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☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri (CST)
I apologize in advance for sounding whiny or complaining too much or in an unfair way

Some things I want to say:
  1. If I remember correctly the staff did confirm that the majority of people who buy premium use it for its PvP advantages.
  2. The staff need to take responsibility for glitches or bugs. I've seen quite a few staff just say to the player base "Find the bugs yourself" (paraphrased) That's a very hard task and as staff I think the responsibility should be theirs.
  3. The staff need to start listening to the PvP community more often and making changes quickly. It just is aggravating to see my money only go to keeping the server up and giving me benefits, but not really to funding the development of fixing/creating features.
I know this is a very negative post, and I'm sorry about that. But the amount of things actually getting done is reaching the point of stagnation and I'm frustrated. Very rarely are new features added or bugs fixed (especially bugs, the staff have yet to comprehensively explain whether or not there are actually bugs, and then fixing the damage to a more reasonable amount if there are no bugs actually)

~ Signed, someone looking for the revival and increase of PvP on MassiveCraft to new heights
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
After being informed, Cayorion did the following: He prioritized PVP bug solution after 1.8 bug solution and stabilization.

What this means in short, is that when Cayorion comes back, he will spend his efforts to stabilize the server and remove the bugs put in place since 1.8, after which he will work on pvp bugs and the sorts.