Cutest Couple Contest Winners Announced


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Mithranna, Cadun, Valorian
Roleplay Guilds
Merchant Guild,
Hello Everybody This is a an art contest for Regalia's cutest Couple.

The rules are simple post a couple.
1: Must both be role played characters.
2: Have Fun
3: No hating on other peoples couples.

Post your choice tag the players, please ask them first.
You may post all kinds of couples same sex ect.

I will do the art drawn.

1st place will get: An Full body art by me in detail [both characters] & one by @PetraXtree
2nd place will get: An Half body art in Detail by me [both characters] & an art by @cyandechikenwing
3rd place will get: A head shot art by me [both characters].

IGNS of players
Character Names:
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Age of Both:
Race of both:
Sex of both:

Please have Fun.

Submissions closed

Any red are violating rules Blue are fine.
William Coen & Tristan Kade
Atilio Amaya and Nevan Qual
Tristan Kade & Leah Kade
Aron Santorski & Himself.

Niantha Alvira & Ztril Merrit
Helena Grabenfeld & Ba'al Setrivish

Avdotya Pajari x Blueberry monster
Charles Handorian and Tiber Ardor.
Aikaterine Tzavaras & Klara Fuchs
Vincet Dalamar/ Paige Canswood

Edward Dertycia and Edward Dertycia's ego
Dolkrin Harsk and his pillow.
Dr. Fong & Bethany Fong
Dimitri Vernay & Apollonia Tsavaras

1st:Leah & Tristan Kade
2nd:Niantha Alvira & Ztril Merrit
3rd:Atilio Amaya and Nevan Qual
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What a horrible timing. Ludwig and Helena would have been amazing in this. @Chiruda

EDIT: Ohwell nvm, I thought this would only include canon couples. Not a chance then, I guess. xD
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IGNS of players:
@Greenie @Squint_1
Character Names: Atilio Amaya and Nevan Qual
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Body Description

    • Standing at 5'9", and weighing roughly 156 lbs., Nevan has an ectomorphic build, with little muscle mass. His limbs are slightly elongated and skinny, and most of his strength lies within his legs.

    • Nevan is fair skinned, and quite pale. He has very faint freckles on his face, only visible in the right light. His lower abdomen bears a large scar spanning about an inch, diagonally. There's a harsh 2nd degree burn scar on his right forearm. A thin scar runs down from his left eyebrow to the bridge of his nose.

    • Nevan has very sparse body hair on his chest, although there's no lack of it on his arms and legs.
Head Description

    • Nevan has an oval-like face shape, with a slightly crooked nose. His chin is rounded, and his jawline is relatively sturdy. He has a somewhat bushy set of brows above his almond-shaped eyes. His cheekbones are poorly defined.

    • Nevan's eyes are an indigo blue, bearing a similar color to a deep ocean. He often holds a cheery air about him at all times.

    • Nevan has dark brown, scruffy hair that reaches down to the middle of his neck. He'll usually leave it as-is, and make little attempt to tidy it until it grows too long, leaving it looking rather unkempt. He keeps any facial hair shaved.
    • Nevan does not have any facial accessories, as he does not have spare currency required to buy anything of that nature.
Clothing and Accessories

    • Nevan's wardrobe tends to be loose fitting, and conservative clothing. Mostly garbs or tunics, bearing earth-like colors, such as grey, brown, and rarely green. His clothes generally sport patches, covering up the rips and tears that often accumulate.

    • Nevan often carries around a trinket, that was purchased from a gypsy. He takes it anywhere he believes to be dangerous, under the belief that it will protect him, and grant good fortune.
Age of Both: 25, 19
Race of both: Daendroque Ailor, Ithanian Ailor
Sex of both:Male, Male
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IGNS of players @BillyTheScroofy @SupremeCripple
Character Names: William Coen & Tristan Lampero
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Age of Both: W.C 37 T.L 25
Race of both: Ailor, Ailor

Sex of both: Male, Male

Kissing poses please, they are very affectionate.

All other couples had better throw - in,
All other lovers are a no,
Cos nothing matches the love of William Coen,
And Tristan Lampero <3

IGNS of players @BillyTheScroofy @SupremeCripple
Character Names: William Coen & Tristan Lampero
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Age of Both: W.C 37 T.L 25
Race of both: Ailor, Ailor
Sex of both: Male, Male

Kissing poses please, they are very affectionate.

