Archived Character Apps In Different Languages

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I know everything. But sometimes I forget
Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere in Ireland
Roleplay Guilds
The Crimson Inquisition. Tavern bouncer
Okay so I had this idea for people who's first language is not English. People who come from countries where English isn't their first language might have difficultly describing things on their character or using correct grammar. So what if they could write it in their own language. Now say I want to write my app in Irish but there are no lore staff who are Irish? well then I'm buggered. I gotta do it in English. But if there is a lore staff who is French then they could review the ones in French. I don't really know how large the variety is in lore staff is who review character apps but if there is a French, Danish and Greek one then people from those countries can write their apps in their first languages making them more detailed and better written giving them a higher chance to have their app accepted.
This was just a idea which popped into my head, but I think it could really help people out.
What do you people think?
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I don't think this would work out.

Specifically due to the fact that people do like reading apps if they start to learn a character. If the entire application was in a language they didn't understand, then they wouldn't be able to learn anything about said character.

Also, English is the universal language of trade nowadays, as most people are familiar with it to some degree. Having applications in a language everyone has at least some experience with it a lot better than apps in a language many people don't understand.
I don't think this would work out.

Specifically due to the fact that people do like reading apps if they start to learn a character. If the entire application was in a language they didn't understand, then they wouldn't be able to learn anything about said character.

Also, English is the universal language of trade nowadays, as most people are familiar with it to some degree. Having applications in a language everyone has at least some experience with it a lot better than apps in a language many people don't understand.

I did think about this and my solution wasn't the best. I thought maybe you could try and google translate the whole thing. It almost defiantly wouldn't be as accurate as the original script but it might not need to be. The argument against that is "Why not just use google translate for all of it and then post it in English?" and I would say because as stated before it would not be as accurate as you wanted to it to be.
I did think about this and my solution wasn't the best. I thought maybe you could try and google translate the whole thing. It almost defiantly wouldn't be as accurate as the original script but it might not need to be. The argument against that is "Why not just use google translate for all of it and then post it in English?" and I would say because as stated before it would not be as accurate as you wanted to it to be.
I do not write nor read character apps. But what is the point in detailed description if the readers Google Translate it?
But unless the authors English skills are very bad, their simple English will most likely be better than Google Translate, especially if they use advanced expressions.
Probably not. google translate is good but it isn't great
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