Archived Currency Vs Premium

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
my idea is for a more efficient way for the server to make money!
Instead of making people pay for premium to enhance their game play why doesn't
the serve try giving everybody premium like it recently was but still make money buy selling regels for real life money. Say the server could charge $30 or $40 for 6000 regels or something similar to that. Wouldn't it be a more effective way of making money as regels aren't very easy to aquire in game why don't set-up a system which allows people to buy regels for money. People who desperately want to make a faction could do this if willing to pay for the regels. The server owners money would increase rapidly, as a non premium member i understand you probably will not listen to what im trying to pass across but if you considered this i believe the server would benefit greatly from this change.

I recently bought a faction and it was going smoothly but myself being in capable of buying premium made my faction a little harder to run as building portals was restricted to me and many other great game features. If the server owners would consider my idea it would be very muchly appreciated.
In summary im saying eliminate premium and just have people paying for regels.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A large portion of people who buy premium has 10000+ regals, the model of selling prem is a much better idea.

The economy is completely player driven, something unique to massivecraft. No admin shops. No buying currency. No.

as a non premium member i understand you probably will not listen to what im trying to pass across but if you considered this i believe the server would benefit greatly from this change.

Quite frankly you being non-prem doesnt mean anything to do with this suggestion.

Its people like you who complain about "Elitist Premiums".

Its comments like that which create them.
but it doesnt hav to be cheap i mean 40 dollars is a lot for like 5000 regels
but it doesnt hav to be cheap i mean 40 dollars is a lot for like 5000 regels

Thats not the point. It really would mess up the econamy. If you want those regals, find a gap in the market and use your time to fill it. I highly doubt that the server staff will ever implement this due to what they have said before, as it has been suggested a thousand times and rejected countless more.
But premium is basically you paying the server to win:/ the regels have nothing to do with paying to win it still allows players to have equal abilities in the server and it basically allows people to earn money quick
@ZIHAMMER1411 The first person i've seen talking about my opinion on economy related stuff. Sadly you forgot to tag me.
I like premium as it is and i do not want it replaced with your idea. The amount of people already selling regals a actually a few so if you want regals buy there. The prices are around 10k regals for 25USD
I will not say it is bad for the economy, but bad because it will make the game even more unbalanced.
But premium is basically you paying the server to win:/ the regels have nothing to do with paying to win it still allows players to have equal abilities in the server and it basically allows people to earn money quick

Regals would just kill it. I'm sorry, but no.
@ZIHAMMER1411 The first person i've seen talking about my opinion on economy related stuff. Sadly you forgot to tag me.
I like premium as it is and i do not want it replaced with your idea. The amount of people already selling regals a actually a few so if you want regals buy there. The prices are around 10k regals for 25USD
I will not say it is bad for the economy, but bad because it will make the game even more unbalanced.
I didn't know I had any idea... Going to look for it.
If you thought I was for this to replace premium, it's not true :p
I marked disagree because regals are not hard at all to make on this server. I made 30K in about a month and I know there are people who have made a lot more in the same time period. All it takes is a basic knowledge of economics and the free trade system. Learn well the rules of supply and demand and riches will quickly follow.
I cried reading the grammar.

This is a horrible idea. I'd rather buy premium then Regals. You get more things for your dollar then.
40$ usually would buy like, 20,00-30,000 regals, I believe [Do not quote me on this.]
I see alot of people disagreed, but buying enough alts will get you super strong. It is minecraft, or a rule comes or it will stay an pay to win...
It's not at all hard to earn Regals on the server. I have acquired several thousand Regals in a week and a half through voting alone. Yes, that is just my luck, but the other methods of earning them don't take that much more effort.

And for the love of god, don't even think about the idea of making Regals harder to obtain to make this poor plan to be more "justifiable." That would instantly create a terrible pay-to-win situation, without a doubt.
I see alot of people disagreed, but buying enough alts will get you super strong. It is minecraft, or a rule comes or it will stay an pay to win...

I have 4 accounts the only way they benefit me is fac power. Other than that alt accounts have no use really.
Say everybody was given an 'allowance', like 50 regals a month, but premiums would still be given 750, or increase it to 800 for premiums.
To be honest, I hate the 750r for premiums a month as it pushes prices up.
If it never was there all the money would be almost gone to housing and shops or freezing accounts and factions. I mean I would get a lot of money for a hour of darkrooming, but not enough to be able to sustain economy witouth a solid in flow of money. The past month alot of money went missing, stuff were dropping prices I sold god armor for 700r instead of 800r eventually. Though I agree that we shouldn't get money monthly since I like that money will be harder to get money.
Eventually the prices will never 'push up' the economy moves with it and gets it so it isn't hard to get 1K regals.
If it never was there all the money would be almost gone to housing and shops or freezing accounts and factions. I mean I would get a lot of money for a hour of darkrooming, but not enough to be able to sustain economy witouth a solid in flow of money. The past month alot of money went missing, stuff were dropping prices I sold god armor for 700r instead of 800r eventually. Though I agree that we shouldn't get money monthly since I like that money will be harder to get money.
Eventually the prices will never 'push up' the economy moves with it and gets it so it isn't hard to get 1K regals.

The prices dropped for god armour due to everyone keeping it on death. First they increased as non-perms bought it, then they dropped.

