Archived Encouraging Pvpers To Rp And Vice Versa

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Lets get straight and to the point folks -

PvPers have no incentive to be involved in the Roleplay community, which in my opinion is a real missed opportunity to create both a more interesting and more immersive experience.

I believe that it would be beneficial to the server if survival worlds were able to somehow alter the lore of the server. What I mean by this is that things such as wars between lore-compliant factions and the battles between them would actually change something in the lore, even if it is just like a drop of water in the ocean (like it would usually be), it would at least give the player the feeling that they are somehow making and changing the server in meaningful ways instead of just pointlessly killing other players. The reason why I, and so many others in the PvP community, do not get involved in Roleplay is because it feels a) like its pointless, as it seems players have no weight in the grand scheme of things, and b) there is no incentive for us to get involved if our passion and interest for PvP is not incorporated. I believe that if the server somehow incorporated lore-compliant factions in survival worlds into the actual lore, you would find players who previously never RP'd would at least give it a try and invest some time into learning about the other half of the server.

Not only would things like battles between different groups of players that effect the lore encourage PvPers to become more involved in RP and vice versa, it would also have adverse effects of improving the economy because previous non-survival players would now have a reason to get involved in survival (to participate in survival / pvp fights that effect the lore). Overall, I think it would make both communities more active, and also introduce PvPers to RP and vice versa without actually forcing them into any experiences that they do not want to be apart of. I've always wanted to become part of the RP community to some degree, but when I feel like I will have no effect on what happens in the lore it really discourages me (and I am sure many others feel the same way I do).

Just to make it clear, I believe that only 100% lore-compliant factions should be able to effect lore in survival worlds, which would also be a positive to RPers as they would be able to have more real RP experiences all across each continent instead of only (logically) staying in Regalia where they know that most / all builds/players/events will be lore compliant. This would also make it so PvPers would most likely reshape their factions to fit the lore, in order to change it.

Sorry if some of the things I said are inaccurate about RP or even PvP (or if they wouldn't even be possible because it would require too much work). This is just an idea I wanted to suggest to possibly improve the server, and would also like to acknowledge that this idea is naturally biased towards PvPers because that is really the only side of the server that I have experienced thus far.

I also didn't proofread this too much and I'm tired as hell, so sorry if it's hard to understand any of the things that I've said.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
yes we are. i feel like staff should put togeter some of these discusions cause with the new pvp update and all there is a lot of pvp related stuff to talk about.
Again, Most PvP features (Removal of features, more like) will probably be disabled for Massivecraft when 1.9 releases, so no, there won't be a whole lot to talk about.
Again, Most PvP features (Removal of features, more like) will probably be disabled for Massivecraft when 1.9 releases, so no, there won't be a whole lot to talk about.
Has this been confirmed, is this just your speculation/hope, or have you even read/experienced what the final 1.9 version entails(the final version isn't out yet, so I severely doubt this)? But yeah, away from the straying comments...

Fully support this idea; honestly, this is probably the best idea that can finally build some bridges between the severely split PvP and Rp communities on this server. Not sure if there's really anything else I can say, besides stating my complete support of this idea...oh wait, extra comment: I had honestly thought, when I was contemplating whether or not to play on this server over two years ago, that this is what the server would have been using for its Rp wars. So yeah, 102.52% support from me, on this wonderful idea.
Has this been confirmed, is this just your speculation/hope, or have you even read/experienced what the final 1.9 version entails(the final version isn't out yet, so I severely doubt this)? But yeah, away from the straying comments...

