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Dear Borrower...


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Two weeks ago, after feeding courier pigeons, I returned to Ostwin Werner's Library, a library that I have been running for the majority of two decades as part of my late husband's legacy, and was met with numerous surprises.

I appreciate your modest attempt at placing books back on the shelves, once you had perused them, as it shortened my cleaning by half a month. Two weeks of re-organizing hundreds of titles later, I have identified the missing pieces of my late husband's collection.


1. A book on tea-making.

2. A romance novel.

3. A knitting guide.

4. An encyclopedia of Regalian history.

5. A book on scientific Ailor & Dwarven inventions.

6. A copy of Unionism's 18 Divine Lessons.

While I will miss the tea set that was gifted to me by my daughter and unlawfully taken away, I am willing to part with it under the hope that you have fruitful conversations with your companions and consider the impact of your decisions. I recognize that your visit to my library comes just two days after the publishing of the Bill of Rectification and there is the possibility that your decisions were made out of anger.

I believe in spreading Juvin's Lesson, to read and to learn, and to make truthful information available to all. I would be happy to support you in this practice, though with a lawful mind, and therefore am willing to forgoe criminal charges. Ness teaches that no soul is unforgiving of mercy, and my hope is that the books that you have taken, or borrowed, if you choose to return it, have provided you solace in your journey, be it religious or not.

However, what has saddened me, Borrower, is your decision to tear apart my banner representing Ostwald's Circle, an ideology that supports the tolerance and regulation of Mages within the Empire rather than executing them without exception. Instead of lending us the opportunity to share our views in civil discussion, you chose to silence another's expression of thought. I have trouble forgiving this act, but I have faith that the Goddess of Forgiveness will guide me through this opportunity to embrace Ness's Divine Lesson on kindness, forgiveness, and compassion further.

Please place the books in the return bin when you have finished so that others can embrace the joy of reading and learning. The bin will be moved outside so that you may return it anonymously, in the dead of night, if you prefer.

I also extend my gratitude to Sera Oskar Novak (@Nidakk), a hard-working man of the Lothar Order, who has devoted time and funds to return my late husband's library into working order. He visits when he does not have to and practices Hor's Lesson on small acts of kindness and service amicably.

Gertrude J. Hoffman
Caretaker of Ostwin Werner's Library