Archived Chest Lock Fee

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
I understand why you charge regals to lock a chest. That's not what I have a problem with.

Here's my question:
Why can't chests give a refund after unlocking them?

I've been playing on this server for two and a half years. I've accumulated a few items. Even after taking out the junk, I will be forced to spend 1.5-2k to move my stuff. I don't want to pay for my stuff again :)

Benefits of a refund policy:

- excellent incentive for players to unlock their chests before switching factions, which avoids having to track down ex-faction mates and bugging staff to unlock stuff

- extra spending money that can go into the economy

- helps poor/new players who couldn't otherwise afford to move, which could cause them to quit the server out of frustration

- makes eman happy

Please drop a positive rating if you agree!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Then remove the other people, and manage each player's storage efficiently. And as for smaller factions not doing it, a well structured,well organised small faction will turn into a good large one, while a disorganised one will not. For thereason that I stated earlier, about access as the such, I don't agree with a refund

My fac has given me access to a chunk with my house. Simply put I should not, no do not want sole access to my house chunk. Now can we get back to the topic?
Here are "my" Pros and Cons for this choice

- This might cause more deflation to an economy that has and continues to deflate at high speeds, which is one of the reasons that the price exists. The other reason is to prevent people from having too many chests which has been shown to cause lots of lag. Would you be willing to take that risk and possibly further ruin the gameplay of this server?
- The staff have enough problems on their schedule and honestly, I don't consider this to be that big of a problem compared to the other ones that they have been having. People often underestimate how difficult it is to code this stuff.
- The LWC plugin has multiple features. If you don't like x feature in that plugin, start finding creative and conservative solutions to that problem. Asking the staff to remove the problem for you shouldn't be in your top ten list of solutions.
- The first post and the survey are incredibly biased and undetailed. Those two features make for a very weak and unconvincing argument.

+ I don't know of many people who would be so careless with their money that they would pay for a chest twice. Even when moving from one place to another, I'd rather keep my locked chest at the old place than have to wastefully dismantle it to keep things tidy. I probably have 10 randomly placed empty locked chests that I will likely never use again. Giving me a personal reason to remove them like a refund might fix that multiple chest problem.
+ Using that above pro, because people still have trouble spending money anyways, there is a small chance that this will make much of a negative difference.
+ It will make the rich people happy. And we all know how important the rich people are to this community. Or... the people who have invested their time into getting all of that stuff.
+ People will be less hesitant to travel to other places/factions. Refunds tend to be deceptively forgiving, which is what my next pro is about. I've also seen constant announcements saying that Massive supports travel, so might as well follow your own claims and not be a hypocrite.
+ Having systems that give "refund for half back" may sound bad for the economy at first, but I've seen it work brilliantly in other servers and video games with well known markets. The Seller always gets the better deal, and the buyer is tricked into giving away too much of their money too quickly. This can work wonders on the Massive community depending on how gullible everyone is.
- I may have jinxed that previous Pro.
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Thank you for your responses so far everyone, you guys have a lot of good things to say.

Overall, I think the debating over whether this will effect the economy or not is silly. I didn't come up with this idea because I wanted to make money; I came up with this idea specifically so I wouldn't lose money. You all are welcome to discuss your complicated economic sink hole philosophies, but I believe that the issues that my idea solves greatly outweigh any "sink hole".
Thank you for your responses so far everyone, you guys have a lot of good things to say.

Overall, I think the debating over whether this will effect the economy or not is silly. I didn't come up with this idea because I wanted to make money; I came up with this idea specifically so I wouldn't lose money. You all are welcome to discuss your complicated economic sink hole philosophies, but I believe that the issues that my idea solves greatly outweigh any "sink hole".

What issues do you solve other than personal loss¿
Even though I like the idea of refunding regals, you must think from the other side, perhaps add some cons to your initial message and see how it actually balances out. I'm quite sure the mods won't bother considering the change if they don't see the cons to making the change. They need to know whats on the table before adding/removing/changing anything.
I'm quite sure the mods won't bother considering the change if they don't see the cons to making the change. They need to know whats on the table before adding/removing/changing anything.

The staff will not implement change, period.

I have seen very few suggestions go anywhere. Until I see otherwise, it is my strong belief that the staff created the Feature and Idea Discussion Section only as a "release" for people who want to speak their mind. It cuts back on spam on the server, and makes people feel like they've done something, even though their ideas never get anywhere.

If any staff have seen this comment and disagree, please don't just comment with your disaproval; give me legitimate proof that you've implemented at least a few ideas posted in this section.
The staff will not implement change, period.

