Changing Your Username?

Sep 9, 2013
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As some of you may know with the 1.8 update one of the new, highly anticipated features included will be the ability to change your minecraft username. Hate that dumb username you made when you were eleven? Stuck with a crappy user from an account you bought off your friend? Now you'll finally be able to toss away that horrible name and create a new one that better suits you! I suppose the question I'm trying to ask is...

'Will you be changing your username when the new update is released, if so what to?'
I will change to the name I have always wanted, so I can rp without /nick
Also that's the name I use for every rp.
Oh hell yes I will be. DJWingedHope sounds pretty stupid to be honest.
I'm totally changing my username to Finn-Ish if I can. And I will.
I think I might change it to "I_am_Ultron6", I love that line. Yet, maybe not.
/seen command should have the ability to see which usernames a user previously had. (It is ofc only possible if the user logged into MassiveCradt using that username previously)
Chronicler has been such a long-used name for me, from all my friends, I am not sure if they'll probably want me to, but;

And @Ryciera is conforming to the name changes? :O
I used to hate my username, but I've grown so used to it ;^; I'll probably stick to it x3