Preserved Sheet Ellnaeniis S'ces'cair L'loe-s'sa`i

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Incomprehensible Geometry
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
The Backrooms
Ellnaeniis S'Ces'cair L'loe-S'sa`i▲
Otherwise; "El"
  • Age:145
  • Gender:Female
  • Race:Kathar, Shenath
  • Sexuality:Bisexual

Main Ambition: El seeks power, she wants to find a way to fuse alchemical and magical essences together through means of creating a research group "Za-oro faerna" or "The Royal Alchemists"

El came to the Regalian Empire 30 years ago, departing from South-Western Killarallis. She went there in search of a Varran who will give her 10 years of agile combat training and to prepare connections with Nobles and Wealth so that she can begin her quest. She currently lives in a spacious abode near the Regalian park and has plenty of money left from a due inheritance from her Alchemical mentor an 80-year-old Master Alchemist Allar, and her adopted father, named 'Ssazzaur'
El's origins are unknown only that she was taken in by Ssazzaur a Grandmaster alchemist at the age of 3 when she was found in a small custom boat washed off the coast of Killarallis where she took quite the interest in Ssazzaur's teachings and where she learned as much as possible about Alchemy, Magic, the Flora and Fauna of Aloria, An abundance of Languages and a bit of politics for some 38 odd years.
Although it was not known to her she has a sister Neasi'i Lloe-S'sai
The extended family includes Ssazzaur, Who is close kin to the Talsarissa Family Oligarchy.
A short-term ambition of El's is to have the Kathar race, even just herself, looked up upon as a quasi-noble race(silly I know but very ambitious of her). Another is to study further the Azure Order and find the olden knowledge they once had...



Total Proficiency = 50(45 age,+5 base)

Proficiency Points
  • +20 Alchemy (+15 age, +5 Base)
  • +15 Linguistic Science (age)
  • +11 Dagger Combat(+5 age, +5 Racial Boost)
  • +1 Fist Combat(age)
  • +9 Ritualism (age)
  • +10 Strength Training (Talent)
  • +3 Pottery Arts (Hobby points)
  • +3 Baking Arts (Hobby points)
  • +2 Singing Arts (Hobby points)
  • +2 Needlework Arts (Hobby points)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Chosen Sire: Lumeria Sire of Want

Ritualist's Bloodsmith - can use their own blood to create a Blood Sung Weapon, of any kind of Melee Combat Category
Ritualist Planarspite - can place a positive enchantment on someone they touch (or themselves), that makes them immune to the next incoming Magic Spell or Sorcery Spell.
Ritualist Blood-Mend - can rip blood from a person they can see in Emote Distance, up to a handful, and then use this to heal either their own or someone else's wound over the time-span of 30 seconds, as long as they remain uninterrupted.
Ritualist Meld - The Character can, with Direct Touch, infest another person by borrowing their body as a vessel. The target must be either fully restrained or willing.

Void Mutationism
Mutation: Void Claws
Mutation: Void Rot
Mutation: Void Beast
Mutation: Void Spike

Ritualist Fearsmith - can carve ritualistic script into a wooden mask with the visual description of a being or creature that inspires fear in others.
Ritualist Body-Singing - can use Shape Singing on bones and blood to shape it aesthetically to their whims.

Sorcery: Yoink [Sorcery Spell]
Sorcery: Stay Put/Can't Hold Me Down [Sorcery Spell]
Sorcery Aesthetic: Rearrange
Sorcery Aesthetic: Look At Me


24Physical Stat. (+11 Dagger, +10 Strength, +3 Fist)
Body Build: Athletic
Body Fat: low

  • Common
  • Zasta - Parent (Can't speak.)
  • Modern Altalar - Prof
  • Kathar Elven Dialect - Prof
  • Zcorr - Prof
  • Elven Pack - Prof
  • Mythic Pack - Prof


Eye Color: Pale Aqua
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: A short fauxhawk
Skin Color: Grey
Clothing: A nice purple dress with a light blue top.
Height: 189cm
Weight: 56kg
Weapon of Choice: A Nelfin Dagger precious to her.

