Preserved Sheet Eloen Le'r'inth C' Aelrith

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Jun 24, 2015
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New York


{ Basic Information. || ✠ }
full name. Ello'ennea Leauaeu'hì'nalliaell'ahl'inth So'llâse'nífacel'neaal née Celai'reliath.
condensed name. Eloen Le'r'inith Soryn née C'Aelrith.
lovingly nicknamed. Ell-Bell, El(y).
age. Thirty-seven as of April 19th, 269 A.C.
gender. Biologically a male, identifies as female.
race. Half-Human.
sexuality. Bisexual, with a female preference.
Eloen is fairly high in Regalia considering she's an "adopted" child in an Isldarin family. She's only recently come into the holy city and is currently within the Alchimia Order as a physician.
The specific races in which Eloen holds within her genes are Isldar (1/2) and Daendroquin Ailor (1/2) with distant Cielothar ancestry.
Eloen, despite her being a quarter-breed was brought up in a rather good environment, despite not going outside too much. She was pampered by her mother and treated as if she was just a normal child for the most part. She never had to beg for clothes or food, rather she could get whatever she wanted at the snap of her little fingers. She of course, no longer is treated this way as her and her brother must now fend for themselves, though they're still doing fairly well for themselves in Regalia.
Eloen was born to the respectful youngest daughter of the main C'Aelrith line, and the less respected third born slum dweller mercenary known as her birth father. She, of course, doesn't know his identity. Not that she cares too much, as she sees the man her mother married to be her actual father and treats him as if he were her blood father. Her only sibling is Emmerin, a full Isldar himself.
Eloen once wanted only acceptance and change. She had once craved to be accepted by someone, anyone, and to positively affect anyone she can. While she still wants this, it's more at the back of her mind at the moment.
Her main ambition is to provide a stable, safe and loving household for her new family.
A secondary ambition of hers was once to improve upon her skills socially and medically, although it had quickly warped towards recovery, although just like the others, this is no longer her main priority.


{ Skill Information. || ✠ }

Proficiency Points
Total Proficiency Points: Thirty-seven points from age.
+25 Medical Sciences (+25 from points)
+10 Bodycare Training (+10 from culture)
+7 Alchemical Sciences (+7 from Points)

+4 Musical Arts (+4 from Points)
+1 Nature Care Sciences (+1 from Points)
Body State Information
➺ Physical Stat| 0 Combatual Skills + 0x2 Athletic Training = 0 Physical Stat.
➺ Body Shape| Slim, below average.
➺ Body Fat| Extremely low fat.
➺ Metabolism| Ectomorph.
➺ Nutrition| Poor, malnourished.

Languages Spoken
Common. {C.} | She learned the language after residing in Regalia for 6 years before heading overseas and 6 years after, a collective 12 years in Regalia under her belt.
D'Ithanie. {D'I.} | Native tongue of the land she was raised in, she's completely fluent and comfortable with it.
Isldarin Elven. {I.E.} | Tongue of the mother who raised her, as she is part Isldar. She feels a bit more uncomfortable when speaking the language and struggles from time to time.


