Archived Damage Output In 1.9

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
1.9 Damage Output
I brought this up in my thread "Important Changes" but that thread ended up being mainly about the /fix
issues. So here I wanted to discuss the damage in 1.9. In 1.9, Strength Potions now add three damage as opposed to the relative thirty percent of base damage as it was in 1.8. I was PvPing earlier and got this recording.

The player claimed he was not using resistance potions or god apples, but still was not dropping health at all. I couldn't even break the player's absorption hearts the entire fight. I had my usual traits, which include Axe Expert, and had Strength II Potions up constantly.

Not all fights have been this bad, I have been able to get some kills in 1.9, but even players with missing pieces of armor are hard to kill now. In 1.8 if one piece of armor popped you were dead 9/10 times. It also now takes 4 hits to kill a player without armor where in 1.8 it took 1 or 2. I have already heard the excuse "There's no point in PvPing I'll just lose armor durability," quite a few times due to how difficult is to get kills and the lack of value in god weapons. This is something I see needing to change immediately, the PvP is becoming frustrating and less interesting entirely.

@Lazzulai @65jes89 @spoonly @jquaile @Traxex20 @Tokugawryuu
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Why do you have the general opinion that Staff doesn't do jack shit and that they only wanna banhammer all of you?
How about you work for free and try it out yourselves? :)
I get it 95% of the time that staff are busy and coding takes work, but this is a game breaking bug that was reported on day 1 and now like 15 days later it hasn't even been acknowledged. If this kind of thing happened on other pvp servers they would probably consider wiping the entire map to get rid of all the glitched pots, even if it was just day 2 or 3 of the bug. I don't see how the staff don't see this as a big deal.
Is there even a PVP staff anymore? They all seem to quit after a month if even that. Staff changes so frequently on this server it's hard to keep track and yeah I'm being an ass by assuming but I'm guessing that's why it takes forever for even minor changes to happen.
The potion stack bug has been fixed. @Mightor I highly suggest you unstack any stacked pots you have left, as that's abusing bugs/glitches, which can get you a perm ban.

Is there even a PVP staff anymore? They all seem to quit after a month if even that. Staff changes so frequently on this server it's hard to keep track and yeah I'm being an ass by assuming but I'm guessing that's why it takes forever for even minor changes to happen.
I think it's just lazz and gethelp at this point. Cythyan is aspirant now, idk what happened to trax.
Is there even a PVP staff anymore? They all seem to quit after a month if even that. Staff changes so frequently on this server it's hard to keep track and yeah I'm being an ass by assuming but I'm guessing that's why it takes forever for even minor changes to happen.

Might help:
Team history:
Current Team:
I also read somewhere that there has been changes to how staff is ranked and thus most staff members either lost their rank or de-ranked themselves and need to comply to the new rules to rank up again. I just can't find it anymore.

Yes, staff is not getting paid and they do this in their free time. They try to fix it, but they need data and experience reports for that, because throwing out one "fix" after the other that might cause more bugs than before, isn't what we want either.
Cayorion is a few days away (as I read in the help chat section) and that could also be a reason why technical changes are slowed down at the moment.
Also don't forget the EULA compliance and the implementations that followed to ensure the survival of the whole server, which occurred directly after the update to 1.9. I'm sure hat slowed things down as well.
And not to forget the whole Massivelock plugin (which is still not entirely working), which was implemented to ensure your loots are kept safe in the future (remember the bugs with LWC just unlocking randomly), but which needed worked on badly because of all the lag LWC and Massivelock where causing together on the server .

See a pattern? Yeah, everything they worked on affected ALL PLAYERS. PVPers, RPers and Eco players profit from the server surviving, all of us get a better experience from more players joining the server (re why even update to 1.9) and all of us are glad to be able to lock our things.

All of that happened in the last two weeks. I'm sure PVP features are next. Have more faith in our tech staff. They know better what to prioritize.
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The potion stack bug has been fixed. @Mightor I highly suggest you unstack any stacked pots you have left, as that's abusing bugs/glitches, which can get you a perm ban.

I think it's just lazz and gethelp at this point. Cythyan is aspirant now, idk what happened to trax.

I've unstacked them, glad to see it fixed.
We are working on the damage output as i have replied to in previous threads, we think we have the solution but it requires alot of testing so we dont get it wrong on the other end of the scale.
Thank you for your input on this PvP related issue. Do you have any suggestions for how these issue should be countered specifically? Feel free to expand even further, it is very helpful for staff when we have to look at adjusting things.

I have to stop and ask you to take a look at your words here.

Staff are in no way attacking PvP. The server had to immediately comply with EULA and everything is still being balanced, observed, and worked on. The price on fix has already been nerfed once, and voting rates increased to help balance this out. It's not going to be perfect right away, but we are working on it.

thank you. omnomivore.
i think we can all agree that staff are doing quite well to try to get the server past a VERY hard time and are very busy.
id like to acknowledge the staff and their hard work, thank you SO MUCH.
i know that pvp is rough right now, but lets try and see what we, as players, can do to fix it. if that means holding torneys to pass the time waiting for staff to nerf some stuff with rules against certain traits lets do it!