All other couples had better throw - in,
All other lovers are a no,
Cos nothing matches the love of William Coen,
And Tristan Lampero <3

I thought what we had was special.
IGNS of players @BillyTheScroofy @SupremeCripple
Character Names: William Coen & Tristan Lampero
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Age of Both: W.C 37 T.L 25
Race of both: Ailor, Ailor
Sex of both: Male, Male

Kissing poses please, they are very affectionate.

All other couples had better throw - in,
All other lovers are a no,
Cos nothing matches the love of William Coen,
And Tristan Lampero <3

As much as I love Billy's throw in, I'm gonna have to throw in my suggestion. ;D

IGNS of players: @Missmaggy2u @SupremeCripple
Character Names:
Leah Kade and Tristan Lampero
Description in form of art app or just telling how they look: Tristan
Leah (Maggy can talk about this if need be. She knows how Leah looks better than I do)
Age of Both: Leah is 32, Tristan is 25
Race of both: Ailors
Sex of both: Male and Female

Lampero are red, Kades are blue. Tristan and Leah will destroy you.
IGNS of players: @SacredTrout & @SacredTrout
Character Names: Aron Santorski & Aron Santorski
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: Profile picture
Age of Both: 32
Race of both: Ailor, Northerne
Sex of both: Male
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Shall we enter with Helena and Ba'al? They are rather cute together.
Faint cackling heard from the dark corner. "yeees children".
If Y'all didn't know I'm PetraxTree
IGNS of players @BillyTheScroofy @SupremeCripple
Character Names: William Coen & Tristan Lampero
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Age of Both: W.C 37 T.L 25
Race of both: Ailor, Ailor
Sex of both: Male, Male

Kissing poses please, they are very affectionate.

All other couples had better throw - in,
All other lovers are a no,
Cos nothing matches the love of William Coen,
And Tristan Lampero <3


Listen Coen scrub, here's a message from the Kade Lady.
You want to rap for this couple's contest? No surprise, you're that shady.
A little advice, son, leave the rapping to the best of us,
And if Will really needs a friend, why don't you go ask Lawrence Typhonus?

Stand aside little man and maybe the friendship can continue,
Unlike Leah Kade it seems you've got no Lampero in you.
There's really nothing left to say, it's already been spat.
Nothing comes between this Kade and the eight-inch Jungle Cat.

plzdontkillme @SupremeCripple

(Oh void I'm breaking rule 3. Uh... :D It's all for funsies, promise.)
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Rap, coerce, plead all you want, Leah Kade.

There are few truths in life. And one truth is that the love between William Coen and Tristan Lampero is the very definition of true, unbridled, consensual affection that all human beings crave at their very souls.

IGNS of players: Eccetra & @Eyrok
Character Names: Niantha Alvira & Ztril Merrit
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:

Visual Information
*Also see my profile picture, which is accurate apart from Yanar lore-wise now have no noses!*
Body Description

· Ni stands at a relatively short 5ft 8" inches with a weight of around 9st 3lbs that varies with the time of year and subsequently with the amount of plantlife covering her. Akin to her weight she actually appears quite chubby for a Nelfin seedling, but the majority of this excess is simply due to the thick layer of fuzzy moss covering her body almost like a second layer of skin. While no area of her body looks particularly strong or weak, her arms are quite long and thin in comparison to the rest of her body, tending to hang loosely by her side.

· Entwined within her mossy exterior is a menagerie of holly branches and leaves, which can be quite prickly to the touch and sparsely cover her whole body. The only exception to this growth is her upon legs- where she trims the vines to prevent them from hindering her movement. The moss and branches act almost like a soft layer of armour for Ni, covering what would be her 'skin' equivalent of dark spruce wood beneath.

The only time her wood-skin shows is in the summer, where the sun beating down on her shoulders and nose-bump temporarily shrivel the moss.

· Being a Yanar, Niantha has no hair upon her body whatsoever.

Head Description

· Ni's head is pleasingly proportionate to the size of her body, with round plump cheeks that smooth downwards in to a rounded heart shape. Her wide violet eyes are oblique and curve slightly downwards at the outer edges, framing the small bump where her nose would be and giving her an almost childlike appearance. Beneath her eyes sit two of the holly branches that sparsely cover her body, which form an 'eye black' pattern by exposing from corner to corner of each eye. Her mouth is small and lacking of any human lips, but rather sports a round and fuzzier layer of moss, which she almost always holds in a polite smile no matter what the situation.