Fully support this idea; honestly, this is probably the best idea that can finally build some bridges between the severely split PvP and Rp communities on this server. Not sure if there's really anything else I can say, besides stating my complete support of this idea...oh wait, extra comment: I had honestly thought, when I was contemplating whether or not to play on this server over two years ago, that this is what the server would have been using for its Rp wars. So yeah, 102.52% support from me, on this wonderful idea.
Note I said "Probably" not "100% will be disabled." I have seen some of the key 1.9 features, such as wings, hit delay, etc, and none of it looks promising. I have not read over everything that has been disclosed about the update but from what I've seen, it does not look promising for the future of PvP on Massivecraft. Therefore, I doubt the staff would keep these features in for fear of outrage from the entire PvP community.
Note I said "Probably" not "100% will be disabled." I have seen some of the key 1.9 features, such as wings, hit delay, etc, and none of it looks promising. I have not read over everything that has been disclosed about the update but from what I've seen, it does not look promising for the future of PvP on Massivecraft. Therefore, I doubt the staff would keep these features in for fear of outrage from the entire PvP community.
God forbid something has to change. Have you even PvP'd with these features? My understanding of the wings is that they replace the chest plate. So intern you are losing some armor in order to use the wings, which I see as a pretty fair trade.
God forbid something has to change. Have you even PvP'd with these features? My understanding of the wings is that they replace the chest plate. So intern you are losing some armor in order to use the wings, which I see as a pretty fair trade.
And? You could literally put a chestplate in your backpack, nerdpole up, and jump off, flying into a base, swapping the wings for the chestplate, and carrying on. Imagine breaching Afrovia with wings. It would completely defeat the purpose of walls and defences because you could fly over any structure put in place to defend a faction. And as for hit delay, I don't think I have to explain why that would be detrimental to PvP.
And? You could literally put a chestplate in your backpack, nerdpole up, and jump off, flying into a base, swapping the wings for the chestplate, and carrying on. Imagine breaching Afrovia with wings. It would completely defeat the purpose of walls and defences because you could fly over any structure put in place to defend a faction. And as for hit delay, I don't think I have to explain why that would be detrimental to PvP.
The hit delay is obviously not a positive thing but you can't assume all changes will be bad.
Also contrary to the popular PVP beliefs... The staff aren't idiots. Of course they will disable or change new features that suck.
Lets stop arguing over 1.9, there is no point of doing that on this post.
Could any staff please clean up unrelated conversations about 1.9 please - half the comments are arguing about 1,9 implementations.
Absolutely LOVE the idea. +24 9001% support.
Also, couldn't you already apply to get your faction Lore Certified?
This idea seems completely plausible without any staff changes to speak of. Just the will to do it. I, for one, am very inspired, and will probably try to get my faction approved in the Lore, and go ahead and give it my all.

You have my absolute support. -Lego

Anyways, I obviously agree with the suggested in this thread, as I was about to make one similar.

Something to approach this would be an adaptation of survival mechanics with some lore. Like the already suggested trait classes, in the pvp think tank, with both bonuses and minuses, with the respective lore to it (Elf dextery - archery traits for bonuses and something like the lack of healthboost or absorption traits to debuff).
Another suggestion is a monthly pvp event, if there are any conflicts in the lore, with only those selected to represent the factions/races/clans/whatever involved in these conflicts.

Like there was once a PvP skype chat, I feel that there could be a better communication of these threads and ideas suggested. The same way there is a thread for the WIP projects that staff are actively working on, there could be a ladder with these suggestions with the percentage of implementation probability, player and staff approval percentage and some other relevant info.

I'm going to tag @MonMarty because I feel that this is a really important subject that should not be forgotten, clearly has received approval by many people to prove that.
Eep! I am but a lowly RP-er who stumbled across this thread!

It's actually a cool idea, I mean. What if we set up PvP tournaments to determine battles where different players choose sides, then abstract that data into something usable for rolls? Or whichever side wins this 'ooc' battle also corresponds to the 'ic' player quest/battle?

I dunno. Just the ponderings of a n00b ;>
Perhaps all the settlers and pilgrims in Fendarfell and the other frontiers could be forced to voyage to our magnificent capital and seek noble funding for their colonial wars. Hah.

All in all, some problems or questions to note:
- Would you place any obligations, or would you retain this suggestion as completely optional?
- Would you provide any benefits apart from glorification?
- The suggestion implies the PvP community influencing the background of the lore community. Would you allow the RP community to influence the PvPers in any way?
- How do you define a 'Lore Compliant' faction? How do you define a 'Lore Compliant' war? What about wars that result from petty insults? Won't they lead to the same problems as the ones mentioned to have been present during the early nobility?
- Would you place any obligations, or would you retain this suggestion as completely optional?
Optional. Roleplay isn't forced on roleplayers, therefore it shouldn't be forced on pvpers either.

- Would you provide any benefits apart from glorification?
How about the fact that RP is not an entirely fake world, or the fact that anyone can have contact with PvP and RP worlds? Or what do you mean? Material benefits? I don't think PvPers need those.

- The suggestion implies the PvP community influencing the background of the lore community. Would you allow the RP community to influence the PvPers in any way?
That's the point of this thread. PvP is dull without a reason, motivation, roleplay background. Event if it means that this Lore compliant faction suddenly fights with leather armor due to the business embargo the other Empires are doing.

