I wen't through the comments and I don't think that this one has been answered yet so I'd just like to push this question /\.
Quesk, the initial rumours of Daendroc's deletion were just that - rumours - brought about by someone speculating on a forum thread about which one would be the next to go. That speculation (from someone who had no REAL information) was then mentioned a few times (by people with no authority... or idea) in game.
From there it quickly metamorphosed into "I heard that it was the next to go" which then spread back to the forums which then spread back to in game chat and so on... and it just started getting more and more out of control breeding from rampant speculation into an ill founded rumour.
With that said... on October 20th MonMarty said to me:
"Any world is temporary, no world will exist forever.
Dates for deletion aren't confirmed on any current worlds though, which means any and all worlds are still safe for at least 2 months"
...which makes perfect sense.
Admins aren't going to beat themselves up if a world goes the way of Ceardia. If they lost sleep over such matters they'd surely go bonkers. I respect and accept that, in its current format, griefers will eventually take each world down in turn.
This is why it remains a personal crusade of mine, emperor_max and Mech to restore the map (all of it eventually) in a highly publicised manner thereby minimising any argument for its deletion...
Admins have their own plans. Hypothetically, if Cay had exciting plans for a "New Daendroc" before I came along with my restoration effort I wouldn't expect him to change his plans just because one meagre player (premium or not) had a crack at saving 'old Daendroc'. Hypothetically, he'd be very excited about what he wanted to do and just go ahead and do it.
So, while our efforts may delay Daendroc's demise, I can't guarantee it will stay the executioner's hand indefinitely.
This is why I intend to continue campaigning for at least one 'test' world that is made 'claim to edit' as discussed here: