Archived Creative - Normal Key Exchange

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A simple idea. Allow people to ticket for a game staff, hand an amount of donation keys to them in creative world and receive the same amount back in the normal world. I'm pretty sure those players who spend a lot of time in the creative world feel a sudden rush of nerve-exploding anger right now whenever a donation key give-away takes place.
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A simple idea. Allow people to ticket for a game staff, hand an amount of donation keys to them in creative world and receive the same amount back in the normal world. I'm pretty sure those players who spend a lot of time in the creative world feel a sudden rush of nerve-exploding anger right now whenever a donation key give-away takes place.
But what if its somebody like me who, since im in creative, clicked my middle-mouse button and now have several stacks worth of keys from just one being bought?
But what if its somebody like me who, since im in creative, clicked my middle-mouse button and now have several stacks worth of keys from just one being bought?


I don't know if it's possible to replicate keys. If it is, then ... no idea. We're stuck with our creative key then.

Assuming the staff are just gonna /invsee the key anyway... they'd just... take a singular key... not the whole stack.
But how do they know i didnt acquire a full stack legally? Some people are in creative a lot

Two solutions:

1) Make this non-retroactive and a new policy. If you want your key moved, you have to ticket directly after the donation, or it doesn't get moved. This is the ideal solution.

2) Look at the donation logs, determine the MAXIMUM number of keys they could possibly have had, and only move that many. That obviously could lead to a few extra keys here and there.
Two solutions:

1) Make this non-retroactive and a new policy. If you want your key moved, you have to ticket directly after the donation, or it doesn't get moved. This is the ideal solution.

2) Look at the donation logs, determine the MAXIMUM number of keys they could possibly have had, and only move that many. That obviously could lead to a few extra keys here and there.
Now from my limited experience on the staff.. I know that they will tell you this is too much work for what its worth. I think a better suggestion is to give donations into Survival inventories only (Not just whichever one is active)
How about, instead, adding a "Keybox" to spawn where all the keys go if your in creative? So, the plugin counts how many keys they are online for, then detracts them as they are given out in Survival/RP Only, not giving any keys to creative players, then players can go to a box in spawn, right click it and click "Claim Keys" to get the keys they missed? Its more coding work, but it fixes the annoying issue of getting keys while in Creative and being like "well this is useless glad im wasting my time in my plot"
make the keys a redeemable command or something. Much less complex and also fixes the problem with no invenotry space. if you're gonna do a bunch of wierd key transfer stuff just remove them altogether
You could also give duplicate keys and give them to alts and friends to cash in.