Preserved Sheet Ellnaeniis S'ces'cair L'loe-s'sa`i

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@Caelamus Made proficiency changes in light of the recent changes to linguistics, and some elaboration on character, to be a bit more fitting. Changed some continuity errors and overall just made the sheet look a little nicer. In blue.
Proficiency Points
  • +20 Alchemy (+15 age, +5 Base)
  • +15 Linguistic Science (age)
  • +11 Dagger Combat(+6 age, +5 Racial Boost)
  • +3 Fist Combat(age)
  • +12 Ritualism (age)
  • +10 Strength Training (Talent)
  • +3 Pottery Arts (Hobby points)
  • +3 Baking Arts (Hobby points)
  • +2 Singing Arts (Hobby points)
  • +2 Needlework Arts (Hobby points)
Please review proficiency points and the Kathar mageblooded update.