El's body is fairly portioned but long, her shoulders are average in width her torso and arm muscles toned and below-average body fat, her breasts are small an A-cup. El's legs are long as well her thighs are toned, as is the rest of her body, and moderate in size, her waist and hips hourglass slightly as her very toned torso continues. The depth of her body is thin her width is average.
El's Ailor-like dress and blouse are whimsical in nature and coloured bright purple and light blue. She carries a White Elven Oak Pipe with a true silver trim; around at all times to smoke various herbs, and always has medicinal vials and bandages and..everything else she can in her new satchel. A small Seemingly Elven but Allar-made dagger is hitched at her side engraved with olden Zasta symbols. She sometimes wears Amethyst earrings to social gatherings.
El's voice is sharp but light and carries a wise weight to it, like a soothsayers voice but younger, her tone is light arrogance with pride and studiousness with a mixture of Elven and regalian (English) accents she speaks nobly and depending on her mood will she slow or speed up her speech, with little emphasis or enthusiasm however.. and if she's really pissed, she starts shouting in Modern Altalar or Zasta the shouts are sharply executed usually silencing a room. her vocal posture is sometimes interrupted with other thoughts, but only if she's distracted she otherwise keeps clarity.


Core List
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral - El is short in the virtue of patience, and would turn on a comrade simply because they were wasting her time.
Personality Type: Logician INTP-A - El loves patterns, and finding discrepancies, making it not such a good idea to lie to her. Her tactical prowess in games and combat alike should be respected. Usually sharing thoughts unfinished, leading to correct hypothesis and eventually prediction.
Religion: Void Worship 10/10 - El knows the void inside and out, more than most can say, she knows it's opposite, the exist and how it works, she knows why they work in tandem against each other, and she knows how to use it to her advantage, but not take it for granted. Efficiently being able to pray to the void is something El takes pride in.

If you saw El walking down the street you would think she was noble; holding herself high looking straight ahead walking with that feminine swagger.
She's seen as over-critical, smart, and coy, sometimes even mischievous although this causes minor obfuscations with townsfolk, even though to many it makes her quite charming. She has bad Kinesics, but just because she's...stagnant doesn't mean she can't vocalise
her emotions, or be enthusiastic she just doesn't much like having to move more than she has to, to keep her body in shape. If you met her in a pub or on the street it would seem as if she's judging you, but you'll soon realise she was just
sizing you up or analysing you making short thought of anything suspicious that might tie her up in funny business, contrary to how she holds herself and her often smart-ass remarks, she's not uptight at all(at least until she's angry) and leaves the impression of a Smart, calculating young Nelfin.

So El isn't the most secure or "as-stable-as-she-seems" type so her over-analytical thoughts constantly cloud her mind, being taught to observe and deduce, induce whilst she was young causes her to be distracted, sometimes from predicting the
weather to knowing how a situation is about to unfold and avoiding it completely, she's a savant when it comes to thinking, but it scares her sometimes, adding the mental load of sometimes "you know what's gonna happen but you can't do anything about it, in which case under the right extreme amount of stress she'll break down.

Her induction/deduction hinders her ability to be surprised(it would take a lot of overwhelming distractions to throw her a surprise party and her not know, or forget about it)

she is very confident in both her ability to interact and to fight and her alchemy along with the Void but not in her appearance, you wouldn't be able to tell unless she likes you, she'll try anything to be as beautiful as she can(although she already is)

When El is around her friends and family she is at ease, because she knows them better than anyone else in the world and it sits well with her. She would have major trust issues with someone asking her to come over for dinner or anything else really until she's sure she knows exactly who you were, and that's the point where she starts becoming your friend.

Around lovers is when she is especially trustworthy and at ease, she has a tendency to lean on whoever this is, making the burden that much less, and this she is thankful for, and she loves it because you're willing to deal with something that makes her so tweaked out sometimes.

El's family extends to her lost sister she met once, Ssazzaur fathered her, and Jiroku who was her lover after a while until he was murdered trying to save her, she and her sister are otherwise orphans meaning she has no matriarchal support other than instinct so she acts like a tomboy
around anyone who she knows doesn't care about being too ladylike, or when she's drunk...

