Confess Your Sins

I roleplayed as a maiar but occasionally set my race to elf so I could stay out of the water longer. Please forgive me. I was such a noobish little noob.
SilverAlbatross - Heh... that reminds me about some more sins I must confess.

  • My first RP character was an immortal named Mecharic who hailed from a distant land.
    • He also happened to be drunk most of the time.
    • And a monk.
    • And good at illusion magic. Before magic had rules.
  • My second character was an equally immortal vampire from a placed called "The Laughing Kingdom".
    • This one was called Kois K. Strum (aka, my alt's username)
    • He was Overpowered like a b*tch.
  • I became a noble without asking to become a noble.
  • I once cursed out an admin. #NoRegrets
  • I founded Osai (lighting and thunder) and invite OctoberGwen to it when she was still faction less in Ellador (earthquake).
  • I once made a town out of nothing except cobblestone and oak wood planks.
    • Speaking of crap I built, my first home on MassiveCraft was a cave with a skylight. On a mushroom island in Ceardia.
  • (Sort of Sin) I've been muted for using #'s in general and for "Murican Spam". #Murica! (XD)

I decided it'd be a good idea to destroy Marek Dredros's sanity to the point he wanted to commit suicide.

I also decided to drown a woman in her own blood because she annoyed me.

( I am nice )
I walked around roleplaying as "Anette ****" for 5 months. (So creative, and it was my full name too.. -.-)
And I was stupid enough to give someone all of my silver, hahahah.

I'm stupid.
I don't know how many people met Elyse, but she may have been involved in driving a man to suicide and leaving his unborn child orphaned.
I met her, she framed me for murder and called me a corpse lover, then tried to push me off a roof. It was you, Flynn, Aron? and skulduggery. skuld god RPed when he tried to stop me from helping John.
Oooh, confessions!

OOC Confession:
  • I've wasted an entire 24 hours on the computer, watching Tom Hiddleston interviews, Jennifer Lawrence interviews, playing on Massivecraft and browsing Forums... That was also the time I decided vampires needed to screech allva the time (i was one of those people I am so sorry).
  • When I first joined Massive, I immediately made a character biography for Carrie Vigoli. This was before I even had become official sisters with Alison, and I stupidly made her last name 'Green'. I think it's still around? Not sure, but goddamn it was hilarious to look at on a document later on.
IC Confession:
  • Carrie has had quite a few love affairs that haven't been shared with her sister. Winkwink.
  • Multiple times has Calla accidently whacked someone with a book. Accidently.
  • I r being shh, but Carrie has murdered around three people before. Huehuehe.
I fed blood to vampires
I was a vampire colonies feast once and managed to live...
I frolicked in the sewers like no tomorrow
basically hung out with the dark side for my first month or so on massive XD
Joined a DWARF ONLY faction and was the only person set as a dwarf... makes sense right?

Killed my kin...
Baisically went AWOL
Spent most of my time fishing instead of searching for my lost family.
Have grown accustomed to a life of fishing and eating.
Punched a baby in the face just for crying on a plane
Commited crimes against Skyrim and her people
Dropped that durka durk.
And worst of all... I stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
He died. After an almost 20 minutes long manhunt through Regalia. By the way, he wasn't innocent. He stole a blade from some noble girl, before he ran into you... Woops... ;)

I don't believe I was referring to that guy because he was seriously innocent, I just wanted me to leave me alone lol
OOC confessions:
- I make facial expressions in reaction to Roleplay events in-game...
- I trapped my fingers in a door just to get chocolate...
- I accidentally told kythemaster that he didn't need a life story and he was rejected... o_o

IC confessions:
- Well.. my first character was a telepathic elf that could relive peoples pasts.... >_<
- Aaron smacked a child for touching his coat...