{ Visual Information. || ✠ }
eye color. Vibrant hazel.
hair color. A dark hickory brown with varying red undertones, perhaps most visibly auburn and cinnamon.
hairstyle. Her once long and flowing curls have been carelessly and sloppily chopped off to a far shorter shoulder length.
skin color. Flushed and tan, albeit her skin is slightly darker than that of a Cielothar's with darker blotches of skin covering her body, perhaps most noticeable on her face.
clothing. As of recently, she's taken up a rich and frilly yellow sundress.
height. 5'1" or 154.8 cm.
body build. Androgynous.
Eloen looks like an almost picture perfect copy of her mother and father feature wise. The quarter-breed has quite prominent eyes, as they are set far forward on her face. Her eyelids are quite pronounced and give an almost hooded look. The eyes themselves dip slightly downwards at the edges, just like her father's. Her eye color is a pale light blue. Eloen's nose is that of a concave or upturned nose. She has a curve which depresses in the middle with a protruding tip. Her lips are rather plump and full. Her ears, as all non-purebloods that involve Nelfin and Ailor genes, are slightly elongated and end with a knife like tip and bend slightly inwards around her skull. Her forehead can fit about three of the average person's fingers in length. Her jaw is somewhat soft looking as it is more rounded than it is sharp. Eloen usually carries a somewhat stoic expression when first around strangers, although this will eventually fade into a goofy grin. She has no scars whatsoever but sports quite a number of blemishes. She has blotches of darker skin scattered throughout her body as well as light freckles. Her hairstyles are usually messy and free, allowing her long coil-esque curls to hang above her shoulders and bounce as she walks.
Eloen stands at roughly 5'1 (154.8 cm). Her body build is somewhat similar to that of a skinny build as she appears to be rather dainty and petite. She is slightly less bony than those with a lanky build, and yet can still be described as willowy. She has the average muscle mass and below average body fat. She has the same dark brown hair with a red tint mentioned earlier covering the rest of her body, although a tad lighter. Her skin color is quite similar to that of a Cielothars, as it appears to be a slightly lighter tan and flushed pigment that is only broken apart by light freckles all throughout her body.
She has a rather "free yet elegant" style of clothing. Eloen enjoys long and flowy dresses with lots of frills intricate designs, her favorite dresses being beige, creme and just plain white. She also wears a long white dress with frills and embroidery, wearing short or long sleeves depending on the weather. Another favorite dress of hers being a turquoise long-sleeved dress with golden frills and decals with white fabric underneath. Though, recently she's been rather partial to towards a new long and rich yellow coat with a deep purple trim. Under this coat, she sports a ruffles white tank top paired with puffy brown pants and boots. Accessory wise, she wears a ring with her family crest on it, although it seems she has recently misplaced it... odd. She always carries a small bag, or if you will, a satchel, placed to her side in which carries some basic on-the-go medical supplies, almost like that of a first aid kit.
Eloen's voice is somewhat soft and gentle, fitting well with her way of speaking considering that she often a quite kind and compassionate individual, despite occasionally depending upon her sarcasm and witty replies to get a message across. She tends to speak at a rather fast pace, often finishing sentences by adding on multiple only mere seconds later, sometimes not allowing much room for the other person to speak at times, and can often come off as "too enthusiastic" about things. Her tone of voice is rather casual and welcoming, despite being rather blunt at times. Eloen has a rather heavy Ithanian accent as she's only recently come to Regalia and will occasionally stutter when speaking. Although she is prone to stuttering more often when upset, anxious, flustered or generally disturbed.


{ Personality and Abilities. || ✠ }
Strangers view | first paragraph.
Eloen is generally perceived to be a kind individual even with her being rather blunt and straightforward in that she's able to speak her mind to complete and total strangers. She'll often display her passionate opinions on sometimes controversial topics. She's willing to get into heated debates on her opinions and despite how heated things can get, she, in the end, is still rather kind to them, and to many people in general. She's likely to talk about somewhat unacceptable things in public due to her lack of social skills, something she even regularly attributes to her being inside her whole life. This is more so a running joke to those who know her since she mentions it quite often. Even if not the most proper or skilled in conversation, she's not judgemental whatsoever and is accepting of all people, even those most people would deem to be not worth their time. If it got particularly heated, she'll offer to pay for a round of drinks afterward. Though within a relatively short amount of time it'd become apparent, even to strangers, that she's rather harmless and doesn't mean any spite she may throw their way. Both verbally, as she cannot insult someone to save her life, and physically; as even if she didn't take an oath of no harm, she'd still be the same old frail little girl. Despite this kindness and acceptance, she had always gotten quite uncomfortable if any strangers try and touch her. Though this discomfort has built up and completely transformed itself due to her paranoia and deep mental trauma. She's likely to panic should a stranger try and touch or grab her in any way, resorting to hyperventilating and crying, although the severity of this depends on her mental state at the time.

Innermost feelings | second paragraph.
Inside, Eloen is somewhat insecure about her race and origins, constantly worrying that someone will discriminate against her or her brother as well as worrying that her family's little lie will be found out, completely ruining their reputation. Not only is she worried about the lie coming out, but also her brother turning against her should this ever happen. She has to watch what she says in order to keep her birth a secret and has to remind herself to stick with the narrative her parents had come up with. Aside from this fear of the family falling apart, she also fears that she isn't enough. She constantly worries that the truth will come out and that she'll be discriminated against and prosecuted for her identification as a female. She fears that she is only seen as a stain on the family bloodline and that her family secretly hates her. She also worries that what she endured was a punishment for her sins and existence, this also contributing to her low self-view. The Nelfin is quite self-conscious as well when it comes to her father's identity, and worries and searches constantly. While she no longer feels as if a part of her missing due to this, she does still worry as to why he hasn't reached out yet. Albeit, Eloen tries to remain confident of herself and her abilities and believes that she can one day prove to be a successful healer, and prove to her mother, and the rest of the world, that she was worth all of the money spent on it. And, aside from a few insecurities, she's grown in confidence and self-appreciation. Her parenthood and marriage attributing to this alongside various other factors in her life. Other than being simply insecure about herself and the world, she's rather healthy, at least, she is in comparison to how she used to be. She's rather emotionally stable as of now and is no longer as prone to quite prone to emotional breakdowns thanks to her coping mechanisms. While she is still depressed, this depression, like many other aspects of her inner workings, shifted more towards the less extreme end. She believes in life and sees her purpose in this world.

