Consular Companions

Jun 6, 2017
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[!] Notices would be posted throughout the city, bearing the seal of the current Consuls. It would read as follows. [!]
Hail good men and women of the Empire,

For a time, the Companions had been an organization to uphold the will of the Proconsul, but so such will not be at this week's end. Wisdom that has befallen our first Proconsul, Virathus Krupp, has led to their reformation. Non-Ailor will no longer be permitted to fill the ranks and serve so closely with the Ailor Peerage of the assembly - it is deemed foolhardy, and seems to beg betrayal.

In light of the recent crisis' and kidnappings, the Companions will henceforth ensure the security of the Consul's, and ensure their right to rule. Men and women, we beckon you to serve this most righteous cause - the protection of our esteemed nobility.

Write most immediately if you find yourself interested, and spirit keep you in these trying times.

Scribe Pius Florentus


Companions do battle against Northerne rebels, 305 A.C.
Origins: The Virathan Companions

As the resettlement of Drixagh had taken place, the best armed and most skilled fighters came to be favoured by Virathus. Often fending off raids and providing the most in hunts, they were treated as knights of sorts - albeit rather poor ones unable to settle land for themselves. Over time though, as the great hunting lodges were erected and ranches attached to them, it was these companions who began to oversee all of their operations.

Trusted dearly for their service in the North prior-to the ascension of the Krupp family, some of the most loyal of these Northmen help enforce the will of the Proconsul as they once did in Drixagh.

Oathing to Consuls and their Kin

Those who serve in the Proconsular Companions are seen not just as guardsmen, but full fledged political allies. As such though, they are expected to be oathsworn to Virathus Krupp and his family, as Opper Calemberger and Northerne traditions alike both take seriously one's word.

Joining the Companions, one must make the following oaths:
  1. As we march along the way, it is [Consuls] lead that we follow - righteous and well guided are they.

  2. Dishonesty is treachery; not once shall I offer a lie to my brothers in arms, nor the [Consuls] themselves. If information is too sensitive to share, then it will be deemed who amongst the Companions by the [Consuls] is allowed to know.

  3. My sword arm will never tire, and I will strike all foes of the state. We have no enemy that is not wholly wicked, and whence he bids I swing, I will swing.

  4. The peace is mine to keep. I will not disrespect the Regalian Guard, and with them, we will rid the streets of criminals, conspirators, and letchers alike.

  5. I will obey every command of the [Consuls] and without hesitation. Aneath them, I will accept the guidance of the Praetor who I respect most.

Rather than adopting a strict hierarchy, the Consular Companions promote charisma and strength. Leaders - in the eyes of the order - are those who command respect. This respect and service provide one of three distinctions;


Considered unproven, an associate is treated as a friend of the Companions - but is compelled to serve in all the same operations and capacity. They are provided the protection and comradery of full fledged Companions, but are usually just not respected or seasoned enough to truly be called an equal to his brothers and sisters in arms.


Truly an ally of the people, these men and women serve as the backbone of the Order. These trusted men and women are pegged with honours often, and provided great respect by the Consuls. Doing the heavy lifting in which such a vigorous regime hoists high the Empire, Companions may sometimes find themselves as delegates for the Consuls and receive many perks politically by virtue of the political bloc the Consuls represent.


Proven time and again as a powerful and voracious ally, the Praetors hold great esteem. Consider the first among equals, they are allowed to bid patrols, act in the absence of the Consuls, and may be trusted to represent him officially in the Holy City. Those who bear this distinction are likely also a part of the exclusive Consular Privy, which helps guide the policy and actions of the regime.

OOC Notes

With this order, I wish to make a meritocratic guard force/personnel privy. As such, those who create RP, offer engaging storylines for people to pursue and prove themselves as allies in character will be rewarded accordingly.

If I find out you are harassing someone, or are acting inappropriately OOCly, you will be excluded. Even though this order may be aggressive in character, that ought not spill out of it. This is a game - we all ought to be trying to have fun.

Abusing the charter rights will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is Your Character Nobility?:
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?:
IC Letter:

To wear half plate
To maim/kill
To enforce the law
To bear arms
Last edited:
In Game Name: _XIII_
In Character Name: Ermegart Perein-Vixe
Approved Character Application Link: Here
Combat School and Level: Siegwalder - Champion
Is Your Character Nobility?: No.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No.
IC Letter:

"Esteemed Cousin, we have discussed these matters in person. Bestow an order, and it will be done."
In Game Name: Pastellanar
In Character Name: Alistair Auylie'essen
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:

1. Fighter Tenpenny
2. Novice Blackmark
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nah.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No.
IC Letter:

" I don't really see a point to this, but here I am. You'd think the bonfire would've been appreciated already. " - Alistair.
In Game Name: Sparrow26
In Character Name: Cedric Burkhart
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Viridian - Warrior level
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:

To the office of the Proconsular

I am writing to you to express my wishes to serve in a full capacity with the Proconsular Companions. We have met before, and I helped during the manhunt in Regalia for the Coen traitors. I have been convinced by associates of yours that your cause is just and right, and have thus decided to pledge my unwavering loyalty to it and you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter,

Cedric Burkhart
In Game Name: Icaruscien.
In Character Name: Shiori Draylas.
Approved Character Application Link: Link.
Combat School and Level: Mariposa, Warrior.
Is Your Character Nobility?: No.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No.
IC Letter:

Dear Proconsular Krupp,

I write this letter to you to put forth my interest in joining the Proconsular Companions. I have previously served the Regalian Guard, served as a steward for the Typhonus family, and am currently serving the state by working for the Office of Arcane Regulation and Security. I seek to further expand my horizons by offering my sword arm to you. It should also be mentioned I am a mutt of blood elf and Chi'en-ji, though my union to the Spirit is unquestionable.

