Confess Your Sins

OOC: I changed races without knowing the lore, I switched factions a lot, I talked to someone using their RP name that I shouldn't have known, and before I had an RP character I pretended to get drunk at a noble party while I had the dark disease (I have no idea how I got into the party)

IC: I jump onto people's roofs and watch them dress while in Regalia, I stole nether wart and soul sand from my past faction after they commandeered my house when I wasn't on for a week, I bought a slave on the black market, and I stalked/blackmailed a random female vampire.

hmmm.... I am actually disappointed in my sins. I could have done a lot worse.
  • Some guy who used to be in Avgard but left because lolhe'sdumb and I made a large penis statue outside of Tax's faction.
  • We made a few of those outside of his faction.
  • I left a door open when zombies were chasing me and led them to people when they were afk in Avalon.
  • I pretended to not have food when someone was starving so I wouldn't have to give it to them. Either BabaManga or PurpleStarship
  • I left about three or four portals in Avgard when we sold it.
    • They don't work anymore because they were made of diamonds way back when.
  • I stole gold or something from Tax, I don't remember what it was. He died and I didn't give it all back to him.
  • I judge people based on their RP/writing skills.
  • I should be writing somethings for Massivecraft at this moment, but I'm doing this.
  • When we were building Avalon, I probably contributed 9% to actual building. (I got lots of sand though~~)
  • I got drunk one time and came on Massive and I don't really remember what happened.
  • I avoided Massivecraft for about three months starting last January to about March (maybe a little bit before) because BabaManga and PurpleStarship left.
  • Posidem pretended to be poisoned so the Bootyratchets would go to jail. It didn't work.
  • Posidem set people on fire at the tavern if they were vampires.
  • Posidem set people on fire at the tavern if they were wielding weapons or had armor on.
  • Posidem set people on fire at the tavern if they were annoying.
  • Posidem set people on fire outside of the tavern.
  • PosidemMizz Shroomz took the poor lonely children of the schoolhouse to a trip to the Nether.
    • Many of them died.
    • They were attacked by Pigmen.
    • Mizz Shroomz looted their bodies.
  • Posidem lied to lots of people.
  • Posidem once kissed Alex Kade or Thomas Kade princess style in a cave or something in that one ice place that still hasn't been released.
  • Posiedm dropped a frostmane corpse on Thomas Kade in said place.
  • Posidem called many of Thomas Kade's "ladyfriends" whores.
  • Posidem tried to have the Bootyratchets killed at least three times.
  • Posidem and Alex Kade set fire to some wench who continued to harass them at the OLD tavern.
  • Posidem had Alexa Daye (ravenwolfthorn) read and create a rude poem about the Bootyratchets.
  • Posidem once tried to have Francic Medavinci (Bsavs ) killed because of that racist poem thing he did who knows how long ago.
  • Posidem tried to have Grailen Medavinci killed a couple times.
  • Posidem never once tried to get lemons for Celine Anahera (BabaManga ).
  • Posidem forced an awkward kiss on Faewyn L'thandruil ( Faewyn ) WAYYYYY back when.
  • Posidem tried to have Mecharic character killed. (I don't remember his name.)
There's more, but I don't feel like writing it all down because I have to do homework. I might make a second part to it when I get a chance~
Well, I knew this wouldhappen someday, my lon list of mistakrs for all to see. Well you've goot time to waste so, lets get on with it!

