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29th of January, 310 AC
On the matter of New Laws & Adjustments to Current Laws:
(new) Empire-Wide Ordinance: The collaring or otherwise unjust detainment of (Non-Apostasy) Occult individuals for the purpose of identification is illegal.
This additionally institutes a recall of all prior Azure Order Era collars, with funding for the safe removal of such fulfilled by the State.
(Altered) Common Law 15 : To impersonate, or attempt to impersonate, any of the following is illegal: Regalian Guardsmen, Government Officials, Unionist Clergy, Regalian Military Veteran or Servicemember, Mercenaries, or Knights.
(Altered) Common Law 3 "Theft and destruction of property is illegal, including harm on Slaves which are counted as property. Cheating at games is also counted as property theft, unless there is no explicit profit or prize to win in the game in question. Refusing to fulfill payment for a legal Mercenary bounty is also counted as property theft.
(New) Common Law 16: To willfully refuse to address an individual by their preferred and appropriate title and pronouns is illegal.
(New) Common Law 17: To collect payment, or attempt to collect payment for a Bounty as an unlicensed Mercenary, or to lie about completing a Bounty in an attempt to falsely collect payment.
On the matter of the Brood Legal Code:
It is the opinion of the Lord Chancellor that the current laws for approved Occult Broods are inefficient, and is therefore adding the following stipulation: The acting Celate should, upon approval, create a specific set of 'papers' that the Brood must present, in addition to their name, to members of the Violet Order when questioned on their legality. Contentions regarding this right have been made clear, citing fears of forgery, but the Lord Chancellor maintains that there are many, many papers of much higher record and value that are equally as likely to be forged. Including just recently a forged missive on behalf of His Imperial Holiness.
On the matter of the Chancellor's Contingent:
While the Lord Chancellor is extremely pleased with the Contingent's decorum and behavior in her presence, she would like to draw a stricter line between members of the Contingent, and members of the Violet Order, making the following distinctions to their rights:
Members of the Contingent may only act as a member of the Violet Order does in the following circumstances:
-In the presence of the Lord Chancellor, Government Minister, or Government Officer.
-Within Greygate
-If the life, safety, or functioning of a member of the Nobility is in Danger.
-If the life, safety, or functioning of a member of the Violet Order is in Danger.
On the matter of State Institution Funding:
The Lord Chancellor disseminates the following funds to the following institutions:
The Foreign Ministry: 10 Wealth Tokens
The Occult Ministry: 5 Wealth Tokens
Defense Ministry: 5 Wealth Tokens
Whip Ministry: 5 Wealth Tokens
Crookback Grant: 5 Wealth Tokens
On the matter of Noble Taxes:
The Lord Chancellor, after comparing funds of the Houses of the Assembly and Regalian Isle, has come to the conclusion that an additional tax is required, and is therefore instituting the following policy:
The Families with the top 5 base income will be subject to a Tax of 1 Wealth Token per week, to be taxed to the State, which will then be used to fund infrastructure in a specific struggling area of the Lord Chancellor's choosing.
The first targets for this initiative are the States of Torse and Arlora, which still, to this very day, struggle to reclaim their homes from Bone Horrors. It is the opinion of the Lord Chancellor that these peoples deserve a proper standard of living, one that the State hopes to aid them in securing.
To begin this initiative, the Lord Chancellor will be donating 18 Wealth Tokens of her own house's coffers. Currently, the highest earning Houses are the following, and will be subject to such a tax:
House de Azcoissia
House Howlester
House Sorenvik
House Nordhjem
House Peirgarten
On the matter of Mercenaries in the Crown Isle:
The Lord Chancellor makes the following changes to the rights of both Mercenaries, and the Mercenary Officers
The Mercenary Commissioners have the following rights:
Right to sanction mercenary contracts for Regalian Mercenaries.
Right to license individuals as Regalian Mercenaries.
Right to access Violet Order case files for background checks.
Right to conscript Regalian Mercenaries to action without a contract.
Right to Armor Permit A, B, OR C.
Right to Open-Carry Weapon Permit.
If a conflict of orders occurs between Mercenary Officers, a vote should be called, and failure to follow such procedure should be reported to the Whip Ministry post-haste.
Mercenaries are given an automatic Lesser Armor Permits A and B and C. Permit A includes a chest-piece (covering only the minecraft body section) and forearm bracers (covering only the lower half of arm sections). Permit B includes A full-arm piece on either right or left arm (covering an entire arm section, but not the other) and a helmet, and a forearm bracer on the other arm (covering only the lower half of the arm section). Permit C includes forearm bracers (covering only the lower half of arm sections), shin bracers (covering only the lower half of leg sections) and a shoulder-piece (that descends no further than 3 pixels from the head) Permits cannot be combined, one or the other must be chosen (Example for A, Example for B, Example for C). Additionally they may also open carry weapons, but but armor and weapon permits are only valid while they are either on duty and executing a Mercenary contract, or actively called in by the Regalian Guard to assist in arresting a criminal. Mercenaries must always step aside if commanded to by Regalian Guards, the Chancellor's Contingent or Imperial Guard. Mercenaries must at all times only work for legally sanctioned contracts by the Mercenary Commissioner. Mercenaries may not be licensed and work as a Noble House Guard at the same time. Mercenaries may keep criminals apprehended for up to 48 hours for questioning, before handing them over to the Regalian Guard. Mercenaries and Mercenary Companies are beholden to specific regulations set by the Mercenary Commissioner.
Additionally, with the approval of the Civics Ministry, the Alms Ministry Safe-House near Arena Court will be transitioned into a satellite Office for the Mercenary Commissioners.
Her High Eminence Madelyn de Azcoissia, by the Grace of the Everwatcher
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Grand Duchess of Azuvela, Marchioness of San Selin
Her High Eminence Madelyn de Azcoissia, by the Grace of the Everwatcher
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Grand Duchess of Azuvela, Marchioness of San Selin
OOC Notes & Clarifications
- Lot of backlog stuff here.
- Law changes are for the most part self explanatory. Empire wide ordinance is really only relevant to the Prog System/Background lore.
- Relevant Tags: @OkaDoka @AlphaInsomnia @festiveCorvid @BillyTheScruffy @Annie_Short @seoulmate
- Changes to the Chancellor's Contingent pretty much only prevent the Contingent from acting as normal guards in the complete absence of the listed groups.
- Money spent on new tax system will be pending prog system tickets/questions answered & orders processed.
- Relevant wiki pages have been updated, if there's errors let me know.