Shiori Draylas.​
In Game Name: Ledilote
In Character Name: Alberto Machado
Approved Character Application Link
Combat School and Level: Turall, Fighter
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Nope.
IC Letter:

Dear Proconsular

Just writing in to make this official. We've discussed this in person, unless my memory fails me.

- Alberto Machado
In Game Name: VintageMystic
In Character Name: Olithir Straeth
Approved Character Application Link: Boop
Combat School and Level:
  • School of Avant- Warrior
  • School of Ularenn- Warrior
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:

To Proconsular Krupp,

I have written this letter to express my interest within joining the Proconsular Companions. The majority of my years have been devoted to combat and protection of others. I have previously been employed as a family guard by the Santigo family, also. I am a loyal unionist and worker despite many people's opinions on Avanthar. It would be an honour to join you.

Yours sincerely,
Oli Straeth.​
In Game Name: Halivenne
In Character Name: Calista de Santigo
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Champion Mariposa
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Yep, Praetor.
IC Letter: "Lord Krupp, you have called and I have come to answer. Allow me to pledge my blade to you properly."
In Game Name: Atlastimar
In Character Name: Adelina
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Champion Griffer
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:

Proconsular Krupp,

I, wish to offer my my capabilities as an experienced Griffer to your companions. I've served faithfully as a guard and sellsword during my time in Regalia, and wish to offer my loyalty and talent to your cause.

Spirit Bless,
In Game Name: Wolfen_
In Character Name: Joseph Soryn-Grimm
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Feer-Drakken, Warrior level
Is Your Character Nobility: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:

Lord Krupp,
In response to your call to arms will gladly offer my abilities to your companions. Though I don't have a seasoned record I offer my Feer-Drakken training and experience to your cause none the less.

Joseph Grimm
In Game Name: Delenda_
In Character Name: Leonard Reindewic
Approved Character Application Link: Linked.
Combat School and Level: Expert in the School of Leadership, Discipline of Battle Command.
Is Your Character Nobility?: No.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No, but they both served under Montagaard.
IC Letter:

Lord Krupp,

I hope this letter finds you well. As my men were bringing down the camp men aboard our vessels told us of the new changes made to government, and specifically those that concern you. It is in both our interests to ally formally in this way, and upon my return, I look forward to meeting any other folk who have rallied behind you.

General Reindewic.
In Game Name: Goldifish
In Character Name: Emilia de Santigo
Approved Character Application Link: lemme just go grab that real quick
(Quick note. The application is currently under re-review for some minor changes regarding personality.)
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny - Warrior
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:

I wish to help, and serve alongside my friends. I wish to see the people who ruined my life scorned. Please accept me.
Yours Truly, Emilia de Santigo
In Game Name: Sebbysc
In Character Name: Mathias Cailloux
Approved Character Application Link: Here ya' go.
Combat School and Level: N/A
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope.
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No.
IC Letter:

Proconsular Krupp,

I wish to make my service to you official with ink and signature. I believe your cause is grand enough for me to pledge to you and serve with these fellow men. Spirit bless this company.

Mathias Cailloux
In Game Name: CRASHIR
In Character Name: Avilda Ignaard
Approved Character Application Link: Link
Combat School and Level: Skagger, Champion
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Nope
IC Letter
Spoke to Bangsi and you about such matters, let me prove the oaths I swore to you.
In Game Name: _Timer_
In Character Name: Eske Ulfmaerr
Approved Character Application Link: We talked
Combat School and Level: N/A
Is Your Character Nobility?: Patrician
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: No
IC Letter:
To the Proconsular Krupp,

My name is Eske Ulfmaerr, previously Ivar Valdemar, the family is under going a new change and as such I believe it is time for myself to return to the fray. As I write this to you I journey across the Empire observing and healing. Once I return I will be ready to fully discuss our, work together.
Till first we meet,
Eske Ulfmaerr
In Game Name: xref74
In Character Name: Maximus Krupp
Approved Character Application Link: Not approved yet, but I was given your permission
Combat School and Level: Feer-Drakken warrior level until approved
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Nope
IC Letter:
I have come to this Holy City to carry out mainly one thing and that is to serve, I would like your permission to join the ranks of the Virathan Companions so that I may carry out this duty. As you know I am a more than capable fighter.
Until next time,
Maximus Krupp