Archived Empires!

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I'm sure quite a few of you remember back when Empires were rumored to be a planned feature of Factions V2. Obviously, they were not included, so I am here with an idea on how to incorporate empires into Massivecraft. For some of you old players, you remember back when large empires like Serenum or Pristina ruled the server. Since those days, especially in recent times, I have seen no real empires rise to power. Why would that be a good thing? I think Empires add a certain flavor to the Factions universe that makes it very fun to play. Empire vs. Empire wars, as well as all the politics and events that Empires used to have were very fun to be a part of. Obviously, with dedication, any player can go out and make the next large Empire, so why the plugin? I think if BASIC empire commands and structure was added to the factions plugin, it would encourage more people to go out and start well functioning empires.

So this concept would basically make Empires nothing too fancy, more like a basic faction, although it would be an Empire rather than a Faction, and have Factions rather than players. The commands and a quick overview of what I think they should do follow:
/f e Create [Creates the Empire]
/f e Name [Changes the name of the Empire]
/f e Desc [Changes the empire description]
/f e [Works life /f f , giving current Empire Information]
/f e invite (Faction name) [Invites a faction to the empire]
/f e kick (Faction name) [Kicks the faction from the Empire]
/f e list [Displays a list of all Empires]
/f e Capitol (Faction Name) [Sets the Capitol faction, the leader of which is the Emporer]
/f e perms [Change Several Permissions {More detail further down}]
/f e Enemy/Truce/Ally (Faction name) [Sets relation status for all factions in the Empire, overrides individual faction relations]
If the idea gets support, I will work on a full list of commands, but I'm sure you get the basic idea.

Now for a few other pluses and restrictions on empires:
Empires cannot claim land, that would be up to factions within it
The addition of an Empire chat! Looks like ally chat, but for Empire members. Channel is E:
Adds two new levels to the Faction Perms commands: Emperor, and Officer's of the Capitol.
Empires would be much more costly than a faction. Not just anyone deserves an Empire. Although this is obviously a debatable point, I would say somewhere around 800 silver.

A few permissions as follows would also be added for Empires:
Empire set relation
Empire Invite
Empire Kick
Empire sethome
Empire setdesc
Empire setname
As with the Commands, I will add to the list if the idea gets support

I will add more to the suggestion if good ideas are brought about below. Please leave all feedback below. If you click disagree, please explain why! Constructive criticism is key to developing an idea.
Thats all I got for now, have a nice day
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Very good idea, nice and simple. Just a question, when you say extra permissions do you mean every faction in an empire would have the option to give the leader of the empire and the officers in the capital faction permissions?

+1 support
Might I suggest revolutions? If a faction wants to leave the empire, they have to submit a request to do so. If whoever is emperor accepts and allows them to leave, they can go peacefully. If he denies it, the faction becomes an enemy faction and must complete some task to successfully leave, maybe just cause the death of a few players in empire (which can be easily achieved with some basic traps).

Anyways, it's just a thought and I like it the way it is too! Supported!
Very good idea, nice and simple. Just a question, when you say extra permissions do you mean every faction in an empire would have the option to give the leader of the empire and the officers in the capital faction permissions?

+1 support
An example of what I meant by permissions:
You are an emporer. You don't want faction leaders of the empire to be able to invite factions. With a command such as /f e perm EInvite FLeader False (I am not good with perms, so don't know if that is the exact command) You would disable Empire Invite Perms for the Faction Leaders in your Empire.
Might I suggest revolutions? If a faction wants to leave the empire, they have to submit a request to do so. If whoever is emperor accepts and allows them to leave, they can go peacefully. If he denies it, the faction becomes an enemy faction and must complete some task to successfully leave, maybe just cause the death of a few players in empire (which can be easily achieved with some basic traps).

Anyways, it's just a thought and I like it the way it is too! Supported!
Rather than revolts, I though something simpler such as just a /f e leave , and Peace or not is just up to the players. Although it would be interesting, I am striving for the suggestion to be effective, yet simple.
Might I suggest revolutions? If a faction wants to leave the empire, they have to submit a request to do so. If whoever is emperor accepts and allows them to leave, they can go peacefully. If he denies it, the faction becomes an enemy faction and must complete some task to successfully leave, maybe just cause the death of a few players in empire (which can be easily achieved with some basic traps).