Prices will increase now, as non-perms drop everything again.
This grammar is horrid.
Seriously. Learn grammar.
If you want to get by on this server, you need to
Step 1: Open a minecraft. Log into the server as main, station near a darkroom.
Step 2: Open another minecraft. Log it into the server, and afk it near a darkroom, in a safe spot.
Step 3: Do whatever you want with your main, reduce your alt to to lowest possible settings.
Step 4: Come back at some point, pile of mobs in the darkroom, clear darkroom.
Step 5: Rinse Repeat steps 3-5.

Step 1: Open My Main account
Step 2: sit in my darkroom
Step 3: Open up netflix on my other monitor
Step 4: watch a movie or some TV
Step 5: 15 minutes elapsed: Go use Darkroom

Is my second monitor a buff too? Should having more than 1 monitor be outlawed?

@jemoeder2021 The only time I earned solid regals from my alt accounts is when I use to pay 18 dollars a month to the server because I enjoyed PvP so much that I thought they deserved the extra 9 dollars a month. I got 1500 regals a month instead of 750 for a few months.

Insinuating Alt account should be banned is dumb. I payed for the accounts meaning Mojang has granted me permission to play the game on each account. I have never done anything illegal on my alts, nor have I taken advantage of any game features that make me any more powerful than anyone else.
View attachment 38757
also it's
Excuse you, that's my job.
Also, it's 'Excuse you, that's my job,'* by the way.
๖ۣۜI can see how he'd orient his sights on finding Massivecraft 'PaytoWin', what with several Traits being Premium-only, or with their money gain once they donate. However, this idea you have really does make it 'PayToWin', because then people would buy the large sums of money just to use on more Premium, their faction, their own selves, etc. The possibilities to make Massivecraft TRULY a pay to win server come possible if this were to be passed off. I could see Premium changing the playing field to PvP, but since a majority of players are RPers {and some of the people complaining are those RPers}, it doesn't matter as much, does it? We don't use a lot of things as much as we are rather writing out our character's stories and tales. I could bet you $5 that a lot of Roleplayers probably wouldn't care if traits were removed, and if they did, it really wouldn't change their previous experience as much besides the need for food.
Also, it's 'Excuse you, that's my job,'* by the way.
๖ۣۜI can see how he'd orient his sights on finding Massivecraft 'PaytoWin', what with several Traits being Premium-only, or with their money gain once they donate. However, this idea you have really does make it 'PayToWin', because then people would buy the large sums of money just to use on more Premium, their faction, their own selves, etc. The possibilities to make Massivecraft TRULY a pay to win server come possible if this were to be passed off. I could see Premium changing the playing field to PvP, but since a majority of players are RPers {and some of the people complaining are those RPers}, it doesn't matter as much, does it? We don't use a lot of things as much as we are rather writing out our character's stories and tales. I could bet you $5 that a lot of Roleplayers probably wouldn't care if traits were removed, and if they did, it really wouldn't change their previous experience as much besides the need for food.
I really loved that feed always trait...
EDIT: it gave me more time to eat snacks IRL rather than in game :P
DOUBLE EDIT: I love my snacks...
RE RE EDIT: okay... I guess I can do both...
From the buyers perspective this would change almost nothing, seeing as there are people selling regals for real money in the market section.

Not sure on how this would work for the staff though, but they have previously said that they do not want to get involved with the economy, so I doubt they will implement this.

I cried reading the grammar.

This is a horrible idea. I'd rather buy premium then Regals. You get more things for your dollar then.
40$ usually would buy like, 20,00-30,000 regals, I believe [Do not quote me on this.]
No need to harass people because of their English, imagine being harassed because your Swedish grammar wasn't 100% perfect. Not everyone has English as their native language, and some people have a harder time spelling & learning how to use proper grammar. :)

I see alot of people disagreed, but buying enough alts will get you super strong. It is minecraft, or a rule comes or it will stay an pay to win...
How will alts make me strong? They are good for holding factions/faction power, but that's about it.

Step 1: Open a minecraft. Log into the server as main, station near a darkroom.
Step 2: Open another minecraft. Log it into the server, and afk it near a darkroom, in a safe spot.
Step 3: Do whatever you want with your main, reduce your alt to to lowest possible settings.
Step 4: Come back at some point, pile of mobs in the darkroom, clear darkroom.
Step 5: Rinse Repeat steps 3-5.
Step 1: Open minecraft
Step 2: Use your facilities that you smartly built close to the darkroom/Ask another faction member to afk there/Go afk there yourself as you do other things than play on Massive
Step 3: Fight so many mobs that you can barely kill them all because you built a great darkroom

No alts, just smart planning, and works just as good. I have an alt, but never used it for my darkroom.
This grammar is horrid.
Seriously. Learn grammar.
If you want to get by on this server, you need to
No need to harass people because of their English, imagine being harassed because your Swedish grammar wasn't 100% perfect. Not everyone has English as their native language, and some people have a harder time spelling & learning how to use proper grammar. :)
No need to harass people because of their English, imagine being harassed because your Swedish grammar wasn't 100% perfect. Not everyone has English as their native language, and some people have a harder time spelling & learning how to use proper grammar. :)
Harass :
-Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation.
-Make repeated small-scale attacks on (an enemy)

I get what you're saying, but I believe harass was the wrong word to use. More like rude.
Harrass is to make repeated attacks. I only made one snarky comment [which prrrooobably wasn't a good idea]
I'm sorry, I just dislike when that word is used wrong, as it has a very strong meaning.