Actions towards loved ones | third paragraph.
Eloen is somewhat cautious around friends and family, especially since her arrival to Regalia. While she favors family over friends, she is no longer willing to her friends if asked at the drop of a pin. Despite being taught that the word of those her family, such as her aunt, are to be followed and valued, she'd no longer forget about a loved one for her. Despite the values of family having been instilled into her from an early age, she now values her friends rather highly. Her closest friends being able to even waver her mind once made up or instructed by her family members. She can act somewhat motherly or sisterly towards said close friends and will do all she can to keep them happy and healthy, even singing a lullaby when they're upset. She's become rather protective of most, if not all of them. Now she's even willing to get into a bit of trouble with them, although nothing much, just a bit of fun. Despite her caution and paranoia, she still gives her all, including her trust, to her loved ones, often just pushing those worries to the back of her mind, allowing herself to enjoy the moment; allowing herself to ignore her innermost worries with them, to ignore that voice in the back of her head. Not only is she paranoid about them betraying her, but also about them getting injured, and will often jump to ridiculous conclusions, such as accusing something as innocent as celestial magic as harmful and dangerous. Around her friends, she's been known to crack a joke or two and is often far less uncomfortable when making physical contact with a friend, and around a few select people, she's willing to give out hugs on command or really just if they look like they need it. Holding her loved ones as close as possible after the loss of her friend and coworker Alistair.

Reaction when faced with conflict | fourth paragraph.
➺Eloen inherited her father's horrid temper and depending on her emotional state at the time, the woman will either completely snap and give into this rage or take a page from her family's book. That page being akin to that of a rather emotionless and stone cold woman with an icy glare. This could be comparable to her completely shutting down and flipping the switch to her emotions off. In this state nearly everything changes about her, even the way she speaks. She will stand completely straight up rather than her normal slouching posture. The young woman will also switch to a far more formal way of speaking, and keep her head held high as her gaze turns stone cold. Although, when she loses her cool it's quite the opposite, as she turns to crude language in which she's usually opposed to, and has been known to injure herself when angered, for example, via punching a wall. Or as in some cases, she will just simply break down crying if pushed past her breaking point. Overall, her reaction lies with the person, what made her upset, and what is going on emotionally at the time. More often than not Eloen turns to the emotionless shell than the anger as she doesn't like displaying that "weak" side of herself to others. Alongside this, her more angry side scares her as she doesn't want to harm anyone, including herself. So, she tries her best to keep her emotions in check.

Morality | fifth paragraph.
Eloen, as most who fall in line with the alignment of neutral good, believes that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world, always with the most beneficial conditions for all living things in mind. She sees the evil deeds of others as fixable, and that all must be forgiven. She believes in most of the Regalian laws and will likely follow most of them. Although, against the beliefs of her family and society, she has fallen for those of both genders and a race other than her own. This being just about the only law she's willing to break on a regular basis, albeit she's rather secretive in regards to that and her gender. Generally, Eloen tries to uphold the laws, though, and urge others to do so as well. Verbally, that is. She isn't a woman of conflict nor violence. As she believes very strongly in doing no harm, and even avoids revenge towards those who do her harm, as she is a true pacifist. Despite being rather moral, she used to come off to some as self-centred and conceded when it comes to talking about her childhood despite her luxurious upbringing. While she no longer feels as if she had it bad since both of her parents showed a clear favoritism to her brother and her having to spend most if not all of it inside, she does feel still as if it wasn't perfect due to how her mother treated and handled her. Though it's really quite the contrary as other than this, she's generally a quite selfless, and puts the well-being of others above her own. Especially if and when confronted with the issue or pain of a friend, she's willing to throw her own out the window, even in times of immense pain and strife.

