Archived Combat Tag- A Must!!!!

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Well Known Member
Jun 22, 2014
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The essential PvP plugin that prevents hit-n-quit players. No longer will the fun of killing other players be ruined!

Combat tag is a plugin that can prevent your players from pvp logging, period.
Reason why they developed this:
When your players are in the heat of battle, sometimes someone gets cold feet, and logs out while in combat!
This means that the player can no longer be harmed, because they are offline.
This can be EXTREMELY irritating to other players, because the person they were attacking, is now safe and keeps all of their items.

I found a plugin that allows this to not happen. Here are some things it does \/\/

How it works:
-Combat tag makes it impossible to pvp log!

-When a player is struck by another player, combat tag logs it in its log.

-If one of the players logs off within 10 seconds (time can be changed) of being struck, combat tag comes to play.

-Combat tag makes it so that if the player logs off within the ten second field, he spawns an NPC with the same inventory/health as him.

-The player that was attacking then can attack the NPC, and the same is done to the logged off player.

-If the player kills the NPC, the player that logged off in combat is also killed, and drops everything in their inventory.

-If the player causes damage to the NPC, the player that is logged off also takes the damage (including armor).

Video Demonstration:

Video tutorial español:


  • Tracks players in combat
  • Custom tag time
  • Supports disabling in specified worlds
  • Supports disabling commands while in combat
  • Use /ct or /combattag to keep track of how long until combat is over
How to install:
Everything that is needed for an install should be located here:

Explanation of the config file options:

There are five commands:
All "ct" can be replaced with "combattag"

/ct = Check your remaining tag time
/ct reload = Reload Combat Tag's configuration file
/ct wipe = Wipes all npcs on the map
/ct command add /<command> = Adds command to blocked commands list
/ct command remove /<command> = Removes command from blocked commands list

There are currently four permission nodes:
Note: Ops automatically get permissions

combattag.ignore = Player does not get tagged and doesn't spawn npcs
combattag.ignore.pvplog = Player does get tagged, but doesn't spawn npcs
combattag.reload = Allow player to reload the Combat Tag configuration file
combattag.wipe = Allow player to wipe all npcs on the map
combattag.command = Allow player to modify disabled commands from in game
combattag.alert = Alert people with this permission of a person logging out while in pvp


If you have any bugs or feature requests, go here!:

If you wish to use the Combat Tag API:

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Actually, if I'm correct, it is only illegal if done A) as trolling the opponent or B) do it multiple times....
I'm pretty sure it is always illegal. People just don't get in trouble for it the first time because the person reporting it has to have absolute proof that it happened such as a video. Since most players don't run around with the video rolling all the time you are likely to get away with it a few times before being caught.
I'm pretty sure it is always illegal. People just don't get in trouble for it the first time because the person reporting it has to have absolute proof that it happened such as a video. Since most players don't run around with the video rolling all the time you are likely to get away with it a few times before being caught.

I swear i have spoken to admins and been told that... Ah well, I don't do it so i don't really care. :L
You're forgetting about people who don't live near north america, people in australia and other farther away countries already don't get a very good connection to massive to begin with, I often dc not because my internet slows down, but simply because I am playing on a north american server, this plug in pretty much makes pvp even more bias towards american players who /can/ have a consistant connection. This idea just simply doesn't fit in with a server of this size.
Plugin has been used on a server with over 2000 faction players on at once from all around and it works fine.
Shush, its quite obvious that you just want more gear and are extremely annoyed that you cant get it because the bad pvpers dont want to die. If they combat log, guess what? dig a hole under them if you can build and put some lava in it or just DONT PVP WITH THEM. We dont need to waste Cays or any of the other staff members time because your mildly inconvenienced and dont want to fix it yourself. They have better stuff to do like, the ball for instance!
Plugin has been used on a server with over 2000 faction players on at once from all around and it works fine.
Are you kidding me? What, did the server interview every single one of them? And how good is that server's connection compared to Massivecraft? Also, if the server did interview them, can it be certain they didn't lie?

Sounds to me like you just want gear.
If they log out, you can have the glory of knowing you almost had gear. Besides if you really want that gear, you would make sure you would record the whole thing on footage, so if they don't lose items, they (May) lose massivecraft itself. Then you can have glory that you reported someone successfully. Also if it is wilderness, bring a bucket of lava and slay him/her where she left off, more glory for you
Are you kidding me? What, did the server interview every single one of them? And how good is that server's connection compared to Massivecraft? Also, if the server did interview them, can it be certain they didn't lie?

Sounds to me like you just want gear.
No I want justice and people to have repercussions for there actions
No I want justice and people to have repercussions for there actions
Its not some horrible act of treason, its not killing the president or queen (However leads you people) Okay, you are essentially just overly angry and trying to get to get more loot. Your angry BECAUSE you didnt get that new toy and some other child thats as mean as you, or meaner took it and it was the last one. This is the closest thing I can compare this entire thread on when it comes to what your saying.

Its not a major problem, its a minor nuisance that the staff I HIGHLY doubt will address when the economy stops because no-ones getting loot from other players from pvp logging, then they will.
Its not some horrible act of treason, its not killing the president or queen (However leads you people) Okay, you are essentially just overly angry and trying to get to get more loot. Your angry BECAUSE you didnt get that new toy and some other child thats as mean as you, or meaner took it and it was the last one. This is the closest thing I can compare this entire thread on when it comes to what your saying.

Its not a major problem, its a minor nuisance that the staff I HIGHLY doubt will address when the economy stops because no-ones getting loot from other players from pvp logging, then they will.
You just don't want it because you PVP log.
You just don't want it because you PVP log.
Have you ever considered that so far the vast majority of people who viewed this didn't want it, you're not the only one who's opinion matters, it's clear this isn't wanted. So stop finding fairly stupid answers to people reasons why they don't want this. I'm not saying it's a bad plug in but it's clearly not wanted on this server, if you like the plug in so much go play on a server which has it.