- How do you define a 'Lore Compliant' faction? How do you define a 'Lore Compliant' war?
I believe Staff has done that in the past with War declarations. Not that hard to think of.
Let's say a certain faction needs to fit the roleplay guild/clan they're representing. They need to have a certain number of roleplayers in it for pre-battle introductions, before people actually pvp.
Or maybe the Regalian Empire hires a military group to attack their enemies without any suspicion. That military group would be an actual Faction who are mercenaries (Berserk manga style). These mercenaries have no roleplayers in the faction, but since they're hired assassins they would only do what they were hired for which would be to raid a certain target.
There are tons of ways of defining it. But these Lore compliant factions need to be very strict and respect a set of rules so they don't stain the Roleplay enviroment.

What about wars that result from petty insults? Won't they lead to the same problems as the ones mentioned to have been present during the early nobility?
The same way the RP universe works and expands, the mechanical world/survival world/pvp world does the same. The Roleplayers battle from IC pitty insults and whatnot as well. Right?

I don't know what happened with early nobility, whatsover. What I do know is that Roleplay or PvP is led by people. People who have the same actions for a big set of reasons. The same way a hypothetical Raptum insults an enemy, a hypothetical Moselberg member insults a Coen member. Right?

But I don't think these Lore compliant factions should have free-will. They need to follow a set of rules so they don't stain the RP universe. They can't raid other Lore compliant factions without proper reason and green-flag by the Lore Gods. They could however raid or be raided by other non-compliant factions, I would say.
That's the point of this thread. PvP is dull without a reason, motivation, roleplay background.

What I meant was more of a question aimed at what PvP-ers contribute to lore. There are hundreds of characters that are around for hours a day, every week, sometimes for months or even years, characters that don't get mention in lore, perhaps in one or two world progression posts. Those players come to Massive with the sole goal of roleplaying. It could feel bad to them if they remain 'unnoticed' in terms of lore and progression while those with a completely different focus get a certain degree of attention.

Surely in a sense, this could provide an ample opportunity to flesh out the lore around Regalian settlements. However, simply allowing PvP-ers to influence the lore seems to be one-sided. A bit. And I can't really see a way in which roleplayers could influence the PvP scene.

A thought on this?

Optional. Roleplay isn't forced on roleplayers, therefore it shouldn't be forced on pvpers either.

How about interaction between roleplayers and PvPers on a larger scale? Would you want these progressions to be 'petty colonial wars that influence nothing' or would you prefer for them to actually drive a story that involves perhaps parts of the RP community?

How about the fact that RP is not an entirely fake world, or the fact that anyone can have contact with PvP and RP worlds? Or what do you mean? Material benefits? I don't think PvPers need those.

Anything else other than mention in lore or progression posts. Refer to my previous reply, would you want actual influence on lore progression, or simply mentions?

I believe Staff has done that in the past with War declarations. Not that hard to think of.
Let's say a certain faction needs to fit the roleplay guild/clan they're representing. They need to have a certain number of roleplayers in it for pre-battle introductions, before people actually pvp.
Or maybe the Regalian Empire hires a military group to attack their enemies without any suspicion. That military group would be an actual Faction who are mercenaries (Berserk manga style). These mercenaries have no roleplayers in the faction, but since they're hired assassins they would only do what they were hired for which would be to raid a certain target.
There are tons of ways of defining it. But these Lore compliant factions need to be very strict and respect a set of rules so they don't stain the Roleplay enviroment.

One problem I can see with that is the fluctuation in activity, characters and factions outside Regalia. The Regalian Empire is maintained by lore staff and thus is rather constant and doesn't change much. However, if you'd want to mention individual characters, there are lots of alliance shifts, changes, team re-shuffles and the like in the PvP scene. Same with building up or expanding factions, perhaps even some getting abandoned. Would you think that'd make sense when it comes to lore?

The same way the RP universe works and expands, the mechanical world/survival world/pvp world does the same. The Roleplayers battle from IC pitty insults and whatnot as well. Right?
I don't know what happened with early nobility, whatsover. What I do know is that Roleplay or PvP is led by people. People who have the same actions for a big set of reasons. The same way a hypothetical Raptum insults an enemy, a hypothetical Moselberg member insults a Coen member. Right?