Belief system | sixth paragraph.
Eloen believes that it's unfair for others to hate upon anyone who isn't a pureblood, and hopes that one day people like her will gain their rights, along with all non-Ailor races of course. Due to how she's been treated in the past she's deathly afraid of certain races, such as Isldar. Most, if not all, of her self-confidence and cheerfulness, will fade around them; instead, causing for a much quieter and nervous individual to come out. When she is around an Isldar for example, shes a whole lot more likely to be prone to stuttering and other verbal slip-ups. Along with this clear nerve within her voice, she'll display shaking and a lot more held back version of herself; a version only comparable to doing that of a 180. Despite this fear of certain races, Eloen tries her best to be a rather optimistic person despite the growing hole within her, and all of the trauma that she's endured. Though she does still believe that the world's problems can be improved through time and compassion. Eloen's relationship towards her religion was quite close. Although as time progressed she began to feel more distant and uneasy towards Dragon Worship. Her experiences and growing lack of stability drew the woman away from this and closer to Unionism. While originally only studying Unionism to keep up a facade, she eventually found herself genuinely believing and trusting in the Spirit. As of May 301, she's fully converted and completely believes in this religion with her all.


{ Weaknesses. || ✠ }
Eloennea has always tossed and turned a bit before falling asleep, but never quite like this. Since her kidnapping and torture, the young woman struggles to close her eyes without remembering the incident, an incident which keeps her up at night. She's constantly worrying and because of this is unlikely to fall asleep soundly with ease. When she does sleep she'll often wake up in a sweat and feel nauseated due to a horrifically gory and close to detail nightmare of the incident. As of recently, this sleeplessness has progressed to become even worse with her wife's near-death experience and development of the witchblood curse. It's due to this lack of sleep, she can often be seen half asleep or struggling to fully comprehend the situation at times, sometimes even falling asleep in public.

A d100 will be rolled for her sleep the previous night.
If below 25 a d10 will be rolled.

*A 1 or 2 means she was kept up all night.
*A 3 or 4 means she slept poorly and had a nightmare.
*A 5 means she slept poorly.
*A 6 means she slept okay.
*A 7 or 8 means she slept well and had a nightmare.
*A 9 means she slept well.
*A 10 means she slept well and had a good dream.

While Eloennea has put behind her once crippling phobias with time, they still remain in the back of her mind. But, after seeking help from light mages, doctors and fellow victims she's discovered methods she can use to cope with said fears. Though, that isn't to say she's been "cured", rather that she has it under control... for the most part. Despite her coping mechanisms and optimistic attitude, she's found herself riddled with anxiety and paranoia. There's this nagging voice in the back of her head reminding her of the anguish she went through and the fact that her happy little life can be ripped away from her at any moment. This only has been proven to her with the recent events regarding her wife. Also tying into this unnatural paranoia is her insomnia, as this in itself can cause her quite a bit of worry. It's due to this that she has developed an odd duality of worrying constantly and trying to remain positive for those around her.

Sensory Processing Disorder.
Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses, and in some cases, such as Eloen's, the sufferer is over sensitive to things in their environment. For Eloen, it's in the form of sound, common sounds may be painful or overwhelming for her, and while she is aplomb and meticulous, this does indeed hold her back. This disorder is the exact reason that she is not an expert in her field, as she's struggled since childhood with this, and has caused for various setbacks in becoming a doctor, albeit she tries her best to push past the hardships. The woman is also affected by extreme instances of cold, and in such cases, she'll have to bundle up extremely in winter, though she is far less affected by this than sounds.
{ Quirks. ||✠ }
Eloen's upper left corner of her mouth will begin to twitch when she's upset.
Eloen will start to tap her middle finger against the palm of her hand when angry.
Eloen taps her thigh when anxious.
Eloen tugs at her curls when trying to remember something.

{ Talents. || ✠ }
Tenaciously aplomb.
As most doctors that have reached Scholar level, she has developed the ability to work extremely well under pressure and is confident in herself and abilities. Even in a crowded place such as the tavern, or in the busy slums, she would be able to remain on task, due to the skills taught to her in her field. She is able to forget all that is around her and focus in on the injured person in a tunnel-version esque manner. The only time her focus would be broken would be from her disorder.

While she isn't quite at the same level of precision of that of an expert, she still is rather accurate. She takes her time and tends to not rush when tending to someone unless it is urgent, even so, she is still able to remain careful and precise. She's well practiced from her ten plus years of training. She one day dreams of helping someone at the level of an expert, but until then, she's doing her best to be as accurate as possible.

