Archived Different Tiers Of Factions?

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, here's the gist of this suggestion. Separate factions into different tiers/classes, each of them with their own cost and benefits.

Currently factions seem to be too indistinct as a word. If you state "I own a faction", it could mean you lead 3 members, or that you lead 100. This leads to a conflict between what people think a faction should cost and what indeed a faction is. People often state "factions should cost huge amounts of money, it needs to send people a message that owning a faction is like owning a kingdom" while some people just want to band together with 3-4 of their friends and make a small hamlet. By separating factions into different tiers, it might solve some of this faction pricing debate.

The Meat of The Idea:
Factions will be separated into the following tiers:

-Max limit of 15 members. .
-Costs 175 silver.
-Member and Officer ranks, as well as the leader. Titles are available, as well as truces/alliances/ enemies. Alliance chat is available.

-Max limit of 40 members.
-costs 300 silver, villages can upgrade by paying 125s.
-Member and Officer ranks, as well as the leader. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. The faction has the 30% damage reduction benefit inside of its borders.

-Max limit of 70 members.
-costs 400 silver, towns can upgrade by paying 100 silver.
-Recruit, member, officer, and leader ranks are available. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. There is a 35% damage reduction inside of the faction borders.

-Max limit of 150 members
-Costs 600 silver, cities can upgrade by paying 200 silver.
-All current faction classes are available, however there will be an additional 2 classes will be added which can be customized for specialization. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. There is a 40% damage reduction inside of its borders.

-Max limit of 200 members
-Costs 800 silver, metropolises can upgrade by paying 200 silver.
-There are 8 customizable classes, including the normal faction classes. The city-state can also have 2 people with the "leader" rank. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. The city-state can also function as a small empire by acquiring up to 3 "vassal factions". There is a 40% damage reduction inside of the borders.

Max limit of 500 members, will never degrade no matter what member count.
-costs 1500 silver, city-states can upgrade by paying 500 silver.
-There are 10 customizable classes, including normal faction classes. The Capital can have up to 5 people with the "leader" rank. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces and enemies. There is both an alliance and empire chat. The capital can form an empire of up to 12 factions, which function the same as vassal factions but without growth restrictions. The capital can have up to 5 vassal factions. There is a 40% damage reduction inside of its borders.

Vassal Factions:
Members of an city-state may create a town for free if they are at a certain rank inside of the faction, determined by faction perms set by leader. This town instantly inherits all truced and enemied factions of the mother faction. The town also enjoys a 35% damage reduction, but cannot enemy or truce independently. The vassal faction can upgrade to a city, with a 40% damage reduction, but may go no further than that.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't think this is a good idea... Specially seeing as I make castles and fully operational farms and dark rooms with towns using my small factions of only 3-5 people and we need titles... I only recruit people I trust so my recruitment process is slow and I think this will limit people like me and make things to complicated... If this happened it would be something that would personally make me rage quit the server (More so then wiping MCMMO would) do to the fact that I am a wanderer and I enjoy my freedom. Also disabling enemies and allys and stuff for little factions is dumb because despite being a small faction they still need to make relationships.
Overall I understand the point of this but it wouldn't be fare for a majority of the population of massive. A better solution would just be raising the price of making a faction...

I do not support this idea
TiroTypo you can go all the way to a city with only 5 members, its only at metropolis that 61 members are required.
TiroTypo you can go all the way to a city with only 5 members, its only at metropolis that 61 members are required.

I only have 3 members currently. And I don't plan on getting any more until my city is built and everything is sorted out. And to do this I need allys and relations set up so I know my future faction members will be safe and wall taken care of. Limiting this is dumb and unfair to people like me. Which is why I do not support it. And making people pay more to get a bigger faction is also dumb.. People should have the freedom of doing what they wish with their faction. Everyone pays the same price and they should either make it worth more or less, its up to them. Some will decided to turn 200 silver into 2000. Others will turn 200 silver into a disband faction. Either way limiting creativity like this is quite uncalled for in my oppinion... And giving set labels to places is also limiting creativity. What if its a kingdom of 10 players? The alone strength of 10 people depending on their stats could wipe out a city... A town wiping out a city? How would that work? Which is why they are called factions for a reason. A faction could be any group of people no matter the profession. Like I said before factions are nice as they are now (Though I do think the price to make one should be upped) and I don't agree with this at all...
First off, what does the fact that you only have 3 members have to do with this unless you want a metropolis? Secondly, the price increase from smaller factions to larger ones is to reinforce the fact that a larger faction will require more work and responsibility. Thirdly, 10 players is not a kingdom. They are a band of warriors if they happen to have a large amount of stats. When you say a kingdom, I imagine a rather sizable population. You can call the different tiers of factions whatever names you want to fit the situation. A bunch of highly trained knights and warriors could probably take out a town or maybe a city, but anything above that seems a bit unrealistic, so that's why I made it so the damage reduction scales as you get a higher tiered faction. You aren't invading a capital with just 10 people, it's going to require a full-scale invasion.

To conclude, I disagree with your know what I mean.
I like it the way it is, this would be complex seeing as how you would have to disband your group to "upgrade" into a larger group. I see your point but it doesn't do much besides screw with people. Sorry but I cannot agree to this however I won't Disagree rate you for it.
Me Gusta, but I think all factions should be able to ally , enemy, truce, ext... a faction of 5 bandits will want to be able to attack in hit-and-run raids on the farms of even massive capitol cities.
Well the way I imagine it is if you upgrade your hamlet to a town, it keeps all of your members in the faction. It just expands what you can do.
I like it the way it is, this would be complex seeing as how you would have to disband your group to "upgrade" into a larger group. I see your point but it doesn't do much besides screw with people. Sorry but I cannot agree to this however I won't Disagree rate you for it.

I believe he includes an /upgrade feature to increase your size without disbanding. I assume a /downgrade feature would be included, though useless.
I don't really think there is a demand or need to distinguish between factions, when there are many other things that are probably more important.
Furthermore, the whole metropolis thing doesn't make sense. Why do cities not revert to towns if they fall below a certain point?
Personally, I think someone spends too much time with Towny (or whatever that town/city/nation plugin is called).
Also, I have never had a debate over "what a faction is" (cue shrug). When would that ever come up? The only debate I can think of that would bring into question over what a faction's power is one based on pvp power, which depends on gear and skill (and mcmmo). Using the logic of your suggestion, Magnanimus would be like a City. But given their pvp power that would make them a force that could threaten nations.
While I like the creativity of it, and glad that you went through the effort to put it all together, the problem you address doesn't exist as far as I know (who knows I could be stupid maybe that is something people do) and this just seems like giving the staff a larger work load for no real payoff.
Hmm.. I suppose there is a good point to be made that all tiers should be able to enemy, truce, and ally. Part of that good point would of course be the hilarity of watching a hamlet of bandits try to kill people in capital borders with 60% damage reduction, so I'll make an edit.
Thalan79 I was actually referring to some faction pricing threads. I was going to post a thread agreeing with one person who stated that factions should be over 1000s when I thought about what a faction is exactly. If we make the price of a faction 1000s, most of us imagine people buying factions to make grand empires with. However, there are people who just want a small community of friends to rule a faction with, so I thought I could possibly make something that would settle the faction pricing thingy rather nicely. If someone wants to play with 2 of his friends, he doesn't have to grind mobs for 40 hours, and if a random noob wants to own a capital faction, well, he'll have time to contemplate his decision while he's grinding.
It is a good idea, but it needs refinement and expansion. There are many more uses for a faction then those you have named, and there are many limits and issues with those you did name. I support the concept, but not the specifics.
I guess that makes the problem you stated make more sense, but I still don't feel that it really is that much of a problem.(As in the definition of a faction. I do not think they should be 1000s, thats waaay over kill.)
I still disagree with your proposal, sorry.
Well currently its a suggestion, so I'm open to any criticism and I'll try to fix any flaws that people point out.
Thalan79 the metropolis option is basically for insane people who literally want to play a nation management game in Massive. The median I'm looking for is most people playing in city faction, with maybe a handful of metropolises and at most 2 city-states. If someone makes a capital faction, then the server's essentially screwed at that point.
Meh. More people trying to make Factions more like Towny. Leave Factions alone. She's a beautiful girl, she doesnt need to change for none of you. Stop trying to make her like that whore you saw on the street.
Srsly. All the suggestions to change factions have been trying to poke it twoard Towny. I dont play on Towny servers for a reason. THEY SUCK.
That's great that you were intending for the medium groups to be the most common, but I don't agree with the entire thing. Its not so much a matter of on part being to extreme, as much as I don't see enough of a demand for it to warrent the staff to devote their time to making it happen in my mind. Unless you can prove, or even state something that is on topic with my concerns, I will remain with the disagree option.
KSTRandom I've never played towny before soooooo....

Thalan79 Tbh, I really can't give a reason that they should devote their time to this suggestion other than the hope that this would make factions more fun for some.
Ah, could you clarify why? I'll see if I can address your concerns if you see any flaws in the suggestion.
I don't really think there is a demand or need to distinguish between factions, when there are many other things that are probably more important.
Furthermore, the whole metropolis thing doesn't make sense. Why do cities not revert to towns if they fall below a certain point?
Personally, I think someone spends too much time with Towny (or whatever that town/city/nation plugin is called).
Also, I have never had a debate over "what a faction is" (cue shrug). When would that ever come up? The only debate I can think of that would bring into question over what a faction's power is one based on pvp power, which depends on gear and skill (and mcmmo). Using the logic of your suggestion, Magnanimus would be like a City. But given their pvp power that would make them a force that could threaten nations.
While I like the creativity of it, and glad that you went through the effort to put it all together, the problem you address doesn't exist as far as I know (who knows I could be stupid maybe that is something people do) and this just seems like giving the staff a larger work load for no real payoff.
That's great that you were intending for the medium groups to be the most common, but I don't agree with the entire thing. Its not so much a matter of on part being to extreme, as much as I don't see enough of a demand for it to warrent the staff to devote their time to making it happen in my mind. Unless you can prove, or even state something that is on topic with my concerns, I will remain with the disagree option.
You haven't actually given me any response to the reasons I pointed out, other than you had no reason to make it worthwhile for the staff to implement this. Until you actually read my posts, and then response with something that addresses the concerns within those posts, I cannot help you.
KSTRandom I've never played towny before soooooo....

Thalan79 Tbh, I really can't give a reason that they should devote their time to this suggestion other than the hope that this would make factions more fun for some.
Everything is so economic that making factions (or "towns" and "cities" and "nations") Is so frakin hard. And it limits how much you can claim based on your money and town type and the works. Factions is great because you can make just that. A faction. A collective of people, the term isnt based on size or money. A faction can be 2 people. A faction can be 2000 people. Turning factions basically into Towny would cause the want for a new plugin all together, which would hurt factions (and massives) popularity very much.
Towny likes to do exactly what you think factions should do. Restrict how many players you can have starting out and make you pay to upgrade, has some crazy stupid restrictions, and gives you about 1/4th the power a factions server does to do anything without having ridiciolous amounts of money. So, basically if you arent interested in the server economy (which most people arent) then you cant play.
While, this would make factions more fun for "some" *cough*you*cough* It would also make the player base very unhappy by limiting what they can and cant do extremely, making them HAVE to recruit people to do ANYTHING. I mean, starting out, you dont even have a frakin alliance chat! Thats just communistic. And thats not how the player base wants to play their game.
๖ۣۜPersonally, I like the idea, but you are missing the grand concept of titles and warfare for the smaller factions. Titles are pretty cool, and sometimes funny to use on your friends, so they are always a nice bonus. Warfare. If you are a bandit clan, you suddenly can't be one due to only have 5 people? However, I can see this as potential for if there are RP'rs whom wish to avoid combat entirely when they normally could be in it and possibly be annihilated.

+1 Neutral
Okay, brainstormed a bit and came up with a few reasons Thalan79.

Empires- The ability to actually integrate empires into the factions plugin has been requested for quite awhile, mainly by those who want to go beyond owning a faction. Although you can do this already, adding it into game would make it a bit easier and give some additional benefits to those in empires.

An endgame for some- The Capital faction and city-state faction were made to function as an endgame for some, particularly those who want to act as a leader. This gives them a relatively clearcut goal, so you can keep striving to get to the next tier if you want to do so.

Godpvpers have less power- The majority of players will either be in city tier factions or higher, which have more damage reduction than current factions. This is to simulate the difficulty in attacking a large nation, and will make it more difficult for a single pvper to completely wipe out a faction of 100+ people.

Entry-level "factions"- The hamlet/village is designed for those who want to lead a faction, but want to get started quickly rather working for awhile to get the silver for a city or town. Its also designed for those who don't want to be part of large factions, but still want to be able to make it so people can't break into their houses.
KSTRandom Isn't the current factions plugin driven by money in a way as well? You need 200 silver to buy a faction. Without that, you cannot do anything like what a faction can do. Do you have an ally chat in wilderness currently? This just makes it so there are now multiple levels. You can say that the 600 silver cost for a city is too high for most of the normal benefits of a faction, but in a recent voting thread most people wanted the faction price to be 300+. I doubt the amount of money to get what is equivalent to a normal faction in my suggestion is ridiculous, it may be cheaper in some cases if you want to stick with a village or a town. Of course, alliance chat might be something I should add to lower factions, I'll probably edit it in so only Hamlets don't have them.
Those are some great reasons going for you (except the third one, seeing how most god pvpers work in teams).
None of those really hit any of the concerns I pointed out. Now I'm actually kinda offended that you're more or less ignoring my responses. But thankfully, this is the internet and it doesn't really affect my life.
Please stop tagging me. You have not hit the points I stated, and you have failed to do so several times. While your responses are well written, they did not need my name tagged on them. I wish you luck on your venture, but I do not agree with your proposal. Good day to you sir.
Thalan79, I'm sorry if I have offended you, it was never my intention, but currently I'm incredibly confused as I don't see what point you are referring to. Was it the metropolitan tier faction restriction where it could only remain one where it had more than 61 members? I first thought you meant the "what is a faction" debate and where I had gotten this idea from, then I had thought you meant the part where you wanted reasons for staff members to devote their time to it. I apologize for any hurt feelings, and for my apparent inability to see your concerns that I keep missing.
Okay, brainstormed a bit and came up with a few reasons Thalan79.

Empires- The ability to actually integrate empires into the factions plugin has been requested for quite awhile, mainly by those who want to go beyond owning a faction. Although you can do this already, adding it into game would make it a bit easier and give some additional benefits to those in empires.

An endgame for some- The Capital faction and city-state faction were made to function as an endgame for some, particularly those who want to act as a leader. This gives them a relatively clearcut goal, so you can keep striving to get to the next tier if you want to do so.

Godpvpers have less power- The majority of players will either be in city tier factions or higher, which have more damage reduction than current factions. This is to simulate the difficulty in attacking a large nation, and will make it more difficult for a single pvper to completely wipe out a faction of 100+ people.

Entry-level "factions"- The hamlet/village is designed for those who want to lead a faction, but want to get started quickly rather working for awhile to get the silver for a city or town. Its also designed for those who don't want to be part of large factions, but still want to be able to make it so people can't break into their houses.

If this is truly what you seek, legitimately, go play a Towny server for a few weeks. You wont want it after you get it. Trust me. Its not nearly as cool as it sounds.
Massive-- and factions, really, has no need for a massive Towny-clone overhaul. The system is nearly perfect for its purpose the way it is. The only thing I can possibly see being useful out of this is the Empire system, which Cay will probably maybe get around to.
And, for your Godpvper point-- it also makes problems for the little guy too. It makes problems for PVP in general. You thought there was a gap before between noobs and vets Before? With this system, the gap increases about 10fold. What happens when a massive PVP faction full of God PVPers gets to be big enough for the ridiculous over 30% damage reduction? Any retaliatory raids are IMPOSSIBLE. It also makes giant peaceful factions unrealistically un-raidable. At that point you don't even have to try to raid proof anything. It wont matter a bit.
And, we don't need entry level factions. In-fact, I believe its a terrible idea. Being unable to start with a meager amount of silver protects the server greatly from derp and troll faction claims. They have to be very VERY determined idiots/trolls to make a faction for the sake of being an idiot/douche-bag. It also filters away scum from the server, who would just stick around, creating derp factions and griefing land then claiming it so it cant be fixed without admin intervention if they could easily start up. Sometimes the scum manages to get recruited, but they never stay for very long. This filtration system is the reason the Massive community is different from all the other server communities. It removes the unwanted sediment and leaves the gold.
And, do we really need an endgame for factions? I mean, if you work hard enough to get the (what is it now, 200 silver?) to make a faction, then you should have your goals planned out, atleast a little bit. If you really need the changing of ranks to aspire for to keep you playing, again, go play Towny.
If this is truly what you seek, legitimately, go play a Towny server for a few weeks. You wont want it after you get it. Trust me. Its not nearly as cool as it sounds.
Massive-- and factions, really, has no need for a massive Towny-clone overhaul. The system is nearly perfect for its purpose the way it is. The only thing I can possibly see being useful out of this is the Empire system, which Cay will probably maybe get around to.
And, for your Godpvper point-- it also makes problems for the little guy too. It makes problems for PVP in general. You thought there was a gap before between noobs and vets Before? With this system, the gap increases about 10fold. What happens when a massive PVP faction full of God PVPers gets to be big enough for the ridiculous over 30% damage reduction? Any retaliatory raids are IMPOSSIBLE. It also makes giant peaceful factions unrealistically un-raidable. At that point you don't even have to try to raid proof anything. It wont matter a bit.
And, we don't need entry level factions. In-fact, I believe its a terrible idea. Being unable to start with a meager amount of silver protects the server greatly from derp and troll faction claims. They have to be very VERY determined idiots/trolls to make a faction for the sake of being an idiot/douche-bag. It also filters away scum from the server, who would just stick around, creating derp factions and griefing land then claiming it so it cant be fixed without admin intervention if they could easily start up. Sometimes the scum manages to get recruited, but they never stay for very long. This filtration system is the reason the Massive community is different from all the other server communities. It removes the unwanted sediment and leaves the gold.
And, do we really need an endgame for factions? I mean, if you work hard enough to get the (what is it now, 200 silver?) to make a faction, then you should have your goals planned out, atleast a little bit. If you really need the changing of ranks to aspire for to keep you playing, again, go play Towny.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
KSTRandom Isn't the current factions plugin driven by money in a way as well? You need 200 silver to buy a faction. Without that, you cannot do anything like what a faction can do. Do you have an ally chat in wilderness currently? This just makes it so there are now multiple levels. You can say that the 600 silver cost for a city is too high for most of the normal benefits of a faction, but in a recent voting thread most people wanted the faction price to be 300+. I doubt the amount of money to get what is equivalent to a normal faction in my suggestion is ridiculous, it may be cheaper in some cases if you want to stick with a village or a town. Of course, alliance chat might be something I should add to lower factions, I'll probably edit it in so only Hamlets don't have them.
No, not really. The only thing that the 200 dollar price tag does is keep trash from making derp factions easily. Hamlets will do exactly that.
and, with the growth of the server, I don't disagree with bumping up the pricetag a bit. It makes you have to be here for a little bit. But no, your system requires you to go through a lot more then you'd think just to have the normal features of factions. You cant skip straight to city. You have to level hop. And you have to get people. You HAVE to recruit. It ruins the dynamic factions has. It makes it 90% less user friendly.
I doubt raids would be impossible. I mean, unless the faction's a city-state or a capital, it seems to be still fairly viable, and if the faction happens to be a capital, I figure they deserve the protection at that point, considering they had to have used more than 3000 silver for this, as well as kept a faction healthy for a decent amount of time. However, I'm not a very active pvper, so if the damage reduction's too high I can always lower it a bit if it is truly impossible to kill anyone on higher tier faction's land. Also, when has there ever been a time in Massivecraft history where 40+ godpvpers came together? Heck, even with the current system of factions that would be near impossible to stop. As to the troll factions, there's a reason benefits are limited to hamlets and towns, Also, there have been quiet a few troll pvp factions in the past, they aren't as rare as one might think, its not as if the 200 silver price point is a invincible shield. As to the endgame thing, there's nothing wrong with some options for further progression. If you feel like keeping a 30 player town for all eternity, good for you. If you want a huge empire or city-state, go for it.

