• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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A Fool, Challenged.


the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score
Pinned across various noticeboards throughout the city would be the following proclamation:

Sera Ylvi vum Floss of the Lothar Order has challenged Sera Oskar Novak of the Lothar Order to an HONOR DUEL, to be held in ARENA COURT, at SUNSET (6/7PM EST), on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH.

I hold Sera Oskar accountable for the following:
  • EMBARRASSMENT, of the Lothar Order on multiple occasions since arriving to the city.
  • DISRESPECT, to the Metropolitan who we should aim to WORK with.
  • DISHONOR, at the fact the Sera Oskar attempted to and threatened to initiate the HONOR DUEL while I was still recovering from an injury and had already stated the terms.
Sera Ylvi;

You've been in the city for two days and think you know everything, you came to me first let us not forget. You've tried thwarting my every move, more so than any Sanguine could even begin to fathom doing, and you embarrass your post as a Darkwald. I will accept, though upon my eminent victory, I hope to not have to hear your voice enter my head ever again. As a note, it's not considered kind to try and poison me in front of nobles. I accept.

Sera Oskar Barnabas Novak
Protector of the Good Mundane Peoples.
A letter is posted;

"Those of the Lothar Order,

Much difficultly it is to maintain the momentum we learn much of in the lessons of our Darkwald Instructors. The complexity of our world can be destructive to one's drive, their ego. But most of all, the depreciation of one's violence. We sometimes falter in our tenacity to kill, to execute, to destroy, the true enemy. The Occult. You are exposed to many unique challenges, but make no mistake, to post publicly (and its reasons) of a Lothar to Lothar honor duel is to make our business public. The only prospective, the only fact, that all should know is brutality. Efficiency at our duty to safeguard and protect what is pure and serene against the pathetic horde of Occult that infest our holy city like rats.

And just like rats, they should be exterminated. Fire, sword, blackpowder, it doesn't matter- for the end is a corpse all the same.

Darkwald look after our own, but that means we hold each other accountable as well. Upon my return, expect an investigation into these 'embarrasments' and 'thwarting my every move'. Inefficiencies decreases lethality. It will be dealt with."

- Lord Protector, Purger Knight, Riftan Vaedra of the Lothar Order.
As santiago read the Vaedra's work he nodded, "Okay this is what I've been expecting. Seems my Brother In Law wasn't wrong about their methods or theirā€¦singular view," the talomancer offered euphemistically as he looked about. Before heading off praying to Almar and Ilarion that divine and not mortal hand guided whatever was coming next so a just outcome could be found.
Sera Ylvi vum Floss claims victory in this honor duel!

- This was prearranged with Ylvi winning based on rolling three d20s.
- @niddak has deactivated their discord and not responded.
- Staff has given approval of such due to the above.