-Not being stuffed to catagorize this long list of misery
-Become a maiar when I first joined because I thought they were awesome
-wandering around the sewers after following some random
-Pissing off TechPac in the sewers *cough cough* Tech used 'mind control'
-Joining the first faction I saw souly with the intention of pissing off the owner
-Left until I could change race to human so I could become vampire
-became noobiest vampire with a boy skin
-didn't know about character creation
-Going on dynmap just to kill a helpless person
-Stealing horses from sentinels or whatever it's called and starting a war with those nice people that allowed me to stay briefly
-Being mean to sentinels ;(
-Crying in regret to what I had done to the sentinels
-Teasing each and every person that came across our faction except for beowolf42 or whatever his name was </3 ;)
-Becoming the fist type:2 demon just to kill people, found a lil boy that was an agni in need of finding his mother and dangled him over a bridge
-Going into the public as a demon worshipper
-endless amounts of daggers
-Shouting demon worshipper stuff at this prison, got arrested
-All past Rp characters (besides Cylus, sadly he'll never be played ;-;)
-Ran a magnet over my computer and broke it
-Started usin this font and colour jus because I like it and i can't be bothered about people not being able to read it
-Became involved with Reaver
-Ended up tryin to rape Joshua kade because of Reaver… yeah.... that happened.... Soz athena ^_^ robbiey3
-Broke into a couples house -sexual whistling-
-Found several secret entrances to both the prison and inquisition and boasted
-Gave this whitsons a reason.
-P-Oed the whitsons and hid behind athena, sorry again robbiey
-Gave athena whit's journal
-Deleted the character that had the fun with athena and the whitsons
-Slapped a guard and ran
-went up to a stranger and went -shoves dagger through man's stomach-
-Told Posidem I was a major fan of his ;-; still love yo- Um I mean, pleasure to be aquainted...
-Predicted BabaManga would become rp staff and gloated to self
-Started a conversation with Tom about how I was goin to be called tom and that I made a cartoon called Tom The Mysterious Duck...
-Grafitied my school work with Tom The Mysterious Duck
-Went up to afk ppl and attacked them
-Looked at the people egging the beauveret's mansion in dismay
-Met Wickson Coavi and didn't report him :/
-Told some admin that I loved his feet
-Rp-ed with the same admin and was rescued by him
-Forgot admin's name
-Ran into Jared that one time

Yeah that's not all of it, that was a small portion, but I don't feel like writing a novel.
Ok I know that even I have had my nooby RP moments but even I wasnt dumb enough for that kinda crap. Are you certain it was me? Or what sewers are you speaking of, because if it was Silver edge then ya, prpbably true.
Killing my own brother. ((Rp)) Although that's what I thought I did
I killed three innocent people for no real reason. One of them being me, one of them being a friend of mine, one of them being someone who I was showing around the server
  • My first character Raven was a vampire and a major god-rp. She used to rip people's arms off. Oh, and she was possessed by a nether demon of some sort.
  • Said character had her head bitten off by a dragon(Hiddenmonkey10), but the demon apparently fled her body and took a new host. The demon then altered the body to look like Raven and convinced everyone she was Raven. Demon then attempted to undermine TechPac. She died.
  • Second character.... PHEW this one's a big blemish. Rayne Wolfthorn was uhm, a void demon possessed werepyre. *shifty eyes* She was going to lead a huge pack of werepyres for BloodShed back in the day.
  • I used to set fire to BillyA835 for fun when a bartender. Also did it to Sir_Sherburne because he asked for it and twerked in front of me
  • I once teleported BillyA835 to spawn mid-roleplay when I was a moderator
  • I burnt people in the tavern because it made me happy :3
  • I log onto MassiveCraft drunk about once a month. During one of these episodes, I ate 3 people at spawn.
  • I didn't leave the server because of stress, I left to better my relationship.
  • I once prayed to Mrs. Baver in her tomb in SilverEdge.
  • I was once bribed *cough* forced *cough* by Posidem to write a rude and passive aggressive poem about the Bootyratchets
  • I was also a Maiar Queen of BloodShed, back when we all turned to fish for a week
patrickdxs Don't forget that one time you kidnapped Elitha after she got into a bar-fight. Though, you did let her go...

Anyhow, I've done a few things...

Tried to kill people,
Helped throw some Dakkar into a fountain,
Impaled a vampire to the wall after she continued to shriek,
Chased down a member of the Order and nearly started a fight with him,
Sort of kidnapped Suram. He came with me, alright?
Ran away from the guards with Suram,
Uh... She's an Undead... So...
Stabbed her vampire friend when he went insane.
Carved the words 'KID' into a vampire's arm when they didn't stop traumatising a kid.

