Cutest Couple Contest Winners Announced

I'm the mother flipin' William Coen,
My hair's puffed and my arms are pretty buffed,
and I'm sexy "Hes sexy"
If you have to defend I'm gonna condescend,
Cos my Coen forged longsword sends Tristan straight 'round the bend.

I got Coen steel that I forged in Mithranna city,
Don't believe me? Listen carefully to this ditty
and by the by the Kades are sh*&ty, now run you hoe,
cos I've stolen your husband, the Lord Tristan Lampero.

So you say I'm the hoe? Coen, why are you telling lies?
How many children do you have, and how many wives?
Do you really know the noble game or are you better simply knowin' whores?
Your rap game is weak, but what more can we expect from Coen Forged?

I'll sum this up quickly, you sickly flickering twig,
I may be beautiful lady, but my husband likes em big.
Scurry home to Mama and sisters and try to realize,
The bastard family is settled and, unlike your kid, we're legitimized.
So you say I'm the hoe? Coen, why are you telling lies?
How many children do you have, and how many wives?
Do you really know the noble game or are you better simply knowin' whores?
Your rap game is weak, but what more can we expect from Coen Forged?

I'll sum this up quickly, you sickly flickering twig,
I may be beautiful lady, but my husband likes em big.
Scurry home to Mama and sisters and try to realize,
The bastard family is settled and, unlike your kid, we're legitimized.
So you say I'm the hoe? Coen, why are you telling lies?
How many children do you have, and how many wives?
Do you really know the noble game or are you better simply knowin' whores?
Your rap game is weak, but what more can we expect from Coen Forged?

I'll sum this up quickly, you sickly flickering twig,
I may be beautiful lady, but my husband likes em big.
Scurry home to Mama and sisters and try to realize,
The bastard family is settled and, unlike your kid, we're legitimized.

My daughter is legit, but how would you know?
You're just an obscure bastard, you ain't no Jon Snow,
You need to keep up, the Court ball is in session,
but you're just a woman, take heed to male oppression

Your husband likes 'em big? Then why's he with you?
You've got more grotesque lumps than a bowl of Morbash stew,
As for Coen Forged, gurl you know you can't get better,
that Leah Kade? His Coen Claymore made him forget her.

My daughter is legit, but how would you know?
You're just an obscure bastard, you ain't no Jon Snow,
You need to keep up, the Court ball is in session,
but you're just a woman, take heed to male oppression

Your husband likes 'em big? Then why's he with you?
You've got more grotesque lumps than a bowl of Morbash stew,
As for Coen Forged, gurl you know you can't get better,
that Leah Kade? His Coen Claymore made him forget her.

This is why we're friends
IGNS of players: @Goldzillaa & @kizzlez
Character Names: Aikaterine Tzavaras & Klara Fuchs
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:
Body Description
> Klara is five feet and nine inches tall and weighs about 125 pounds. Perhaps she could be considered underweight; the woman is much thinner than the average person would be. With a triangle shaped figure, her waist is not incredibly defined though she still possesses somewhat wide hips and a smaller bust. A fair amount of muscle lies in her legs, though Klara seems to lack the same strength in her upper body. Her arms are particularly weak, the woman barely being able to lift heavy objects up.

> Like many of her other family members, Klara has an unusually pale complexion. This comes from the rather common genetic disorder that often runs in the family, although some other factors make her skin lighter than average, such as how she prefers to stay indoors rather than go outside.

> Klara has an average amount of light colored body hair, more so on her legs then her arms. She usually doesn't shave very frequently, seeing as she keeps most of her skin covered when out and about and at home. The woman merely doesn't see the need for pampering herself incredibly often, as she doesn't intend to impress anyone.

Head Description

> Klara has a round shaped face and high cheekbones, with a slightly up-turned nose. Her eyes are rather large, as well as her eyelashes, darkened on special occasions using makeup. This is accompanied by average sized lips, though they may give off the impression of being larger when she paints them red.

> The woman's greenish-brown eyes are a trait that distinguishes her as a member of House Fuchs, as it's seen by nearly all members. Her thinly plucked eyebrows form a neat and nearly symmetrical arch. Regularly darkening them, she sees it as much more of a priority than doing so with her eyelashes. Klara is most often seen with a polite, perhaps forced smile on her face when in public.

> Dark brown and somewhat wavy hair drapes down around the woman's shoulders, but she'll usually keep some hair by her sides. The texture and state of her hair varies on numerous factors, predominantly the weather and temperature. Sometimes she'll try to change her hairstyle just to see what it would look like, so it's not uncommon to see Klara wearing braids one day, and putting her hair up the next.

Clothing and Accessories

> On most occasions, Klara will wear a predominantly red dress, tailored to fit her perfectly. The underlayer is made of golden silk, shown through her skirt. Although the woman tries to dress as close to the family colors as she possibly can, it's not absolutely out of the ordinary for her to be seen wearing other colors, such as blue.

> Usually the woman decides to wear a bonnet with the matching colors of whatever dress she will put on. If Klara wears her red dress, then the bonnet will be red, with gold trimmings.
Body Description
  • Aikaterine isn't exactly wide, but she isn't thin either. While weighing 124 pounds and reaching 5'2", she isn't the skinniest there can be, but at least she's not bony and starving. Her upper body definitely overpowers her legs, Aika being much more willing to throw punches or swing around a sword than run.
  • Aikaterine's skin could be described as olive or tanned, and it's somewhat identical to her mother's. Other than a large scar running up her left forearm (That she easily hides), left from a small encounter with thieves, her skin is free of blemishes.