When it comes to letting the ogre kill one or five she'll think about it for a sec, and let it out toward the five, seeing as how all of them could survive, rather than watching one man flail around until he's caught or stomped, at least that's how she'd see it or predict it, she has her thoughts about the people above she believes all the ancestors of old control how the world works as if
there is a few thrones for each king and queen and significant figures in select histories get to control those very histories on Aloria either to fix what they have done or to make the history even more glorious and pass it on to another champion once they've been nearly forgotten; to renew their legacy.
El is very Neutral and very philosophical (although Imperialistic) when it comes to "evil and Good" to her there are things that people do for other people because they care and other things they do for themselves and no matter the severity something you do for love of someone, even if it's yourself, as long as you're not a megalomaniac it is good, if you do something to please yourself, spiting someone to see them fail pleases you, stealing purely to gain from it, or anything that has you as the cause cannot be very just in her eyes, but it doesn't mean she has to be just, ya know? she views corruption as insanity itself; when you're corrupted by something or someone to a point that it's the entirety of your thought you are corrupt.
She thinks she is corrupt in a way, the way she thinks is obsessive sometimes, and she knows she's insane and hopes she can keep herself within.

I think I weaved most of her weaknesses in there. she has a bit of depression from losing her lover a while ago but is mostly past that. Otherwise the usual, although she is quite intimidated by people that are true alpha's as she acts more like a lesser alpha; if it were...

Personality and Skills
El Is very good at playing the piano, and violin along with the flute. knows how to sculpt and tailor thanks to tradesmen she travelled with briefly whilst she was still in Kiralallis and SSauzzaur will teach her. Occasionally she expresses serious doubt about an idea even if it's placed in a normal conversation she'll look left with her head tilted downward a bit and comically turn it up and to the right raising her eyebrows, giving a small chuckle. another thing, she'll tap her fingers backwards in sequence on her thigh when she's trying to think hard about something.
El loves to look at stars, it reminds her of her time with the gipsies. and of how they were so much more colourful when she was in love, wistful almost.
she likes the piano more than the other instruments she plays and can create a jolly or sad little tune, or even a shanty!
she likes to drink nowadays letting everything go is pretty fun for her since she has soooo much to worry about right?
El dislikes healthy potions (kinda like vegetables to a child Ailor yeah?)
and hates the smell of cooking eggs(Probably has to do with being raised by a lizard)

El's Mentor Shalia Zordrush @Brit<3 ; although their relationship has had its patches, El's opportunism getting in the way of Shalia's ability to exert patience to what she would refer to a "Mind numbing degree"; She has come to Love and Trust Her and her other Kin in the Khalor tribedom.

El's Crush Henry Windrocker @Faunfire ; These two are hopeless in their own right, Henry constantly creating trouble seemingly out of his own nothing, and El helping along because, well she has a deep connection to how his mind works, and his care for her makes her think that her dream is possible.

El's Great and close friend Flora Kyre @GamerGirl456 They've been through it all! From Drunk nights, to odd babysitting, from Sad times to intense death enticing situations! They're like sisters that were introduced by gravity from a tree instead of the womb!

El's Tribemate Kolvar Drarthroc ( @Trxcos ) these two have good chemistry, they even hooked up, El admires his naivete' even though it typically gets them in quite the pickles.

El has had quite the go with Cinna Eledwhen (IGN s0uled) From a happy slaves-ship too a terrible mishap and all-round Cinna is El's Sasuke as El is Cinna's Naruto

✿.。.:* ☆:**:

