Character Information
Full Name: Elissandre Tellan'dryath Par'senthellis
AKA: Ashryn, Ata'loth & Eliss
Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen & Eldertide Godborn
Age: Adult
Gender / Pronouns: She
Religion: The Deep Will
Occult: Mage & Godborn
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Dark blue
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Black
Height: 6ft
Body Type: Lean
Additional Features: Elissandre is covered in a multitude of tattoos, most if not all of which are scriptures of religious texts of The Deep Will as well as a plethora of aquatic features, such as fins and dark blue scales.
Skill Information
Fin'ullen Mechanics:
Magic Schools:
-Elissandre was born in Ilha Faiaal, the Fin'ullen capital, and was raised amongst a cult of fervent Vyre worshippers. She was seen as some blessing from their Goddess, an incarnation of the deep. (They did not know, however, that she was a child of the Eldertide)
-Elissandre has spent much of her young adulthood either sailing her own vessel, or simply swimming the oceans of Ilha Faiaal in her true form. This may lend to rumors of some horror lurking those waters for years, before suddenly disappearing,
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Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 6
Defense Stat: 5
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 1
Technique Parry
Constitution: 2
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Dexterity: 1
Sharp Reflexes
Magic: 11
[Adapt PB] Shapeshift Pack
[Adapt PB] Mindcontrol Pack
[Adapt PB] Oceanic Pack
[Adapt PB] Wardrobe Pack
Arcane Blade
Arcane Aura
Arcane Portent
Arcane Snare
Arcane Warp
Arcane Shove
Arcane Echostrike
Full Name: Elissandre Tellan'dryath Par'senthellis
AKA: Ashryn, Ata'loth & Eliss
Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen & Eldertide Godborn
Age: Adult
Gender / Pronouns: She
Religion: The Deep Will
Occult: Mage & Godborn
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Dark blue
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Black
Height: 6ft
Body Type: Lean
Additional Features: Elissandre is covered in a multitude of tattoos, most if not all of which are scriptures of religious texts of The Deep Will as well as a plethora of aquatic features, such as fins and dark blue scales.
Skill Information
Fin'ullen Mechanics:
- Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
- Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
- Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
- Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
- Fin'ullen can use Persuasion /Dice on Spirits even without Charisma Proficiency, and gain a +2 Bonus while doing so.
- Emotion Sense: You can sense the emotional states of others, even when they are trying to hide it with their expression or body language. This will not detail why or how they came to such an emotion, you will just be able to feel it by looking at them. You can also try to telepathically heighten or lessen these emotions, though it is up to the other person whether this succeeds.
- Eldergod Transformation: You can use a Eldergod Transformation, changing into an eldritch horror that counts as a Disguise. This counts as a Monstrous Transformation, and you will transform back to normal if you reach 0 HP in Combat. (Monstrous Transformations are illegal in Regalia).
Magic Schools:
- Elemental School
- Tenebrous School
- Summoning School
- Illusion School
-Elissandre was born in Ilha Faiaal, the Fin'ullen capital, and was raised amongst a cult of fervent Vyre worshippers. She was seen as some blessing from their Goddess, an incarnation of the deep. (They did not know, however, that she was a child of the Eldertide)
-Elissandre has spent much of her young adulthood either sailing her own vessel, or simply swimming the oceans of Ilha Faiaal in her true form. This may lend to rumors of some horror lurking those waters for years, before suddenly disappearing,
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Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 6
Defense Stat: 5
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 1
Technique Parry
Constitution: 2
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Dexterity: 1
Sharp Reflexes
Magic: 11
[Adapt PB] Shapeshift Pack
[Adapt PB] Mindcontrol Pack
[Adapt PB] Oceanic Pack
[Adapt PB] Wardrobe Pack
Arcane Blade
Arcane Aura
Arcane Portent
Arcane Snare
Arcane Warp
Arcane Shove
Arcane Echostrike
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