Lore-wise, the causes may be the same but the effects are different. If a Moselberg insults a Coen, there's some argument in a lounge and they part ways. Roleplay-wise, it may continue with petty insults, perhaps some scheming even. How do you explain wars that result from petty insults though? Invasions, or the fall of whole empires / alliances? In Regalia, there are numerous lore limits on how you can react to insults and the like. Since the factions world is player-driven, there's far greater freedom there and less regulations.
What I meant was more of a question aimed at what PvP-ers contribute to lore. There are hundreds of characters that are around for hours a day, every week, sometimes for months or even years, characters that don't get mention in lore, perhaps in one or two world progression posts. Those players come to Massive with the sole goal of roleplaying. It could feel bad to them if they remain 'unnoticed' in terms of lore and progression while those with a completely different focus get a certain degree of attention.

Surely in a sense, this could provide an ample opportunity to flesh out the lore around Regalian settlements. However, simply allowing PvP-ers to influence the lore seems to be one-sided. A bit. And I can't really see a way in which roleplayers could influence the PvP scene.

A thought on this?
I think the fact of a Lore compliant faction to be mentioned or not is still for the Staff to decide. Although I don't a single PvPer should be Lore compliant and with that change the lore or even participate, without a proper character application. I understand the complexity of the Roleplaying world and what it consists of and therefore I don't think I should even be a sole RP character just because I am in a Lore compliant faction. I think the Faction is the focus, not the people in it.

Perhaps new characters can have this realistic aspect on their character build?

How about interaction between roleplayers and PvPers on a larger scale? Would you want these progressions to be 'petty colonial wars that influence nothing' or would you prefer for them to actually drive a story that involves perhaps parts of the RP community?
Both. These factions are led by the Lore and act as it is written. When the battle starts though it would be a better, alive approach to /roll, since it is actually people acting/pvping.

One problem I can see with that is the fluctuation in activity, characters and factions outside Regalia. The Regalian Empire is maintained by lore staff and thus is rather constant and doesn't change much. However, if you'd want to mention individual characters, there are lots of alliance shifts, changes, team re-shuffles and the like in the PvP scene. Same with building up or expanding factions, perhaps even some getting abandoned. Would you think that'd make sense when it comes to lore?
Factions are maintained for a lot of time as well. Raptum has been around for more than 2 years. Alamut is still around with activity spikes every now and then.
But a Lore compliant faction needs to have a set of rules, like being allied to the faction X and enemied to the faction Y. These could not act by themselves though.
I think the safest approach would be a permanent faction that invites PvPers for these Lore events. It would transform this pretty much like a PvP tournament acts. People are recruited and things just flow through the PvP mechanics instead of a /roll or common sense factor.

Lore-wise, the causes may be the same but the effects are different. If a Moselberg insults a Coen, there's some argument in a lounge and they part ways. Roleplay-wise, it may continue with petty insults, perhaps some scheming even. How do you explain wars that result from petty insults though? Invasions, or the fall of whole empires / alliances? In Regalia, there are numerous lore limits on how you can react to insults and the like. Since the factions world is player-driven, there's far greater freedom there and less regulations.
What if the lore compliant factions are all a bunch small grouped mercenaries who fight for coin. Much like in real life medieval times they would have to build their way up to being hired by an Empire or even to being considered nobel knights.
Just an idea. I don't have all the answers for all the problems that come with this suggestion and I hope more people can make constructive opinions to this to make it a good thing and actually change Massivecraft to a better experience :)
When the battle starts though it would be a better, alive approach to /roll, since it is actually people acting/pvping.

That's all good and fine, yes. There's one problem though, which is apparent in /roll fights as well as in pvp fights, the fact that some factors aren't taken into consideration.

Take faction A for example, it's a large town with both PvP-ers and RP-ers that are active. There's faction B, which is technically a small shack for two raiders who are very good at PvP. Faction B declares war on faction A and they are so much better in PvP that faction A is constantly beaten. What is the lore result of this? What do you conclude?

I think the safest approach would be a permanent faction that invites PvPers for these Lore events. It would transform this pretty much like a PvP tournament acts. People are recruited and things just flow through the PvP mechanics instead of a /roll or common sense factor.

That's something I could see working out, a few major roleplay / PvP factions that are bound by a set of rules proclaimed by the lore staff.

Just an idea. I don't have all the answers for all the problems that come with this suggestion and I hope more people can make constructive opinions to this to make it a good thing and actually change Massivecraft to a better experience :)

And I'm just trying to spark some discussion, no less. The idea is good and I see what you wish. One really easy way to promote this suggestion would be for the massive community to find a definite answer to this question that satisfies both the RP and PvP communities.