I wasn't over-powered at all, but at first I was a maiar,
Meta-gamed a few times.
Well, here goes nothing for Athena (this time being serious);

  • Had Athena as a vampire for a bit, her being corrupted and all but that was really more or less to figure out who I wanted to make this character, before I even made her.
  • Slapped Joshua Kade (Spartan) because she wasn't happy with him trying to be a senator for these racist peoples.
  • Punched a VanSherburne in the cheekbone for harassing her maid/family.
  • Threatened to kill Elena Warmheart (Darknesscrusher) at first meet because she was just in a bad mood, and flipped out.
  • Plotted to kill Ulric because he murdered Kirslo, which upset her greatly. Well, he executed him, but still.
  • Beheaded a lot of people because she was in a bad mood, or someone looked at her the wrong way.
  • Kissed her enemy, more or less just to throw him off. (-glances around-)
  • Planned to poison Marie Beauveret just because she looked to Marie the wrong way, so. (-coughs aggressively-)
  • Plotted to wipe out the entire Medavinci family or at least have them disgraced.
  • Drowned a woman in her own blood just because a guard said she could.
  • Murdered quite a bit of vampires. (Not really a sin, but~)
  • Threatened her cousin's ex-lover or whatever because he was "stalking" her.
  • Hired many assassins to go after people because she was too lazy to kill them herself.
  • Got in a fight with Kirslo, really because she was testing him. (Kirslo)
  • Seduced a few men in the past so they wouldn't kill her.
  • Mentally destroyed many people, ruining their lives almost.
  • Recently beheaded a member of the Order since Joshua said she could. ( Yay for death! D: )
  • Casually just messed up random vampires for no reason when she was in the Crimson Inquisition.
  • Fracked around with Ozgho's head a few times.
Meh, I think that is all. I may have forgotten.. some. But, yeah. Athena is /quite/ sinful.~
  • My first character Raven was a vampire and a major god-rp. She used to rip people's arms off. Oh, and she was possessed by a nether demon of some sort.
  • Said character had her head bitten off by a dragon(Hiddenmonkey10), but the demon apparently fled her body and took a new host. The demon then altered the body to look like Raven and convinced everyone she was Raven. Demon then attempted to undermine TechPac. She died.
  • Second character.... PHEW this one's a big blemish. Rayne Wolfthorn was uhm, a void demon possessed werepyre. *shifty eyes* She was going to lead a huge pack of werepyres for BloodShed back in the day.
  • I used to set fire to BillyA835 for fun when a bartender. Also did it to Sir_Sherburne because he asked for it and twerked in front of me
  • I once teleported BillyA835 to spawn mid-roleplay when I was a moderator
  • I burnt people in the tavern because it made me happy :3
  • I log onto MassiveCraft drunk about once a month. During one of these episodes, I ate 3 people at spawn.
  • I didn't leave the server because of stress, I left to better my relationship.
  • I once prayed to Mrs. Baver in her tomb in SilverEdge.
  • I was once bribed *cough* forced *cough* by Posidem to write a rude and passive aggressive poem about the Bootyratchets
  • I was also a Maiar Queen of BloodShed, back when we all turned to fish for a week
Ahhhh... The dragon was really fun XD as was the werepyre! She was my favorite... Well, rather my most known!
TechPac near the underground sewer city :\ there was a girl there too.
one more confession: destroyed my chances o befriending Omnomivore by calling her 'Booty Buddy'

Usually I would only hang around their with Boom7777 and Alexzander2001 I wouldnt do that sorta thing but Alex would. So if it were in the times of regalia, I certainly knew better than to do that.
Oh, I found some more:
  • My first character, a maiar, was called Sorde Krane.
  • My second character, the horribly non-lore compliant vampire, was called Sorde Krane.
  • My third character, an Epillio yanar, was called Sorde Krane.
  • My fourth character, who got approved, was called Sorde KRane, Then Sorde Enark, Then Sorde Narke, Then Sorde KRane again.
  • The Epillio Sorde somehow mangaed to bring fasthook 's character Aaron Thoron back from the dead even though Wickson had obviously killed him.
  • When I was roleplaying VAMPIRE NON-LORE COMPLIANT SORDE, I thought Ben_2025 's character Kai Ambers wasn't lore compliant. Ohgawdwhy.
  • I actually think I once managed to pull off Vampire Sorde kind-of lore compliantly, but I'm not sure. All I know is I was still bad at roleplaying evil.
  • All my characters up to Nymph-Sorde had some form of Multiple Personality Disorder.
  • While playing Vampire Sorde or Epillio Sorde, I roleplayed with a guy saying he was a dragon, even though i knew it wasn't lore compliant.
  • I once roleplayed with someone saying they were a "shapeshifter elf"
  • I wanted to join Algaron as a vampire.
  • I wanted to join the Crimson Inquisition as a maiar.
  • I wanted to join the Guard as a Nymph Yanar.
I think that's it....
Tried Kill my Cousin inside the Pool... and tried throw a eletric toaster inside...
Oh wait!