Also, you keep saying that you have to recruit to get to higher tiers, which is wrong. If you want a metropolis, you have to recruit. If you want a city (the equivalent of a current faction), you just need money. Also, you don't have to levelhop exactly. If you have 600 silver, you can just pay it to get a city.

EDIT: Going off for the night, be back next morning.
I doubt raids would be impossible. I mean, unless the faction's a city-state or a capital, it seems to be still fairly viable, and if the faction happens to be a capital, I figure they deserve the protection at that point, considering they had to have used more than 3000 silver for this, as well as kept a faction healthy for a decent amount of time. However, I'm not a very active pvper, so if the damage reduction's too high I can always lower it a bit if it is truly impossible to kill anyone on higher tier faction's land. Also, when has there ever been a time in Massivecraft history where 40+ godpvpers came together? Heck, even with the current system of factions that would be near impossible to stop. As to the troll factions, there's a reason benefits are limited to hamlets and towns, Also, there have been quiet a few troll pvp factions in the past, they aren't as rare as one might think. As to the endgame thing, there's nothing wrong with some options for further progression. If you feel like keeping a 30 player town for all eternity, good for you. If you want a huge empire or city-state, go for it.

Also, you keep saying that you have to recruit to get to higher tiers, which is wrong. If you want a metropolis, you have to recruit. If you want a city (the equivalent of a current faction), you just need money.

Honestly, I don't like the idea of these damage reduction things. Even if you have a Capital faction, it shouldn't make you near invincible just because you have a lot of players and money. All throughout history there has been stories of entire cities falling. Making that near impossible just ruins everything.

And as for the hamlet thing, it doesn't matter if there's some restrictions on it. It's still allowing people to cheaply make noob factions to protect grief or some other stupid thing.
Feels too limiting, sides, I wouldnt want probably more than 40 people spamming my f chat, but at the same time I dont want limitations to my current recruiting process. I see no point in this other than to limit the fact that there are too many factions, which this is true, but at the expense of limiting faction possibilities on the community as a whole. I do not support this.
This idea of paying to upgrade faction max members pushes it in another direction, if this was to be implemented then only the richest of richest people would be able to make large or popular factions. The current system is basicly more members = bigger faction while this system is more money = bigger faction this will make it hard for people who just want to create their own faction. Also the member limit thing sounds like an annoying barrier for every new faction since if you run out of room for new members you bascialy have to stop recruiting and tell people on your forum recruitment page that you can't recruit them which means people can't join what faction they want to and will go just straight for a big faction like the 9th or simply stop playing because they can't join whatever faction they want.
I don't really like the idea of having to pay to have more members, that will just make town and hamlets more greedy for money and the powerful will become more powerful whilst the poor and middle class will simply get poorer nor do I like the idea of less customizability for lower ranked factions.
I don't really support most of these ideas, the only ones I liked was vassals (free sub factions would create mass spam tho) and empires its pretty much a system of "Get rich or you won't be popular" which could be a HUGE damper on people who just want to start their own faction without support from others.
Okay, here's the gist of this suggestion. Separate factions into different tiers/classes, each of them with their own cost and benefits.