- If PvP factions are provided with lore progression and a piece of lore, what will PvP factions provide for Regalian RP and those who only RP in Regalia? And to what degree would the two communities influence each other?

There's a lot of potential, and I thought about it. For a really weird and absurd way to mingle the two communities, take this:

A war is resolved through a war score. War scores are dictated by two factors: PvP victories and RP background. PvP victories are naturally secured by PvP-ers, the RP background however requires roleplayers, meaning that while the faction would be fighting the war, it'd employ characters with approved applications (either from the factions or recruited from Regalia). In the end, the result of a war hinges on both what a faction did RP-wise and PvP-wise.

It sounds weird, awkward and isn't quite viable, but still something to trace for a consensus. The point would be to flesh out those PvP-ers that care about the lore, perhaps. Or those that seek some world progression. Unsure. But I definitely think if you seek to affect massive lore and world progression with your factions, you should be in some way motivated or even forced to interact with it.

Perhaps another, simpler idea would be to keep war scores that can be altered through roleplay means. Increase your war-score by securing financial support from a noble house, or by recruiting a band of orcs in Regalia.

Don't take my brainstorming too seriously though. These are just ideas out of thin air.
I'm on mobile so it's a bit tough to reply, so I'll reply in chronological order because quoting is much harder on mobile.

1. Just like everything on Massive it should only be optional - the main point is to encourage PvPers to RP and RPers to PvP.

2. Material benefits are uneeded, besides possibly giving a few trophies to the side who wins.

3. The main point of the idea is to incorporate RP into PvP fights / staff run team fights to encourage RPers to pick up a weapon and participate and fight for whatever side, allowing them to influence RP just as anyone else can.

4. In response to the last questions - the idea I suggested wasn't really supposed to be for individual factions. I was thinking more of like having base camps being built for two RP groups that are fighting each other, and allow players / factions to pick a side. I never really thought too much about applying to faction on faction wars, but I'm sure with some discussion it could be made to work.
I was thinking more of like having base camps being built for two RP groups that are fighting each other, and allow players / factions to pick a side.
That's such a good idea! We could have like 2 major empires fighting and each player run faction chooses which empire to join. Isn't the Regalian Empire and some Qadir empire at war? We could have those as the two base camps.
So, I had a bit of an idea. Say you have two people, Steve, and Alex, and two factions, Dirt and Stone. These are Lore-Approved factions(Which could be an added feature to significantly help all of this.), and both players, Steve and Alex, have approved characters. They both want to wage war on each other, but can't PvP, and don't want to RP a huge battle, so, they hire PvPers to fight their war for them. Say they hire Creepy_Creeper to fight for Steve, and 3ND3RM4N999 to fight for Alex. The PvPers then fight the 'war', and the results go back to Steve and Alex.
I just thought this up when reading over the new posts, so it's not great, but still.

Another thing could be having factions with a mixed PvP and RP community. They could have approved characters, and approve their faction, and then wage wars. Battles with other approved factions could have an effect in the Lore Announcements, whereas, those with/between unapproved factions would not. The approved wars would work as so:
  • Faction A and Faction B declare war on each other, both are approved factions with mixed RP/PvP communities.
  • Faction A's PvPers raid Faction B, and kill the people there.
  • Faction B RP's that they were raided by the enemy faction, and lost many of their people, and would post an update on(Possibly another new feature?) a Lore-War thread of their losses for the Faction's war.
  • Faction B would then launch an attack on Faction A, in which they are defeated, but just barely.
  • Faction A would RP that they barely staved off the invaders, suffering severe casualties, and posts an update.
  • Faction B has now lost all of it's RP warriors, and posts such on the Lore-War thread, and admits defeat.
  • Faction A would come to Faction B's base to meet with RP people and debate the surrender terms, taking along their PvP personnel, just in case.
  • Faction B could have this be a trap, and attack the visitors, which could end in faction A razing Faction B to the ground, or faction B killing Faction A's leaders, or whoever was sent to negotiate peace.
  • If Peace is negotiated, the war is ended, and the terms are set in motion. If a faction breaks the terms of a negotiation, the other faction may re-declare war. The surrendering faction may at any time re-declare war, but the winning faction must stand down for a given amount of time.
  • If Faction B attacks Faction A's leaders, and kills all of Faction A's men there, Faction B successfully killed any RP leaders of Faction A present, and could therefore cripple Faction A, forcing them to remove the given people from their position of power, and the faction members would vote on who to elect as their new ruler.
  • If Faction B is killed by Faction A's PvPers they brought along, Faction A razes Faction B's base to the ground, forcing Faction B to abandon the base.
  • Should Faction A neglect to remove the killed from power, or re-elect them, they would be punished by having their faction's lore-approval revoked, and should Faction B neglect to move from their base, they would have the same.
Now this I put a bit more thought into.
Some of you may say that what happens after attacking another faction in a peace meeting is harsh, but Faction A is unable to do any of that, and so it would be Faction B taking a huge chance. Cripple Faction A, or lose their base? Should it be the latter, they could have avoided it. Should it be the initial, Faction A should have been more prepared before sending their leaders into enemy territory.
Thanks for reading this, I know it's long. XD -Lego
So, I had a bit of an idea. Say you have two people, Steve, and Alex, and two factions, Dirt and Stone. These are Lore-Approved factions(Which could be an added feature to significantly help all of this.), and both players, Steve and Alex, have approved characters. They both want to wage war on each other, but can't PvP, and don't want to RP a huge battle, so, they hire PvPers to fight their war for them. Say they hire Creepy_Creeper to fight for Steve, and 3ND3RM4N999 to fight for Alex. The PvPers then fight the 'war', and the results go back to Steve and Alex.
I just thought this up when reading over the new posts, so it's not great, but still.