{ Minor Talents. ||✠ }
She's quite the adequate dancer, and would most certainly never embarrass herself on the dance floor.
{ Likes. ||✠ }
Dogs and Cats.
While she loves all creatures, dogs and carts are most certainly her favorites! If she could she'd bring her Long Fluff Ithanian and Ithanian Sucre Cien with her everywhere! She treats these little fur babies like they're her own children and loves them with her all. She lets the dup get away with much more than they probably should, but hey, she's the parent so she makes the rules, right?
Dark Humor.
❝Dark, Self-deprecating, Or sarcastic humor is something she's all over. Eloen enjoys any conversation or jokes that involve darker themes, finding them to be quite humorous and intriguing as a whole. Well, that and she's a sucker for sarcasm.❞
Luxurious Dresses.
❝Having grown up pampered, Eloen had a deep love and appreciation for luxury, especially dresses. Ruffles, frills, ribbons, poofs, you name it, she has it. Her favorite colours to wear were all rather light, generally favoring pastels over darker tones she particularly likes a certain creme gown and once wore it quite often. While she has taken up wearing more casual clothes since her arrival, they're still of rather high quality when compared to the general populaces' clothing. Although she still loves her dresses, she's been picking convenience overlooks more recently.❞


{ Bittersweet. ||✠ }
❝Eloen, much like her mother, has a love for all creatures in nature, often finding them to be purer than humanoids and such creatures, finding their natural instincts and lack of corruption to be beautiful. The young woman often takes long walks through the park, whether it be at night or early morning. She just loves to look at and appreciate nature, often finding inspiration to keep moving forward in life through these beauties of nature, even in the smallest and most disliked of creatures. If she ever is to run off somewhere upset or emotional, you're likely to find her at the park, no matter if she's staring off at the water or sitting by some animals, the areas very existence calms her down. Or at least, that's how it was before getting attacked. Nature has a strange impact on her as it not only offers a calming effect but also can set her off. Depending on her exact state of mind and what she's looking at, she may or may not find comfort within the beauties of nature.❞


{ Dislikes. ||✠ }
❝Eloen dislikes apples, and no, not because they taste bad because they're scary! Just imagine biting into an apple and accidentally destroying some poor insects home! How awful!❞
Dragon Worship.
❝While once a faithful follower, she's completely rejected her old religion. She has a hatred for it as of now as she has lost all faith in this. She no longer believes within it or its foundations.❞
❝Eloen has a strong dislike towards mercenaries. This, of course, is all due to her mother constantly speaking ill of her birth father. She doesn't quite know the man, but what she does know is that she hates him, and all those like him.❞



{ Life Story. || ✠ }

Infancy. Simplicity {0~1}
Eloen was born in Regalia as the first illegitimate child of the fifth generation and firstborn to Elyana C'Aelrith and a mercenary who'd done a few odd jobs here and there for the family.
The child, by no means, was born into a normal household as once they were born, they were immediately shielded from the outside world.
Her mother decided that the child would live covertly within Regalia for the rest of their life of fear that her newborn would be said to be a complete abomination, and would be absolutely hated by most, if not all of the family members, as well as society if ever found out.
After the first month or so, those around her mother began to question her abrupt absence, and so in a panic, her mother decided to move back to Ithania (more specifically La Portée du Paradis) where she'd pursue an old love interest, presenting a father figure despite her actual father being absent for the entirety of her childhood. She was a somewhat fussy infant but as she grew to be somewhat normal, although she did throw quite the amount of fits.

Childhood. Innocence and Ignorance {2~12}
Though eventually she grew out of this, and anxiety began to present itself, despite this, she was still a rather cheerful and affectionate child, showing signs of being bright at her young age.
At the age of two, she gained a little brother by the name of Emmerin. Who she absolutely adored from the start.
On the odd occasion that she was able to sneak out of the house she'd be found playing with small animals or walking alongside a creek.
At the age of nine she began expressing interest in learning how to dance, and so her mother taught her how to dance with her younger brother, this providing a bonding activity for the duo.

Adolescence. Late nights spent studying {13~17}
After staying out a bit too late, when she came back she found her brother feeling ill and had a small freak out, doing all she could to help him.
He, of course, was alright because of his immune system, but Eloen felt as if she helped by making him some tea, and so, she began to pester her parents and show interest towards the school of medicine.
After some convincing, at age 15 her mother allowed her to travel to the School of Medicine, more specifically The Halctus Academy in Daenshore where she'd spend the next 4 years of her life studying under and learning the language.

