Doll It Up! -[] Collab Challenge []-


*wants to make a joke about insanity, but loses it
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey ya'll! I've noticed a lot of pixel art going around, so how about we try something fun with it? kaomoji_set_1_9_19_by_megaman5000-d7d8f5d.gif


For this collab, I chose Emiggax's edit of child daycare tomfoolery. And it was possibly the smallest, cutest base I could find.

I'm sure you all know what dolling is, hm? If you don't, go look it up on Deviantart!

Here are the rules for this
  1. You can use any of your Massivecraft OCs for this collab.
  2. Save the collab picture (found above). Do not re-size the picture, and do not change its .png file format!
  3. The first person to claim the number on the base's head via posting in this thread claims the base for dolling.
  4. When claiming, say the number and the name of the OC you're using.
  5. Upon claiming, you are given 4 days to complete your part and send it to @Gabriel . If you fail to do so, you will be removed from the collab and whoever had wanted to claim your number will be given the base.
  6. Try to remain in the pixelated style, but don't be afraid to do something unique!
  7. When you finish your part of the base, send it to @Gabriel for editing.
Current Claimers:
  1. @Cyan Cats . OC - A'fara A'rila [DONE]
  2. @_Omnomivore_ , OC - N'omiel M'triche [DONE]
  3. @Gabriel , OC - Gabriel Hart [DONE]
  4. @MumbleBear , OC - Astrid Maven [DONE]
  5. @krurk , OC - Mr. Kandar [DONE]
  6. @da_CamelQueen , OC - Bethany Arlane [DONE]
  7. [[vacant]]
  8. @Eliza_Nightly , OC - Naushe Kearney [DONE]

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I wanna do this so bad, but I dunno how to do pixely art. ; ^;
numbah 8 pls? ; ^;
AJHBNWJDHJAW -Wants to do number 6 and make it a baby demon beth so BADLY- Can I plzzzzz?
Uhm. I sent you the .png so you can just plop it down on your original picture :3 if that's easier :o


  • Naushe.png
    11 KB · Views: 40
AJHBNWJDHJAW -Wants to do number 6 and make it a baby demon beth so BADLY- Can I plzzzzz?

Er, xD I should have mentioned they should be Massivecraft. If your OC is, then you can. Just let me know the OC's name and I'll add ya to the list.

Uhm. I sent you the .png so you can just plop it down on your original picture :3 if that's easier :o

You didn't need to, but I placed him in easy. :D He looks cute!
Er, xD I should have mentioned they should be Massivecraft.
Demon beth is pretty much a demonised Bethany Arlane (The REAL massive char in all this), Also do we have to make a frame thing that you can slip on, or can we take the picture, add it on and give it to you?
Demon beth is pretty much a demonised Bethany Arlane (The REAL massive char in all this), Also do we have to make a frame thing that you can slip on, or can we take the picture, add it on and give it to you?

You don't need to make a frame. You can take the picture and add on to it, but it really depends on what you want to do. If this is lore compliant though, then I'll add you to the list.
You don't need to make a frame. You can take the picture and add on to it, but it really depends on what you want to do. If this is lore compliant though, then I'll add you to the list.
K since Demon beth aint a compliant thing, I'll just use the Complaint char "Bethany Arlane".
Oooh oooh! can i have "The Scar" for number one! please QwQ she's lore compliant-ish (yes, "ish")

Can I take number four pwetty please? The character will be Astrid Maven. (OC)
Ehm, I'll try my hand at the pixelation.


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For N'omiel c:
Oh I didn't see that teddie claimed it already x3

I will take number 1
Oooh oooh! can i have "The Scar" for number one! please QwQ she's lore compliant-ish (yes, "ish")

Ish? It has to be either compliant or not. I know I said any Massivecraft OC, but I feel part of the challenge is to know your character is fully compliant or not.

Splendid! I'll add you to the list and update your finished base to the first post. :)
I kind of want to do number 7?? Is that okay? It'll be Astrid Kade, probably.

I'll add you to the list! :)

Ohh. I think I'll do number 5. Either Astride or Matthieu.

Number 5 is yours! :) But be sure to tell me who so I can put it on the list!

Oh I didn't see that teddie claimed it already x3

I will take number 1

Cyan_Cats has number 1 claimed at the moment. However, if her character is not fully compliant, I will relinquish the base to you. :) Other than that you're free to pick a back-up.​
Ish? It has to be either compliant or not. I know I said any Massivecraft OC, but I feel part of the challenge is to know your character is fully compliant or not.

Splendid! I'll add you to the list and update your finished base to the first post. :)

I'll add you to the list! :)

Number 5 is yours! :) But be sure to tell me who so I can put it on the list!

Cyan_Cats has number 1 claimed at the moment. However, if her character is not fully compliant, I will relinquish the base to you. :) Other than that you're free to pick a back-up.​
Alrighty, I think I'll be using Matthieu. Also, I probably won't be able to get started on this until friday ;v;.
i hguess she's compliant, i haven't had anyone complaining that she isn't.... (ignore this eeek) i could change it to my A'rafa A'rila since Nommy's one is one >//3//<

Alright, give me her name? I'll add you to the list.

@Feyona Cyan_Cats claimed the 1st base. Next time, yeah? ;)
It's within the 4 day rule, so that's no problem. :)
Due to recent issues my desktop is currently out of commission.. Kind of. Well it's a hard situation to explain, but I don't know if I'll be able to do the pixel art within the four day limit.

I'm very sorry, I will try my best to get it done on my laptop instead. However I don't have Photoshop CS4 on my laptop, unlike my desktop which does.]

I can however try to do pixel art on my laptop maybe. I've got paint tools SAI on it.
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Due to recent issues my desktop is currently out of commission.. Kind of. Well it's a hard situation to explain, but I don't know if I'll be able to do the pixel art within the four day limit.

I'm very sorry, I will try my best to get it done on my laptop instead. However I don't have Photoshop CS4 on my laptop, unlike my desktop which does.

I just used good 'ole MS Paint + curve tool for mine. c: