Archived Demon Controlling Magic

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I have read before that they are taking new magic forms. After some searching, and nothing came up, I decided to post a thread on this.

Demon Magic! -Shing! Sparkle, sparkle

What would this magic do, you may be asking? (Probably not, but ask yourself anyways!)
Simple. This would allow the caster to control demons and have them posses their targets!

"No way! That sounds too OP!" I hear your fingers angrily type on your keyboard or mobile device.
Yes, it is. So, I came up with a way to balance it out. A couple, actually.

Thus form of magic is extremely rare, and takes years to master. Hmm? Not needed enough, eh?
Well, I have even more.
This form of magic must be preformed when you target is sleeping, and runes must be drawn on their head. These runes are very precise, and if not done correctly, the spell will backfire.

But wait! I'm still not done! This magic has a strong chance to backfire. It could potentially posses the caster. This magic cannot, and will never be allowed in Regalia. This is extremely evil and dangerous.

So, what do you think? You like? Leave a comment below to let me know!
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You think you could control this demon?
We'll from the stand point and correct me if I'm wrong but would one require not only a vast amount of power to control the demon to posses the person, but would you need to continue channeling the spell to control the possessed body during which time you could be found and executed?
You could never control a demon... if you let it into this world purposefully, it'll just possess whoever it felt like.
Possession magic is already a thing. Shendar elves use it in Drowdar to posses the newborns. It is a secret school and hard to use.
Thought I'd elaborate on possession magic:
  • Magician draws or carves runes on the host.
  • The magic is done and a random demon of a random tier is chosen. If the Mage is very adept, then they can choose demons, but like it'd have to be extremely so. Like top end expert level.
  • Shendar tribes almost always have a possession Mage. If not, they borrow them from someone else.
  • Possession magic is currently restricted, but you may post applications requesting the magic if you have legitimate enough reasons for why your character knows it and why your character, if a shendar, is no longer with their tribe and unpossessed themselves.
Interesting idea, that said. But it feels too close to possession magic to gain my support.
reasons for why your character knows it and why your character, if a shendar, is no longer with their tribe and unpossessed themselves.
Interesting idea, that said. But it feels too close to possession magic to gain my support.

I thought that exorcism would result in the aura being severed, later not allowing the person to cast magic?
A lot of people will be rp nerds here and have attitude to it BUT I have heard a guard say "we don't want another demon in our midst" emphasis on another. So maybe this is already implemented? (drunk)
@Ryciera I didn't realize possession magic existed. It wasn't listed under the types of magic your character could learn. Maybe it could be added? Or maybe this could be the one average people could learn?
@Ryciera I didn't realize possession magic existed. It wasn't listed under the types of magic your character could learn. Maybe it could be added? Or maybe this could be the one average people could learn?
The reason why it's a secret school becuase it is to powerful. Also she already said that it was to similar for her to support.
I think something like this could be possible...if it caused death to the mage casting it when done.
Someone suggested Demon supression magic a while back, and we called it a god Rp'ing magic suggestion. This crosses a certain number of boundaries that I am not even comfortable talking about.

@Ryciera I didn't realize possession magic existed. It wasn't listed under the types of magic your character could learn. Maybe it could be added? Or maybe this could be the one average people could learn?
It's a forbidden secret form, which means it isn't mentioned there pointedly.
What about those who choose to play demonic characters?

I seem to remember almost all of old Valyria's RP involving Satanic entities and demons. To control demons would kill a great opening for villainous RP.
Maybe if it were more of a leech type thing, possibly? Killing its host when casted and only possessing for a short time until the human/humanoid soul rejects the demon, or if the possession is too strong, killing the casters soul and the hosts soul? Meaning its a loose loose thing, something you cast before you die? Making the hosts body too strong for an uninbodied soul, almost after minutes rejecting it? I don't know, this is just a bit too hard to implement without noobs who read the lore god rping
I'd like it if it was like a speedy cancer, killing it's host slowly. But instead it'd be curable with simple remedies or a holy alter.
The process would be something like this lil' flow chart I made up (sorry for scribbles D; ).
(feel free to expand on this)
*Notes Below picture*
Possession magic.PNG


I also believe this should be a very tolling experience. This would also make the caster exposed, weak and easier to track down.

The caster may come close to death or may die (depending on how long the body takes to die). If the body does not die and go under possession within 24 hours, the caster too will experience the various effects. The decaying process will take its toll faster on those that are weaker, opposed to the built and strong whom would take a large period of time to die. This would also make other mages BIG targets seeing as most of them are weak.

If this magic form was even to be considered, which by the sound of monmarty's post it does not seem so, I would bet on it being an EXTREMELY exclusive magic form.

Mages new to this form would most likely die, even if on a weak, frail mage. They would have to start with small animals, such as rabbits and build their way up to humans.

These demons will have 1 minor influence; They shan't kill their creator, seeing as he would most likely create more demons in the near future. EXCEPT TIER 1 DEMONS

As another person recommended before, the tiers of demons should be random, tier 2s being most common, tier 1s being somewhat rare and tier 3s would be 1 in a million. Stronger mages will have influence, but may not be able to choose tier 3 unless extremely advanced at this form (50 years min?)
I stated in notes that only tier 1 demons would kill the creator, well this would be because tier 1s are foot soldiers that kill everything that moves. The other tiers I believe don't do that? Not sure, I should probably read up on the demon lore again.
Someone suggested Demon supression magic a while back, and we called it a god Rp'ing magic suggestion. This crosses a certain number of boundaries that I am not even comfortable talking about.

What if the spell could only work according to the intended recipient's permission? If they don't want to be possessed, they can just say that it didn't work? And maybe the ability to use this must be approved by an rp staff?
I can already see the noobs like this: -uses magic to possess [name here]- -makes him/her stab everyone in tavern- "hahah!!! I am a god now!" evreybodies going on with there business and the noob Is like: stop god rping! I possessed you! im your master now!)) so.... yeah, you could only do this with an approved shendar elf char in my views, don't turn it into a magic anyone can learn.
@2001pokemon New players haven't read the lore most likely, and will not know about thus type if magic. Also, what is only approved characters could use it. And like it says, the person must be asleep for the spell to work. God role playing will be ignored.
It's a relatively good idea, but I feel as though this is designed by you, for you. Try to keep your personal interests out of the picture when making a suggestion. In reality, considering how strong demons are, any attempt to control them would be futile.
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