· Thanks to a run in with some vicious vampires, Ni actually only possesses one of the real eyes that she was born with. She often wears a glass eye kindly given to her by a dollmaker on her left to allow her to feel more normal. The fake one does not match perfectly however, sporting a white base instead of her natural yellow, and a violet iris that is not ringed as her own.

· As Yanar do not have any human hair, what would normally cover her head is instead vines of a deep green, traditional ivy. Her mane is naturally very unkempt and tends to grow where it pleases given the nature of ivy, but to keep things practical she trims it in to an average style that falls from the tip of her skull to the base of her neck. While she would normally attempt to keep the leaves out of her eyes, she makes no attempt to do so over her left side since she cannot see there anyway.

· Ni does not have any piercings or accessories to speak of, and thanks to her plant-covered form any scarring that may occur is quickly grown over by moss. The only exception to this would be where her left eye used to be, a deep groove clearly signifying its loss whenever she does not wear her glass replacement.

Clothing and Accessories

· If left to her own ideals, Ni would rather not wear clothes as she finds them to be unnecessary, however to fit more closely within a largely human – dominated society she has resigned to wearing a simple red tunic dress. The dress is made from an average canvas cloth material and drapes loosely from her left shoulder to her knees, ending in a V-shaped tail. Situated right in the centre of the chest is a large front pocket, roughly the size of her hand in which she often keeps a few petals of Luvaniore Azure for its calming effect. The colours of the outfit are reminiscent of her humble faction Rollanguarde, sporting a deep red base with a small golden-yellow trim across the top edge.

Though she finds accessories to be useless, she does wear a thin brown leather belt around her waist to compensate for the looseness of her dress. Below this she sports two large clunky leather boots crafted by her faction's leader as a gift to protect her feet from the rocky mountains. The moss upon her feet is more than enough for this purpose, but she wears the boots anyway out of respect.

Although not an accessory per-se, she also carries a slightly-worn brown satchel over her shoulder that was given as a gift by her mother. It is made mostly of a tough weather-proof fabric, with two leather straps that fasten with a brass buckle in front. It almost always smells pungently of the various herbs and flowers that she collects in there to take to her plantery.
Visual information
*As far as I know there hasn't been any art of Ztril yet, but correct me if I'm wrong Eyrok!*
Body description
Compared to most people (or for that matter Allar), Ztril is underweight at a height of exactly 6 feet and weighing 126 pounds, although he seems much lighter and is relatively easy to lift up. Ztril's body is relatively unmuscular, and looks the very words "thin as a rake". He cannot endure too much physical activity, but he tries to keep up with what's going on, and of course benefits from his races somewhat heightened immune system.

Ztril is covered in scales in a vivid green (tone 20) with blunted claws and horns (tone 15) and a paler colored belly. Ztril's body is mostly smooth and scaly, excluding a rather nasty scar from a knife wound on his chest resulting from standing behind someone having a knife thrown at them. This scar seems to have been deliberately aggravated at some point. Ztril also has a small scar on the front of his right ankle from another knife attack thrown by a renegade Shendar.

Ztril has no hair because he is a lizard. He does however have claws on the ends of his hands and feet, although these are mostly blunted.

Head description
Ztril has the common snout-shaped head associated with his species, with flattened nostrils and an even-shaped head by Allar standards.

Ztril's eyes are fairly big, orange and somewhat sunken from late nights doing alchemy. He has a small scar above his right eye as a result of a mugging, but nothing immediately noticeable

Again, Ztril has no hair, but he has a series of small, flattened horn stubs across his face and head. These used to be larger and sharper, but alchemy accidents have blown them off or cracked them to pieces, leaving them in their much reduced state.

Ztril's teeth are still incredibly sharp. His venomous incisors are missing, however, replaced by two smaller ones. They seem to have been forcibly removed.

Ztril has a large "scar" of fresh looking but rather pale scales on the front and back of his head as a result of a Sakharism infection and an unfortunate encounter with dark magic. Although his body is cleansed, it is possible some folks may take issue with what appears to be a running infection.