Young Adulthood. The storm approaches and engulfs {18~25}
At age 18 her father passed away, leaving her mother to turn to alcohol in a depressed state, pushing away her family and friends as she only continued to spiral downwards for the next year.
At age 19 she'd finish her studies in the School of Medicine at a scholar level, her mother buying her a puppy and kitten to take care of with her brother as a gift. A few months after her mother decided to come back to Regalia, she was introduced to the family as an adopted child, and after some hesitation was accepted into the family.
She resides with her brother Emmerin (and her Long Fluff Ithanian and Sucre Cien of course) in her mother's old house and tries her best to help any and all citizens of the holy city at this time. She does her best to fit in as a normal citizen and helps her mother with the book she's writing, often stopping by to check on her.
Eventually, she found an occupation at the Alchemia Order, where she has begun to not only help others but also, develop strong bonds with those around her.

One of these people would come to be Shepard Haaven, a young Yanar doctor who she near immediately clicked with. The two spent the next handful of months near constantly together as they engaged in a romantic relationship. Heartbreak occurred when he decided to return back home, leaving Eloen behind. Crushed and feeling abandoned she struggled quite a bit with his departure.
While working one day the young halfling came across an eleven-year-old Qadir by the name of Hassan, who after a series of events, she decided to take in as her own son with and co-parent with a Slizzar, Attenais.
It is also here that she ended up bonding with a close friend of hers, Nienna Soryn, a fellow halfling that would later become her fiance.
One night in early April, Eloennea was lured out of her home and kidnapped, at which she was taken to a remote house in the slums. Immediately she was chained to a wall and the abuser began their work. After spending a mere ten days there she received quite a bit of physical and mental trauma. The young woman was dancing with death and likely would have met her demise had her fiance not brought her disappearance to the attention of her aunt and coworkers at the apothecary.

At this point in her life, she had absolutely engulfed herself in her work at the clinic. She was working around the clock every day for months on end, often falling asleep while tending to the front counter. These short naps of hers were often riddled with gruesome day terrors reenacting her time as a prisoner.
Eventually these long hours, day terrors, nights twisting and turning and bottling of emotions caught up to her as one day at work she snapped at a prized customer after being ridiculed and grilled.
The woman had a mutual firing in which she agreed to leave her job and spend some time with her loved ones. During the next year, she'd spend quite a bit of time in Daenshore and Ellador.
Young Adulthood. Interlude of healing {26~29}
On a cool and crisp spring evening, she proposes to a fellow half-elf, Nienna Soryn. The two do so rather privately, although with hopes of convincing the Synod they begin planning a more public wedding with their closed and trusted loved ones.
Months before the wedding, her wife conceives twins out of wedlock. Eloen and Nienna decide to spend alternating weeks with the twins, the poor children having to switch from house to house.
The Nelfin finally have a Unionist Sancella supported wedding on the evening of June 23rd, when Eloen is at the mere age of 26, under which they are blessed and begin their new life together by purchasing a four-story home.

As such, Eloennea becomes a stay at home mother as her wife continues her career as an Alchemist.
Although, that isn't to say Nienna never spent any time with her family, rather, she spent every moment possible with them. This time that Eloen spent with her family helped her healing process quite a bit. During this time she found herself once more feeling safe and secure.
These next few weeks were rather uneventful as she spent most of the time doing housework and taking care of their two children. Although this headcount quickly grew, as within the span of the first year the family adopted into their family two children.
By the second year of parenthood her kidnapper, Zinnia Alvera had been discovered and identified after an incident in which she tried to finish the job after Eloen visited the apothecary.
Luckily, another employee and a close friend of hers Xamanito walked in on the Yanar stabbing her and chased her out of the apothecary after she fled, apprehending her alongside Jocelyn Von Duerr and Johanna Haaven.
➺ Afterward, she was given medical treatment and the perpetrator was given swift justice and burned at the stake, as Eloen was one victim in a line of nine.

Adulthood. Life after the Storm {30~36}
The next three years are rather simple and joyous, full of time with her wife and children.
Eloen finds her wife to be pregnant once more in the Summer of 301 AC. Overjoyed and excited the two begin prepping for the entry of another child into their life, albeit feeling a bit overwhelmed. Rather convenient to the two of them, Eloen's brother needed a place to stay. In return, he'd occasionally help with taking care of their many children and by paying rent to aid financially.

