically tell if a new pvper just appeared and I personally feel that they would be discovered as staff within 20 minutes of pvp starting

Don't get me wrong though, I personally dont mind Staff PvPing and I think the more pvpers the better, though I suppose there probably are some people who would harass them for being staff, sucks though, people should be allowed to pvp regardless of who they are.
I'm sure it's been suggested before, but what if there was a mechanic/feature/something that allowed Staff to 'hide' , that is, to take on a username that isn't their own which would be orange as a premium account? It would retain their stats, but would simply replace the name with something that people wouldn't get all indignant at. Sorry if the idea seems half-baked, it just sorta popped out xD

EDIT: By 'take on a name that isn't their own' I just mean having an alternate name they come up with which gets plastered over their current name, so they can operate in PvP/Roleplay/Ext anonymously.

This is good and all, but were getting a bit off topic.