Another thing could be having factions with a mixed PvP and RP community. They could have approved characters, and approve their faction, and then wage wars. Battles with other approved factions could have an effect in the Lore Announcements, whereas, those with/between unapproved factions would not. The approved wars would work as so:
  • Faction A and Faction B declare war on each other, both are approved factions with mixed RP/PvP communities.
  • Faction A's PvPers raid Faction B, and kill the people there.
  • Faction B RP's that they were raided by the enemy faction, and lost many of their people, and would post an update on(Possibly another new feature?) a Lore-War thread of their losses for the Faction's war.
  • Faction B would then launch an attack on Faction A, in which they are defeated, but just barely.
  • Faction A would RP that they barely staved off the invaders, suffering severe casualties, and posts an update.
  • Faction B has now lost all of it's RP warriors, and posts such on the Lore-War thread, and admits defeat.
  • Faction A would come to Faction B's base to meet with RP people and debate the surrender terms, taking along their PvP personnel, just in case.
  • Faction B could have this be a trap, and attack the visitors, which could end in faction A razing Faction B to the ground, or faction B killing Faction A's leaders, or whoever was sent to negotiate peace.
  • If Peace is negotiated, the war is ended, and the terms are set in motion. If a faction breaks the terms of a negotiation, the other faction may re-declare war. The surrendering faction may at any time re-declare war, but the winning faction must stand down for a given amount of time.
  • If Faction B attacks Faction A's leaders, and kills all of Faction A's men there, Faction B successfully killed any RP leaders of Faction A present, and could therefore cripple Faction A, forcing them to remove the given people from their position of power, and the faction members would vote on who to elect as their new ruler.
  • If Faction B is killed by Faction A's PvPers they brought along, Faction A razes Faction B's base to the ground, forcing Faction B to abandon the base.
  • Should Faction A neglect to remove the killed from power, or re-elect them, they would be punished by having their faction's lore-approval revoked, and should Faction B neglect to move from their base, they would have the same.
Now this I put a bit more thought into.
Some of you may say that what happens after attacking another faction in a peace meeting is harsh, but Faction A is unable to do any of that, and so it would be Faction B taking a huge chance. Cripple Faction A, or lose their base? Should it be the latter, they could have avoided it. Should it be the initial, Faction A should have been more prepared before sending their leaders into enemy territory.
Thanks for reading this, I know it's long. XD -Lego
After all the Faction A's and Faction B's I think I understand a little. This sounds like a good idea, but I think in between each battle there should be a time limit for each faction to gather more supplies and take a little break like irl. Maybe 1 or 2 days in between each battle. Probs 1 day.
After all the Faction A's and Faction B's I think I understand a little. This sounds like a good idea, but I think in between each battle there should be a time limit for each faction to gather more supplies and take a little break like irl. Maybe 1 or 2 days in between each battle. Probs 1 day.
Yeah, I agree. A raid cooldown, so to speak.
Also, if my suggestion were implimented, RP factions could benefit greatly from it in a number of ways.
So, I had a bit of an idea. Say you have two people, Steve, and Alex, and two factions, Dirt and Stone. These are Lore-Approved factions(Which could be an added feature to significantly help all of this.), and both players, Steve and Alex, have approved characters. They both want to wage war on each other, but can't PvP, and don't want to RP a huge battle, so, they hire PvPers to fight their war for them. Say they hire Creepy_Creeper to fight for Steve, and 3ND3RM4N999 to fight for Alex. The PvPers then fight the 'war', and the results go back to Steve and Alex.
I just thought this up when reading over the new posts, so it's not great, but still.