  • Aika has rather bushy eyebrows that incidentally followed after her mothers, so she plucks them almost everyday just to make sure they don't get too out of line. She also has a small amount of darker hair on her legs and arms, which she shaves annually as well. She doesn't mind the time it takes to perform her on going beauty procedures, mostly because she believes that you can't leave the house looking unpresentable. And bushy eyebrows and hairy legs are /definitely/ not presentable under her terms.
Head Description
  • Aikaterine has a rather heart shaped head, her large eyes and lips the highlights of her features. She also happens to have quite small, hidden cheekbones, which she can't leave a private place without highlighting.
  • Her eyes are a deep brown, coming quite close to being black.
  • Her resting pose or emotionless face normally causes people to believe that she is upset or angry. Her eyebrows are usually furrowed along with a seemingly everlasting scowl.
  • Aikaterine's hair is an auburn color that reaches around the middle of her back. She likes to pull a piece of hair from the front and braid it so it remains out of her eyes, though she will occasionally leave it down. If even a hair slips from the braid, Aika absolutely must take it out an redo it until she can get it perfect.
  • Aikaterine's right nostril is pierced after her mother demanding her not have it done. So Aikaterine deemed it necessary /to/ do it. She was in a horrendous amount of trouble after Apollonia finding out about her act of rebellion, though never once was she told to take it out. She usually keeps a small piece of gold in it in fear it will seal up over time. If it were to seal up, she most definitely would not have it pierced again. It hurt to get done. A lot.
  • She also wears a choice few necklaces, bracelets, earring, and rings. Anything that would go great with her dress that day.
Clothing Description
  • Her jewelry holds no real sentimental value, although some must have come from her grandmother or mother. She wouldn't /really/ care if it were to slip off and get lost. Sure, she'd be upset she's lost a fine piece of gold or silver, but not in an emotional way.
Age of Both: Aika: 16 Klara: 23
Race of both: Alt Regalisch & Etosian Ailor
Sex of both: Female
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IGNS of players: @WolferBooy @xxXNightOwlXxx

Character Names: Vincet Dalamar/ Paige Canswood

Description in from of art app or just telling how they look:


Paige: She has brown reddish hair, and a round stomach. She has green eyes that are a bit lighter than Vincet's. They are both Ithanian, as well. She stands at 5'2 feet. At a skinny fragile build.

Age of Both: 18

Race of both: Ailor

Sex of both: Male and Female
This is a round stomach and it's a thing (She is not preggos)
Could we keep this to what we're meant to? Y'know, apps for the prize. No offense but while a lot of it is funny, it's also kinda unneeded.
IGNS of players Vic_Viper46
Character Names: Edward Dertycia and Edward Dertycia's ego
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: profile pic
Age of Both: 30
Race of both: Daendroque ailor and ghost
Sex of both: Male

IGNS of players Vic_Viper46
Character Names: Edward Dertycia and Edward Dertycia's ego
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: profile pic
Age of Both: 30
Race of both: Daendroque ailor and ghost
Sex of both: Male

Guys can this please be the last one of its kind?
IGNS of players: @Peter Harsk (PeterIsMyName) and @Pillow
Character Names: Dolkrin Harsk and his pillow.
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: Dolkrin is on my profile PIC. Here is a PIC of his pillow
Age of Both: 25 and... Unspecified...
Race of both: Ailor Human and... Pillow... Human...
Sex of both: Male and... Female...
My daughter is legit, but how would you know?
You're just an obscure bastard, you ain't no Jon Snow,
You need to keep up, the Court ball is in session,
but you're just a woman, take heed to male oppression

Your husband likes 'em big? Then why's he with you?
You've got more grotesque lumps than a bowl of Morbash stew,
As for Coen Forged, gurl you know you can't get better,
that Leah Kade? His Coen Claymore made him forget her.

IGNS of players: @Peter Harsk (PeterIsMyName) and @Pillow
Character Names: Dolkrin Harsk and his pillow.
Description in from of art app or just telling how they look: Dolkrin is on my profile PIC. Here is a PIC of his pillow
Age of Both: 25 and... Unspecified...
Race of both: Ailor Human and... Pillow... Human...
Sex of both: Male and... Female...
Drfong & Millawolf
Dr. Fong & Bethany Fong


Age of Both: DrFong: Old enough to be her grandfather. Bethany Fong: Old enough to know better.
Race of both: Ch'ien-ji & Ailor
Sex of both: Male/Female
So you say I'm the hoe? Coen, why are you telling lies?
How many children do you have, and how many wives?
Do you really know the noble game or are you better simply knowin' whores?
Your rap game is weak, but what more can we expect from Coen Forged?

I'll sum this up quickly, you sickly flickering twig,
I may be beautiful lady, but my husband likes em big.
Scurry home to Mama and sisters and try to realize,
The bastard family is settled and, unlike your kid, we're legitimized.
Hey Maggy, perhaps you can bring this rap battle over to my rap battle shop?
Please note Rule Number 2


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