Archived Cigars For Regalia?

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
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I recently was smoking a cigar in the local tavern and I thought to myself "If you can hold canes and wedding rings...what can you hold to smoke a cigar?'' I don't know if there is already an item to hold to smoke a cigar (If there is forgive my ignorance) but I was thinking you could hold like a piece of oak log, a spider eye, or maybe something else? Comment below on your thoughts, and admins maybe make this a feature?? (The reason I'm doing this is because Ezekiel (my character) smoke De'Morte Cigars)
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Maybe a stick...? Or is that used as a mage wand...
Nope, mage wands are hoes. Ex: See the one in the picture for the official announcement for the Quests in diamond armour and holding a diamond hoe? (Sorry, I can't find the picture, but maybe you will look harder xD) Thaat's me, just slightly trolling a little for fun, because it wasn't really an RP event, and I was a little tired and bored at that point xD. I was also chanting the lyrics to "No Good Deed" from the musical Wicked in l:, also me just trolling, but I digress. The official mage wand item is a hoe, and I don't believe sticks are used for anything. But on that note, I'm also not sure if tobacco, or smoking for that matter is really "Lore Complaint"

Edit: Could a Lore/RP staff, maybe Omnomivore or Verityg or even maybe Azas lend me a hand and give a definitive answer to if it is actually lore complaint and therefore RP legal?
Nope, mage wands are hoes. Ex: See the one in the picture for the official announcement for the Quests in diamond armour and holding a diamond hoe? (Sorry, I can't find the picture, but maybe you will look harder xD) Thaat's me, just slightly trolling a little for fun, because it wasn't really an RP event, and I was a little tired and bored at that point xD. I was also chanting the lyrics to "No Good Deed" from the musical Wicked in l:, also me just trolling, but I digress. The official mage wand item is a hoe, and I don't believe sticks are used for anything. But on that note, I'm also not sure if tobacco, or smoking for that matter is really "Lore Complaint"

Edit: Could a Lore/RP staff, maybe Omnomivore or Verityg or even maybe Azas lend me a hand and give a definitive answer to if it is actually lore complaint and therefore RP legal?

Look up the De'Morte Family. Case closed.
Umm, maybe you just shouldn't hold an item and when you rp, rp like you are smoking a cigar. Other than that I would say torch. However, I think those may be used as microphones.
Umm, maybe you just shouldn't hold an item and when you rp, rp like you are smoking a cigar. Other than that I would say torch. However, I think those may be used as microphones.

Nonsence, it's Medieval.. There ARE no microphones. >: D
Nope, mage wands are hoes. Ex: See the one in the picture for the official announcement for the Quests in diamond armour and holding a diamond hoe? (Sorry, I can't find the picture, but maybe you will look harder xD) Thaat's me, just slightly trolling a little for fun, because it wasn't really an RP event, and I was a little tired and bored at that point xD. I was also chanting the lyrics to "No Good Deed" from the musical Wicked in l:, also me just trolling, but I digress. The official mage wand item is a hoe, and I don't believe sticks are used for anything. But on that note, I'm also not sure if tobacco, or smoking for that matter is really "Lore Complaint"

Edit: Could a Lore/RP staff, maybe Omnomivore or Verityg or even maybe Azas lend me a hand and give a definitive answer to if it is actually lore complaint and therefore RP legal?

I am not lore staff ^-^;
Then what is the singer holding in the GW?

She's an NPC, she doesn't count. xD

EDIT: My point was, they're not SUPPOSED to be lore complaint, but I haven't actually... you know... READ.... the lore in the last, what, two revisions? I need to get back up on my lore. XD
Yeah, but weren't you a RP staff? Or am I just confusing myself. I would assume you were, since you're one helluva well known (and good, for that matter) roleplayer.

Haha no worries you aren't the first. No I was never roleplay staff. I am game staff in-game, and thank you for the compliments haha.
While you do that, I'm gonna go look at the lore xD
For easy answers for these types of questions just go google 'Did they have [Something] in medieval times', try to stray from wikipedia and other websites that are availabe to be changed by the publi and you should find your answer. This way, you will have no need for asking these types of questions, people wont be bothered and you get a lil' read and you'll learn something new. :)

But if this ^ does not work, a Rp Staff member will most likely correct you, but I highly suggest that you try doing your own research into the subjects (for self-educating purposes) and try not to rely on staff/others to answer because if you research it and read it over, it becomes easier to remember (Reading aloud is also proven to help remember). Also, please do make sure to cross-reference and compare with other websites or your information has a slight chance of being faulty. Re-reading lore would be a BIG + for you and your character.