Age 3-20 → El was washed up on the south-western coast of Kiralallis in a small custom-made boat, that seemed like a lifeboat off of a bigger ship and an Allar named Ssazzaur. Ssazzaur did not know of which she came but he needed a disciple and one raised nearly from birth would be perfect. He chose her name meaning "The silver river" because she glistened almost on that morning she washed up. He taught her everything he knew about life and incorporated it into her Alchemic training. Ssauzzar, a grandmaster alchemist, one of the best in fact and a respected court man of the Court of Alchemists and had access to ships, financial assets(past or present) and trade routes, along with alchemical resources, and taught the young Nelfin Everything he knew, from Alchemy to pottery; how to steal and fidget with delicate plants, how to think and predict the future, based on nothing but facts and the outcome of chance and taught her his philosophies and history of events that's happened even how to play the piano and violin. Ssauzzar fathered her and taught her Alchemy until she was about 17 then she would train in Alchemy like a true Allar, out in the world; They parted ways for about two years in northern Kiralallis where El will meet A caravan of Gypsies where she'll learn tailoring and they taught her how to play the flute and they'll alter her view of the word and how it works, how she thinks becomes more deductive and inductive than anything not leaving anything to chance any longer, apparently it's how the gipsies survived, during every close call while the caravan travelled, those gipsies would always make a prediction and lo and behold that prediction almost always came true. It was called Metacognition, The art of thinking about your thinking, to out-think, after she proved she could also do this one of the gipsies gave her a precious gemstone said to be called "The Pride of the Gypsies", which she put into a collar and wears it always; she'll adopt a religion there with them and travel almost around all of Kiralallis where El and Ssauzzar would meet up where they began in their little corner of the world in south-western Kiralallis. El lived and travelled with Ssauzzar in Kiralallis and throughout the wilds for about 38 years.

Age 20-39 → El will Travel around Kirallalis Studying the Allar, Daendroc studying ancient Nelfin ruins, Lusits studying Nelfin as a species as (Ssauzzar constantly had money out of nowhere so she always felt a bit privileged and went as far as to give her nearly 5/8ths of his fortune before she left for regalia), finding her long lost sister and they would study together for the entirety of her being there, and she'll go to her sisters' wedding and watch her sisters' life unfold so quickly, she decided to leave and study the world of Aloria further, She had one last dinner there before she and her decide to part ways and finally make her way to Regalia in search of a Varran, Jiroku, she was told about by the gipsies she travelled with who will become her lover and trainer in the Turallian style of combat, it's how she became so agile.

Age 40-60 → While training with Jiroku her second year she got mixed up in some Ironheart drama and they had become her friend, on one hand, she had a choice, she could save the Ironhearts sister from the Blackheart families creed, or let it be, she decided to try and stop the feud resulting in an injury to her left leg and right shoulder as she was not fully trained yet, and Jiroku had to come and get her out of there, saving the day her efforts were not in vain as the person was saved but this stalled her training, while Jiroku cared for her; she fell in love, and so did he. This lovely passionate training would go on for 8 years and 12 weeks, They would even craft her dagger together. she would be fully trained in Turallian combat, not ignoring her Alchemical studies of course, before one day Jiroku would be kidnapped and the offenders would try to sell him in slavery, and when El showed up to release him, she was discovered making the covert operation..less covert, as they tried to escape they were almost there at the end of the fort of Letrashka of New Cerdia she'd snuck into; A small fleet of guards waited for their escape they, were trapped. Jiroku and El Fought and fought and fought, all for nought. eventually, El was getting slow and took an arrow to the left arm, so Jiroku forced the gates open in a desperate attempt, getting whipped and grabbed at, all so El could escape, but as she slipped out the guards shot arrows at her and Jiroku embraced her carrying her from the exit into the wilderness taking several arrows to the back, legs and arms, they both knew he was done, He died there in her arms. She fled new Cerdia; back to regalia. After El lost Jiroku she fell into a deep depression got involved with sanguine, studying their life-restoring properties, made potions to ease the pain, and even attempted suicide before backing out of the depression into a new chapter.


Age 61-69 → El will leave regalia not terribly shortly before the war, to explore the wilds, and apply her logic and thinking to things she's never seen. She will create the "Firebomb" Being an isle for "Emberic Alchemy" as she would call it, she has now travelled the wilds, for a few years..coming back to the Holy City and the ended war...and Katharians outcast, It will be very hard or nearly impossible to create such an organisation; she almost resented her race for getting in her she has made an opportunity to learn more about her own culture and another language out of it and joined a cult. looking to the libraries and other bits of knowledge eventually, finding what she eventually searched for over the next few years...she makes a new circle of friends in low places.