I have seen very few suggestions go anywhere. Until I see otherwise, it is my strong belief that the staff created the Feature and Idea Discussion Section only as a "release" for people who want to speak their mind. It cuts back on spam on the server, and makes people feel like they've done something, even though their ideas never get anywhere.

If any staff have seen this comment and disagree, please don't just comment with your disaproval; give me legitimate proof that you've implemented at least a few ideas posted in this section.

I personally reviewed EVERY suggestion post in this forum section and can list 30+ suggestions that were either approved, added in a future date, not officially approved but later added, etc. This forum section is NOT as you stated as a "Staff created the Feature and Idea Discussion Section only as a "release" for people who want to speak their mind. It cuts back on spam on the server, and makes people feel like they've done something, even though their ideas never get anywhere."

Yes I read through all 36 pages of suggestions and have seen some really creative and fun ideas. Along with that I have seen some horrible ideas and no matter how bad they are it gave the Staff a platform to entertain new and fresh ideas. If this section never existed then it would run MassiveCraft into the ground. New ideas from the player base is what keeps this server from staying dull and old. We have to be especially thankful for Cay, not only as the provider of MassiveCraft but also as a very talented developer! In fact many of the suggestions in this forums actually became custom in house plugins designed by Cay for everyone to enjoy.

There are many servers out there that just recycle and use plugins that are in the wild. Having custom plugins designed around player input is incredibly unique and beneficial to the growth of MassiveCraft.

I put together a list below with some of my findings as I scrolled through all 36 pages of ideas and shown some that actually turned into something. This list isn't complete but instead is used to give you an idea from my observations about how useful player ideas have become. I also added a disagree rating to your post and replied as requested.

Date Submitted Idea; Outcome Link
6/29/2012 Market Forum; Created
6/2/2012 Road toward wilderness; Created
6/29/2012 Name plugin useless; Removed the plugin
7/3/2012 Daily Creeper; Approved, but is no longer used today
7/3/2012 Better communication; Announcement section used
7/2/2012 Expand chats; Approved and coordinated with Cay
7/2/2012 Signature division line; Approved and coded to be more seen
7/18/2012 War Declaration Forum; Approved and created
8/8/2012 Bounties Plugin removal; Plugin removed
7/30/2012 Chest locks not expiring; Expiration time for lockette created
11/28/2012 Expand materials for fence-gates; Approved, but no longer used today
12/3/2012 Vampire weakness by wood; Approved, was enabled when Vampires plugins was used
12/7/2012 Party chat; Approved and expanded chat channels
12/3/2012 ChairsReloaded plugin; Approved and chair sitting added
12/12/2012 Welcome Message to MassiveCraft; Approved and changed
1/10/2013 Custom forum titles and levels; Approved
1/6/2013 Auction Threads; Approved
1/17/2013 Graveyards in Silveredge; Not officially approved, but later created in Regalia
1/10/2013 Cannon saving angles; Not officially approved, but plugin creator added it via update
2/22/2013 Debate Section in forums; Not officially approved, but later created
5/11/2013 Chat system improvement; Suggestion for recruitment chat already considered
6/7/2013 Faction Warzone; Not officially approved, but later created
6/19/2013 Player drop head on death; Not officially approved, but later added
8/31/2013 Opera House; Not officially approved, but later created, then removed recently
12/9/2013 Reddit site; Not officially approved, but later created
11/6/2013 Pink Cloud removal; Approved and removed, later returned
10/20/2013 Recruitment Chat; Approved and added
3/7/2014 Item Description; Not officially approved, but recently added as Lore Perk
4/19/2014 Produce Crate; Eventually added to the voting system
4/21/2014 Rift Warp; Initially declined, but a portal to the rift was created in New Ceardia
5/27/2014 More Regalian Houses; Always being improved
6/28/2014 PVP and Pet Riding; Approved and stopped. Eventually riding removed altogether
6/23/2014 Emote Commands; Approved and changed
6/3/2014 Website Media Page Improvement; Being researched by Info Department
7/22/2014 No more screamers; I believe this became an offense
8/3/2014 Rare/legendary Weapons/armor + Special Traits; War Prizes include interesting and powerful rare weapons
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But look at what MonMarty recently said
I did find during my research that the features forum area started out with each post ending with an Admin stating their approval/disapproval and implementation status. Eventually it went away and I saw it turn into an idea house rather than a place covered by a specific Admin.