-Cats <3
For easy answers for these types of questions just go google 'Did they have [Something] in medieval times', try to stray from wikipedia and other websites that are availabe to be changed by the publi and you should find your answer. This way, you will have no need for asking these types of questions, people wont be bothered and you get a lil' read and a bit more educated. :)

But if this ^ does not work, a Rp Staff member will most likel correct you, but I highly suggest that you try doing your own research into the subjects, for self-educating purposes. Also, please do make sure to cross-reference and compare with other websites or your information has a slight chance of being faulty.

-Cats <3

Thanks! Oh and also where do you apply to be a reresinative? I wanted to apply to represent the Pravden.
Unfortunately I am not aware of the link (Time for me to get reading!). However I do beleive that the pravden have not been discovered yet, therefore becoming a representative for them would be impossible, sorry if I misread but thats what I think is currently happening.
Unfortunately I am not aware of the link (Time for me to get reading!). However I do beleive that the pravden have not been discovered yet, therefore becoming a representative for them would be impossible, sorry if I misread but thats what I think is currently happening.

Well I mean when they are discovered how could I become there represinative?
Considering my roleplay family relies heavily on the use of tobacco and the smoking of cigars, several people have been very accepting on the principle of it. DrFong's character enjoys receiving cigars from Alexiel, and BabaManga and I had a lasting RolePlay about it and even a discussion on how it is grown and how to smoke it; within these RolePlays ,the smoking of the tobacco was the main idea in entirety. Bringing up Fong again I went to him personally and questioned him about the Lore-Compliance of the drug and we both agreed that the principle of Tobacco being a non-lore-compliant item is a bit ridiculous. The main point is that tobacco would be an expensive substance to purchase, and the finest would only be affordable by nobles, I had the realization of the small amount of attention tobacco got while writing Alexiel and made the decision to create more of an atmosphere and outlet for tobacco to enter Regalia. The D'Morte family relies heavily on tobacco and it was one of the main points in Alexiel's character intro approved by PickAccess. Tobacco would just be very expensive and few commoners would smoke it if any, that being how the D'Morte family represents it I rarely give any cigars to commoners and those I do are members of the small upper class among the peasantry.

If the whole argument would come down to being opposite of my favor, I did mislead you, but unknowingly I would have never pulled someone into something of non lore-compliance.
Considering my roleplay family relies heavily on the use of tobacco and the smoking of cigars, several people have been very accepting on the principle of it. DrFong's character enjoys receiving cigars from Alexiel, and BabaManga and I had a lasting RolePlay about it and even a discussion on how it is grown and how to smoke it; within these RolePlays ,the smoking of the tobacco was the main idea in entirety. Bringing up Fong again I went to him personally and questioned him about the Lore-Compliance of the drug and we both agreed that the principle of Tobacco being a non-lore-compliant item is a bit ridiculous. The main point is that tobacco would be an expensive substance to purchase, and the finest would only be affordable by nobles, I had the realization of the small amount of attention tobacco got while writing Alexiel and made the decision to create more of an atmosphere and outlet for tobacco to enter Regalia. The D'Morte family relies heavily on tobacco and it was one of the main points in Alexiel's character intro approved by PickAccess. Tobacco would just be very expensive and few commoners would smoke it if any, that being how the D'Morte family represents it I rarely give any cigars to commoners and those I do are members of the small upper class among the peasantry.

If the whole argument would come down to being opposite of my favor, I did mislead you, but unknowingly I would have never pulled someone into something of non lore-compliance.

Don't get me wrong I'm not mad at you! I simply started this thread to find an item to represent cigars.
I was neither being aggressive towards you, friend, as you are one of the first to contact me about my tobacco industry I was quite thrilled to have you write this thread. This is a question that has needed to be answered.
I personally find it weird that you can smoke opium, but not tobacco? Tobacco was one of the first ever to be smoked...
I believe several people would agree on this point, I have always been confused as to the counter argument.
Wikipedia said that smoking could have begun in the B.C. .....just sayin'
For easy answers for these types of questions just go google 'Did they have [Something] in medieval times', try to stray from wikipedia and other websites that are availabe to be changed by the publi and you should find your answer.

Citation/source can be easily checked on Wikipedia if you hover your mouse over the tiny bracketed number at the end of a given fact. This trick has saved my arse on countless assignments/bibliographies.
Read the title and did this.....

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