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Crown City Herald - Special Issue


bigge mistake
Dec 5, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds

The Crown City Herald Special Issue: 27th October 305AC 1 Regal

As Funded By House Bigge

Caution and Corrections!
Brought To You By: [Redacted]

Greetings from The Crown City Herald. The C.C.H have decided to publish this Issue in haste, as we feel a few topics need to be covered urgently!

Yes, yes! It is true, the C.C.H was established in light of the publishing of The Regal Gazette. The staff of The Crown City Herald certainly felt inspired to create a reliable news source, free from grammar issues and incorrect information. Although we at the C.C.H are proud of our fellow Paper for dedicating their efforts towards bringing information to the City, our staff felt inclined to streamline the process that The Regal Gazette had introduced. Produced more efficiently, with updated information and articles with personality (written in a print that is actually readable); the Crown City Herald welcomes all to scan its pages! As for the topic of competition? No, no! The Crown City Herald puts down any claims that The Regal Gazette is their competition. After all, that would imply they were actually a threat to business! Hah!

A Formal Apology To The House of Howlester:
The Crown City Herald and associated companies wish to express their deepest apologies to House Howlester and its members. This very day, The Regal Gazette published an article claiming that one Edmure Howlester had been freed. This, of course, is not correct. While Nathaniel Bigge was successfully saved, the Howlester did not share his luck. We hope that no members of House Howlester have read this article, least it give them false hope. No, Edmure Howlester has not been freed, but the Nordmark Levies and Regalian Guard are currently working towards his rescue. Once again, on behalf of The Regal Gazette, a fellow news source, we would like to formally extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Edmure Howlester. We do hope a mistake like this never happens again.


This Issue of The Crown City Herald shall be cut short, in respect to Edmure Howlester. We ask our readers to delay their celebrations for a short while, until the Howlester is secured.

If you or a friend have been affected by this mistake, or fear for the safety of a loved one, please contact the following address, where you may safely pen a letter to a professional.

5 Herald Way
The Crown Isle
Regalian Archipelago
The Regalian Empire

As well as this, do not be afraid to report any suspicious activity to the Regalian Guard. We at the C.C.H wish to stop these gang attacks and kidnappings, and our hearts are with the victims and their families.

The Crown City Herald Special Issue: 27th October 305AC 1 Regal

As Funded By House Bigge

Caution and Corrections!
Brought To You By: [Redacted]

Greetings from The Crown City Herald. The C.C.H have decided to publish this Issue in haste, as we feel a few topics need to be covered urgently!

Yes, yes! It is true, the C.C.H was established in light of the publishing of The Regal Gazette. The staff of The Crown City Herald certainly felt inspired to create a reliable news source, free from grammar issues and incorrect information. Although we at the C.C.H are proud of our fellow Paper for dedicating their efforts towards bringing information to the City, our staff felt inclined to streamline the process that The Regal Gazette had introduced. Produced more efficiently, with updated information and articles with personality (written in a print that is actually readable); the Crown City Herald welcomes all to scan its pages! As for the topic of competition? No, no! The Crown City Herald puts down any claims that The Regal Gazette is their competition. After all, that would imply they were actually a threat to business! Hah!

A Formal Apology To The House of Howlester:
The Crown City Herald and associated companies wish to express their deepest apologies to House Howlester and its members. This very day, The Regal Gazette published an article claiming that one Edmure Howlester had been freed. This, of course, is not correct. While Nathaniel Bigge was successfully saved, the Howlester did not share his luck. We hope that no members of House Howlester have read this article, least it give them false hope. No, Edmure Howlester has not been freed, but the Nordmark Levies and Regalian Guard are currently working towards his rescue. Once again, on behalf of The Regal Gazette, a fellow news source, we would like to formally extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Edmure Howlester. We do hope a mistake like this never happens again.


This Issue of The Crown City Herald shall be cut short, in respect to Edmure Howlester. We ask our readers to delay their celebrations for a short while, until the Howlester is secured.

If you or a friend have been affected by this mistake, or fear for the safety of a loved one, please contact the following address, where you may safely pen a letter to a professional.

5 Herald Way
The Crown Isle
Regalian Archipelago
The Regalian Empire

As well as this, do not be afraid to report any suspicious activity to the Regalian Guard. We at the C.C.H wish to stop these gang attacks and kidnappings, and our hearts are with the victims and their families.

A letter would be delivered to 5 Herald Way, Regalia, The Crown Isle, Regalian Archipalage, The Regalian Empire in haste, it would read: "Thank you for alerting us of our misinformation, we will inspect our sources. --The Regal Gazette."