Clothing description
Seeing as there's been some changes since the original description was written, here's what Ztril's wearing on the current skin:

Torso layer 1: Cloth straps.
Torso layer 2: Short brown waistcoat.
Legs: Puffy cream harem pants with light blue trim.
Feet: Improvised sandals.
Age of Both: 23 (Ni) & 21 (Zi)
Race of both: Nelfin Yanar (Ni) & Allar Naylar (Zi)
Sex of both: Female presenting (Ni) & Male (Zi)

Go Green Team! If you've ever seen us RP you'll know how puke-inducing they are. And they live and run a shop together! How cute is that?
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IGNS of players:

@pugsly10 @Medvekoma

Character Names:

Helena Grabenfeld & Ba'al Setrivish

Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:

(An in-game picture, without the charred skirt)

Helena has a sickly pale skin, with warts and scars. Her right shoulder is burned along with her right leg.
Her right eye is dark green, her left eye is cloudy grey with a sprinkle of the original green tint.
Her hair is a long coiled mess of autumn locks with some dried-up blood and dirt mixed in.
Helena wears regular peasant clothes (white skirt, white blouse with a leather vest). The right shoulder of her dress is completely charred, she covers it up by wearing a short white linen cape that is partially shredded. The right side of her skirt is also charred, revealing her burnt leg, while the right side is latticed with drops of blood. Her dress is littered with patches of dirt and filth.
She stinks, so she would probably be surrounded with flies.
Helena usually carries around a small leather bag filled with filth, bottles of her wart and rotting body parts (preferably toes and fingers).

(A picture)

Ba'al has a hand missing, he has a socket on his right arm for his cane that he's using to get around.
Needles and pins are attached to his left hand, with poison drooling out from the tips. His wrist holds the tiny poison tanks, preferably filled with Helena's wart.
Ba'al has a broken-up leg, meaning he would be limping all the time.
Ba'al has a bruised face along with a missing tongue, although these are covered by his eerie mask.
His clothes would show a few dagger cuts and shreds.

Age of Both:

Helena is somewhere around 30, while Ba'al is 41

Race of both:

Both are Ailors.

Sex of both:

Helena is female, Ba'al is male.

A fitting position would be Helena hugging Ba'al with all her power, while screaming 'Friend of the wart!'.

Listen Coen scrub, here's a message from the Kade Lady.
You want to rap for this couple's contest? No surprise, you're that shady.
A little advice, son, leave the rapping to the best of us,
And if Will really needs a friend, why don't you go ask Lawrence Typhonus?

Stand aside little man and maybe the friendship can continue,
Unlike Leah Kade it seems you've got no Lampero in you.
There's really nothing left to say, it's already been spat.
Nothing comes between this Kade and the eight-inch Jungle Cat.

plzdontkillme @SupremeCripple

(Oh void I'm breaking rule 3. Uh... :D It's all for funsies, promise.)

Leah kade.jpg
IGNS of players @Goldzillaa and @Goldzillaa
Character Names: Avdotya Pajari x Blueberry monster
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: Avdotya, blueberry monster (a literal giant blueberry)
Age of Both: 36 and unspecified
Race of both: Ur and berry monster
Sex of both: female and genderless

Listen Coen scrub, here's a message from the Kade Lady.
You want to rap for this couple's contest? No surprise, you're that shady.
A little advice, son, leave the rapping to the best of us,
And if Will really needs a friend, why don't you go ask Lawrence Typhonus?

Stand aside little man and maybe the friendship can continue,
Unlike Leah Kade it seems you've got no Lampero in you.
There's really nothing left to say, it's already been spat.
Nothing comes between this Kade and the eight-inch Jungle Cat.

plzdontkillme @SupremeCripple

(Oh void I'm breaking rule 3. Uh... :D It's all for funsies, promise.)

I'm the mother flipin' William Coen,
My hair's puffed and my arms are pretty buffed,
and I'm sexy "Hes sexy"
If you have to defend I'm gonna condescend,
Cos my Coen forged longsword sends Tristan straight 'round the bend.

I got Coen steel that I forged in Mithranna city,
Don't believe me? Listen carefully to this ditty
and by the by the Kades are sh*&ty, now run you hoe,
cos I've stolen your husband, the Lord Tristan Lampero.


@Parz1vol I say we submit Q'iet and Vladim.
He would adjust his glass while he reads the alert, thinking quietly to himself, "Oh my lord did she do this..." Angrily scratching his earlobe, Parz1vol would inspect the page, smiling as he realizes it's for role play characters.

Sure thing, IDC. I'm not writing it though :P
I literally smacked my screen because of the bug gif in your signature.

He would adjust his glass while he reads the alert, thinking quietly to himself, "Oh my lord did she do this..." Angrily scratching his earlobe, Parz1vol would inspect the page, smiling as he realizes it's for role play characters.
If it were for real life couples we would def win.