Currently factions seem to be too indistinct as a word. If you state "I own a faction", it could mean you lead 3 members, or that you lead 100. This leads to a conflict between what people think a faction should cost and what indeed a faction is. People often state "factions should cost huge amounts of money, it needs to send people a message that owning a faction is like owning a kingdom" while some people just want to band together with 3-4 of their friends and make a small hamlet. By separating factions into different tiers, it might solve some of this faction pricing debate.

The Meat of The Idea:
Factions will be separated into the following tiers:

-Max limit of 5 members
-Costs 75 silver
-No member ranks, everyone is essentially an "officer", meaning they can invite players but can't kick each other. One person will be the leader, who can kick the officers and invite others. Titles are unavailable, but alliances/truces/enemies are.
-No alliance chat.

-Max limit of 15 members. .
-Costs 175 silver, Hamlets can upgrade by paying 100s.
-Member and Officer ranks, as well as the leader. Titles are available, as well as truces/alliances/ enemies. However, alliance chat is available.

-Max limit of 30 members.
-costs 300 silver, villages can upgrade by paying 125s.
-Member and Officer ranks, as well as the leader. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. The faction has the 30% damage reduction benefit inside of its borders.

-Max limit of 60 members.
-costs 600 silver, towns can upgrade by paying 300 silver.
-Recruit, member, officer, and leader ranks are available. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. There is a 40% damage reduction inside of the faction borders.

-Max limit of 100 members, if the faction drops below 61 members, it reverts back to city.
-Costs 1000 silver, cities can upgrade by paying 400 silver.
-All current faction classes are available, however there will be an additional 2 classes will be added which can be customized for specialization. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. There is a 50% damage reduction inside of its borders.

-Max limit of 200 members, if the faction drops below 100 it will revert back to a metropolis after 2 weeks.
-Costs 1800 silver, metropolises can upgrade by paying 800 silver.
-There are 8 customizable classes, including the normal faction classes. The city-state can also have 2 people with the "leader" rank. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces, and enemies. Alliance chat is available. The city-state can also function as a small empire by acquiring up to 3 "vassal factions". There is a 55% damage reduction inside of the borders.

Max limit of 500 members, will never degrade no matter what member count.
-costs 3000 silver, city-states can upgrade by paying 1200 silver.
-There are 10 customizable classes, including normal faction classes. The Capital can have up to 5 people with the "leader" rank. Titles are available, as well as allies, truces and enemies. There is both an alliance and empire chat. The capital can form an empire of up to 12 factions, which function the same as vassal factions but without growth restrictions. The capital can have up to 5 vassal factions. There is a 60% damage reduction inside of its borders.

Vassal Factions:
Members of an city-state may create a town for free if they are at a certain rank inside of the faction, determined by faction perms set by leader. This town instantly inherits all truced and enemied factions of the mother faction. The town also enjoys a 40% damage reduction, but cannot enemy or truce independently. The vassal faction can upgrade to a city, with a 45% damage reduction, but may go no further than that.
Ok , 60% damage reduction? All the Best Fighters would buy this faction then they would kill everyone else. Does that seem fair to you? This would make the best people on the server invincible within their own base. Also this limits people so very much, if this was the case nobody would run factions seeing as it would take 600-1000 silver to make a faction of decent size.This has to much thought put into it, maybe a lil' tad bit logic with a tinge of realism would help this thread.
-P.S. Who the heal came up with the faction rank called Hamlet?
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