I'll stop before you guys hate me forever ;-;
OOC Confessions:
-When I first joined massive I thought everyone in the tavern RPing was an NPC...
IC Confessions:
-Tytos went out with three women... At the same time... While he was married...
-Once in the tavern Tytos was angry and almost killed seven people including his cousin... KyleDinny
-Flynn Marron (First char I had) nearly killed a man and Vespid that thought he was a girl.
OOC Confessions:
I left MassiveCraft </3
IC Confessions:
I killed a few people but in my defense it was hilarious.
I helped create the anti regalian organization called The Infernal Resistance
I have done most of the little "noob" sins, such as metagaming at points, but the worst was naming my character completely after my minecraft account, and now since his story is pretty far along and changing would confuse so many people it's a sin I'll have to bear until the character is dead.
OOC Confessions:
  • I joined Osai
  • This one is the worst. Pleasedonthatemeforeverplspls. I roleplayed as an immortal vampire.(Bad enough.(In my defence, the body wasn't immortal..ohgawdthatsevenworse))
  • That vampire was possessed by a demon.
  • That vampire was possessed by a Seraph.
  • That vampires particular demon ripped itself out of bodies, possessing other ones, but taking the soul along with it.
  • My favourite commands were: /v shriek, and /v bloodlust.
IC Confessions:

When Sorde was the La Rue butler, him and Madame Kaoiri levitated pebbles and just started flinging them at Athena Lovegood when she was arguing with Blake Pac. (Sorde dead now)
Damion has sentenced about 4 people to death.
Damion was in love with a naga who became an undead.
Damion has *le gasp* a vampire friend.
Antonio is probably a vampire now. (He totes dead now)
Kaiton is quite fond of calling people imbeciles
Kaiton, like Zhu Li Xia, loves to tell people how flammable hair is.
Kaiton likes dakkar.
-All OOC-
When I joined the server, I was a nooby vampire. Just like everyone else who had just joined the server.
I... May... Have set my home temporarily in someone's Regalia house...
I killed an orc while he was doing terrain fixing work D:
I seriously and unrepentantly wish I had killed Rook's -then Capitalus- entire cattle herd while I was terraforming a plantation for them. They were underpaying me anyway.
OOC Confessions:
I left MassiveCraft </3
IC Confessions:
I killed a few people but in my defense it was hilarious.
I helped create the anti regalian organization called The Infernal Resistance

I found the book that, had the entire infernal resistance council members names in it lol. My rp character gave it Ulric catcat1305
OOC: I don't think I've done a lot of really regretful things out of character here, I have older stories from beyond, but I've been pretty decent, I'd say.

I've killed two family members, murdered them in cold blood and buried them in the woods.
Plotted to drive certain only ladies insane with hallucinations and hex magic with the help of a lovely shendar.
Hired a shendar as house staff.
Threatened countless of nobles, plans on using hex magic on them as well.
I've operated on a living subject in the family home, had two people strapped to beds.
OOC: I don't think I've done a lot of really regretful things out of character here, I have older stories from beyond, but I've been pretty decent, I'd say.

I've killed two family members, murdered them in cold blood and buried them in the woods.
Plotted to drive certain only ladies insane with hallucinations and hex magic with the help of a lovely shendar.
Hired a shendar as house staff.
Threatened countless of nobles, plans on using hex magic on them as well.
I've operated on a living subject in the family home, had two people strapped to beds.

