Death Of A Loved One

I would like to note I have no rights over the song (Eraser by Ed Sheeran)

I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind
Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine
I forget when I get awards now the wave I had to ride
The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind

Quiet sobbing could be heard from the other side of a propped open door, a dark shadow cast over the hallway carpet. The room seemed to be a bathroom, for the floor was cold tile, and on the cold tile lay a small ginger man, who for his age, seemed look no older than about 15. There were a mixture of empty and full ale bottles and a pipe with a suspicious looking powder spilling out from the top, and the pipe was still half attached in the ginger boys weak fingers.

So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life
Friends and family filled with envy when they should be filled with pride
And when the world's against me is when I really come alive
And everyday that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride

Eventually his sobs died down, turning into incoherrent mumbles.
"No.. No I wan' my sister back, why'd yer take 'er away, she don' belong wit' yer Ma, yer can' 'ave' er she's mine.."
His arm reached out and strained to grab another bottle of ale, and from the mixture of empty and full bottles on the floor, it didn't look like it was going to be his first or his last.

You know that I've got whisky with white lines and smoke in my lungs
I think life has got to the point I know without it's no fun
I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up
Instead, I look in the mirror questioning what I've become

He pulled himself up into a sitting position, his back slumped against the wall, and popped the cap open with his thumb, tipping his head back to pour the liquid down his throat, relishing the burn.

I guess it's a stereotypical day for someone like me
Without a nine-to-five job or an uni degree
To be caught up in the trappings of the industry
Show me the locked doors, I find another use of key
And you'll see

With a small chuckled he raised his free hand to point at the ceiling, "Look at yer now Amber.. Yer 'avin' a good ol' time up in the sky.. Fink I should join ya? Sound's good ter me.. Real good.." the man's ginger curls fell down over his eyes, shielding them from the glare of the gas lamp that hung from the ceiling.

I'm well aware of certain things that will destroy a man like me
But with that said give me one more, higher
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay
Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain

"I know yer make such a pretty lil' angel.. Yer 'n' Ma get yer be angels.. I wanna be an angel too..can I join yer?" he sounded almost delusional in his current state, talking to the ceiling like a madman.

I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs
I chased the pictured perfect life, I think they painted it wrong
I think that money is the root of evil and fame is hell
Relationships and hearts you fixed, they break as well

The ginger dropped his head forwards, letting his chin hit his chest, but the jolt of the movement caused him in his high and drunken state to let his grip on the bottle loose. The bottle came crashing onto the tile, bursting into hundreds of pieces, a dark puddle of alcohol gjoininf everything else on the floor.

And ain't nobody wanna see you down in the dumps
Because you're living your dream, man, this shit should be fun
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run
I beg you, don't be disappointed with the man I've become

"Dammit.. Look wha' yer did bottle.. Yer've peed everywhere.. 'M gonna send yer to yer room if yer don' start behavin'."

Our conversations with my father on the A14
Age twelve telling me I've gotta chase those dreams
Now I'm playing for the people, dad, and they know me
With my beat and small guitar wearing the same old jeans

With a wince the ginger pushed himself up, stumbling towards the door and pulling a towel off the rack next to it, then turning and throwing it towards the puddle. The towel landed a few centimeters away from the puddle, the corner just barely grazing the liquid.

Wembley Stadium crowd's two-hundred-and-forty-thou
I may have grown up but I hope that Damien's proud
And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed
The world may be filled with hate but keep erasing it now

"Silly towel.. Yer 'posed ter go in the wee!" He giggled and crumpled to the floor, trying to lean forwards and mop it up with the towel.

I'm well aware of certain things that will befall a man like me
But with that said give me one more, higher
Another one to take the sting away
I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay
Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser

Once the puddle of alcohol was mopped up, the man stared at the tile for a few moments before tears began to drip down his cheeks, sniffles sounding from him. "I don' like this.. Amber I need yer 'elp..'s all to 'ard' n' I don' like it!"

Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
But where I'm heading, who knows
But my heart will stay the same
Welcome to the new show
I guess you know I've been away
But where I'm heading, who knows
My pain, eraser

He curled back into a ball, clutching the towel to his chest as his body shook oncemore with sobs.

Quiet sobbing could be heard from the other side of a propped open door, where a broken man was hugging a stained towel and begging for his sister to come back to him, because the world was still too hard to face alone.

And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser

Gonna throw in a quick @Diaprit cause your little chars mentioned​
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