Another thing could be having factions with a mixed PvP and RP community. They could have approved characters, and approve their faction, and then wage wars. Battles with other approved factions could have an effect in the Lore Announcements, whereas, those with/between unapproved factions would not. The approved wars would work as so:
  • Faction A and Faction B declare war on each other, both are approved factions with mixed RP/PvP communities.
  • Faction A's PvPers raid Faction B, and kill the people there.
  • Faction B RP's that they were raided by the enemy faction, and lost many of their people, and would post an update on(Possibly another new feature?) a Lore-War thread of their losses for the Faction's war.
  • Faction B would then launch an attack on Faction A, in which they are defeated, but just barely.
  • Faction A would RP that they barely staved off the invaders, suffering severe casualties, and posts an update.
  • Faction B has now lost all of it's RP warriors, and posts such on the Lore-War thread, and admits defeat.
  • Faction A would come to Faction B's base to meet with RP people and debate the surrender terms, taking along their PvP personnel, just in case.
  • Faction B could have this be a trap, and attack the visitors, which could end in faction A razing Faction B to the ground, or faction B killing Faction A's leaders, or whoever was sent to negotiate peace.
  • If Peace is negotiated, the war is ended, and the terms are set in motion. If a faction breaks the terms of a negotiation, the other faction may re-declare war. The surrendering faction may at any time re-declare war, but the winning faction must stand down for a given amount of time.
  • If Faction B attacks Faction A's leaders, and kills all of Faction A's men there, Faction B successfully killed any RP leaders of Faction A present, and could therefore cripple Faction A, forcing them to remove the given people from their position of power, and the faction members would vote on who to elect as their new ruler.
  • If Faction B is killed by Faction A's PvPers they brought along, Faction A razes Faction B's base to the ground, forcing Faction B to abandon the base.
  • Should Faction A neglect to remove the killed from power, or re-elect them, they would be punished by having their faction's lore-approval revoked, and should Faction B neglect to move from their base, they would have the same.
Now this I put a bit more thought into.
Some of you may say that what happens after attacking another faction in a peace meeting is harsh, but Faction A is unable to do any of that, and so it would be Faction B taking a huge chance. Cripple Faction A, or lose their base? Should it be the latter, they could have avoided it. Should it be the initial, Faction A should have been more prepared before sending their leaders into enemy territory.
Thanks for reading this, I know it's long. XD -Lego

Like I said, this wasn't intended to be between factions. In my mind, staff would make 2 base camps on a map from 2 opposing RP groups, and they would fight over territories across the map. Factions would choose a side and only lore-complaint factions could participate.
Like I said, this wasn't intended to be between factions. In my mind, staff would make 2 base camps on a map from 2 opposing RP groups, and they would fight over territories across the map. Factions would choose a side and only lore-complaint factions could participate.

Just pointing out you posted this twice. ^-^
Is it unusual for RPers to go into survival worlds?.. All the roleplayers I know do just fine out in the wilderness. Then again, Jorrhild isn't exactly 'populated'
Oh look, another idea post by BenRekt (TRIGGER WARNING)

Lets get straight and to the point folks -

PvPers have no incentive to be involved in the Roleplay community, which in my opinion is a real missed opportunity to create both a more interesting and more immersive experience.

I believe that it would be beneficial to the server if survival worlds were able to somehow alter the lore of the server. What I mean by this is that things such as wars between lore-compliant factions and the battles between them would actually change something in the lore, even if it is just like a drop of water in the ocean (like it would usually be), it would at least give the player the feeling that they are somehow making and changing the server in meaningful ways instead of just pointlessly killing other players. The reason why I, and so many others in the PvP community, do not get involved in Roleplay is because it feels a) like its pointless, as it seems players have no weight in the grand scheme of things, and b) there is no incentive for us to get involved if our passion and interest for PvP is not incorporated. I believe that if the server somehow incorporated lore-compliant factions in survival worlds into the actual lore, you would find players who previously never RP'd would at least give it a try and invest some time into learning about the other half of the server.

