Preserved Sheet Cecil Empolan

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@The_Shadow_King3 I've added Cecil's collar to visual description, the mental tax the Spire had to his strengths and weaknesses, and Cecil's time in the Spire to his chronology. Same as before, edits in this weird shade of raspberry. Previous edits turned back to black to avoid mix-ups.

Thank you for being so patient with me.
@The_Shadow_King3 I've added Cecil's collar to visual description, the mental tax the Spire had to his strengths and weaknesses, and Cecil's time in the Spire to his chronology. Same as before, edits in this weird shade of raspberry. Previous edits turned back to black to avoid mix-ups.

Thank you for being so patient with me.
Approved. Again.
@The_Shadow_King3 in the process of some minor edits, will have them done in an hour or so, will let you know when finished.(Had to log mid-edits, otherwise I'd have waited to tag you. Sorry.)