Perhaps instead of that the leader is informed whenever a faction leaves the empire, they can then do what they want about it. Some leaders might not mind, others might declare war, it would allow for more freedom and control over what is happening in the empire.
Perhaps instead of that the leader is informed whenever a faction leaves the empire, they can then do what they want about it. Some leaders might not mind, others might declare war, it would allow for more freedom and control over what is happening in the empire.
I agree with this. My goal was to make the suggestion as basic, and effective as possible. I thought it would be a good idea to make something like Empires is to Factions as Factions is to Players.
I'm sure quite a few of you remember back when Empires were rumored to be a planned feature of Factions V2. Obviously, they were not included, so I am here with an idea on how to incorporate empires into Massivecraft. For some of you old players, you remember back when large empires like Serenum or Pristina ruled the server. Since those days, especially in recent times, I have seen no real empires rise to power. Why would that be a good thing? I think Empires add a certain flavor to the Factions universe that makes it very fun to play. Empire vs. Empire wars, as well as all the politics and events that Empires used to have were very fun to be a part of. Obviously, with dedication, any player can go out and make the next large Empire, so why the plugin? I think if BASIC empire commands and structure was added to the factions plugin, it would encourage more people to go out and start well functioning empires.

So this concept would basically make Empires nothing too fancy, more like a basic faction, although it would be an Empire rather than a Faction, and have Factions rather than players. The commands and a quick overview of what I think they should do follow:
/f e Create [Creates the Empire]
/f e Name [Changes the name of the Empire]
/f e Desc [Changes the empire description]
/f e [Works life /f f , giving current Empire Information]
/f e invite (Faction name) [Invites a faction to the empire]
/f e kick (Faction name) [Kicks the faction from the Empire]
/f e list [Displays a list of all Empires]
/f e Capitol (Faction Name) [Sets the Capitol faction, the leader of which is the Emporer]
/f e perms [Change Several Permissions {More detail further down}]
/f e Enemy/Truce/Ally (Faction name) [Sets relation status for all factions in the Empire, overrides individual faction relations]
If the idea gets support, I will work on a full list of commands, but I'm sure you get the basic idea.

Now for a few other pluses and restrictions on empires:
Empires cannot claim land, that would be up to factions within it
The addition of an Empire chat! Looks like ally chat, but for Empire members. Channel is E:
Adds two new levels to the Faction Perms commands: Emperor, and Officer's of the Capitol.
Empires would be much more costly than a faction. Not just anyone deserves an Empire. Although this is obviously a debatable point, I would say somewhere around 800 silver.

A few permissions as follows would also be added for Empires:
Empire set relation
Empire Invite
Empire Kick
Empire sethome
Empire setdesc
Empire setname
As with the Commands, I will add to the list if the idea gets support

I will add more to the suggestion if good ideas are brought about below. Please leave all feedback below. If you click disagree, please explain why! Constructive criticism is key to developing an idea.
Thats all I got for now, have a nice day

Would several factions be able to join? Also great idea
Good idea, but 800 silver is just too low, especially with this new 75 silver per premium month thing. The price should be raised far higher than that. Maybe 1500 or so.
I would recommend just making a separate plugin called Empires, and then making the plugin have a required dependency on Factions. This way the command /f e <command> is shortened to /e <command>, making usage of the entire process easier for the user.
I would recommend just making a separate plugin called Empires, and then making the plugin have a required dependency on Factions. This way the command /f e <command> is shortened to /e <command>, making usage of the entire process easier for the user.
I guess it could work either way. I just suggested that because it was originally going to be a factions feature
The idea seems nice, but as Kirby said the price should be much higher. Empires are made of multiple factions, and factions often have several premiums in them. So if you have 10 premiums in 3 medium sized factions( a reasonable number), an empire can be started after a month basically. To counteract this there should either be a dramatic price increase or a monthly/weekly tax for empires that requires to be paid.
The idea seems nice, but as Kirby said the price should be much higher. Empires are made of multiple factions, and factions often have several premiums in them. So if you have 10 premiums in 3 medium sized factions( a reasonable number), an empire can be started after a month basically. To counteract this there should either be a dramatic price increase or a monthly/weekly tax for empires that requires to be paid.
A good point. As I said, that is the one piece I was unsure about, and it would make sense that it is very expensive.
The main problem with the tax/price increase suggestion is that while it makes it harder for premiums to form empires, it makes it nigh on impossible for non-premiums to do so as well, which is why I honestly think that in order for empires to work effectively, the 75s per month benefit for premiums needs to be either severely nerfed or completely removed.

However, there are 2 main options outside of the silver arrangement.

1) Increase the number of factions required to make an empire. This makes it so empires are based around diplomacy more in general, requiring diplomats( or guys with really big sticks) to go around and convince(or beat up) factions to join their empire and keep it functioning. It would be really interesting if there was a system to dethrone the emperor in case he was too unpopular. Perhaps a revolution? Or a less violent kind of impeachment, were the factions in an empire vote the emperor out of his position.