OOC: I interupted an RP between a VanShelbourne(or whatever) and some other guy. When they saw me "following them" they gave chase. I wasn't really was just so bored so I jumped off the tavern's balcony and ran away. They followed and chased me all the way into a hole. They I went back to uspawn because I was trapped, and one of them angrily msg me. Terrible me.

IC:-Killed my uncle and several other Naga because they were greedy and weak
-Have murdered 5 humans during my time in Regalia
-I vivisect animals to see where their pain centers are
-I have finatually supported 3 uprising againt the Nobles/government
-I also have followed most of the important people in Regalia for about an hour ((IRL time))
I met a newb out in the wilds, before Massive 1.7.
He said 'hi', so I said 'Hello' and then walked around him and stabbed him in the back.
I let Darknesscrusher ride me like a pony, (Spider Abdomen bleh)
I may have called Grey a whore several times
I spazzed infront of the whole of Regalia, there were some Naga dancers, and I just walked up beside them and spazzed.
I twerked on every guy that I found in Regalia at the time, many of them asking to go to a private place.
I also gave out cocaine.
Oh and about a month into this server, before I ever joined a faction or even knew that this was a roleplaying server, I somehow became this guy's girlfriend. I never even said yes, but I went along with it because he was starting fights with everyone. Eventually, he asked me to marry him and I said "Let's be friends!" Later, I found out he drowned.

I guess I'm a drug dealing friendzoning whore. I guess I can live with that :D
- Cry a lot while huggin Aria Tezari Omnomivore
- Share a bed with Alexa Daye that was most likely covered in wine. Lady Rose ravenwolfthorn
- Feed a heck load of vampires, namely: Avaronia Zaria (Avaronia) Aria Tezari (Dem Omnoms) Alison Vigoli (Ryciera) Carrie Vigoli (Verityg) Vinyl Zaria (Pandora) Blake Pac (TechPac) Wickson Coavi (Does he even have a forum acc?) and most likely some others.
patrickdxs Don't forget that one time you kidnapped Elitha after she got into a bar-fight. Though, you did let her go...

Anyhow, I've done a few things...

Tried to kill people,
Helped throw some Dakkar into a fountain,
Impaled a vampire to the wall after she continued to shriek,
Chased down a member of the Order and nearly started a fight with him,
Sort of kidnapped Suram. He came with me, alright?
Ran away from the guards with Suram,
Uh... She's an Undead... So...
Stabbed her vampire friend when he went insane.
Carved the words 'KID' into a vampire's arm when they didn't stop traumatising a kid.

I wasn't over-powered at all, but at first I was a maiar,
Meta-gamed a few times.

She started the fight, and most likely would have been killed by the dwarf had he not stopped her from being a idiot. Or that's the way Umbram saw it.
well you remember the time when all the nutella went missing? it wasn't the turtle who did was me...

what? mother told me....
Tink and I...well...last night...IT WAS ROMANTIC

And we frightened just about everyone in Alliance chat
From what I can remember:
  • I Danced around in my Regalian home in guard armor shouting "Im Joshua Kade".
  • I had a part in the murder of Oskar Bloodvine.
  • I rped as a Necromorph Th3_Drunk_Monk,Spartan SupremeCripple.
  • Helped cut off a tigrans tail when Joshua Kade was drunk at a noble party.
  • Harassed Elena Warmheart Darknesscrusher, calling her a noble and giving her a "noble potato", with Straeyn the Elf. StrawberryPlant
  • Kissed Aiexei Viper for no reason.
  • Took a group of vampires into the wilderness and murdered them all.
Oh my god I was there for that. One of you ran into my cell when I was imprisoned there.