Age 69-75 → El has now through her knowledge found a sense of self, through ritualism, and Shalia Zordush and through her a Void sire, which she was never awarded. The Void, bringing her ultimately unattainable goals to an attainable platform...Crime. After joining the Khalor Tirbedom with Shalia as her mentor, she has become nearly a different person, all the still while maintaining herself within. She had decided to leave all she knew of her previous self behind, Becoming able to serve her kin well. The Void and this endeavour give her purpose and for this, She hopes the Arken will name her Void Priest or Void Paladin under Shalia's wings.


Being that El has now found herself within this group she's in, sharing among crimes and the void among other things and becoming better comrades to them, something had to spoil it. Kolvar will get a letter saying "Come to PetalCourt to change your fate." Not knowing what this letter entailed He brought El along for a little adventure, but once there Bel-Gyarbarin ( @Osowiec ) and Margana ( @Caelamus ) Seemingly ambushed them! but that was not their the misunderstanding, El tried to run but was cut short of nothing but 30 metres in the air! Breaking her Collar bone, 6 of her ribs, a shoulder, and a shoulder blade. being like this, they took her in, and not only was she convinced to become an Altalar, she was convinced that if she stepped out of their place, someone would beat her to death; So she underwent the change, having Just enough motives, some of her true feelings persuaded this..but she is not sure she will continue like this...she changed her life for Shalia, she will not give it up so easily.


El's journey from there, only got harder, Promptly she was rejected by her tribe and went through the void to gain their trust back, and even has a brand new scar on account of her mentor's anger of her betrayal. El will be ostracised even though she was an Altalar, and fell into a drunkard phase, leading her down a path of blackouts and parties. Eventually, she came upon a dwarf who had recovered her from the wraith's floor and told him of her plight, and eventually the word spread around; leading Bel-Gyarbrin to her once more, angered that she had sullied his "gift" away with such disdain. "I choose death, as you would say." she told him she had no intention of wanting the gift given the ultimatum and with contempt for her Bel happily revoked the transformation he had set upon her. El now seeks to continue her ambition, by whatever means necessary, she will not be completely alone, hoping her tribe will accept her back. It will be the Void itself, But El's Repudiation Is Complete.
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Hello here's my review!

saw El walking down the street you would think she was a noble;holding herself high looking straight ahead walking with that feminine swagger.
She's seen as over-critical,smart,and coy,sometimes even mischevious although this causes minor obfuscations with townfolk, even though to many it makes her quite charming. She has bad Kinesics,but just because she's...stagnant doesn't mean she can't vocalise
her emotions, or be enthusiastic she just doesn't much like having to move more than she has to, to keep her body in shape. If you met her in a pub or on the street it would seem as if she's judging you, but you'll soon realise she was just
sizing you up or analysing you making short thought of anything suspicious that might tie her up in funny business, contrary to how she holds herself and her often smart-love remarks, she's not uptight at all(atleast until she's angry) and leaves the impression of a polite, smart young Nelfin.

So El isn't the most secure or "as-stable-as-she-seems" type so her over-anal thoughts constantly cloud her mind, being tought to observe and deduce, induce whilst she was young causes her to be distracted, sometimes from predicting the
weather to knowing how a situation is about to unfold and avoiding it completely, but she's a sanvant when it comes to thinking, but it scares her sometimes,adding the load of sometimes "you know whats gonna happen but you can't really do anything about it,in which case under the right extreme amount of stress she'll break down.

Her induction/deduction hinders her ability to be surprised(it would take a lot of overwhelming distractions to throw her a suprise party and her not know,or forget about it)

she is very confident in both her ability to interact and to fight and her alchemy but not in her appearance, you wouldn't be able to tell unless she really likes you, she'll try anything to be as beautiful as she can(although she already is)

When El is around her friends and family she is at ease, because she knows them better than anyone else in the world and it sits well with her. She would have major trust issues with someone asking her to come over for dinner or anything else really until she's sure she knows exactly who you were, and thats the point where she starts becoming your friend.

