Creature Compendium Submissions


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Hello there everyone!


I've come here today with a proposition for the future where you can help the server lore grow and develop. This creature compendium is an over-simplified format for any and all of our future fauna ideas you might have wanted to see added to the server lore or contribute towards it; that being said we will only accept NEW ideas which are not carbon copies either from other lore settings or within the lore currently. With every submission we grow as a server and it helps both us and you. This Compendium serves as a bestiary which will be IC knowledge and easily accessible for the average player base, a index for progression writing, and event creation.

Every Wednesday both Marty and I will be reviewing submissions, and processing will be available through the repository spreadsheet.

You can view the repository HERE.

Creature Name, Description, Ecology, & Classification are mandatory.

And Ecology refers to more so the creature's habitat.

The submission form for all of your creature lore ideas is right HERE.

When filling out the form, you must record on this thread the AUTHOR and CREATURE NAME, so that we know that it was you which submitted the lore piece. If this is not done the submission will be denied. If the format is not filled out correctly or exceeds the limits I've placed it shall also be denied.

You do not have to write these in Wiki format. This is a step before a wiki-page, this is a totally different writing style to work with for lore prompts. Write as though you were filling out a bestiary entry for a creature that has been discovered.

On the wiki for example, Magus refers to all forms of monsters that are a result of magic or are magical in some way. Unnatural. For instance, something undead defaults beneath Magus. Including this here as well due to some confusion probably.

You may ask questions directly on this thread, @ me.
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Name: Arhbi
Creature Name: Beaked Tree Imp
Author: Athelois
Creatures Submitted: Griffert, Voidreel, Grelding
Name: Markisbeest
Creature: Magstick
Author: Mortisian
Creature: Domestic House Minx
Author: Jouster.
Creature Name: Nightprowler.

Edit: I might've accidentally chosen Fish for creature classification as the concept of the creature involves it falling under Magus, if you could change that.
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Author: HydraLana
Creature: 10 types of Bone Horror
@Mortisian Unless you were actually submitting Domestic House Minx - that is technically in lore, real life animals translate over generally in lore.

@Jouster Noted, have fixed for you.

All really fun submissions thus far! Thank you, there is no limit how many creatures one can submit!
@Mortisian Unless you were actually submitting Domestic House Minx - that is technically in lore, real life animals translate over generally in lore.

@Jouster Noted, have fixed for you.

All really fun submissions thus far! Thank you, there is no limit how many creatures one can submit!

I was thinking of making it into a Glowing Fox thing that was considered a, Guide of the Soul Rivers but if it exists already in regular animal form that's fine with me.
That's a cool idea, just didn't get that from Domestic House Minx @Mortisian
I feel that, I just didn't know what to call it since it would be something that would be Domesticated and able to help guide those who can see the Soul Rivers and so forth. A neat cute little Minx thing.
If we were to come up with a new type of flora that came about due to magical events, would this be classified as Magus or Flora?
Forgot to formally report this but:

Author: HydraLana
Creature(s): Four creatures (largely) from in and around Farah'deen
Name: AtticCat
Creature: Long-Earred Crow Mouse

Did I do this right idk
Edit: I also just noticed I accidentally submitted it twice. Sorry! That was a mistake.
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Name: AtticCat
Creature: Cathedral Hound
@indyfan98 lots of things have complicated the process, from the proficiency update to other projects. It'll come, they're logged, we still have them being considered. Don't let it impede on your ideas further.