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Played Character Danhua Tang

This character is actively played.


Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Danhua Tang (蛋花汤)
Heritage / Culture: Dexai Sihai
Age: 20 (Birthday July 6, 294 AC)
Gender / Pronouns: She/they/it
Religion: Draconist
Occult: Anima/Exist Mageborn
Character Occupation: None currently
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Yeah she definitely has hair
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Slightly below average muscle, skinny.
Additional Features: Her hair's upper layer is black, but the lower/inner layer is orange.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents: Reading, listening to music, sitting in the sun
Sihai can telekinetically move, reshape, recolor, and restructure Jade with their mind. They can also turn any crystal-like substance or noble metal into Jade.
Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.
Sihai can enter a trance-sleep, enveloping themselves in a hard shell of jade in a tranquil state, unable to be acted upon or to act, only freed with the touch of a friend.
Sihai may receive calamity visions during pivotal choice moments in Staff Events (Private Message to DM to discuss opportunities) that may warn from bad decisions.
Sihai weapons, when channeled with the powers of the Loong Dragons (out of Combat only) can cut through any material, including objects, doors, gates, but not solid walls.

Languages: Wai-lan, Common, Sign, Calem (in writing only), Droque (in writing only)


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 6 (Strength)
Defense Stat: 5 (Magic)

[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 6
Shrug Off Pack
Knockback Sweep Pack
Shattering Strike Pack
Wounded Ego Pack
Reflecting Strike Pack
Technique Parry Pack
Weapon Throw Pack

Constitution: 3
Rage Counter Pack
Iron Will Pack
Breather Pack

Dexterity: 1
Escape Artist Pack

Magic: 5
Oceanic Pack (Magical)
Mimicry Pack (Magical)
Safeguard Pack (Magical)
Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Monster Invocation
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