Around lovers is when she is especially trustworthy and at ease, she has a tendency to lean on whoever this is, making the burden that much less, and this she is thankful for, and she loves it because you're willing to deal with something that makes her so tweaked out sometimes.

El's family extends to her lost sister she met once, Ssazzaur basically fathered her, and Jiroku who was her lover after a while until he was murdered trying to save her, she and her sister are otherwise orphans meaning she has no matriarchal support other than instinct so she definitely acts like a tomboy
around anyone who she knows doesn't care about being too ladylike, or when she's drunk...

When it comes to letting the ogre kill one or five she'll think about it for a sec, and let it out toward the five, seeing as how all of them could survive, rather than watching one man flail around until he's caught or stomped, atleast that's how she'd see it or predict it, she has her own thoughts about the people above she believes all the ancestors of old control how the world works as if
there is a few thrones for each king and queen and significant figures in select histories get to control those very histories on Aloria either to fix what they have done, or to make the history even more glorious and pass it on to another champion once they've been nearly forgotten; to renew their legacy.
El is very Neutral and very philosophical when it comes to "evil and Good" to her there are things that people do for other people because they care and other things they do for themselves and no matter the severity something you do for love of someone, even if it's yourself, as long as you're not a megalomaniac it is good, if you do something to please yourself, spiting someone to see them fail pleases you, stealing purely to gain from it, or anything that has you as the cause cannot be very just in her eyes, but it doesn't mean she has to be just, ya know? she views corruption as insanity itself, when you're corrupted by something or someone to a point that it's the entirety of your thought you are corrupt.
She thinks she is corrupt in a way, the way she thinks is obsessive sometimes, and she knows she's insane, and hopes she can keep herself within.

I think I weaved most of her weaknesses in there. she has a bit of depression from loosing her lover a while ago, but is mostly past that. Otherwise the usual, although she is quite intimidated by people that are alpha's as she acts more like a beta.
Please format these into four paragraphs for ease of reading, I'd like to request you highlight or bold the key factors of her personality for ease of reading, albeit it's not necessary.

so her over-anal thoughts constantly cloud her mind,

tag me and highlight edits when you're done.
Hello here's my review!

Please format these into four paragraphs for ease of reading, I'd like to request you highlight or bold the key factors of her personality for ease of reading, albeit it's not necessary.


tag me and highlight edits when you're done.
I couldnt use the highlighter so i underlind and bolded i hope thats okay @Caelamus
Total Proficiency = 60 -10 School of Alchemy
+10 Void/Exist Knowledge(From Kathar)
+20 Dagger(+10 Prof.points, +10 From Kathar)
+8 Shortsword(+8 Prof.points)
+30 Alchemy(+10 School of Alchemy,+20 Prof.points)
+15 Quickfingers(+10 School of Alchemy,+5 Prof.points)
+7 Acrobatics(+7 Prof.points)

Total Culture = 60
+15 Horticulture(+10 School of Alchemy,+5 Cult.points)
Literature(+10 Cult.Points)
Brewing(+10 Cult Points)
Pottery(+10 Cult. Points)
Tailoring(+10 Cult Points)
Sculpting(+7 Cult.Points)
Painting(+1 Cult.Points)
Instrumental Music(+7 Cult.Points)

So doesn't it matter if it says approved up top? Or was that a mistake? @Caelamus

New proficiency update!

Total Proficiency = 60 (-10 School of Alchemy??Do schools still penalise?)

+10 Fast Blade Combat(+10 from points, )
+8 Unarmed Combat(+8 Prof.points)
+30 Alchemy Sciences(+10 School of Alchemy??(it would still be +10 right? or +10 in everthing that it used to be +10 in?(horticulture/quickfingers etc),+20 Prof.points)
+7 Athletic Training(+7 Prof.points)
+10 Magical Knowledge(+10 Race boost)

Visual Arts+1
Literary Arts+1
Threads Arts+1
Musical Arts+1
Historical Knowledge+1

Food and drink science
medical science
perception training
Rouge training
(There aren't any guidlines around prof points so idk how much makes her an expert/novice Assumingly the same as before and like I need more points lol Like I feel as if all of these make sense for not only El as a character but a 60 y/o Expert Alchemist/Warrior Turall yet I have no points for them)
Schools are no longer added to the equation or have any penalty, they're purely background flavor now.