Poor old Esther.
OOC confessions:
Had my character marry a man. Just because he had diamonds.
IC confessions:
Like, a relationship with 4 different woman at the same time, including but not limited to: A noble, a vampire and a dwarf.
Having her unborn baby possesed by a demon in favor of her own life.
Let her own husband be killed in favor of the life of the woman she was cheating him with.
Believing Freya Lo. BandoftheHawk
Swearing at Athena Lovegood. robbiey3
The list goes on, really.
Here we go.
  1. I introduced Omnomivore into the server, and got her addicted to it.
  2. I also asked her to help with my character applications, which i did.
  3. I did the life story and tons of edits to Skyblue98 character for her.
  4. I have bothered and annoyed the staff constantly before.
  5. I have given vampire's blood.
  6. I have god-rped before
  7. I have created sue characters before
  8. I have had my characters be orphans before.
  9. I have played evil characters before. (Horribly I might add)
  10. I have had three characters who were never approved on the forums. (Two of which were just gag/one time characters)
  11. I used to have a alt account named Lapisdragon
  12. I piss of Damon Sictor from time to time.
  1. I never Approved Loupus on the forums.
  2. Loupus mentally manipulated Aria Tezari into slavery.
  3. Loupus made Aria Tezari a vampire.
  4. Loupus faked his own death.
  5. Loupus was malicious and evil in pretty much every way, but wasn't a vampire.
  1. They exist.
  2. I created them to stir up drama in my other rps.
  3. They were never approved on the forums.
  4. They both put a roadblock in Aria Tezari's and Ingulf Tezari's relationship.
  5. They were both horrible characters.
Umbram Stormborn:
  1. Umbram was part of many named resistances/rebellions before the scarlet revolution failed
  2. Umbram has cheated on his fiancee and broken her arm.
  3. Umbram used to give blood (and more) to female vampires.
  4. Umbram kidnapped Aria Tezari and tried to sell her.
  5. Umbram has played mind games on Aria Tezari and manipulated her in a attempt to attract her to him.
  6. Umbram fought and defeated a Orc twice his size, and then left the Orc to die with a slit throat.
  7. Umbram was at one point, Corvus Mortem.
  8. Umbram has tried to kill, Damon Sictor, Edward Sictor, Sivik, Adam Aruna, and Ingulf Tezari
  9. Umbram has been captured and forced to serve female vampires many MANY times.
  10. Umbram nearly killed Liliana when he admitted that he loved her.
  11. Shoved a elf girl into the dirt, and then spat on her, and then left her there.
  12. Pissed off almost every noble house in Regalia
  13. Re-turned Aria Tezari into a insane vampire.
  14. Took advantage of Aria Tezari multiple times, eventually cheating on his Fiancee with her.
  15. Went to jail. Many times, and being sentenced to execution twice. Once by a noble the other time by a guard.
  16. Umbram also took advantage of Alexius Traveny, eventually driving the girl insane with obsession and guilt.
  17. Umbram once owned a Tigran Slave.
  18. Still got the happy ending
Frios Mortinus:
  1. Frios was acting as Corvus Mortem at one point.
  2. Frios hasn't done much of anything in massive yet.
  3. Frios has only only friend his brother.
  4. Frios was changed multiple times during development of his character.
  5. Frios's character application was spammed by pink clouds and flame. (My fault of course)
  6. Starting to give Aria Tezari mental breakdowns.
  7. Terrifies Sivik Derri.
  8. Pisses off Damon Sictor.
  9. Has a strange sense of justice and believes in the Regalian law.
  10. Tried to kill Umbram Stormborn
Danath Vero:
  1. Danath is my only character without a Latin name.
  2. Danath's name was inspired by a random book.
  3. Danath has/still is going through changes to things about his character.
  4. Danath took the longest to create as a character
  5. Danath was first created on a passing whim rather then a real interest. (This grew to a interest of course)
OOC Confessions~
  • My first roleplay character on Massive was a beautiful Walrusian queen, who then retreated from her home of Avgard to the beautiful Japanese-esque paradise of Kawaii (a walrus in geisha attire, beautiful, i know) who later converted to be a devout celibate nun named Sister Thickchickz with an incomplete tattoo of a cross on her arm
  • I married Tom1804 (disgusting i know)
  • I'm actually Beyonce
IC Confessions~
  • Celine murdered her daughter's husband and possibly her daughter.
  • She's also probably the reason why her daughter and her granddaughter are secretly infertile.
  • 'Accidently' brings up discussion of dockside whores & harlots in front of children
  • Actually having a slight dislike for Esther
  • Uses the orphans of Regalia as spies
  • Smacks anything smaller than her with her cane when given the chance.