I agree with MonMarty. My problem is with the statement above stating that this section was basically useless. Turning ideas into realities are a lot harder than most people think. I am not a programmer myself but I can only imagine it isn't an easy thing to quickly do.

Player ideas should be welcomed, discussed and documented. While they may not be acted upon quickly, they may turn into something in the future. Several of the successful ideas listed above were proof of that. Things take time and additionally someone's "great" idea could be a "nightmare" for someone else. The discussion aspect lets everyone who sees it throw in their two cents while giving developers a place to find inspiration when they hit a roadblock.
My problem is with the statement above stating that this section was basically useless. Turning ideas into realities are a lot harder than most people think. I am not a programmer myself but I can only imagine it isn't an easy thing to quickly do.


Some ideas is difficult to make. Others is easy. In this case, it took me 15 minutes in my lunch break to figure out how to do it (in theory) (If MassiveMoney uses vault, which i guess it does)

For once in my life, I was totally owned online, but in the best way possible.

Taking the time to compile that shows your dedication and pride in this server, and I appreciate it immensely.

I officially revoke my prior statement about staff never implementing change.
I'm just going to take this moment to point out that if people want prices to rise what we need is not a money sink but rather a way to add money to the server. Being refunded for chests would probably result in a healthier economy and less requests for staff to unlock "pesky chests in mah territory".

Also, @eman1000, I have a faction called Vaults, I can sell you a vault there. The starter vault can contain some 40 or so doublechests and can be expanded downward to bedrock. The price is 400r per vault. How it works is you make a portal clock for me, I active the portal there, my alt (Koiskstrum) gives you chunk perms, and then you do whatever the hell you feel like with the vault. I'm not going to steal the stuff (besides the fact it's rude, it's also against the rules) so you're safe to use it. I've got like 4 people using them already :)
Also, @eman1000, I have a faction called Vaults, I can sell you a vault there. The starter vault can contain some 40 or so doublechests and can be expanded downward to bedrock. The price is 400r per vault. How it works is you make a portal clock for me, I active the portal there, my alt (Koiskstrum) gives you chunk perms, and then you do whatever the hell you feel like with the vault. I'm not going to steal the stuff (besides the fact it's rude, it's also against the rules) so you're safe to use it. I've got like 4 people using them already :)
Also Mecharic, this part of the forums is not supposed to be used for advertising. But now we are at it. Do you refund people? If no, you never solved emans problem with no refunds.
Also do you think other people should begin to advertising their service outside of the market section? Also let's take all questions about your vaults to the post in the market section you are going to make (hopefully).
That being said other people than Mecharic sell/rent you vaults too. Including me. And you can find other people aswell.
Also Mecharic, this part of the forums is not supposed to be used for advertising. But now we are at it. Do you refund people? If no, you never solved emans problem with no refunds.
Also do you think other people should begin to advertising their service outside of the market section? Also let's take all questions about your vaults to the post in the market section you are going to make (hopefully).
That being said other people than Mecharic sell/rent you vaults too. Including me. And you can find other people aswell.

Hur, that wasn't an advertizement (I don't advertize) that was an offer to Eman for a viable place to store his stuff and never need to move his chests - or pay Lockette for them.
Hur, that wasn't an advertizement (I don't advertize) that was an offer to Eman for a viable place to store his stuff and never need to move his chests - or pay Lockette for them.
You are basically saying it is not an advertisement when Samsung tells you (on TV or somewhere else) what their phones can, and tell you that you can buy one.
That was clearly advertising.
You are basically saying it is not an advertisement when Samsung tells you (on TV or somewhere else) what their phones can, and tell you that you can buy one.
That was clearly advertising.

Oh ffs. It was not intended as advertizing, now stop nagging me over it -_-
Also Mecharic, this part of the forums is not supposed to be used for advertising. But now we are at it. Do you refund people? If no, you never solved emans problem with no refunds.
Also do you think other people should begin to advertising their service outside of the market section? Also let's take all questions about your vaults to the post in the market section you are going to make (hopefully).
That being said other people than Mecharic sell/rent you vaults too. Including me. And you can find other people aswell.

From my point of view, this entire thread is basicly "I'm stingy give me money back plox".

The way I do it is with premium. I use the 750r a month to dedicate to locking 75 chests over the month. No money is really lost.
From my point of view, this entire thread is basicly "I'm stingy give me money back plox".

The way I do it is with premium. I use the 750r a month to dedicate to locking 75 chests over the month. No money is really lost.

Really? If you think that abandoned locked chests isn't a problem in factions, you've either never owned a faction, or you're just being ignorant lol