Archived Empires Plugin Request

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Greetings Massive! I have recently acquired three factions over which I am the Emperor and I know there are quite a few other empires out there.

So basic idea is new faction diplomacy above ally below recruit in things like permissions. You can give separate permissions and things for them and it should have its own help and stuff. The following are just a few ideas:
/f empire create name [capitol=your faction] [emperor=you]
So it should cost maybe 500 regals to make and when you do the empire name you should be able to put it in quotation marks to allow spaces so rather than one word like Rome someone could put "Roman Empire" and the quotes won't show up.

/f emperor changes leader of empire

/f e invite or /f empire invite to invite factions into empire.

/f empire perm to see permissions for empire, which factions have which permissions in which other factions. How much permission do certain ranks from certain factions have in Capitol

/f empire Capitol set the Capitol faction of your empire

I'll leave the rest up to imagination but those are basic ideas it'll be much easier for a lot of people.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I was going to request this myself tbh. I love it's~
All of these features already exist in /f leader, /f ally, /f perm and /f home. Nothing new really, just doesn't have the word "empire" in it.
NO WAY! This is supper awesome and USEFUL! I REQUEST THIS Aswell! Sorry but this is partly my thread too!!! FULL SUport brah!

ADDITIONS! If you enemy one faction in an empire you auto get every other faction enemied! as well as if you ally any one of the factions in an empire.
This would make it easier to distinguish groups in massive, their their just harder to notice.
Exactly, @Dworvin I was thinking there could be empire chat and like /f empire to show your empire. @BenAlex144 many factions need allies to support them and can't get rid of all of them just so they can have special permissions for their empire. In /f f it'll show the empire your in etc...
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Oh and let's not forget /empire home and sethome. Defaults to the capitols f home.
And we should be able to set titles so if someone had their empire named "Mithrillian Kingdom" they could give the leader the title of King, and the leaders of the other factions the titles of like Lords and Dukes for example.
Going along with what @Dworvin said, the groups on this server can be hard to distinguish. And if we could see the empire a faction is apart of, it will be useful for people who want to know what they're getting themselves into when they raid one place. It'll start a whole new branch in the community with empire wars, empire alliances, multiple empires forming together in a dominion striving for dominance. It'll make Massive a much cooler place, even when you already thought it was cool as can be. It'll help little factions get support and help them flourish. A faction can leave an empire at any time but they are now open to attack from the empire they left. It'll crate a new dramatic element with uprisings, server wide wars, friendships, betrayals, it will also help bring order to aloria #MassiveEmpires all the way
Feel free anyone to post your ideas and additions here. Let's bring empires to Factions so we can be better than towny. #BetterThanTowny2k14
This actually sounds cool lol I could see a lot of ppl using this :D
Yes it is @Alj23 but I'm leaving it up to staff to decide that. I think it should be apart of factions but,
Sounds like an amazing idea its better than just having your Empires name in the fac desc.