Preserved Sheet Cecil Empolan

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PEER REVIEW this won't be personality, mostly just a skim over everything.
Es'thel (life story- current)

She's called Estel.
This is eerily close to the maximum height for Shendar which is 6'6. I'd maybe lower it a bit.
(This is based upon the Shendar lore page's previous statement that Shendar bodies have the same magical benefits to those of golden-eyed individuals. If this has been retconned, I will of course fix it, but I am unsure)
They don't.
Wrath Possession: During his time spent in the wilderness during the Bone Horror incident, Cecil became over-reliant on his Lyre magic, and become infested with a Wrath Voidling as a result. He has been possessed for 2 months now, and is suffering both mental and physical deterioration: He shows extreme tendencies to violence in the former, and sunken, tired eyes and hair on the palms of his hands in the latter. Additionally, Cecil believes himself to truly be going mad, as he is unwilling to even consider that he may be possessed, and simply thinks that the hair is not really there.
I wouldn't go for possession at the moment as it is being re-written.
•Weak Frame: Cecil has little muscle mass in his body beyond his legs; he has the mental capacity to take injuries, but his body lacks the strength to withstand many hits. He can quickly accumulate injuries in combat which can result in a need to withdraw, which is sometimes ignored and thus causes him to become more seriously injured.
Copout weakness. He is a mage and a Nelfin, hence this is inherited.
After meeting Cecil once as my Chi, I find him awesome. He's great mate.
PEER REVIEW this won't be personality, mostly just a skim over everything.


She's called Estel.

This is eerily close to the maximum height for Shendar which is 6'6. I'd maybe lower it a bit.

They don't.

I wouldn't go for possession at the moment as it is being re-written.

Copout weakness. He is a mage and a Nelfin, hence this is inherited.
Dank meme, I've had this guy so long that peer reviews never even occurred to me XD Thank you! Do you know when they changed it back to Estel? I was absent for quite a while... Anywhosies!

•Will hit Estel's name. I'm so glad it's back to normal...

•Will take height under consideration, though I will say I've played him for so long that I'm not sure I'm comfortable changing his height.

•Gonna wait on Staff input to be sure about magical level. I've been playing as if I was wrong about magic in the meantime (tbh expected the process to be a lot faster but hey idiots fo life)

•I'm aware of the possession rewrite, since it's unclear how long the rewrite will take I've elected to simply updootle once it is released.

•Will touch up that copout shortly!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate the input! (I hope I don't seem like a jerk for not making a lot of the edits, I've just painted myself into a bit of a corner)
Nah I was on my alt account because my main is stuck elsewhere as my noble in fort kronau and I didn't want to have to ask to be let in ooc so I just used my alt.
Oh I see. Cool. Didn't Kronau clear out though? I heard that everyone fled.
@McLeafies mind telling me if the new weakness is less cop-outty? I don't think it is, but then again I also thought the old one was...
•Cumulative Injuries: As a result of his amateur acrobatics and tendency towards violent acts, Cecil often has injuries in varying degrees of severity. He will almost always have bruises on his shins and forearms from rolling and tumbling, and will often have worse. Further, his clothes will often telegraph where these injuries lie, as they will be dirtied or damaged in these locations on his body.
I'd maybe expand on it a bit, such as how it affects him in day-to-day life, etc. @Streako
Approved, character looks good to me.
@The_Shadow_King3 I'd just like to confirm the Expert Lyre business with regards to Shendar being magically-altered is accurate to the lore. I don't mean to put you out of your way, but I'd hate to be operating on dated information after having just gotten Cecil re-approved. Should I post a thread in Lore Q&A? Or are you certain that the Shendar magical proficiency is still lore canon?
@The_Shadow_King3 I'd just like to confirm the Expert Lyre business with regards to Shendar being magically-altered is accurate to the lore. I don't mean to put you out of your way, but I'd hate to be operating on dated information after having just gotten Cecil re-approved. Should I post a thread in Lore Q&A? Or are you certain that the Shendar magical proficiency is still lore canon?
Post a Lore Q and A, if the result changes the character application, come back to the application and make the needed edits as I am not certain.
Post a Lore Q and A, if the result changes the character application, come back to the application and make the needed edits as I am not certain.
Aight, thank you! In the interim I will assume that the information is not compliant and will play Cecil accordingly (that is, not at Expert-level).
@The_Shadow_King3 Finally got an answer to that Lore Q&A! Cecil would not have any benefits to magical learning. I've gone ahead and edited the app so that he is Mage level, which should fit the time frame of his learning.
@The_Shadow_King3 In the next days I'm going to spruce up the visual information to reflect IC events and also touch up relationships.
Also @The_Shadow_King3 im sorry I think I accidentally cleared the title prefix. Unless you think the edits I said I'm making are necessary for re-review, could you maybe put the 'approved' thing back?
K, @The_Shadow_King3 all donesies! I updated his clothes, some possessions of his, made his age reflect the fact that his birthday happened and I forgot...and some relationships!

@The_Shadow_King3 Ive touched up Cecil's sheet a tad! I mainly focused on his strengths and weaknesses, and most notable is that his total fingers has gone down from 10 to 7. All changes (excluding a couple small grammar touch-ups) are marked in whatever this color is called.