2) I don't like this idea as much as the other one, but here it is. Make it so empires must be approved by a staff member to become one. Have it so empires need to make applications, and have a set of lore-compliant lore. Make sure that the factions inside of the empire are heavily involved in the rp aspect in Minecraft. For example, Mechbank or Magn-whatever the heck it was called. It could be a roleplay family or a group of pvpers who just so happened to write up some fairly compelling lore reasons for conquering the world.
How has this thread escaped my

I'd like to note that I support SOLELY the original post, as it currently sits when this post was made.
The main problem with the tax/price increase suggestion is that while it makes it harder for premiums to form empires, it makes it nigh on impossible for non-premiums to do so as well, which is why I honestly think that in order for empires to work effectively, the 75s per month benefit for premiums needs to be either severely nerfed or completely removed.

However, there are 2 main options outside of the silver arrangement.

1) Increase the number of factions required to make an empire. This makes it so empires are based around diplomacy more in general, requiring diplomats( or guys with really big sticks) to go around and convince(or beat up) factions to join their empire and keep it functioning. It would be really interesting if there was a system to dethrone the emperor in case he was too unpopular. Perhaps a revolution? Or a less violent kind of impeachment, were the factions in an empire vote the emperor out of his position.

2) I don't like this idea as much as the other one, but here it is. Make it so empires must be approved by a staff member to become one. Have it so empires need to make applications, and have a set of lore-compliant lore. Make sure that the factions inside of the empire are heavily involved in the rp aspect in Minecraft. For example, Mechbank or Magn-whatever the heck it was called. It could be a roleplay family or a group of pvpers who just so happened to write up some fairly compelling lore reasons for conquering the world.
I agree that a tax based payment would be stupid, and would make running an Empire overly complicated.
As for your 2 other points

1) I don't really think that there should be a starting number of factions. Just because you can get an Empire, does not mean it is good. Running a crappy Empire with 2 factions would be a waste of Silver. Also, I think that without forcing it, a high-price point would force factions to band together to create an Empire.

2) No. Too much work for the staff, and unnecessary in my opinion.
Well the question is, what price point do we set it as? Silver is currently being flooded into the server from all the premiums Massive has, which means the price has to be increased dramatically. However, this would make attaining an empire for nonpremiums extremely difficult.
This is definitely something I'd love to see, and was one of the features that I anticipated most out of the ones that were rumored to be in V2 of Factions. This idea has my support! I'd love to see legitimate plugin representation for empires. The old "subbing" method is way to disorganized and messy for my tastes.
They should implement this but would you be able to fix their permissions?
The tax thing looks stupid, if that's it i will just continiue with a desc empire...
Firstly I would like to offer you my support with the concept of having Empires. Although there are several items at which I agree/disagree. To begin il put my previous post from the topic:
Since this basicaly contains my view on how the empire addon should be like.
(If you have already read it, don't feel the need to read it again:P)
(There were also some faction addons in here but they eventualy add to the empire addon aswel.)
Here are two surgestions I would like to make.

Co leader addon.
You can have two or more leaders in a faction.
This will make co-leadership along with managing officer permissions alot easier.
Right now if you have a co-leader he/she is forced to have the permissions of the officer ranks. But here is the problem.
You want your co-leader to be able to acces the money on the faction bank, but you don't want your officers to be able to do so. You will have a problem you can't fix. If you want your co-leader to be able to change permissions, officers would be able to do the same.

Make it possible to promote an officer to leader rank without giving up your own leader rank by using the /f promote option, and use the /f leader command to switch leader position. (giving up your own leaderschip like normal)

Factional empire addon.

To raise an empire, you will require atleast two factions and a substantial amount of silver. (ammount is debatable)
allong with the surgestion above, from each faction the leader/leaders will be chosen as the 'administration' of the empire. -emperor's and empresses- These people have several abilities.

- empire commands
- empire chat
- empire bank
- empire land claim
- empire relations
- empire ranks
- empire permissions

Empire commands, are accesable trough the f commands: /f e (etc). (further commands will be related to the other features) I believe all commands are relatively the same as within the factions themselves, just make sure to put an 'e' to make sure your using empire commands.

Empire chat, is like most people have already talked about. simple chat for people with permission.

Empire bank, This is a special bank used to pay upkeep. This bank can have a negative balace. The maximum negative balance is one time the upkeep money. No money can be withdrawn from the bank if it contains '0' or less money.
This bank can be filled by faction banks or personal deposids.

Empire land claim, This will be similar to the faction claim but strict for the empire. Each member of every faction within the empire has 5 empire power. (premium 10) Note that this power is not afflictable by death. This number will only increase and decrease regarding how many members there are. This is to allow the people who make an empire host it in a capital city that they both can own. Also take note here! The monthly upkeep is determined by the ammount of land you claimed. (there is however a minimal upkeep)

Empire relations, also like surgested above, when an empire decleration of war/peace is given, all factions automaticaly will configurate the same relation.

