• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
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A Challenge

Apr 8, 2020
Reaction score
A notice would have been posted throughout boards within Crookback, written in Crookback which read as follows:

To the Eronidas known as 'Chu',

I have heard that you assaulted a Petalcourt Resident in a brutal fashion. For such a foolhardy transgression against a member of the Estellian community, I have no choice but to challenge you. A fair, one on one fight to resolve this matter rather than taking the time to hunt you down. If you have any shred of pride, and honor as an Eronidas warrior, you'd be wise to reach out to me and set up a duel while you still have the chance to set up a fair match. You have two days to reply.


The Okami,

Leader of the Yaku'sha

Cerulean Representative
Only one of the notices had a response nailed under it. The note was written in Common, with clear handwriting.


It seems you've been fed some misinformation about me, Yaku'sha. I do not recall assaulting any resident of Petalcourt, especially not in a 'brutal fashion' as you describe.

You seem to think goading me into a fight by appealing to my 'honour' and 'pride' to be a worthwhile pursuit. Okami, I am not an 'Eronidas Warrior', nor am I known simply as 'Chu'.

I am Chu-Kul-Khan, The Grand Gourmet, and my pride resides firmly in my craft. Though I have my doubts you'd accept a cook-off.

With this in mind however, I understand your threatening implications: if I do not accept, you will surely assault me with odds less favourable than one-to-one. So regretfully I shall face you, Okami, and in return you'll hopefully be able to help me with a new dish I'm preparing.

You see, I've never had the Liver of a Werebeast before.

I'll see you soon,