Eloen, Emmerin, and Nienna spent the next five years building upon their relationships and raising five children. It was no easy feat, but, together they managed. Despite all of the hard work, they lived relatively peaceful and happy lives.
The married couple has yet another child- a baby girl- in the early months of 306 AC.
At this point in time, the twins have reached ten years old, with their once newly born baby brother aged to five.
With a whopping six children and three adults living in the household, everyone found themselves working harder, their oldest child even contributing by joining the workforce herself as a seamstress and training medic.

Adulthood. Concern arises {Present}
Nienna, who had been working long shifts and late nights found herself stumbling home in the dark alone, or so she thought. Following not all that far behind was the enraged seedling of Zinnia Alvera who wasn't quite the type to forget and forgive for the execution of her mother. Consequently, she attacked.
A mere block away from their house Nienna was jumped and horrifically beaten, her pacifistic nature and frail body being unable to do all that much to fight back. All the meanwhile Eloen was tucking her children into bed and enjoying a nice cup of tea.
However, due to the close proximity, Eloen took notice screams and rushed to the stranger's aid, completely unaware the screams came from her beloved wife. Upon arriving she began to panic internally upon finding Nienna extremely close to death. Nonetheless, she worked quickly, using her decades of experience to mend the wounds.
It appeared that the Phantasma curse took no notice to this skillful and precise work, worming its way into their lives, or rather, into Niennas. The woman begins to exhibit strange symptoms that appeared to be remedied by no alchemical concoctions despite her best efforts.

As such, Eloen took up her old job as a medic, this time with a local clinic. She began to work in order to help others, including her wife. Struggling to cope and help her wife to do so, she's turned to her colleagues, determined to find some sort of cure for the ailment.
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{ Relationships. ||}

"I miss him... If only he were here.. I don't get how nor why he could've just left us like that.. Left us behind.. If he hadn't refused his treatment and denied his illness he'd still be here today.. I could've stopped it."

"I love and miss the old her, she never treated me differently because of my race, albeit she did favor my brother a tad. I know the real her is deep down.. If only she could come back."

"He's my older brother and closest friend.."

"My relationship to the Yanar is quite complicated, to say the least, I suppose rather than an aunt or uncle, they're my Unt. I still love Joasaie, no matter their gender, nonetheless, they and I have a special closeness, I value them so much, we just have a bond. They're always there for me... and I try to be for them."

"He's so kind... Especially for a mercenary. Though it is quite strange being friends with, well, a friend of my mother and cousin of my wife."

"While she could ruin or better my life with the snap of her fingers, I no longer feel as if she's out to get me. I feel like she's willing to put her life on the line for me as I am for her, I only hope not to disappoint her."

"I've started to see her as a little sister of sorts.. She's so sweet and innocent, I just want to protect her.. Started out as seeing her as my adopted buddy, now she's my little ice crystal.. I only hope for her safety and happiness."

"Alex..? Oh ah- I'll forget him tante, don't you worry. Sorry, Alexander. It's best if we.. don't interact... For my sake and yours. We both have futures ahead of us."

"Oh, how I've changed... I'm not willing to forget this one. I'd give everything for you and those blue eyes Marie. I couldn't ever forgive myself if you were harmed because of me, or so I used to think, who would've guessed you'd be the one to break my heart.."

"This woman... Oh, I do love her so. She's my wife, my partner for life and the mother of our future children. I cannot express how happy I was in meeting her. She is my closest friend and helped to mend the holes left within me by Marie and Shepard, I do appreciate her so. I only hope that I can live my full lifespan alongside her."

"... The one who got away."


"My precious little baby... I do love her, thank you.. She's the sweetest little kitten.."

"My second child, just as sweet, and get still a big ol' troublemaker."

