• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Drunken Demands

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Drunken Demands

On the Evening of November 21st, 305 AC...
Jared Kade, the Guard Commissioner, came to my castle, Buerg Eleng, tonight. He was drunken beyond comprehension, and demanded to be let in. It wasn't long before he, without my consent, entered my home. He was drunkenly offering to dismantle the Vigilant Shield, and also offered to clear us of suspicion in the issue of the Drowdar, in exchange for the Lady Eleana Ravenstad's hand in marriage as well as demanding us to dedicate our entire guard force to the Regalian Guard. After my refusal, he went into a drunken rage, pulling swords upon me and my kin in threat. My House Guards apprehended him, though he fought back in drunken stupor, causing injury to himself. We immediately put him to quarters, and enlisted Jocelyn von Duerr, leader of the Sawbones Clinic, to treat his wounds. He remains at Beurg Eleng until he is stable enough to be transferred to proper custody.

That being said, Jared Kade specifically did the following...

Breaking and Entering
Drunken Disorderly Conduct
Trespassing upon Noble Property​
Attempted Assault of Nobility

We do not wish to take this further. We give our sympathy to the Imperial Family, and promise Jared Kade will be treated very well until he is fit to leave.

Xavier III Ravenstad
Duke of the Hinterlands

A hearty Vladno clasped his hands as he reclined in an oaken chair, plucking up the announcement from a scarlet clad servant. Radoslav would allow a few cackles, creasing his brow as he read over the announcement.

"Lord Kade is more drunk than whole Boyar Tavern combined! - Bahah!"

The Vladno would rest the paper down, returning to his idle reading.
Upon reading the announcement, Klaus Emerick Kiel scoffed lightly while adjusting the furs on his shoulders. He shook his head momentarily before speaking under an exasperated breath, "A damn shame on both parties. A damn shame."
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Otto Bergmann said the following: " oh"