Empire ranks, Leaders are given an empire rank from the moment they enter the empire with their faction. But to add some layers of permissions and ranks within the empire there are:
-'main leaders', (these are the ones who originaly founded the empire and have the ability to disband it. + add more main leaders)
-normal leaders (who join later and can be promoted from lower ranking factional positions)
-'empire officers' (can be promoted from factional officers and below)
-'empire members' (can be promoted from factional members)

Empire permissions, This is an extendtion on the ranks and land addon. Permissions can be configured similary like the faction permissions however, empire permissions also adds what permissions factional members have on the empire ground claim. This adds more ranks and depth into the management system of an empire.

final notes:
I originaly wanted to add a third idea to allow people to add configurable ranks themselves so they could have better management incase they grow larger. But I hope I added some more depth of ranks within the empire surgestion.

I do not know if this is all programmable, but I do hope it is. :)

If there is anything unclear please ask me to explain. it is the reasoning or the surgestion itself.

I do not take credit if something in my idea is similar to what is previously proposed.

That will be all, Thanku for taking the time to read my surgestion :)
Since you did insist on keeping the addon simple and basic, I believe that we can scrap some surgestions of my own list of addons. However, if they are deemed good enough to add, please do add them, if not at first then in a later stage.

Good idea, but 800 silver is just too low, especially with this new 75 silver per premium month thing. The price should be raised far higher than that. Maybe 1500 or so.

I believe this argument of premium receiving 75 silver a month is somewhat half true.
Yes premiums can save up on that money and they will have to wait only a few months to raise the empire they desire.
But on the other hand, premium members also have their own expences to manage. Some use the silver to pay for their house/shop rent in Regalia, if not for both. My point is that premiums might be able to get more money easier, but we musn't base the price or rent of the empire on that.

(I don't like having rent in general but I did surgest to give something in return in my prev post 'just in case')

And about the price... 800, 1500? Why not just 1000? (unless factions increase in price then I agree on 15oo:P )

Anyways that would be all :)

I wish this topic my bestest of luck with archieving its goal to add empires.
(I'd put that support in bigger letters if I could.)
Although why should the empire need to cost money if creating an empire is truly just having multiple factions cluster together.
Paying 1000s ? I can't afford 50s and even does our empire... If it costs money no one will do it because they could have a desc sayin' (empirename) I don't see why it should cost money
Paying 1000s ? I can't afford 50s and even does our empire... If it costs money no one will do it because they could have a desc sayin' (empirename) I don't see why it should cost money
It would force multiple factions to pitch in money together to be able to afford it.

Firstly I would like to offer you my support with the concept of having Empires. Although there are several items at which I agree/disagree. To begin il put my previous post from the topic:
Since this basicaly contains my view on how the empire addon should be like.
(If you have already read it, don't feel the need to read it again:P)
(There were also some faction addons in here but they eventualy add to the empire addon aswel.)
Since you did insist on keeping the addon simple and basic, I believe that we can scrap some surgestions of my own list of addons. However, if they are deemed good enough to add, please do add them, if not at first then in a later stage.
Just read that suggestion, and I really like the idea of adding an Empire Bank.
I think something such as Empire Ranks would be a bit over-complicating it at the moment, however on a separate note, more ranks are something I have wanted added to Factions in general, so we'll see.
Well if it will cost money i won't waste my money on that... just /f desc {Oakenshield} Is enough...
Omg grid! This is perfect. And jemoeder it will force more faction to go into the same empire insted of 1 faction empires. You definently has my support! Damn
hentem , could you explain why you disagreed please? Constructive criticism is much better than just dropping a rating without a word.
Paying 1000s ? I can't afford 50s and even does our empire... If it costs money no one will do it because they could have a desc sayin' (empirename) I don't see why it should cost money

You do know what an Empire is, right? You realize how much money they need to be made and to keep them stable?
hentem , could you explain why you disagreed please? Constructive criticism is much better than just dropping a rating without a word.

Oh, sorry, I thought I was too late to start arguing.

Firstly, I believe it would bring far too many raids with it, as it would open up a ton of ways for factions whom are members of an empire to play around the raiding rules, secondly, I think there is already too much PvP on this server and that there should be more focus on RP, while it would actually open up for many RP possibilities, the truth is that this would only concern the faction and empire owners and possibly officers, and not the hundreds of players whom are simply members, because playing democracy is kinda boring and were I to arrange a raid I wouldn't want to hear everyones opinion, I would just ask if someone wanted to raid.
I've been the leader of one with 3 factions... believe me Its hard but why would it cost money if you could just make a "contract"

I'm not talking about MC factions, I mean in real life. An Empire is Empire. They require money both to make and to keep them stable. You never hear the words, "I'm gonna make a free Empire today"
Well they don't ask money its like a allience but then between closer friends and a own place in the world. Anyway i don't find it should cost more then 100s because otherwise i'm not supporting the fact that rich people are the only one who can e have a "real" empire...
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