"Nienna's little baby... A bit of a bully."
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Review time!
  • The age and level she finished her schooling at must be listed in the life story.
  • 1/4th races are hard when it comes to the interbreeding chart and character buffs and weaknesses, it it reccomended you keep it at 1/2 races maximum. That mixture all together would creat an Altalar.
Make all edits in a different color and tag me once finished!
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strokes beard
Added in blue.
Anyhow, thank you for your review so far, I appreciate it! @Rochelle_
Seeing how they already look like a regular Altalar or half isldar-cielothar I believe it won't be too big of an issue.
We're trying to lower the amount of "mashup" races, seeing as how it can eventually get quite complicated. In roleplay, feel free to say you're such and such races, but for the sake of figuring out what your character is capable on the application it's better to stick to one or two, so we dont get the whole "I have isldar features and a wolathar crown with an ailor body build and avanthar imprinting" sort of mashups. I hope that's a good enough explanation?
If it's really just the features that are a problem, I'd be more than happy to change them as that'd create far less issues. And to clarify, this was a character who was brought about by IC interaction, not by "oh hey this looks cool." Looks are really nothing, I actually asked a friend what he thought would make sense for looks practically. I'm a bit confused if anything and what the problem is?
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If it's really just the features that are a problem, I'd be more than happy to change them as that'd create far less issues. And to clarify, this was a character who was brought about by IC interaction, not by "oh hey this looks cool." Looks are really nothing, I actually asked a friend what he thought would make sense for looks practically. I'm a bit confused if anything and what the problem is?
Overall it gets confusing when people are chopped up between races, but if you're insistant on keeping it and it's that important to your character I'm just gonna let it go.
Otherwise, Approved!
Overall it gets confusing when people are chopped up between races, but if you're insistant on keeping it and it's that important to your character I'm just gonna let it go.
Otherwise, Approved!
Oh, haha, sorry if I gave any difficulties, thank you for reviewing them! I also apologize if I came off as an ass, I just get kinda passionate about my babies, haha.
Very minor edits made, re-review not required!
Whoops, ended up editing that race anyways, silly Cata. Sorry for the trouble! Hehe. {1/2 Isldar, 1/4 Cielothar and 1/4 Alt-Anglian Ailor to Isldar-Cielothar breed with Ailor descent.}
Edited her middle name slightly. {Leauaru'hì'nalliaell'rahl'inth to Leauaeu'hì'nalliaell'ahl'inth}
Added a birthday since I forgot one before. {Now stated she was born April 19th 281 A.C.}
Added where she was raised since I forgot to add that before. {La Portée du Paradis aka Havenreach}
Slightly edited hair length to be more accurate. {down to hips to down to knees}
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Very minor edits made, re-review not required!
Changed race to "Half-Elf" to adapt better to the new Half-race rules, and added a clarification of which races (for funsies) in the basic information expansion.
Adjusted points to reflect said race.
Adjusted some wording in the paragraphs and suchness.
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Edits, edits, edits! Eloennea was kidnapped, tortured and a bit more! Said edits made in red . @Rochelle_
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Whoops, more edits. Said edits were made to reflect her moreso in how I see and play her. They have been made in red. @Rochelle_
@Rochelle_ tagging just in case it got lost in the sea of notifications, sorry if it didn't! I just know a lot of times tags do with me.
Very minor edits made, re-review may or may not required, I'm not too sure. Blue marks the said edits.
Changed religion to Unionism from Dragon Worship. Considering those around her and her distance from her family/mother I really didn't find much sense in her being a Dragon Worshiper, given her experiences and her as a character. Nonetheless, if you feel this requires to be expanded upon, let me know!
Changed Alt-Anglian Ailor to Daendroqiuin Ailor to explain some things about her better, and generally, I just felt it fit better especially since it didn't make to much sense for where her skin color is currently.

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Very minor edits made, re-review not required!
Added sexuality section.
Added affliction section.
Removed weapon of choice.
Swapped around main ambition (moved to expansion section).
Reformated some aesthetics.
Major edits made, re-review is required!
I ended up changing her race... Again. This time 'round she's a half-human.
Changed her eye color.

I aged her up by 5 years thanks to a time skip.

I edited her personality, making her more of a happy character again while keeping in mind her trauma.
I completely redid a large portion of her life story and added what she's been doing the past five years.
I removed her phobias from the weaknesses and added paranoia in their place.
I edited her points and adhered to the new template.
Updated the aesthetics and relationships.

EDIT: Added pink for the things that changed since I forgot previously.
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Major edits made, re-review is required!
I ended up changing her race... Again. This time 'round she's a half-human.
Changed her eye color.

I aged her up by 5 years thanks to a time skip.

I edited her personality, making her more of a happy character again while keeping in mind her trauma.
I completely redid a large portion of her life story and added what she's been doing the past five years.
I removed her phobias from the weaknesses and added paranoia in their place.
I edited her points and adhered to the new template.
Updated the aesthetics and relationships.

EDIT: Added pink for the things that changed since I forgot previously.
My only issue is that Common is no longer a free language, leaving her with only 3 available languages.
Edits made, thus I believe a re-review is in place, or rather a new review since the lovely Rochelle_ is no longer staff, freeing her from dealing with my crazy edits for any longer. The edits have been marked in this blue!
Aged her up by 5 years thanks to a time skip.
Added what she's been doing the past five years.
Updated her weaknesses slightly.
Edited her points and name day to fit the age up.