Preserved Sheet Deyala Suen

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Dec 28, 2013
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^by Cameron Mark^

Basic Information
  • Full Name: 孙秀兰 (Suen Xiulan)
    • Ντεϊάλα Σουέν Τζαβάρας (Deyala Suen Tzavaras).
  • Age: Eighteen.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: 1/4 Ailor, 1/4 Songaskia and 1/2 Ch'ien-Ji.
  • Main Ambition: Finding where she will truly fit in.
  • Deyala was born a bastard child to Suen Liyuan, a moderately wealthy Ch'ien-Ji female, and Dimitri Ishmael Tzavaras, an aristocrat of mixed Ailor-Songaskia descent. She only recently found out about her father, as such information had been withheld from her by her mother until she was eighteen. Instead, Deyala grew up with her stepfather, Peng Laozu (whom she maintains a good relationship with), Liyuan, and several younger half siblings.

Skill Information
  • School: Discipline of Aloria (School of Astronomy).
  • Level: Novice.
  • Source: Tutored by a family friend.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Amber eyes.
  • Hair Color: Brown, with auburn highlights.
  • Hair Style: Curly up-do, often worn with a bandana.
  • Skin Color: Caramel.
  • Clothing: Casual attire consists harem pants and a light blouse, sometimes with a veil.
  • Height: 5'7.
  • Body Build: In between curvaceous and femme fatale.
  • Weapon of Choice: Fists.
Visual Information expansion
  • Deyala has a distinctive lack of golden eyes, but occasionally the amber color can be misinterpreted as such. Freckles can be found on her cheeks and shoulders, the source of which she cannot really place. Her hair is often worn in an up-do for convenience, and Deyala adores bandanas (think Rosie the Riveter). She even has a collection.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
  • Languages spoken:
    • Tatsugo, native language (10/10)
    • Common, second language but fluent (9.5/10)
    • Etosian (2/10)
Personality and Abilities
From afar, Deyala seems like the typical teenage partygoer who consumes far too much alcohol and is a living nightmare for her parents. Effervescent and utterly flirtatious, she often is the center of attention at lively gatherings. While she may come off as frenetic and obnoxious, depending on the situation she finds herself in, Deyala can take on a more serious demeanor. This isn't to say that she necessarily will, though.

Internally, Deyala feels a constant sense of emptiness and resentment towards her birth father for having abandoned her and her mother. This reflects in her moodiness, which isn't at all unusual given that she is a teenager. Quick to irritate but slow to anger, Deyala may make snide and passive aggressive comments but it's unlikely for her to actually end up screaming profanities at someone. Deyala seeks attention and recognition from others, perhaps hoping to compensate for being a bastard child unrecognized by her biological father. As a result, the girl is rather boisterous and doesn't always recognize that not all the attention she receives from such is good. Daring to a fault, Deyala lives for testing her limits and the world around her; this of course is without much regard for the associated repercussions. While a bit of a troublemaker, Deyala's intentions aren't malicious.

With family, Deyala is significantly more refined and well behaved, almost as if she has a double personality. Her parents don't know she pickpockets and would be appalled to find such out. Secretly studious, Deyala is an avid reader thanks to her parents wishing for her to become as educated as they could afford her to be. When around those she has established close relationships with, Deyala is notably sweeter and more empathetic. Her rowdy behavior diminishes significantly as it is mostly fueled by a desire for attention, and Deyala doesn't think she needs to work much to get her friends and family's attention.

In terms of morality, Deyala is utterly neutral. She feels no inclination to help strangers unless there is some sort of gain for her. This can also be said about doing harm to strangers; if there's no benefit, Deyala feels no need. Typically she just tries to mind her own business when it comes to people she doesn't know very well. Deyala isn't the type to give money to the poor, though she wouldn't steal from them. Overall, with what she does, the girl tries to refrain from putting others at a significant disadvantage if she can help it, but beyond that her empathy isn't too widespread.


  • Lying: Deyala has a knack for deceiving people to get what she wants, and typically has no qualms with doing such. Her seeming lack of morals allows the young lady to lie to someone's face without batting an eye or relenting due to any sort of guilt. Furthermore, Deyala's brief career (if you could even call it such) in acting led to her knowing even more about the art of deception.
Kaleel Ishmael:
Apollonia Tzavaras:
Dimitri Ishmael Tzavaras:
Suen Liyuan:
Peng Laozu:
Peng Bao/Bao Suen:
Larayel Da'Saeluto:
Johann Eshevard:
Virgil Buhr:

Life Story
  1. Suen Xiulan was born a bastard child to Suen Liyuan and an aristocratic father within the Yang-Tzu Isles. A year or so after, Liyuan married a charming gypsy Chi by the name of Peng Laozu, and they had several more children together.
  2. Xiulan eventually is given the new name Deyala, for the sake of assimilating into Ailor culture for when she did travel abroad to such places. The name stuck, and eventually Xiulan/Deyala got used to it enough.
  3. Deyala was never once neglected, but she still felt like the black sheep of her family. This potentially led to her more rebellious lifestyle. She figured out how to tap into her youthful potential and use it to pickpocket unsuspecting tourists. Not like she was starving and really needed money, but from a young age, Deyala always loved testing her limits and pushing the envelope. In spite of being somewhat of a deviant, Deyala prided herself on finding the best education she possibly could afford, and was a voracious reader. This led to her finding interest in astronomy and geology.
  4. After a year of begging to learn the Discipline of Aloria, Deyala's parents finally relented and hired a Songaskia scholar to instruct their daughter in such a field. She excelled at it, and kept to her studies for four more years.
  5. Upon turning eighteen, Deyala was informed of the potential whereabouts of her father, as well as a bit more of his identity. This fueled her previously dormant longing to find him, and turned it into a GOAL that she strove to attain. Part of Deyala felt too hopeful about it; what were the odds of finding her father in Regalia if she didn't even know his name?
  6. After unintentionally stumbling upon a friend of her paternal grandmother's, Deyala finally found out about her father's side of the family. Soon after, she managed to get legitimized.


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Alright, my review:

Initial information all checks out, nice design for a character.

Personality meshes together well.

Third paragraph of life story ends abruptly. I'm not sure if you just lost your train of thought or if something got cut off. Please tend to this.

The only other comment I have is that the professionalism is broken a few times throughout, but I think that's just because I've been grading too many papers IRL.
Fix that one paragraph and tag me to wrap it all up.
Alright, my review:

Initial information all checks out, nice design for a character.

Personality meshes together well.

Third paragraph of life story ends abruptly. I'm not sure if you just lost your train of thought or if something got cut off. Please tend to this.

The only other comment I have is that the professionalism is broken a few times throughout, but I think that's just because I've been grading too many papers IRL.
Fix that one paragraph and tag me to wrap it all up.
i think it's fixed