Not only would things like battles between different groups of players that effect the lore encourage PvPers to become more involved in RP and vice versa, it would also have adverse effects of improving the economy because previous non-survival players would now have a reason to get involved in survival (to participate in survival / pvp fights that effect the lore). Overall, I think it would make both communities more active, and also introduce PvPers to RP and vice versa without actually forcing them into any experiences that they do not want to be apart of. I've always wanted to become part of the RP community to some degree, but when I feel like I will have no effect on what happens in the lore it really discourages me (and I am sure many others feel the same way I do).

Just to make it clear, I believe that only 100% lore-compliant factions should be able to effect lore in survival worlds, which would also be a positive to RPers as they would be able to have more real RP experiences all across each continent instead of only (logically) staying in Regalia where they know that most / all builds/players/events will be lore compliant. This would also make it so PvPers would most likely reshape their factions to fit the lore, in order to change it.

Sorry if some of the things I said are inaccurate about RP or even PvP (or if they wouldn't even be possible because it would require too much work). This is just an idea I wanted to suggest to possibly improve the server, and would also like to acknowledge that this idea is naturally biased towards PvPers because that is really the only side of the server that I have experienced thus far.

I also didn't proofread this too much and I'm tired as hell, so sorry if it's hard to understand any of the things that I've said.
I cannot agree more, I've been wanting to make a lore compliant faction ever since Thaelyn disbanded about 2 years ago. The issue was though, that whenever I really got going on an idea. I think, why? What is the purpose, I mean my faction is never going to make an impact. If this idea is successful, I will be able (Like @Boogdawg ) to make the faction that I have wanted to create for the past 2 years now, knowing fully that when I leave the server people will remember a part of me, my soul, my faction <3
You got me 100% on this idea :)
I'm on mobile so it's a bit tough to reply, so I'll reply in chronological order because quoting is much harder on mobile.

1. Just like everything on Massive it should only be optional - the main point is to encourage PvPers to RP and RPers to PvP.

2. Material benefits are uneeded, besides possibly giving a few trophies to the side who wins.

3. The main point of the idea is to incorporate RP into PvP fights / staff run team fights to encourage RPers to pick up a weapon and participate and fight for whatever side, allowing them to influence RP just as anyone else can.

4. In response to the last questions - the idea I suggested wasn't really supposed to be for individual factions. I was thinking more of like having base camps being built for two RP groups that are fighting each other, and allow players / factions to pick a side. I never really thought too much about applying to faction on faction wars, but I'm sure with some discussion it could be made to work.
I saw a post by Monmarty earlier stating that bug testing/fixing and regalia were the number 1&2 top server priorities.
However, If you want players to stay on longer, AND be more actively involved in the community. THIS IS HOW. :)
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I was looking back at this thread, and at all the content that players have provided. I would like to say a few things regarding how I think the application process should be executed and obligations/requirements that players would have to fulfill:
  • Any and all Factions approved by staff and labeled "Lore complaint" would have the obligation to look at RP reasonings for any actions that they want to make (Events, Builds, Raids, Wars, etc.) or suffer losing lore compliancy.
  • Any Factions looking to become "Lore complaint" should be inspected by world staff (@Medvekoma & @Kellock93 ) to ensure that they respect the servers build identity (Factions mad of nerd poles should not be able to become "Lore complaint") failure to meet minimum build expectations would result in a denial of "Lore complaint" Faction application.
  • Any persons part of the governing body of an applying faction should have submitted and approved roleplay characters, I only say this, because being a "Lore Complaint" faction should take some dedication and roleplay experience. If you are not willing to have approved roleplay characters, then why should your faction make an impact on server lore?
That's all I got for now, I will probably think of more points to bring out in the future. I have a question though in regards to a post made earlier by @MonMarty , What actions would players have to make to ensure that "Lore Complaint" factions would be successful and respect the roleplay identity of the server? Furthermore, how can we help staff in making this feasible?
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I love this idea as a PVPer ive wanted to RP but it just doesnt fit me just talking to people. I feel it would be much more interactive if my PVP actions affected the RP lore. Also it would be much easier to get into RP if im RPing about a war between two factions not about some rich family in regalia. I feel as a pvper id be able to interact alot more with the world if my actions had impact and were more accepted by the RP world. Instead i feel like an outcast everytime i set foot in regalia becuase i cant be battle ready or talk wars.
What if the size and power of your faction was determined by your member count?