An example
Proficiency Points, Total +60 due to age
+20 Fast Blade Combat (+10 Kathar boost, +10 Points)
+10 Magical Knowledge (+10 Kathar boost)
+30 Alchemy (+30 points)
+10 Athletic Training (+10 Points)
+10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 Points)

Culture points also no longer exist, everything is now proficiency so be sure to calculate the points how you'd like- mine above is just an example of what could be done. 30 is also now the cap, baring culture/racial proficiencies which can breach it up to 40 or 50 in some cases. +1 Also does not ammount to very much, if anything, it's just a slight above the average edge a normal person has or maybe they know one thing differently.

Total Proficiency = 60 (-10 School of Alchemy??Do schools still penalise?)
Schools no longer grant any points, points are purely dictated by age, schools also no longer force or consume most of the backstory so you can garner more creative freedom from it as well.

28 Unarmed/fast blade + 14 from athletic training=
42 Stat - racial limitation
25 stat = Ripped
Body Fat: Extremely low
Using the example I provided above;
+30 Combat points, +10 Athletics, Athletics x2 = 20, 50 points. (I think? It'd technically be strongman.)
Body Shape: Ripped (Cap)
Weight: Extreme Low Fat

Has notes of Ancient Elvish in her archive of adventures/biography she plans to interpret them one day and have something tattooed on.
Ancient Elven is now only available to those with linguistic proficiencies and may only be translated, not spoken.

I hope this provided some help with understanding the new system! It's identical to the old, except without the school bonuses and more condensed proficiency categories!
@Caelamus Changes made, although I understand it, I'm not sure I like it this way in contrast to the last but that's just feedback *le shrug*
@Caelamus added All Elven languages, corrected some grammar and added a little more description of her adopted father in the life story portion.
  • Common 10/10
  • Modern Elvish 10/10
  • Imperial Elvish 8/10
  • Zasta 11/10
  • D'Ithiane 10/10
  • She'llaq 7/10
  • Isledarin, Etosian, Daendroquin, and Drowdar Nelfin Dialects. 9/10
Has notes of Ancient Elvish in her archive of adventures/biography she plans to interpret them one day and have something tattooed on.
Common is no longer a free language, a character may know up to a max of 6 unless they have invested points into the Linguistic proficiencies, knowledge of Ancient Elven is also only available around the 24 mark.

+20 Fast Blade Combat (+10 Kathar boost, +10 Points)
+10 Magical Knowledge (+10 Kathar boost)
+30 Alchemy (+30 points)
+10 Athletic Training (+10 Points)
+10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 Points)

+30 Combat points, +10 Athletics, Athletics x2 = 20=50 points.
25 stat = Ripped(Cap)
Body Fat: Extremely low
Albeit, it's totally appropriate for her to be at cap anyway I would like to clarify that racial bonuses are not added into the physical stat.
@Caelamus So dialects must count as separate languages? damn. would it be 1 point per extra dialect, or?
dialects count as seperate languages, some take longer to learn now and are very different. isldarin for example is a sort of mash between some dragon and imperial elven sort of.
The cap is now 20 unless there is a racial bonus that permits them to exceed it!

