Commoner Family Clan Waters


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Aesthetics by @Ilyrana

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Family/Clan Name: Originally Ui Uisgeachan, later regalized to Waters

Homeland(s): Eidda, Eriu-Innis (refugees), Crown Isle/City of Regalia

Symbols: Stags/Deer, Compass Stars, Oak Trees, the colors Green, Reddish-Pink, and Silver

Primary Culture: Cearden Ailor; Aontaithe/Gallovian subgroup, Finullen Altalar

Native Languages: Aontaithe/Gallwech, Common, Altalar

Religions: Eilirik (occasionally Hvarkirik) Fornoss, Unionism (Dogmatic; Neall and Nolven primary patrons), Agnostic.

Family Trades: Sailing, Farming/Mining

Occupations/Talents: Craftsperson, Traveler/Explorer, Mage, Alchemist, Knight (no Argentum or Lothar), Bard

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Family Tree

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Played Characters:
  • Maeve Waters (@CanadianNeighbor): Eldest child of Aidan and Catherine, a druidic mage of considerable skill. Believed to be in Eriu-Innis currently.
  • Roisin 'Dusk' Waters (@Doeelk): Second oldest of Aidan and Catherine's children, a talented botanist and first of the current generation to settle in the City of Regalia.
  • James Waters (@jono_98): Youngest of Aidan and Catherine Water's three children, an experienced sailor and newly knighted Aelriggan of the Penn Archwilio chapter.
  • Bridghid 'Birdie' Waters (@Ilyrana): Free-spirited half-finullen child of Rory and Sarya Waters, recently reunited with their extended family.
  • Nora Waters (@MightyElf90): Birdie's younger sibling, an Aelriggan squire of the Lynburgh chapter.
  • Maire Waters (@andluc1): First cousin of the Waters listed above.
  • Muiris Waters (@jono_98): Grandfather of the above listed family members, woodwise and stubbornly loyal to his family. Lost one arm due to some mishap years ago and has it replaced with a metal prosthetic.
  • Bliss Willow (@KeysReborn): A longtime close friend of Dusk and James who has now been adopted into the clan.
Unplayed Characters/NPCS:
  • Casidhe Waters: James' infant child with his late wife Ceara.
  • Claira Waters: Wife of Muiris, mother of Aidan, Rory, and Una. (Great) grandmother of the younger Waters.
  • Rory and Sarya Waters: Aidan's younger brother and Finullen sister-in-law respectively, Birdie's parents.
  • Una Waters: Aidan and Rory's younger sister, mother of Maire Waters.
Deceased Characters:
  • Aidan and Catherine Waters: James, Dusk, and Maeve's father and mother. Aidan died from a falling accident in the woods with Catherine passing away due to illness not long after.
  • Ceara R. Waters nee Cainéal (@Vampyrenees): Wife of James until she was horrifically murdered, mother of Casidhe.

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Recent History

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to be added

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