Archived Chat Notifier

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Suzzies mother
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Guild of the Bucket
Have you ever typed a meaningful sentence only for it to be in emote when intended for local, thus killing the mood?

Well heres an idea to solve this little dilemma.
A small notification placed above the chatbar and underneath the chat box to serve the purpose of reminding you which chatmode you are in, the text would be Chatmode followed by the letter representing the chatmode (Chatmode: L: ). This notification will pop up when you open the chat bar and remain there until you have finished typing. Sounds pretty useful huh?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've pondered on this idea of havering the char channel appear in front of your sentence every time you go to talk such as:
*hits talk key*

Just having the chat channel you're in appear in front
I've pondered on this idea of havering the char channel appear in front of your sentence every time you go to talk such as:
*hits talk key*

Just having the chat channel you're in appear in front
I agree with this idea. It's brilliant. Why hasn't anybody came up with it before?
I mean, it isn't a huge deal if I accidentally type in an action in local chat, I usually just hit tab (how I enter chat ehehe~) and the up arrow key after I change to the proper chat; however, it would be awesome to have a little reminder :3 Just dunno what it takes to create something like that, if it's worth going through all the trouble :P

Great suggestion though! :D It sure would be handy~
Like eliza said the only reason i haven't bothered posting a thread aboutthis because really it doesn't matter all that much and its adds to humour of wrong chats to people
Its great idea, but I don't know will pvpers like it since it will do a lot of spam during the raids.
I'm pretty sure this is irrelevant to PvP... But I don't think it would be possible without client side modding but don't take my word for it
i love this, this would prevent me typing things in global when it's ment to be in faction or the other way around
Thanks for the feedback guys, I just thought it was an idea worth sharing . :)
Just a note. This idea would definitely require a client mod to implement the display. It may also need a modification to the plugin to allow for the chat channel to be sent to the client. These requirements have already made this a very complex mod/plugin combo, which MassiveCraft tends to stay away from.
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