From what I can remember:
  • I Danced around in my Regalian home in guard armor shouting "Im Joshua Kade".
  • I had a part in the murder of Oskar Bloodvine.
  • I rped as a Necromorph Th3_Drunk_Monk,Spartan SupremeCripple.
  • Helped cut off a tigrans tail when Joshua Kade was drunk at a noble party.
  • Harassed Elena Warmheart Darknesscrusher, calling her a noble and giving her a "noble potato", with Straeyn the Elf. StrawberryPlant
  • Kissed Aiexei Viper for no reason.
  • Took a group of vampires into the wilderness and murdered them all.

I was there as well, haha, except I wasn't a little Necromorph creature I was a giant spider-rabbit-woman. They said the world wasn't ready for me yet and tried to hide me away in the prison.
This looks like so much fun....gimme a bit to make my own confession list.
Well lets see ill jump in on this too.

I worshipped Mrs Baver and did some dirty work for her and her child in Ceardia.
Someone died infront of me and i took their fish and ate it while saying i never saw any stuff when they came asking for it.
I sign bombed Gethelp's storage.
I may or may not have Fish bombed several factions bases.
Sevrish The Noob
-When I first joined the server, I looked around for a few minutes, then left for a few months.
-When I finally returned, I took a portal "To The North" and lived in some abandoned shack near the spawn.
-My first month-2 months or so, for whatever reason, I didn't have the major chats up. So had no knowledge of general chat, trade chat, and only spoke to a single person in say chat once that I found in the wilderness.
-I was jumped upon and killed by a vampire randomly while I was working by my shack. I figure this is due to me not knowing about the online map, so I was always showing. I don't know who the vampire was, and I never saw him again.

Sevrish The...well still noob I guess (but joined a faction and learned a bit about the world)
-I recall while chopping wood someone ran up and attacked me. I then logged off and watched the online map for a 1/2 hour until he left (I had no fighting equip, and didn't want to lose my inventory of logs).
-During one of Igel's "Treasure Hunt" events, I actually found one of the chests, got the stuff (nice loots for nooby me). I then went to where I thought another one was. At some point I showed myself on the map and was checking where I was compared to where I wanted to be. I tab over to see a guy standing infront of me. As soon as I twitch he kills me, and takes the treasure I didn't think to store away first before going after the second treasure.
-I then proceeded to troll the guy who killed me (Herbie_77) and his faction for days until he returned some of the stuff to me.

Sevrish, Officer of Protectors (though still a noob)
-Didn't know who MrsBaver was, and even when someone finally sort of explained it to me, I believed it to be some sort of joke that wasn't real.
-One day MrsBaver was spotted on the online map in the remains of Lukkerdam. I was one of 3 people to first check it out. I proceeded to be the first casualty, hit from behind into a lava lake. This sparked large battles over the next few days within lukkerdam with MrsBaver's forces against many factions.
-I announced to MrsBaver that I was willing to accept her surrender....
-And insanely metagamed the whole time
-I built a private furnace base on the edge of Lukkerdam, with the plan to use it as a base from which to aid our siege of the city.
-MrsBaver tore it down.....and I reported her for it.
-I used a lava bucket on the ocean to make a bridge to Lukkerdam. This was partially because I was tired of making boats, but the other reason could be seen from my faction description "Day five pissing off MrsBaver: Built a bridge to Lukkerdam"
-While working outside Protector's city walls, some random person was running around. I attacked him. Turned out to be Wessexstock. He gave me a book, and flew up to clear some floating leaves I was having a hard time with.
-The first time I was scammed (when scams under 25s were allowed) I threw a major hissy-fit at a staff member about it. Since he would do nothing, I enemied the faction (which was an ally), invaded, then chased him to the faction he fled to, enemied and invaded that one as well. My faction leader was not very pleased with that.

And that, are the sins I remember from before Ellador was released.