Dear goodness this proficiency thing is the single most unecessarily convoluted restricting bemusing thing ever. if it's going to be this weirdly correlated non-physical proficiency should be the limitation for age and anything relating to experience should have to be integrated into the characters' life story and knowledge should have double the cap of age; Also, it was clearer when the proficiencies were more tied into the lore and races and had a general guideline as to how knowledgable 30 points were and I really enjoyed that language proficiencies were subjective before, like now they can only know 3 tops? so NO one is a scholar? cmooooon. It was simpler and a little cooler before but it still for some reason had the correlation tying physical and non-physical. pointless rant over.
Character applications are not really good venues to voice complaints, if you have issues with things the best way to address them is through the change and proposal chats. Most of this has been addressed via adding info boxes to clearly state what can be done at what levels. Thirty points is no longer the cap, and things are more clearly stated. If you go under the knowledge category on the proficiency page you will see how things are underlined in packs. Scholar roleplay is being improved upon, one of the forefronts to this endeavor is magical knowledge. Over-all, I would recommend more thoroughly reading through the proficiency updates. You could argue that the combat skills aren't more clearly defined at what you can do at so and so level, but combat proficiency is more subjective to the person's body stat and age rather than knowledge. You could have in theory an avanthar who has +20 unarmed knowledge, and only 20 bodystat. But an Url that only has +5 unarmed and 70 bodystat is clearly going to take the cake because they are an Url with greater muscle mass and natural weapons. The same goes for an Orc. Combat proficiency relies more on physical attributes in tandem with knowledge. But things like knowledge are more clearly defined with what can be done at what level. Also alchemy is due an update.

  • Modern Elvish 10/10 (Also Father)
  • Zasta 11/10 (Inherent)
  • Isdlarian Dialect 9/10 (Father)
Has notes of Ancient Elvish in her archive of adventures/biography she plans to have someone interpret them one day and have something tattooed on.
These skills require linguistic knowledge to learn, the character may only have one additional language in conjunction with common as their birth language. Ancient Elven must also be unlocked with a scholarly pack.
@Caelamus Yeah, sorry about that sleep-deprived, alcohol-fueled rant with little to no basis comparing it to actual roleplaying. I went through and re-read the proficiency page, and your explanation makes sense, but it made me raise the question of shouldn't there be a combat knowledge proficiency? so that characters may be more mentally adept, rather than physically, in a physical altercation where it seems clear the smaller, less naturally gained one would lose because of only physical capabilities? or should this be subjective to the RP'ers own creativity within the said altercation? Also: Moved around some proficiency points, went through and tried to re-check some lore, spelling, and grammar.
@Caelamus Yeah, sorry about that sleep-deprived, alcohol-fueled rant with little to no basis comparing it to actual roleplaying. I went through and re-read the proficiency page, and your explanation makes sense, but it made me raise the question of shouldn't there be a combat knowledge proficiency? so that characters may be more mentally adept, rather than physically, in a physical altercation where it seems clear the smaller, less naturally gained one would lose because of only physical capabilities? or should this be subjective to the RP'ers own creativity within the said altercation? Also: Moved around some proficiency points, went through and tried to re-check some lore, spelling, and grammar.
Everything in the combat proficiency category covers knowledge. Combat proficiency is knowledge of how to use something, it does not determine the user's ability to wield it, but in a way does as it gives body stat. All proficiency is knowledge, but ability to perform is dependent on race and body stat. Like the previous example I've given, an Avanthar with +20 unarmed and +20 body stat is going to massively struggle with an url that has +5 unarmed with 7o bodystat because they are far stronger, and unarmed knowledge relies on strength to damage an opponent.

Re-approved never the less.
@Caelamus Applied hobby points on the premise of the characters' life story, quite happy with that. moved more proficiency points around to snag her an extra language, added magical proficiencies finally after deciding also plan to add a section to correlate this to life story; Grammar, spelling.
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@Caelamus Progressed character, Made a race adjustment, threw some proficiencies around added a spell changed some continuity in story and basic info, gave it a good polish grammatically, Moved personality to the core list. changed apppearance. Let me know if anything needs to be changed <3 @Caelamus
Peer review: Hi, sadly Neflin and Allar cannot produce offspring together. If you're still interested in the other half race possibilities just look here.
Yo, thanks for that, I guess I was fed misinformation because I asked a staff about it and was told it would be able. But I suppose I might change it anyway if that's common knowledge :(
@Caelamus Progressed once again! Had so much fun. Changed Proficiencies back to normal-ish, added Yoink, removed blades. Added to life story, added relationship. changed appearance and race. Et Voila!