Cantonship Of Gelle Registry


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Sep 26, 2012
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The Cantonship of Gelle


"The Helerian Guard march through the streets of newly formed Gelle" - Unknown Unionist Painter, 306AC.




The Cantonship of Gelle is a unique RP area located on the Isle of Mull, which seeks to fulfil a more Religious centric roleplay environment for Knights, Darkwalds, Inquisitors, priests, monks, and in general just Unionists of good standing. The township is growing and is in need of aid from those who wish to partake in Unionist RP, or simply wish to aid the Viridian Knights lead by Lord Ravenstad in their chivalric duties. There is room for all sorts of ideas on the island, business owners, sailors, and anyone from any walk of life. Someday we hope to create a sprawling Holy Town, filled with life and diversity.

If you wish for communal RP within the borders of a Unionist Theocracy, come along!

History & Titles.

The Cantonship of Gelle was created 306AC, in a joint effort by both the Holy Synod and the peoples of Gelle, turning the rogue township which had split away from the Greater Isle of Mull into a fully fledged Theocracy. Gelle is controlled by a Canton (which amounts to a landed Reverend) who is furthermore advised by a Council of Reverends, Knights, curates, and faithful Unionists. Though the Cantonship is in its infancy, it is growing and currently possess the only Castle on the Isle of Mull, making it one of the most defensible settlements on the isles.

Canton Médard du Mt. St. Lucia personally made a call to Viridian Knights, Darkwalds, and other such faithful warriors to accompany him on his journey to the island, ensuring the Cantonship is well garrisoned and prepared to defend its citizens. As of the current time, Gelle has suffered one bear attack, with no fatalities.

Titles of Gelle are as follows:

  • Canton of Gelle - Held by Médard du Mt. St. Lucia
    • The Canton of Gelle is the highest religious and stately authority within the Cantonship of Gelle. Blessed by both the peoples of Gelle and the Holy Synod, the Canton functions much like his neighbour, the Kalroy of Mull, as an executive body of Gelle. The Canton often bestows titles upon his fellow Gellens, granting authority to them in matters pertinent.
  • Paladin-Commander - Held by Duke Percival Ravenstad
    • The Paladin Commander of the Gelle Garrison is the knightly champion of Gelle's defence. The Paladin Commander maintains the overlooking Castle which serves as the sole defensive fortification on the island, and orders the garrison of Viridian Knights therein. As the civilian government is in formation, the Paladin Commander deals the Canton's justice and handles criminals with a tight gauntlet.
  • More to come…

Application to the Cantonship of Gelle.

  • IGN:
  • Character: (+ App, if applicable)
  • Unionist: (yes/No)
(You'll need to provide 20 Regals for construction of a Home)


Page to be expanded in near future.
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IGN: Kibaa
Character: Bartolomeo da Cana
Unionist: Yes
  • IGN: Titustastic
  • Unionist: Yes
IGN: Bertramqaz
Character: [X]
Unionist: It's ya boi, ya know me
You are all accepted and currently already have or will be granted a House for your aid economically or otherwise to the creation of Gelle! Welcome onboard lads - send me your Discords if I haven't got them, through PM.
As a Holy Knight we accept you into Gelle, blessed with the Hallowed blood as you are. A fee of 20 Regals will be required for the construction of your residence. Along with this, sling me your Discord over PM.

As a Darkwald of good faith, the Canton of Gelle accepts your application. Please transfer 20 Regals to AntonVoron, with proof of payment if you can for your House. In addition, sling over your Discord if I haven't got it already, over PM.
  • IGN: Aresi
  • Unionist: Yes.
The Canton has decided that with this case, having little knowledge of Julian, and being occupied with spiritual matters, that he will task Vulmar @Tibertastic with an interview of the man. If Vulmar finds Julian fit for residence, he will send word forward for her application to be accepted. Seek Tiber out IG, and have an IC talk


On an unrelated note, this document is important to Gelle RP, a recent announcement by the Canton. Go have a ready!

The Treaty of Mull

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IGN: Ottonovic
Character Name: Emilio Fiore dei Toreno
Unionist: Yes, definitely.