Archived Crisis Of Kings - Points For Builds And Faction Improvements

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jun 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hey, a thought here on integrating builds and faction improvements into the point system for Crisis.

The concept is that every month Great Houses can earn points by expanding their holdings, completing builds or other faction related improvements, and demonstrating as such through a verified system.

A couple of ideas on scoring - Perhaps having a monthly Crisis build competition and awarding 3, 2 and 1 points based on a judgement system, or maybe every faction is capable of earning 1 or 2 points monthly by making notable improvements/builds on X amount of chunks in their possession over the period of the month.

Regarding policing for fairness, hawkeye tool can be used to determine what blocks have been recently changed in an area. Screenshots of the empty space before and after (even during?) could verify expansions or particular growth.

Aside from the concept as a whole, my personal feelings are that possible entries should be pretty broad. Although there is a pretty big difference between planting all the seeds for a huge farm and building a city using schematica, I think both should be counted as valid forms of faction builds or improvements. I am open in my thinking to include all types of build styles or methods of improvement. If improving your faction meant you dug 20 chunks from sea level to bedrock, why not let it count?

Feel free to discuss/improve upon the idea of how to possibly include builders into Crisis : )

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this would be a good idea if the build actually contributed to the faction rather than just existing. Most major factions at this point are these large empty cities that go completely unused and remain untouched after they are done. Maybe building something that has a purpose (i.e. a house for a faction member, an enchanting room, a brewery, etc.) should be the only way to collect points from building, because I've grown really tired of seeing empty unused cities that keep growing, with factions taking up space they don't use and don't need.
I don't think it should be just about random "improvements" or random builds but rather builds that make the faction,,, "great". If these are great powerful houses then thy should have testaments to their greatness. Like big builds such as castles, churches, statues, taverns, etc. Builds that are basically just them flexing their wealth and power. Those kind of builds should be point worthy.
I could get behind this. Having "Capitals" having walls and forges and granaries adding some points would be nice.
While I do like the idea, it's difficult to measure this and any judge based system is going to be subject to bias in some way.
While I do like the idea, it's difficult to measure this and any judge based system is going to be subject to bias in some way.
Have world staff or w/e judge the builds so it wouldn't be biased between factions or a popularity contest or w/e. Treat it like a build competition almost.